Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. It really surpassed the authors first book for me. I loved the use of imposter syndrome and the supporting characters. In particular I loved how much the lead female character LOVED her business. She was such a rich and believable character. I also fully believed the relationship and I’m glad the conflict wasn’t him being her former best friends brother (and in fact that was dealt with beautifully) but her own insecurities. Will read again.

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This book was EVERYTHING. I can easily claim it as one of my favorite books now. I don’t even know where to start. The characters were intriguing, the plot was easy and exciting to follow, I was emotional as the climax hit and I felt like the epilogue was perfect. It is my first read from the author but I believe I would read more of her work.

“I’m the reason you were quoted such a high rate when you approached Ellis about working together.”
His words make me immediately nauseous.
“Why?” I bite out.

At this moment, I knew I was going to adore this book. It wasn’t just that he was groveling, but the way he went about it. Normally in groveling tropes, men throw money at the FMC to fix issues. Whether it’s gifts or something of the sort, that eventually wears the FMC down because of the gestures. In this case, Will takes up any and all additional time he has to research all he can about Josephine and how can be of use to her. He helped her at any given moment he was able to and I adored him each time he pulled through for her. When she was battling inner issues, he was the greenest flag I have ever witnessed. He was able to explain things rationally to her, in a way that he was sure she would understand.

The COMMUNICATION between these two was amazing! That was my favorite part between these two, and honestly, I think it sent a message to the reader throughout the book. Lack of proper communication was the leading issue through the book. Starting were her friendship in high school, when the two MC’s had a slight misunderstanding, and then the news that was happening between the FMC and her current r friends; this book was testing to show you how one TINY little issue could ruin an entire relationship. If the characters would have been able to simply talk to each other, these issues wouldn’t have been there. So, for the FMC to show her growth and push past any uncomfortable feelings to make sure she effectively communicating whenever it needed to happen was amazing. Yes, she still had moments where she clearly did NOT show her growth, but no one is perfect haha.

“Hi,” she says, her voice sending me all the way back to that study hall when I asked if I could read her short story and she said, Oh my gosh, you’re secretly weird too!
I gulp. “H-hi,” I manage.
In the next breath, we’re hugging. Instantly, I feel like an emotionally charged teenager again, clutching my first best friend close as tears prick at my eyes, dance across my cheeks, and land on her shoulders. She sob-laughs against my collarbone and I choke out a laugh of my own.
When I pull back to look at her, she beams a thousand-watt smile at me.

This part had me SOBBING. I had to put my book down. I don’t think I’ll properly be able to explain the emotions that were coursing through me at that moment. Josephine has a bunch of issues with her self esteem; some which dealt with her relationships, some where it messed with her obsession regarding others views of her. It was a small issue that popped up every now and then throughout the book, but it was enough that it made it significant enough. I felt myself blending with the character, moments where she was so anxious because of one small detail - something that the other characters didn’t understand - but I found myself pointing at my screen agreeing with her, understanding with her, because I’ve also lived it. It made me feel really connected with the character throughout the story, and I found myself attached to her.

“Josie,” Will murmurs, his hands on my neck, in my hair, lips on my collarbone. “
love you. I am head over heels in love with you.” “I love you, too,” I say back, just before he kisses me. We’re helpless.
It came out so simply. His call, my response. I love you.

These two were perfect honestly. I was rooting for them from the very beginning, and yes, we knew that they were going to get together, but the build up was immaculate. They are hands down going to be one of my favorite book couples forever. I know I talked them up above, but their romance really was a staple for me. I felt like a befriend listening to a love story, a beautiful written love story where fate takes over.

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During an emotionally intense discussion between our two dear main characters, Josie and Will, there is a moment when one of them says something to the effect of "let's have a mature talk and at the end of it, we'll still want to be with each other." I swooned.

Clare Gilmore's writing is filled with that kind of earnest dialogue and tender vulnerability, and it's truly a refreshing oasis of maturity in a sea romance novels that often rely on miscommunication and other similar conflict tropes. Josie and Will's chemistry and pull towards each other is undeniable, but there are realistic hurdles between them and in their careers, and I really appreciated that nothing about it was artificial, manufactured drama. Ambition for herself, fear of succumbing to the burn-out, his desire to be near family, but to avoid sliding backwards, the anxiety of repairing old friendships - these are all relatable. (The only un-relatable aspect is how financially comfortable they both were.)

I thought it would be hard to beat the compatibility of Casey and Alex (from Love Interest), but Josie and Will are also so well matched and also achingly kind and attentive towards each other. I still think about Alex's Target laundry detergent phone call, but now it's joined by Will's determined thoughtfulness in Nashville. Casey pulling up the old articles written by Alex's mom; Josie soothing Will's insecurities as he lists his "worst" traits. I loved that their chemistry towards each other was built on communication, and because of this writing choice, there are so many morsels of romantic declarations sprinkled throughout to keep you kicking your feet in the air.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I am very excited for Gilmore, and can't wait to see what she writes next!

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This book was great. It was very relatable and I loved the setting. The romance was so cute and I really enjoyed the plot.

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I loved this cute romance novel. I devoured most of it in two days, and adored all of the characters.

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Josie is a young CEO of Revenant, an online clothing company she started in college. She is in her late twenties and getting ready to open a brick and mortar store and finding a lot of challenges with her growing company.

Will was the twin of her best friend in high school but they all had a falling out and I looked forward to hearing what happened (which I won't share here because of spoilers). They reconnect when he runs into her car on his bike and she ends up hiring him as her business consultant. Will is wonderful and I loved how he has her back when he helps her with her business and personal life when she can’t find a venue for her best friend’s bachelorette party.

Josie has been a workaholic and is starting to feel burned out. There are glitches as her business grows and she is wary of social media after some struggles with it early on in her career. She realizes she has been putting her business first and is ready to make some changes. Luckily, she has her growing relationship with Will as she makes decisions about her future. While the pacing felt a little off at times and I struggled to follow a few conversations (who was talking), Josie and Will are a sweet couple and I had fun rooting for them. I recommend this to readers looking for a quick, light second chance romance. I am thankful to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This is the second novel from Clare Gilmore due out October 29, 2024. Add to your TBR, pre order for your favorite high school or college grad, anyone in their late 20s still figuring it out — or even their 30s or 40s.

Setting: Austin, TX
Work Proximity
Ex Best Friends Twin
Strangers to business partners to lovers

Hooked. Immediately. Josie’s inner dialogue is relatable. This is a book I’d recommend to any post high school female navigating what they want out of their life spanning work, friendships, and intimate relationships. The balance (read: struggle) requires us to take steps back and evaluate our life through a different lens, preferably when we’re in a clear headspace.
‘What do I want, just for me? “I want my existence to be meaningful.”’ Same, Josie. Same.

Josie literally crashing into her ex bestfriend’s twin, Will sets up a story of fate that started nearly a decade earlier.

Will’s speech during their run in with the norovirus made my soul feel like sunshine was being squeezed out of every possible pore. It soothed me even, and I wasn’t even sick.

“Will asked me to remember what it’s like to be with him— Which means everything else is forgettable.”
It’s impossible not to fall in love with Will Grant through the eyes of Josephine Davis.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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What a cute romance! It centers around a fashion CEO that has put her company first for so long and runs into an old high school flame who changes everything for her. The characters are instantly likeable and the dialogue is so relatable and emotional. I loved the depth of characters and their friendships/ relationships. Easy to read in a day. Perfect summer beach read 10/10.

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This was the first Clare Gilmore book that I've read, and I will definitely be reading more in the future. The story kept me very interested and the characters were well developed. I appreciated the spotlight that the author put on burnout and extreme stress. My only complaint is the very end, Ending the book with ellipses is just something that is a real turn off for me personally. However, I would definitely still recommend this book and did really enjoy it until the last page!

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I loved this book so much. I adored Claire Gilmore’s last workplace romcom and this one has skyrocketed her to one of my favorites. There was something about Will and Josie, both so deeply human and flawed, and both so clearly meant for each other.

Spoiler 🚨

I loved how what you were beginning to anticipate as a third act break up became instead an opportunity for a display of love and commitment. And the speech he have her. Gah! My heart. I just can’t.

This was lovely.

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Thank you SMP and NetGalley for the eARC!

Unfortunately this one wasn't my cup of tea, but I definitely think it will find its audience amongst my community on Bookstagram. I struggled to connect with the characters, especially Josie, and the writing style wasn't pulling me in as much as I had hoped. Bonus points for the cute cover though!

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I loved this novel! I really found the writing to be enjoyable and I’m so excited to pick up more by this author. Definitely will be recommending to family and friends!

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of ‘Perfect Fit.’ This book was very easy to get into, and ended up being a sweet, feel-good read! I really enjoyed the main characters, and genuinely connected with Josephine and her struggles. I just felt like something was missing from this book. The story felt overall pretty rushed, and like there was a good bit of information missing in the middle that would have pulled it all together a little more. But overall, I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend it!

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Maybe I’m bias because I’m a fellow corporate girlie but I loved this book and I loved Josie. A little corporate drama mixed in with the romance makes my little accountant heart beat! I have so many good things to say about this book:
- Will Grant is a man written by a woman in every sense. Claps to Clare for writing such a self-reflective, caring, and been to therapy man. The way he cares for Josie during pivotal parts of this book will make your heart melt. We also love a man who is not threatened by a woman’s successful career!
- Josie Josie Josie. I love her. I relate to her in a lot of ways which made this book so special to me. She’s a hard working woman who goes after what she wants but also faces many insecurities and doubts along the way. I think a lot of women in the corporate world can relate to her. I don’t relate to the part of her that comes from a privileged background but I appreciated how much she was aware of it and owned how that played into her success.
- Female friendship. I love a romance book that has just as strong of a female friendship as it does the main romantic relationship. Cami and Josie’s friendship from college to Revenant is really beautiful in the ways they show up for each other and support one another.

Thank you to NetGalley, St Martin’s Griffin & Clare Gilmore for the ARC of this book.

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Thank you Netgallery for this ARC! This one was so so cute and an easy read, kept me hooked right from the beginning. Loved the second chance, friends to lovers, and reconnecting that took place. Character growth was present and loved that Zoe and Josie reconnected and discussed what went wrong. Definitely recommend this one!

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i don’t usually do this but i want to begin with characters:

josie | i really liked the main character, Josie. i connected to her in so many different ways; mostly to her habits and the way she thinks. she can’t see anything expect her work and even though i found her annoying i couldn’t deny similar characteristics.

will | again, he was doing some crazy annoying stuff as an adult but his love toward josie covers everything he did. he is the most patient person i’ve read about lately. he was there every time she needed him; he made her feels safe and helped her overcome workaholism and challenges on her way.
they did wrong as teenagers, we won’t deny it. but zoe did wrong too. i really think is important to communicate! please!!! they just had to talk to figure everything out.
why 3 stars? too many scenes i skipped. i believe the book could be shorted and it would be more investing that way. but still would recommend for fast readers!🤍

anyway, work trip scenes 🤭

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Thanks to Clare Gilmore, NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advance reader copy of “Perfect Fit”.

This funny and poignant novel by Clare Gilmore had me laughing out loud as well as feeling for the main character, Josie. I found parts of this story very relatable, such as the main character struggling with what people thought of her (in her 20s) and deep regrets. Other things I could not relate to but that’s probably a generational gap.

It’s been 10 years since one night in Josie’s life collided with other forces and caused the loss of her best friend and her reputation at school. She takes that pain and frustration and builds a small clothing design company about to make it big. In a serendipitous moment, the boy from high school, now a handsome man, crashes back into her life-for real. His actions and words cause her to doubt not only the past but her incessant need to be perfect.

This is a great story and I am so glad I read it. I will definitely be looking for more of Clare Gilmore’s books in the future.

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Not bad, but not great either. I generally liked Josie and Will as characters. I also really appreciated the commentary on social media use. It felt very topical and relevant in way that isn’t usually found in romance books. However, I struggled to connect with the relationship between Josie and Will. It felt a bit rudimentary and became mostly tensionless as the story continued.

Not a bad book by any means, but this book failed to be anything special for me. The book was well written though, and I’m excited to see what the author writes next!

I read this book through NetGalley.

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3 stars ⭐✨.

I liked the main plot points of a sort-of 'workplace' romance mixed with second-chance tropes. It also had the BFB trope (cue victorious song). I did think it was a really cute read. This is also a great book for readers who love strong working-women leads.

However, I felt like I couldn't interested in this book as much as I had intended. I didn't really connect to the characters. In fact, it felt like a cookie-cutter romcom in comparison to those that I have read before. This isn't always a bad thing though because it is a really comforting read for when you want an emotional-support book.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-book ARC.

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Clare Gilmore's "Perfect Fit" is a charming tale that explores life, love, and finding one's place in the world. Set in a bustling city, the story centers around Emma, a young woman navigating the challenges of adulthood and confronting her past. When she stumbles upon a vintage clothing shop run by the charismatic Joe, her life takes an unexpected turn.
Gilmore created a relatable story, focusing on themes of self-discovery, friendship, and embracing individuality. The characters are well-developed, each with their own quirks and vulnerabilities, making them easy to connect with. Emma's journey towards self-acceptance is heartfelt and genuine, drawing readers in with its authenticity.
"Perfect Fit" is a captivating read that will resonate with anyone who has ever felt like they didn't quite fit in. With its relatable characters and heartfelt storytelling, it's a book that leaves a lasting impression. Recommended for fans of contemporary romance and stories of personal growth.

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