Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the eARC!

This book was so darling! Will! My goodness, he could do no wrong. Did he? I’m wracking my mind to come up with something, but there’s nothing there. He was brilliant as a love interest, and it was a delight to read about him and Josie falling in love.

This is the story of a girl who has poured all of her self-worth into her business, and truly become an impressive businesswoman by the age of 28. SHE NEEDS THERAPY. The author makes it very obvious how much money Josie has, but even though she’s paying for people to take care of every aspect of her house, she isn’t doing a thing to take care of the anxiety and body dysmorphia that seem to be plaguing her. I was so relieved when she finally did start going to therapy, but felt like it came way later than it should’ve, and she really toed the line on “relationships as therapy”...which is a big red flag for me. I do realize that Josie developing an awareness of her issues is a major story arc in the book, but it was still really frustrating for me as a reader.

I loved the insights into the various careers in the book: a touch of CEO/start-up life, head chef, marketing, consulting group, and even a bit of fashion design. There were so many details that made these people feel real to me. I liked the “biker gang” and the joking/teasing about stats on Strava. I loved the meet cute—would you believe I once had that exact same experience with a very different end result? 😂 I loved that Will and Josie are so strong together once they choose to be together, and appreciated the lack of a 3rd act breakup. And I loved their banter!

You may want to read this book, too, if you like:
-Books with no 3rd act breakup
-2nd chance romances
-Best friend’s brother trope
-Workplace romances
-Girl bosses (even though Josie would hate me saying it!)

I gotta say, that ending was the final thing that knocked the book from 5 stars down to 4 for me! It’s not a big deal and I even can appreciate the choice to end things like that, but it was so international and in your face and it irritated me 😂

Content: Cheating (off page), death of a grandparent (off page), sexual innuendo, 2ish open door scenes

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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"Everything I think about is in reference to you".

I applied for the ARC because it's Clare Gilmore and I love her debut novel, so it's no surprise that I love this book too.

We follow Josie, the CEO of a fashion brand and Will, the company's consultant. They both have history in high school but reconnected through working together.

I didn't expected much from reading this, all I know that Clare Gilmore is the queen for writing workplace romance, and I love that trope sm. I thought it's all fun and vibes and feels, but boy was I so wrong because this book got so much emotional depth that I got teary eyed. I rarely cry over book, but I felt really seen through Josephine.

Both characters were written so well, and we just resonate to them to the point that we are rooting for them. It's really character-driven book which I didn't expect. I love the pacing, I love the work dynamic, I love glimpses of the CEO-brain and I really love the side characters.

It's a good slow burn and the workplace romance was not weird, but written so well.

I do believe I found my new auto-read author.

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everyone needs to go get this the second it comes out because this isn't one of those romances that you'll fly through and never read again, and will forget the entire plot in a week. this one stays with you. and not because it's particularly heavy (although there are some mental health topics covered) but because it feels simultaneously so real and also so romantic and perfect and everything you could ever hope for in a relationship.

toxic men who can't communicate? not around here!
third act dramatic breakup that is immediately glossed over and resolved? nope!

mature characters who go through life together and make mistakes but communicate through it and learn to grow as people and love each other: hell yes.

and when i say that i don't just mean will i mean every single character - and the side characters like camila absolutely make this story so much better.
and the ending...i need more asap. i will read anything clare gilmore writes from now on!!
huge thank you to net galley and the publisher for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review!! stop reading my review and go read this asap

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I loved Perfect Fit! Josie is CEO of a fashion brand that she built after college and will is a business consultant trying to figure what/where he should end up next. Will happens to be the twin brother of Josie's ex best friend and the reason his sister and Josie are no longer friends. Josie and Will work together to try to help Josie's company meet the lofty goals she has set. Josie and will have chemistry and a past that keeps bringing them together. Will Josie be able to find balance and room for Will in her life without sacrificing the company she has devoted the past six years of her life to?

This book was such a delightful surprise! I enjoyed every minute of it. Clare does a wonderful job portraying Josie's anxiety and mental health issues that exist despite her success. Will has his own flaws as well, but is such an endearing MMC. The tenderness and respect that Josie and Will show each other as they navigate change in their lives makes this book special. The friendship between Camila and Josie was enjoyable and the general theme of friendship in this book. I would highly recommend this book!


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Last year, a friend of mine recommend the debut novel, "Love Interest" by Clare Gilmore for me to read. I eagerly picked it up and within reading the first few pages, fell in love with Alex and Casey. I couldn't believe it was Gilmore's first book! She had hooked me as a fan.

Fast forward to this year. Ever since "Perfect Fit" was announced, I've been eagerly waiting to get my hands on a copy. I'm so ecstatic to say that Clare Gilmore has done it again. "Perfect Fit" does not disappoint, it's another beautifully written story.

What I particularly enjoyed was the strong female friendships between Josie and Cami. Josie as an independent, goal-oriented CEO, and the way she grew and developed as the book went on, and no third act break up. The MMC of the book, Will, was the perfect love interest. They had such wonderful chemistry and charisma about them and I loved sitting in on their dates, especially when they traveled to Peru.

This is one of those stories that's going to stick around in my head for a while. I do hope that in the future, Zoe may end up with her own book.

4.5/5 stars

Thank you so much to NetGalley and St. Martin's for allowing me to read an advance copy of the book.

All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for another wonderful book by Clare Gilmore! I loved Clare's last book, and this one was just as great!
The book centers on fashion brand creator and CEO Josie, who struggles with her identity in relation to overworking and constantly needing to be productive. The book touches on so many relatable topics like how different it is for women in the workplace, imposter syndrome, social media presence, burnout avoidance, soft living, and trying to discover who you want to be and who you think you should be.
The book also shows how you can be independent but also still give and accept help from others, including romantic partners, which can especially be tricky in romance books. It's nice to see a strong female character who can take care of herself but also uses the support of others when needed. It doesn't have to just be you do everything or have a male romantic partner protect and fix everything.
The book also shows how you can have multiple skills, interests, and dreams.
It was a really positive and heartfelt book. It was a quick and relaxing read. I love this author and can't wait to read more!

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Verrrrrry slow, dull characters and a lack of chemistry overall. I'm thankful to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC, but unfortunately, I won't be recommending this book to anyone. :(

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This book delivers a heartwarming and satisfying happily-ever-after that feels genuinely earned. The characters are exceptionally well-crafted, with a plot that rivals classic romances and writing that is both poetic and engaging. The story's charm and insightful observations make it a must-read for hopeful romantics. I was thoroughly engrossed and look forward to more from Clare Gilmore.

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This was fine! A second chance romance between a wealthy, sheltered, and burnt out CEO and a management consultant with culinary aspirations.

I wasn't sure what Josie's personality really was - her best friend and love interest (Will) really like her but her employees don't seem to? We also don't really get to know much about Will other than he adores Josie and loves cooking. I did enjoy the setting of Austin and the cycling! It is sweet that Josie and Will have some hobbies in common. I think fans of second chance and workplace romance will find this to be a light and charming read.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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This book was fantastic! I loved Josie and Will, I loved her relationship with Camila and how real everything felt. The romance was amazing, I feel like the two were so good at expressing their feelings and just being outright with one another. I was so glad there wasn’t a third act breakup, and they instead just acted like normal adults.

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Clare Has done it again! Loved these characters! The Male lead is chef's kiss to a "T." This book will leave you swooning and it really writes a strong female character! Couldn't love Ms. Gilmore more.....She is well on her way to becoming one of my favorite authors.

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved how the independence of both main characters was shown and developed. Also, I really liked the way the story flowed between Will and Josie. Furthermore, the way the author incorporated the importance of friendship relationships, as well as romantic relationships was very thoughtful and I really appreciated that aspect of the book. Overall, it was very cute and I highly recommended it!

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I had not read any books from Clare Gilmore previously, but man oh man am I going to! This book, while it is a romance, has so much going for it. Our main characters have amazing chemistry, both are interesting, & the tropes were a delight! Brother of the ex bestie & forced proximity? uh, yes please! I loved that Clare also added Josie's journey as a plot point as well. Honestly, I found myself more interested in her finding her path through the world than the romance sometimes, although Will's great!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Omg this book. This book was everything to me, I love reading books about strong women! Josie is the type of person who doesn't need a man to make her but to complement her and Will was the perfect person for this. I loved how real Josie was as a person from her managing her everyday anxiety to the way she handled herself as a CEO. I also love that even though she was well accomplished the author didn't make it seem like she had it all and it was easy to get that way. Yes she had the money but the author was very realistic around how she wasn't the perfect student and school did not come easy for her.

Will was the perfect male lead in that he had his own insecurities and dreams. I liked how he knew when was the right time to give her space and when to be there. Going into this book knowing it did not have a third act breakup concerned me at first but I really liked how there was still a conflict of sorts but it wasn't around the relationship and them being together. This author also does a great job of pacing - i was interested enough to read all of the corporate scenes of the book and it never got too detailed or in the weeds where I started to feel disengaged.

I will say my only downside of this book was that I wish we had more of Will's twin. We hear about her throughout the book but I felt like we didn't get as much time actually seeing the Zoe interact with Josie. This author is now added to me list of authors I will one click. I will leave my review on amazon

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This was adorable! Loved both leads and really loved the ending. I could see this being a very popular release.

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Second Chance Romance
(ex-) best friend's brother

Josie is a very career-forward FMC who has major aspirations for her company but has let her personal life take the backseat for many years. When she suddenly meets Will again, it's clear that there are still feelings there. Can Josie have it all?

I empathized with Josie's dilemma - it can be hard deciding whether your personal relationship or ambitions should be your top priority. I was rooting for Josie to be successful and for her business to thrive, but I also loved Will for her and they clearly had such good chemistry. And Will didn't deserve to be second below her business. Will is literally the perfect book boyfriend. I thought he was so sweet - he unapologetically likes Josephine for who she is and doesn't try to change her in any way. He truly respects her and supports her, and he provides Josie with the unconditional love that she deserves. And I really wanted him to get the unconditional love he also deserves from Josie. This book focuses on Josie finding that perfect work-life balance, which I think a lot of people can relate to.
My favorite quote from the book: "Everything I think about is in reference to you."

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC!

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Man, I love Clare Gilmore so much! She deserves all the praise.

She writes such emotional and moving characters, the sweetest stories, I love it all. It's almost like literary fiction with romance subplots, kind of reminds me of Emily Henry that way! Most of all, I love the way this book talks about friendship and growing up. The friendship between Camila and Josie is heartwarming and the perfect representation of how special female friendships are. Not ashamed to say I cried a lot in this book! Not because it's sad necessarily, but because it evokes emotion.

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osephine es una diseñadora que creo su empresa y ahora se centra en la parte comercial, es una adicta al trabajo por razones nada saludables. Cuando aparece alguien de su pasado, su mundo de pone de cabeza.

Will es un consultor, pero no ama su trabajo y cuando se reencuentra con Josie se replantea su vida.

Ellos se conocen de la secundaria, Josie fue mejor amiga de Zoe (hermana gemela de Will), pero cuando la hermana los descubrió besándose la hizo a un lado y dejaron de ser amigas porque pensó que la la había utilizado para llegar a su gemelo y que no quería su amistad, como antes ya había pasado por esa situación se cegó y no quiso escuchar sus disculpas. Las consecuencias me parecieron muy exageradas para un drama entre adolescentes que se pudo solucionar con una buena comunicación.

Josie tiene serios problema; todo el tiempo piensa que no vale la pena, que es tonta, fea, que nadie podría querer ser su amiga, que es mala persona, que no es suficiente lo que hace en el trabajo, etc. Cuando se entera que una de sus mejores amigas se va a ir a vivir a otro estado el primer pensamiento que tiene es que es su culpa porque no está siendo lo que la amiga quiere. Todo el libro estaba esperando que se diera cuenta lo peligroso que es vivir así, afortunadamente al final busco ayuda profesional.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Josephine lost her best friend over Will Grant. So when he runs into her, literally, in Austin she’s definitely got her guard up. But she needs Will to help further her fashion startup. Josephine and Will grow close as they work together to build her company and the pair unravel their past together.

This is a sweet second chance romance with a highly anxious and motivated leading lady. And a charming leading man to round out the romance. Josephine has a lot of thoughts that really hit home for me, and it’s nice to see the representation of negative thought patterns in other high achieving women. I try to avoid workplace romances because of how invested I am in my career. So this was a first for me by this author, but this book has me itching to read her other books. Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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