Member Reviews

Thank you to Net Galley and St Martins Press for this digital ARC!

I absolutely loved this book! Josie’s character goes through so much grow since graduating high school and her past friendship with Zoe allowed her to be a better friend to Camila and help her be the best version of herself. Will Grant is book boyfriend GOALS!!! I love when the MMC falls first and is all about acts of service. This book gave me all the best feelings and I can’t wait for more books by Clare Gilmore!

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Perfect Fit is like a love letter to millennial women addicted to the grind, whose sense of worth is directly tied to the work they do and the perception others have of them. Josie’s journey is a lot of our journey’s and I cried with pride in my heart when she finally had enough.

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This was everything!!!! I had so much fun reading it. I gotta say that I liked this one even more that "love interest". This author has so much potential 👏🏻

I went into this one without knowing that it was a second chance romance and what a pleasant surprise it was 🤭 the yearning had me on my kness. I love when I found books with complex stories and characters, because it feels realistic and I can see myself relating with the plot / characters.

I did tear up a couple of times because Josie made me feel like looking at a mirror. On the other hand, Will was such a goner for her. My acts of service king!!! 😭 "what if I was okay with being your collateral damage?" PLEASE 😭😭😭😭 The chemistry and connection was instant since the beginning, making this the perfect romance to me honestly 💕

Aside from the romance, this touches other topics like working in the corporate world, the fear of not being enough, social expectations, friendships and so many more aspects that made this super interesting and fascinating!!

Thank you NetGalley for the reader advance copy.

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I loved Clare Gilmore's first book, LOVE INTEREST, so I naturally had to pick up PERFECT FIT, and Gilmore is definitely cementing herself as a favourite romance author!

PERFECT FIT was a swoon filled, steamy romance that is a perfect fit (ha!) for those who love their romance books to be more about the characters rather than the plot with a bit more substance to them. I loved how Gilmore carefully navigated conversations about careers, ambition, social media - all important subjects that we face today, without taking away from the true essence of the book - the romance!

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Perfect Fit follows Josie Davis, who is the CEO of a fashion business in Austin. While looking to hire a consultant to help her business, she runs into her former best friends brother Will, who happens to be a consultant! After hiring him, sparks fly and the story takes off from there.

I absolutely loved the growth of Josie and Will's relationship - you see it grow while also diving deeper into their past together in high school and Josie's break off from his sister Zoe. Josie is such a strong FMC, and I ended up really relating to her and her drive and passion for her work. Will was literally the sweetest to her and I loved everything about him.

My only critique is that at times it got a bit slow, and I think if the book was a bit shorter it would have flowed better for the reader. I'd still highly recommend this to anyone - it was such a fun read and I'll definitely come back to more Clare Gilmore books in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC of this book to honestly review!

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Clare Gilmore has done it again. Josephine Davis & Will Grant were such a great pair.
Let me start off with Josephine. I could very much relate to Josie’s addiction to the grind. Her sense of self worth being tied to her professional success is a struggle for so many of us millennial women.
And Will Grant. Boy was he perfection. He listened to Josie’s needs and supported her in every way he could. He showed her love in everything he did. He definitely has my heart.
Overall I loved it however some parts felt rushed. I wished we could have savored Will & Josie falling for each other a little longer.

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I got this book from NetGalley as an arc.

I enjoyed this book. I did skip some parts because it felt slow moving or unneeded. I loved the main characters but there were also annoying characteristics I couldn’t get past with the mmc. Overall it was a good read and a good lesson on communication being key!

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I thought this was a light and enjoyable read. I didn’t love it as much as I hoped, but I did enjoy reading it. I found the characters to be relatable and likable. I didn’t feel like anything specific stood out to me in this book to remember it. But I know others absolutely loved it! If you’re a fan of second chance romances, I recommend checking it out.

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The last two romances I've read have been really good. This felt very mature and the character growth was realistic. I liked having older main characters. This is one I could for sure see myself coming back to. I love how Josie and Will had intimate moments together the weren't sex before they had sex. I don't mind when that happens, but it made the sex scenes mean that much more.

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I loved this SO much. After also loving Love Interest, Perfect Fit cements Clare Gilmore as one of my favorite new romance authors. This was so, so swoony, in addition to all the commentary about ambition and perception and social media just really cutting me to the bone.

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This book was charming in the cutest way. I loved that they knew each other in high school but that it wasn't some deep teenage love that they were coming back to. The maturity that they both showed was refreshing, and the fact that the FMC was the one with money for a change, and not always the secret male billionaire.

Some of the timelines were a little confusing, particularly the trips to South America then Europe, the editing seemed confusing at times with that.

Overall I loved this and would recommend as a cute summer read.

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It was an interesting, well-written book that I really enjoyed! I was distracted by how unrealistic the source of the drama was, however. It seemed like it should've been more than just a brief kiss 9 years ago. It made the rest of the storyline a bit unbelievable, as it seemed highly unlikely that a small moment would have caused so much chaos. Aside from the unlikely source of the drama, the story was great and fully enjoyed.

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Today I’m reviewing Perfect Fit by Clare Gilmore. In this contemporary romance, we follow fashion CEO Josephine Davis, who is forced to hire a consultant firm to help her company grow. When Josie crashes, literally, into Will Grant (her ex-high school best friend’s twin brother) AND finds out he’s the consultant she needs to hire (with some juicy back story that adds to the drama), Josie’s not ready for the upcoming weather forecast of her life and the love storm that’s about to hit, creating something sizzling and sweet.

Gilmore is back with another melt-your-heart, he falls first, second chance romance. It’s a sweet story about two people who literally collide into each other at the right moment in their lives. Where Josie is kind to a fault (not a people pleaser per se) and genuinely wants the best for her friendships, company, and an entire CVS receipt of other things, and then at the very bottom, herself. It’s a story that shows the growth of an individual who desperately needs to take a moment to figure out what’s best for her and Will is the perfect person to assist in that growth.

The only feedback I had about this one, was the opening. It should’ve started on page two.

Simply put, another hit rom-com from author Clare Gilmore that you should absolutely add to your upcoming reading list and preorder purchases for this fall.

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Perfect Fit was a very sweet RomCom. This is my first Clare Gilmore book and it won't be my last.

I really liked Josie our FMC and Will our MMC individually and when they were together. Josephine is a strong, independent woman . How she deals with work, friendships and relationships and social media many women will be able to relate to her. Will Grant. At first I was annoyed that the author would keep repeating his full name throughout the book but anytime that man did something great (which was most of the book) I repeated his full name out loud myself in appreciation for his greatness. The male is a walking green flag. I loved how much he cared for Josephine and how much he helped during her worst times.

i'm giving this 4 starts because at times I felt like this book was way too long and started to skip some paragraphs. I wasn't as interested in the plot as I was with our couple.

If you liked the movie The Intern I think you will enjoy this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC of this book.

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Is it weird to say that I loved this one but was also a little bored and at times wanted to gag at how cliché it was? Great chemistry between the two and great side characters.

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I had no expectations coming into this book, but I loved it so much I found myself not being able to put it down!

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When is part two coming?! I read this book as an early release (thanks NetGalley) and am so glad I did. This chic-lit is a gem of a read. The characters are very likable and, although it is not a complicated or complex storyline, it kept me engaged (and kept me up reading until 1:30 AM). No spoilers here but I am hopeful that based on the ending, I will get to read more about Josie in the future!

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This was such a sweet book! Set in Austin, Josie is a young CEO who is trying to manage her clothing company, plan her best friend’s bachelorette party, and launch a her first brick and motor store all while trying not to have feelings for her ex-best friend’s twin brother. Seems easy enough, right?

Josie goes through so much in this book and it all felt very relatable and natural to human nature. Clare wrote her characters in such an easy way that I felt like I could have stumbled upon them in real life. I loved that we learned so much about Josie AND Will, even though he wasn’t the main focus of the book (he was a very large part but you know what I mean).

I loved how Clare included so much about Austin, it made me want to visit to see if these places were real (I’m assuming they are?! Or based on real places?) or at least explore my own hometown to see what treasures I could find.

If you’re looking for a cute romance that has some deep conversations, I highly recommend Perfect Fit!

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy!

Ps. This is not closed doors romance so keep that in mind!

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I really enjoyed this light hearted, workplace romance and the overall vibe Claire created for her sophomore release. I love seeing women in power, Josie was a perfect reflection of a lot of the feelings women feeling working in high stress jobs/positions and really loved seeing her growth throughout this book.

and WILL🤭 What a wonderful display of loving your partner where they are, providing acts of service in an intentional way and still providing space when needed. He was very written to fit Josie, while still growing in his own ways and being there for her even when she doesn’t ask. I really enjoyed their banter, Will’s sense of humor and competency within his role.

This was a great read, fantastic love story that gets you involved immediately and shows such a realistic portrayal of burnout/stress within the workplace-even when loving your job.

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I absolutely loved the characters in this book and the development of their story. It was exactly what I want in a romance novel, but it was also a story about growth, self worth, hard work and moving forward. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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