Member Reviews

Perfect Fit, the sophomore novel by Clare Gilmore is truly perfection! In addition to being a second chance, best friends brother romance the book features themes of female friendships, corporate grind, career burnout, growth and recognizing that what once might be right (or wrong) for you does not always have to be that way. The author excels at writing complex and human characters that you can both relate to and cheer for. As much as I enjoyed reading the storyline of Josie and Will, I equally enjoyed reading about Josie's female friendships with Cami, Gio, Leonie and Zoe. Will definitely be reading this one again in the future.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, St. Martin’s Griffin, NetGalley and the author for inviting me to read an eARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

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Yes, Perfect Fit can be labeled a rom com because there is romance and humor, but it is so much more. The main character, Josie, is a 20-something CEO of a clothing company she founded while still in college. She is driven and a workaholic. She (literally) runs into Will, the twin brother of her high school best friend, which sets into motion a reexamination her life’s goals and choices. Can she even have a healthy work/life balance?

What I appreciated in the book were. the multi-layered backgrounds of the characters. The reader can truly understand character motivation and the choices they made. Refreshingly, there are no plot devices keeping the would-be lovers at odds. Instead, the novel showed how two successful people can make room for each other in their busy lives. I loved the banter between Josie and Will as well as with her mother and friends. The characters are flawed, but we love them for it.

There are also some interesting observations about the power and bias of social media.

So, seeing how Josie navigates the challenges with her company, makes room for love after a four year dry spell, and adapts to changes with her friendships in a funny and heartwarming story keeps the reader engaged throughout the book.

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I was invited to read an ARC of Perfect Fit thanks St Martins Publishing and NetGalley. I didn’t hesitate to accept the invitation and download the book to my Kindle. I really enjoy Clare Gilmore’s writing and the easy ability to fall in love with her characters.

Disclaimer: Im not always a fan of girl boss / capitalism fiction but this did a beautiful job portraying Josephine’s love for her craft, her work, her company and most importantly the people around her. Even the tension around her company, BCorp status and the social media allegations felt authentic and compelling. It honestly all sounded like a slow fashion brand I’d buy from - size inclusive too!

Will and Josephine were an easy love. Their words for each other were poetic and their actions mor impactful. I seriously swooned. And then the friendships! I am a sucker for a well written and solid friendship backstory in a romance book where they’re not the leading couple. This delivered. Camila, and even Zoe, had a depth I appreciated and enjoyed reading.

This was a really good time. I enjoyed every page of Gilmore’s book effortlessly. It’s a light and easy read, but written well and with impactful statements.

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Clare has done it again and my very molecules have been reconstructed. Her characters are so complex and human and they feel things with a full-self intensity that is acutely relatable to me. I want to crawl inside the pages of her stories and live there. Love Interest resonated with me and I am so serious when I say I about fell out of my chair when I got invited to read this one!!! RIP me.

When I tell you I read this entire book in just a few hours because I could not put it down. Will and Josie were so instantaneously well-matched, both as friends and as partners (in more ways than one). They both fell so quickly into the ways the other supported them that neither of them even noticed at first. They just fit.

I laughed out loud multiple times. I also kicked my feet and squeaked with delight (and cuteness aggression?). I cried. I let out long exhalations of solidarity.

But most of all I just loved it.


(US Pub Date: Oct 29th)

The entirety of Josie’s twenties has revolved around the creation and growth of her sustainable fashion brand, Revenant. Based out of Austin and with distance from her family, she has made the brand - and her very small circle of close friends - her entire world. As the brand expands, her investors insist she hire a consultant. She doesn’t have time to take a deep breath, much less anything else.

So it makes sense that Will Grant would have to literally crash headfirst into her life (well, technically, her car, with his bike) to shake things up. The coincidence, however, is that he’s in the city in the first place to convince her to choose him - as a consultant, that is.

Will and Josie have history. In high school, Will’s twin sister Zoe was Josie’s best friend - until one single mistake of a kiss between the two of them blew up Josie’s friendship and her life, and sent them all in different directions.

But as the two work closely to bring Revenant to new heights, they both find that they balance each other out in more ways than just business. And as Josie teeters closer to the burnout Will is all to familiar with, she has to decide whether she can juggle it all, or if she has to let go to be happy.

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This is a touching book that I think a lot of readers will relate to. It’s about finding yourself, juggling success and love. It felt real and meaningful. I think the main character will connect to most readers, especially women.
The love story is sweet and romantic. It will definitely make readers swoon.
This one is for those who love emotional romances.

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Clare Gilmore does it again! Perfect Fit has my heart!

It has been awhile since I read a book where the main couple are as perfect together as Josephine and Will are. They complement each other so well and have undeniable chemistry from the moment we meet them!

I can’t recommend this book enough! Clare Gilmore I can’t wait to see what you do next!

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“His praise is like helium, slipping out of his mouth on a breath and under my limbs. I feel buoyed.” Where twenty other authors would have written about a man giving a woman butterflies in her stomach, that’s the image Clare Gilmore conjured instead. And that’s what set Clare apart from the first time I read her words.

I talk about this a lot, the anxiety that a follow-up book from an author is not going to be as good as the thing you so loved. And I really, REALLY loved Clare’s debut, “Love Interest.” But I had a feeling it wouldn’t have to worry about this here, and she proves with “Perfect Fit” that she is a consistent talent and a breath of fresh air in the world of contemporary romance. She had me laughing at page one and crying the best kind of tears by the end.

“Perfect Fit” is so much more than a romance, though the relationship between Josie and Will is so beautiful to watch unfold. Clare celebrates the importance of friendship as well as the importance of love. She also gives what feels like such a real look into what it’s like to be a successful woman, the struggles that come along with it, and whether it matters if you “have it all.”

“Perfect Fit” comes out in October, and I highly recommend preordering it!

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for inviting me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was invited to review an ARC of Clare’s book today. I literally dropped every other book (including my library ones) to read this. I have ZERO regrets.

I messaged this to Clare while reading, but it bears repeating here. I am a HUGE fan of Love Interest. It is such a special book to me for so many reasons. I was so scared I wouldn’t love this book as much, because of how much I loved Love Interest. I have never been so very happy to be so very wrong.

Clare crafted two people who couldn’t be more perfect for each other, who were a victim of circumstances as teens. This second chance romance had me squealing, blushing, and cheering on these two love sick cuties.

Things I loved about this book:
Everything. Literally did not dislike one thing about this book but here are some things I absolutely adored listed out.
The female friendships were SO strong! I loved Cami and thought she was an amazing counter part to Josie.
Josie. I love her I love her I love her. She’s so likable and refreshing as a character. Her insecurities are my insecurities. (Clare literally is in my brain, I’m convinced)
WILL - “I am happiest when I am giving you what you want.” SAY LESS 👌🏻 (Will is everything to me. He’s joining the top tier BF ranks)
The second chance romance is so damn good.
Will’s secret 🥹
No third act breakup!!!!
That epilogue. YOU TEASE!!

I loved this. I love Clare. I can’t wait to get my paper copy and annotate it to my hearts content since I highlighted half of the book 🥰

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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