Member Reviews

Oooooh this book was so cute, may I even say...swoon worthy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE healthy communication and this book had it in spades! I also love independent work boss vibes, with a supportive golden retriever man waiting (to not save the day), but to help the girl in whatever way she needs. I really really enjoyed this book, the HEA the characters *earned*, and the sweet little moments between all the characters. The only thing I didn't love was the teeny tiny cliffhanger/open ending in the last sentence with the cute little ellipsis...4.5 stars rounded down to 4 stars.

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“Perfect Fit” by Clare Gilmore is a refreshing take on the romance genre, offering readers a story that is grounded in reality and resonates with the strength of its characters. Gilmore’s portrayal of relationships is remarkably realistic, providing a mature and thoughtful perspective on love that is rare in contemporary romance novels.
The characters are the pillars of this narrative, each one crafted with depth and complexity that make them memorable and relatable. At times I wanted a little more, though. More internal dialogue, more vulnerability. Still loved though!

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I loved the writing style, and highlighted quotes left and right! The chemistry between the main characters was swoony-worthy, and I LOVED Will Grant, what a perfect book boyfriend. A very enjoyable read from Clare Gilmore! I can’t wait to read more from her.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest, unbiased review!

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This is my second book from Clare Gilmore, and she is going on my list of must reads when something new comes out. I devoured this book in a day. Josie is such a millennial girl, working too hard and trying to please everyone. I definitely think that most people can relate to her. And Will. Oh, Will. The most patient book boyfriend there ever was. I laughed. I cried. The friendship theme in this book hits hard. Especially reconnecting with an old best friend after years apart.

This book comes out in October and I simply say you must read it!

Annnnnd omg can we please talk about the last sentence of the book when you do?!?!? I need your thoughts.

Bottom Line: Read it!

**I received a copy of Perfect Fit from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.**

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This was a cute read about a second-chance romance between the CEO of a fashion startup and a consultant who works for her brand, but the two share a somewhat messy past. Josie and Will developed a nice dynamic, banter, and overall relationship. I especially enjoyed Josie's internal monologue and how she dealt with many struggles, including social media, work-life balance, and self-confidence, despite her success so far. She was a complex character with lots of depth, and I found that really interesting.

My only critique is the dialogue between the two main characters. It was a bit unrealistic for me at times, like their speeches for each other, but that's just personal preference. While Will was very kind and patient, better insight into his initial feelings/attraction towards Josie could've been explored more. I agree with other reviewers that more flashbacks to these two in high school would've helped establish more tension. I didn't necessarily enjoy the setting of Austin, but it was refreshing to see another novel set in Texas, as I rarely come across these.

Overall, I did enjoy this and would recommend it for a cute workplace romance. Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and Clare Gilmore for the ARC!

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This is the first novel I've read by Clare Gilmore but it did not disappoint! I loved the depth of both Will and Josie's characters, the slow but steady development of their relationship (which was at turns tender, sweet, and spicy), and the focus on female friendship and self discovery. Would definitely recommend!

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Really enjoyed this book especially all the details of the cities the main character was traveling to.

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I enjoyed the premise, the characters, the friendships, and the relationship between Will and Josie.

It was a very light read for me despite the many issues discussed throughout the book- mainly insecurities, self-doubt, anxiety, stress.

I appreciated the author's attempt to make Josie more relatable through her history and personal struggles: however, I just couldn't connect with Josie. It might have been easier had she not be from a rich family and made it plain that her family money helped support her career. Her life and her very privileged lifestyle made her harder for me to connect with.

However, I did find Josie's struggle with social media very relatable. For some people, myself included, social media is more toxic than enjoyable. For Josie, it was a huge trigger. I respect that and her boundaries with the medium.

Overall, the storyline was well executed, the characters, especially the supporting characters, were very likeable. Overall, a fun, light read!

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I really, really wanted to like this. For a sweet romcom, it lost me several times, primarily at the beginning with trying to figure out why Will was needed for the company. Then all the current pop culture references came in- which I follow closely but don’t like in books. I couldn’t warm up to Josephine at all, and not because I didn’t love all her #girllboss moments. I lost the plot completely when someone said, in dialogue, “TL;DR”. Who would ever use that in real life, in a sentence?
At least the book was easy to read and the later sections of globetrotting were fun.

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Thank you NetGalley and St Martins Press for this arc in exchange for an honest review!

I didn't think this would ever happen to me," I admit, the words tripping off my tongue.
His lips graze mine, close but still resisting. "Being this much in love?"
"Being at peace," I explain, repeating his same sentiment. "That's why I get to love you. You helped me find it."

I absolutely loved this book. This was the romance book I've been looking for when I've been disappointed by my previous reads, and I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this.

I really enjoyed the storyline and the setting; was giving The Intern vibes if anyone has seen that movie. Just really loved the feel of the atmosphere that was being described and the love and passion for the job that Josie was outputting. I really loved her character too. Such a humble female CEO character that was still working hard and finding her place the world but also dealing with stress and burnout, even when doing something you started out loving.

And Will. Good grief. This man was amazing in every single way. He was such a good man, had a great personality and sense of humor, and was amazing at his job. At one point, Josie remarks to herself that watching a man with such professional competency is a turn on, and I couldn't agree more.

And throughout all of this, they are communicating, being honest with each other about their feelings and why they may have reservations. But they were there for each other from the word go. Whether it was professionally, romantically, or even just as friends. This was really a beautiful relationship to read about and this is a top 2 or 3 book for me this year so far.

Couldn't recommend this was one more 🩷

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I love romcoms with snappy, witty banter and strong leads. This book should have hit all the right spots for me, but it didn't. I rounded up a 3.5 to four because the banter and characters were there. I just couldn't connect to any of it. It was quick-paced, which I normally relish, but not in this case. I almost feel like this book was trying too hard to work, but never quite made it, again, for me.

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i want to be in love. i want to read everything clare gilmore ever writes. i'm crying. they have CRUSHES on each other.

thank you to clare gilmore, st. martins press, and netgalley for my arc <3 specifically thank you for reaching out to pre approve my copy <3

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Oh my goodness, this book had my heart fluttering and happy tears down my face. Not to compare books but this book had me feeling the same sort of way that I felt while reading "Out On A Limb" by Hannah Bonam-Young which is one of the best books I've read this year. "The Perfect Fit" is pretty up there now too. I could not recommend this book more because it has a little bit of everything - second-chance romance, broken best friendships, family drama, love, and more. Our two main characters are so easy to fall in love with, and so are the supporting best friend characters! I finished this book and I want more! Definitely a 5-star read and a book that I'll want to re-read in the future. Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC before release day. I loved it and will be picking up her debut novel, "Love Interest".

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3.5/5 stars.

Claire Gilmore’s first book was a 5 star read for me so I was excited to read this one. While I thought the writing was good and the characters were well developed, something was lacking. Perhaps it was the pacing of the romance and the saccharine nature of Josie and Will’s communication. I wish we got a few more flash backs to them in the past to create a some tension. I tend to prefer a slow burn, so it’s just a personal preference. But I did finish this in less than 24 hours so I’m excited to see what she writes next.

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Super cute quick read. Second chance romance, he falls first, best friends brother tropes which I am here for! Successful workaholic FMC finds love and life balance. Only request would be more of the backstory of the main characters when they were younger. Would have loved to hear more about them crushing on each other when they were younger to feel more invested in the characters.

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The perfect fit was a perfect love story about choosing love over career and through obstacles that seem impossible. Josephine has spent her entire adult life building her company in Austin, Texas. As a workaholic she hasn’t spent much time dating or doing anything besides working and bicycling. Will is a consultant based out of NYC and is hired by Josephine’s company but he’s also the twin brother of her ex best friend. The two haven’t spoken since the night many years ago when they made the mistake of kissing and ruining her friendship with his twin sister. Josephine and Will quickly fall in love but can all of these obstacles really be put aside so they can be together?

I loved this story. The characters were unique and relatable. Josephine questioning her identity outside of her accomplishments and company is very relatable to the current hustle society of today. Will is one of the sweetest and most patient characters. My favorite scene is when they are at the hotel and he’s telling her how he’ll take care of her while she’s sick. What woman wouldn’t want that?! It was witty, thoughtful and so enjoyable! Loved it!! Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read this lovely story!

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3.5 ⭐️ rounded up

Will and Josie have a very cute story. I enjoyed their relationship and how they both grew throughout the book. Overall this is a sweet love story and an exploration of finding yourself.

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4 stars

Enjoyable read about 20-somethings and the struggle for finding the perfect work-life balance. Success is meaningless if you're miserable and lonely. Second chance romance with some spice.

Thank you St. Martin's Griffin and NetGalley for the digital ARC in return for an honest review.

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This was my first Clare Gilmore book and I loved it and immediately went and found her first book.
I liked the Austin setting and the entrepreneurial fashion scene descriptions. It felt different than the standard romance novel setting

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I loved Perfect Fit! A great story of a girl boss who is struggling to have it all, and learning how to deal with life’s inevitable changes. Loved Josie and Will together, as well as all of Josie’s sweet friends

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