Member Reviews

Loved this and the ending was ::chef's kiss::! The romance was swoon for sure, but what really makes a book like this for me is that the heroine's journey is complete outside of just the love story, elevating the whole experience for me... we love a girl who can have it all :-)

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Wow, what a fun romcom. It was so cute and it made my heart happy. The sprinkle of humor made it whole. A must read.

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This book was so cute. Loved the second chance romance and girl boss vibes. I really enjoyed learning all about Josie’s company Revnant and how she started it in college. Her friendships with all her girlfriends was lovely and her reconnecting with Will was to die for. Such a great read!

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This was a great read! The storyline was well paced and exciting, and Josie’s struggles felt relatable to me. However, despite having enjoyed the budding relationship between Will and Josie, I felt that sometime was missing. Perhaps a little more insight as to Will’s initial feelings toward Josie, which pushed him towards his actions in the present?

Nonetheless, I would not hesitate to pick up another book from Clare Gilmore!

A sincere thank you to the publisher for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley! All opinions are honest and my own.

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Clare Gilmore is the master of the modern rom-com! Perfect Fit has the perfect balance of romance, humor, and character growth. The main characters have undeniable chemistry, and they communicate so well with each other. The book also touches on modern issues (like the effect that social media has on our lives). The issues that the characters face are very relatable for those in their mid to late twenties and thirties. Perfect Fit is a fun read, but it is also thought provoking as well. I also personally enjoy the vocabulary that Gilmore uses in her books! I'm so glad that I didn't have to wait until October to read this, but now I will be patiently awaiting her next book!

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This book snagged a spot on my year’s favorites! Set in Austin - made this Texas gal happy. The friendships, especially between Josie & Cami, felt genuine and the back-and-forth between Josie and Will was spot-on. Josie’s growth throughout the book felt relatable too.

Working in HRM, I could relate so much to the main character - her work challenges and her take on dating were spot on. The book brilliantly explores the ups and downs of friendships, diving back into dating, the pitfalls of social media, and striving for that work-life balance.

A huge shout-out to Clare Gilmore, NetGalley, and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC. This book is a gem!

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Great pacing and great development for the characters. I was heavily invested in the plot and descriptive settings.

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Perfect Fit was just okay for me! Not bad, but not great.

What I enjoyed:
-Strong female character with a lot going on her her life (career and mental health!)
-Set in Austin
-Female friendship
-No third act breakup! I think this may have been the only romance I've read without one, and it was such a relief to not have.
- Will and Josie are very supportive of each other in the third act, which is so realistic of how a relationship SHOULD be.

What I didn't love:
-I'm not sure I bought the romance. It felt rushed at the beginning, and very suddenly the male main character was all in, and there wasn't a lot of background for why (at least it felt that way for me).

I'm glad I gave this a try, and despite the romance feeling a bit rushed, I would say it's worth the read!

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I loooooooove Will and Josie!!!! They were so well developed and their chemistry shined through the story. Clare Gilmore has a knack for writing adorable and well developed couples and these two are just wonderful.

Thank you NetGalley and SMP for an ARC!!

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Josie and Will knew each other back in school, but now they are working together about 10 years later. Good story overall, but did skim a bit at times when things dragged a little. Still though, enjoyed this one and would recommend.

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I loved this book! I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump and this was such a nice and quick read. It was so realistic and their love story was unique to me. I identified with the female MC as someone who struggles with work life balance. Besides the love story this book really shows how a dedicated and motivated woman in the corporate world can achieve insane heights but still acknowledge the issue of burnout. And I loved that personally.

I’m only giving this a 4.5 because the pace of the story in the end. Otherwise I loved it!

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for this advanced copy of the book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/St. Martin's Griffin for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.
I really loved this story and I think it's going to stick with me for a long time.

Josie is so relatable (strong millennial eldest daughter vibes). She's laser focused on her career and company, even if it's to the detriment of other pieces of her life. When I was in my twenties, so much of my self-worth was based on my job. I think a lot of women will be able to see themselves in her.

Then you have Will who is just so patient and always there to help Josie in whatever capacity she'll allow. He's one of the better book boyfriends out there.

This book has a strong message on finding and taking care of yourself. It's a contemporary romance but it includes complex themes (imposter syndrome, the pressures of social media, cancel culture, burnout, what women face in the workplace, etc). Gilmore does a beautiful job tackling each topic. It also has such lovely portrayals of friendships.

Oh, and the ending... strong Sopranos finale vibes (I don't want to spoil it).

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In this modern day rom-com it has fashion, yummy food, travel, it's also sweet, heartfelt, spicy 🔥 and the perfect slow burn romance!

Josephine kisses her best friend's brother and then her whole world falls apart. Years later after crashing into him, she begins to question everything and starts to wonder how perfect her life is.

I can't wait to read more books by Clare Gilmore!

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“All in all, I girl boss so close to the sun that nine days after Garlic Fest, I almost pass out from exhaustion.”

I can’t forget about this line. It’s such a real portrayal of when one limited human orbits too far into the “we can do it all” hustle culture and it burns. Josie’s character holds all the complexity of a modern female entrepreneur: she’s working harder than anyone else around her, she battles imposter syndrome, and she’s actually great at her job. Josie embodies everything I love about Claire Gilmore’s writing - Josie could seem flippant or unserious at first, while she is actually brimming with dedication, creativity, and thoughtful consideration of her company. Similarly, this novel would seem like a fun little pink book about a fashion girl boss, but it’s so much more. It’s discovering your identity as an adult apart from your career, learning to let someone else care for you, trusting your friends after broken friendships, and a reimagining of what you want from life and love. I’d be remiss not to mention that there is PLENTY of fun in her sweltering banter with Will and her best friends’ bachelorette hijinks as well. And SWOON, Will and Josie continue to further my obsession with the depth and devotion that comes with second chance romance. Overall, dont miss this gem, out October 29th.

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What a great relatable story! From one workaholic girlie to another, I felt seen! I loved that this book shows different stages in life & acceptance of that! The emotional depth this book has makes it feel heartfelt & one that I will want to reread to experience those feelings again! PS I love Camilla!!

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This novel follows Josephine, founder and CEO of a clothing brand and Will, her ex best friends brother she shared a kiss with many years ago. Fast track to current day and Josephine finds herself hiring Will as a consultant for her company. She remembers him as moody and he remembers her as shallow and self obsessed, but of course they now can’t keep their minds off eachother in present day. A delightful romance following this couple with lots of history and chemistry!

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* I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley in return for a review. *

This book was good and I liked it. But… it was kind of boring. I kept waiting for a big moment and I never really felt like I got it. I expected bigger “problems”, I suppose. There’s usually some big thing to overcome, but there wasn’t in this one. And the ending? It honestly just frustrated me. Like I said, it was good, but I probably wouldn’t re-read it.

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Perfect Fit was very much a cotton candy read; sweet, fluffy, quick to get through.

It would be a 4 star for me, but I had to take one off because it felt like at the 70% mark the story just got really really drawn out. The pace picks back up at the end, but by then I was ready for their story to end.

Thank you to NetGalley for the arc!

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This book was a fun romance, perfect for a day at the pool or the beach. Will definitely be reading more from Clare Gilmore in the future!
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC!

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This book has all the ingredients to make a great story, but for some reason I just didn’t love it. Don’t get me wrong, I wholly enjoyed reading this book- but it didn’t pull me in and I wasn’t reading it at every opportunity. Josie is a well rounded character and I think she was the most developed thing of the whole book. She doesn’t fall into the cliche pitfalls of “I’m a ceo so I can’t have relationships”- she has a best friend and her biking group- as well as Will later on. I also felt like Will was also pretty well developed and felt like a fleshed out character and not just a plot point. I felt like I didn’t get enough from Will and Josie’s relationship. I wish we had more history on their childhood relationship- about her relationship with Zoe, and how they fell for each other in the present. I felt like there were a lot of plot points but not a lot of emotional interaction between them. The one thing I loved about this book was how it didn’t fall into any of the cliches that these types of romances often do- no crazy unreasonable fights just for the sake of a third act breakup, no you’re better off without me, etc. I think this book is worth picking up and was fun to read.

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