Member Reviews

When Doing It All Is Undoing You: Meeting God in Your Unmet Expectations by Alyssa Joy Bethke is a book about what to do when you feel overwhelmed. The author points to Jesus, our source of life and peace. This book serves as a great reminder of how we need to live in life’s busyness. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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I was excited to read this book, I did not know much about Alyssa but had recently found some podcasts and books by her husband and enjoyed his work in the men+faith area.
I appreciated the honesty and vulnerability of this book. She describes well-known feelings of exhaustion and inadequacy and each chapter goes into detail about things like why rest matters, the affects of social media and our online life, comparison, and the mental and emotional (and physical!) load many women carry in their lives and families.
I loved the parts where Alyssa writes about Jesus, her relationship with him, how he’s helped her, and how we can turn towards his love and grace.
Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital ARC of this book.

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Alyssa has a way of writitng that makes me feel like we are friends. I love the honesty and vulernability she shares in this book. She encourages us through God's word. What a timely book!

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This is a book that mirrors my feelings in almost any way. If you're feeling exhausted this might help you identify why and give some good ideas on how to fix it.

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Love love love. This book was so helpful and encouraging. It was insightful and based on Biblical truths. I also found it so relatable. 10/10 recommend.

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Didnt realize it was a book for women when i requested it. went ahead and read it anyways. good book with great news for everyone, woman or not. developed the idea of jesus as having n easy yoke and being gentle in spirit! i was encouraged and will recommend to the ladies in my life

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This book was a really beautiful reminder of how to quiet the internal chatter and the incessant need to be everything to everybody and rather get quiet with God and remind yourself of His promises and His goodness. I really loved “To Hell With The Hustle”, written by Alyssa’s husband. This book was not a sequel or a complement to that, but I could tell that their ideals are rock solid in their home! I loved Alyssa’s spiritual discipline practices at the end of each chapter. They were easy ideals to incorporate!

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This is a great new devotional from Alyssa Bethke, whom I’ve followed for years. There are so many great reminders of how to keep going when the going gets tough (I think I highlighted at least a third of the book lol). I also really liked the “spiritual practices” listed at the end of each chapter for practical steps to take for deeper fellowship with God.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Worthy Books for the opportunity to read before pub day! ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. WHEN DOING IT ALL IS UNDOING YOU is out now!

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I really, really, really tried -- but I couldn't get past 35% on this. (I've started and finished 125 books so far this year, dozens of them 5-stars, so it's not for lack of reading.) The writing is painful to wade through... I found more than 50 (!!!) typos, misspellings, and missing words just within the 35%. It's super distracting as a reader, pulls you out of the story, and the writing itself lacks focus and clarity. I just kept thinking, "From the description, this book was right up my alley. But what in the world am I reading? Where was the editing?" As other reviewers have said, it is jumbled, a let down, not engaging, etc. I wanted to love it, but with so many great books out there, I'm not going to spend more time on this.

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I wanted to love this. It just felt like the chapters were jumbled and covering multiple topics. The amounts of quotes and citations made it really hard to cohesively read. It also felt very surface level for new Christian’s - especially with the use of the message translation.

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I am still in search of an explanation of why we should keep turning to a god when this god doesn't actually appear to do anything or have any power. When the problem is society's overbearing demands and lack of support, the solution can never be a make-believe sky fairy.

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While nothing in this book was particularly "mind-blowing" for me, I feel it's a good reminder for those who are going through hard times and are looking for spiritual guidance. Examples used in this book weren't super relevant to the majority of people who could benefit from a spiritual self-help book.

Overall, it was a great concept but just not that engaging for those who are seeking true guidance in this topic.

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Unfortunately When Doing It All Is Undoing You was a let down for me. I could see this book being good for a new believer but it was all pretty obvious advice for me. Plus she has references to a lot of what I am assuming is pop culture type things throughout the book that aren't given any explanation and if I didn't get the reference (which was often) I didn't understand what she was talking about.

I enjoyed her other book, Satisfied, but unfortunately this one was just meh.

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Relatable and empowering!

As moms it is so easy to get sweeped up in keeping up with the Joneses. Alyssa brings us back to God and reminds us to breathe.

Sometimes Christian authors miss the mark on relatability making their books share it read. This is NOT that and I love it! Well done!

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As much as the title says otherwise, I don’t think I’m the target market for Bethke’s books. I do appreciate her honesty and vulnerability. She writes in a candid, conversational way. And the book provides encouragement for her readers.

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I give it a 3.5.
If you are newer to the faith and just voyaging into Christian non-fiction this is going to be an excellent read for you. If you are well read in inspirational non-fiction then this book will have many things you’ve read before that might not be life altering, but a good reminder on the hard days.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this early in exchange for my honest opinion.

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4.5 stars

I have never heard of Alyssa Joy Bethke before, but as soon as I read the title, I knew this was a book I had to read. I was not wrong. This book was just what I needed to read at this time in my life. It was encouraging, uplifting, convicting, and part warning. Warning that if you don’t slow down and start taking care of your heart you will unravel, or unravel further.

Alyssa was honest, open and raw in sharing her experiences. I saw myself reflected in so many of her stories. I felt like Alyssa was a friend, imparting her wisdom, like so many of her friends had done for her. Alyssa gives you permission to let go of expectations, the rushed life, to take off the mask and take care of your heart. This is what I really needed: permission to take care of my heart. I honestly don’t think anyone had ever given me permission to take care of my own heart. It’s all about doing; doing for others, for the husband, for the kids, for the ministry, for God. But it’s not about what you do for God, but being with God. Being honest and real with God. There wasn’t a chapter that I could not relate to.

This world will try and convince you that you can do it all. That being rushed and busy is normal. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Alyssa offers a different way. A way all of us need. The best way. Prioritizing what really matters in light of eternity so we can live with peace and joy in this life – no matter what our circumstances are.

Whether you are unravelling, have unraveled, or want to prevent yourself from unravelling, this book is for you. I highly recommend it.

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When we are too stress to live, sometimes,we cannot get enough time for ourselves. We always been wiped by many other things and sometimes they are so big until we cannot breathe. We need to meet God in a very unexpected moments and Alyssa Joy helps us to get to that moment.

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Alyssa Joy Bethke's newest book, "When Doing It All Is Undoing You: Meeting God in Your Unmet Expectations", is a fantastic book for anyone who feels overwhelmed by everything on their plate. Bethke says that we usually fall into a pattern like this: neglecting our hearts, trying to earn our hearts, and ultimately losing heart. Instead, through this book, she wants us to live with fullness of heart. Each chapter is filled with Scripture passages and practical advice, and ends with a spiritual practice.

While the topic of this book is one that has inspired hundreds of books, there was still something new to be learned from Bethke's writing. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Lovely encouragement for women overwhelmed by life and its many responsibilities. Alyssa has a candid way of writing that both draws you in and compels you on the journey to what a faith life can look like fully surrendered! I especially enjoyed the spiritual practice exercises at the end of each chapter!

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