Member Reviews

Only the Guilty Survive sucked me in immediately! It felt like I didn’t even blink and by the time I checked I was already at 20% and fully invested!

Claire is the sole survivor of a mass suicide at the cult she called home when she was a younger woman. Mere days before that, her best friend in the “flock” was kidnapped and murdered. Claire clearly suffers with survivors guilt. It doesn’t help that the surrounding townspeople blame Claire and believe she is at fault. When a podcaster comes to town to reinvestigate the case Claire’s life is blown up and everything that she suppressed comes to light.

This is a cleverly written story. It’s interesting, original, eye opening. It’s clear the author is well educated on the topic. Highly recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read this ARC before its intended publication date of August 6, 2024.

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A mini version of my review will be posted to Instagram with a link to the full review on Goodreads, both will be posted today, May 11th.

Before I get started, I would like to offer my thanks to Crooked Lane Books, Netgalley, and Kate Robards herself for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review of this book.

Only the Guilty Survive tells the story of a woman named Claire, an ex-cult member and the lone survivor of the cult’s final days. The title of this book acts as a reflection of Claire’s own fears regarding her survival, and the beliefs pushed by the members of the small town she resides in. Despite this mistreatment from the members of her town, Claire attempts to maintain a sense of normalcy in her life. She has a caring husband and has undergone years of therapy as well as, advised by her therapist and her father, made a very serious attempt to not let any memories of her days in the cult resurface. This cannot last forever, however, as a true-crime podcaster has made his way to town, and Claire’s story is his primary subject.

I absolutely adored the way this story was told, as the chapters go back and forth between the present, and the days leading to the cult’s demise. We, as the viewer, get to experience the moments that Claire herself can’t remember, and we get to follow her as she fits the pieces together. I personally found Claire to be a really interesting character. I admit, out of curiosity I took a look at some other reviews, and I noticed someone felt she was bland and a bit of a pushover, which I really feel can’t be further from the truth. Claire has a very strong internal persona, while externally she presents as very meek. This is a very obvious product of the trauma she’s experienced, both as an ex-cult member, and a person placed under intense scrutiny of her peers.

Despite the very specific and intense personal experiences Claire has had, I actually find her to be incredibly relatable. She’s in a marriage with a man she loves, but she has difficulty opening up to him, especially regarding their differing opinions on them having a child. She has a complicated relationship with her father, truly wanting to believe he has the best intentions for her, while also being able to acknowledge that she feels manipulated by him. She knows she was a victim in a horrible experience, but she can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for her time in the cult—a very serious and understandable result of the intense lovebombing that she underwent.

This is a book I truly can’t wait to hit shelves, I will be counting down the days until I can receive my very own physical copy! This book tackles some very difficult situations with all the care and sincerity I would hope for. In a very real way, this book opened my eyes to some of my own past experiences by granting me the opportunity to view it from this extreme lens.

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Only the Guilty Survival by Kate Robards follows Claire, an ex-cult member, in the aftermath of being the only survivor of her former cult's mass suicide. To this day, she has no memory of what happened during the days leading up to the horrific event and navigates life with deep-found guilt and mourning for her former friends. When a podcaster arrives in town to dig up the story of The Flock once more, Claire finds new strength to follow old leads and unbury the mysteries of her past once more.

Anyone with an interest in cults and their inner workings will enjoy this book. It is a solid mystery/ thriller, and an overall entertaining read but it does have its downfalls. The pacing was too slow in the beginning but then felt rushed in the end. There was no balance between the two, which is sad because the story has a really good premise.

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This was the cult story I didn't know I was missing. Amazing storyline and just look at that beautiful cover. Psychological thriller with good twists.

Thank you so much to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for my ARC!

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Review to be published on : GoodReads (already published) & Amazon (to be published on Aug 6th)


One of the best thrillers for me this year!
Publication Date : 6th August '24

This book follows Claire, a cult survivor as she tries to dissect her survival and escape from it as she is assaulted by an onslaught of repressed memories, questions and secrets.

I am a fan of cult fiction in general, but to have cult survivors, amnesia, past and present timelines and lots of tension, this book ticked all the boxes for me. I loved the plot, pacing and the twists. The book had my rapt attention from start to finish. I loved the writing. The characters all seemed real, flawed and human.

Surprisingly, it was Lollie's POV that I loved the most, the past timeline was so interesting and had me at the edge of my seat. The ending was satisfying as well and had me coming up with various theories about the ending.

Kate Robards is a phenomenon and I'm excited to read more by the author.

I received an ARC of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Thank you to Netgalley, the Author and the Publisher for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this eerie cult story! If you love true crime, this will definitely be for you! I would just say check trigger warnings because I didn't and I had to skim a lot.

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A decade later, podcaster Arlo Stone embarks on a quest to uncover the truth behind the cult and Laurel's tragic fate, plunging Claire back into the heart of the investigation. As she navigates a labyrinth of unanswered questions, Claire must confront her concealed truths and prevent history from repeating itself, all while racing against time. The narrative deftly weaves together past and present perspectives, inviting readers to delve into the complexities of cult dynamics, manipulation, and the enduring impacts of tragic events, culminating in a compelling storytelling experience.

"Only The Guilty Survive" presents a captivating premise that draws readers into a multifaceted narrative exploring themes of manipulation, loyalty, and the haunting legacy of a cult's demise. While the initial sections skillfully establish the cult's origins and dynamics, the narrative's pacing may challenge some readers due to its gradual unfolding. Characters like Claire, Laurel, and Dominic are presented with nuances that evoke both curiosity and empathy, offering insights into their intricate relationships and individual struggles within the cult's grip.
The dual narrative structure, alternating between past and present perspectives, enriches the storytelling with depth and complexity. The author's detailed exploration of cult dynamics authentically captures the complexities of coercive control and post-traumatic effects, grounding the narrative in a chilling realism. While the conclusion hints at unresolved threads and potential for sequel development, the narrative, though showcasing moments of brilliance, leaves room for further exploration of character development and narrative coherence.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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The “true crime podcast” book seems to be having a moment. Only the Guilty Survive I has a slow start and rushed ending. If you like cult mysteries, you will probably enjoy this one.

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Thank you to Net Galley for this digital ARC.

When I read the description for this book, I was not sure if I’d like it. However, I enjoyed the author’s first book (and I know her) so reading her second book was not in question. I was very fortunate to get an early copy.

All I can say is WOW! I was drawn in from the first page. I really liked Claire as a character and the writing is so descriptive. This book kept me guessing and I can’t wait for everyone to be able to read it!

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"Only the Guilty Survive" by Kate Robards presents a captivating premise rooted in the mystery surrounding a cult tragedy and its sole survivor. While the story initially suggests a focus on a podcast investigation into the tragic events, the narrative quickly shifts to Claire, the survivor, and her journey of remembering the past she claims to have forgotten.

The dual perspectives in the book create a complex narrative, following both present-day Claire and past Lollie, a cult victim. This structure adds depth to the story, offering contrasting views of the events leading up to the tragedy. When the narrative shifts to past Dominic, the cult leader, the story further deepens, allowing readers to glimpse into his influence and manipulations.

Although the premise is intriguing, the pacing of the story could have been more engaging. It takes time for the narrative to unravel, and some readers may find the pacing a bit slow. Despite this, the story's intricate layers and the way it unfolds keep the reader invested.

The characters in the book are challenging to connect with, often evoking mixed emotions. While the lack of likability may deter some readers, there's still an intriguing sense of empathy that arises as their stories are revealed. Lollie's flashbacks are particularly compelling, providing clarity and insight into the cult's inner workings.

The author's research into the cult's dynamics is thorough, successfully conveying how cult leaders manipulate their followers and maintain control even after the group's dissolution. This realism adds a chilling layer to the story, making it feel authentic and well-researched.

The open ending may not be to everyone's taste, as it leaves several questions unanswered. If you prefer clear, resolved conclusions, this book may not be the best fit. Nevertheless, for those who enjoy ambiguous endings and layered storytelling, "Only the Guilty Survive" offers a thought-provoking journey.

Ultimately, while "Only the Guilty Survive" is a decent read with moments of brilliance, it could have delivered more in terms of plot development and character connection. It leaves readers with a sense of potential unrealized, making it a good book that could have been great.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books, and the author for sending me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The plot was very intriguing and quite different from what I normally read. Its execution was solid and kept my interest. I did not really connect with the characters though, especially Claire. She was a bit too weak and passive for me.

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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If you love cult thrillers - this one is for you. Sometimes podcast style books come off as cringey to me but this was actually well done. Less scripts and more of the POV’s summary of the podcast episodes. What I liked about this book was the atmosphere of where the cult resided. It’s perfectly descriptive. While I didn’t really love any of the characters, I did like Claire’s perspective as she healed from the cult and how she psychologically processes what had happened to her. It was a bit of a slow burn and I felt that 80% of the way through I was just ready to have all of my questions answered and the ending wraps up really quickly. I could see a second book following this one as just enough was left hanging by a thread to continue a story. Overall, I really liked this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane for this ARC!

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I much enjoyed this book and I didn't saw the ending coming at all. Initially the pacing felt off but in the end that made sense. Good suspense building to. It left me felt icky and disturbed but in a way you want a thriller to do.

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This was a super anticipated read for me. I love a good podcast mystery novel and a good cult mystery. This had everything. The beauty pagent abduction and then the mass unaliving was obviously very sad but also very interesting for the plot line in terms of what motivated the unaliving. Clair and Lollie were very interesting characters It made me sad that we didnt get to see Lollie live and thrive post cult. The ending wasn't what I expected tbh I wasnt a complete fan of how it ended but I also get it.

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If you’re a true crime fan, you will love Only The Guilty Survive by Kate Robards. This thriller moves quickly and keeps you wanting more. There’s mystery, suspense, a podcaster element, and dealings with a cult. This one has a little bit of everything for someone who loves thrillers.

Thank you NetGalley & Crooked Lane Books for an ARC copy of this book.

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Ten years ago, members of the cult, the Flock, perished from a mass suicide after one of their own, Lollie, was abducted and killed. Their charismatic leader, Dom, disappeared after the suicides and has never been found. The only survivor, Claire, has repressed her memories of the event and was heavily blamed because she was the only one left. She doesn't speak to anyone about it, not even her husband.

A podcaster, Arlo, comes to town and starts investigating the Flock for his new true-crime podcast, Birds of a Feather, and it forces Claire to relive the experience and try to find out if she remembers anything and if she can find out who killed Lollie before Arlo blames her again.

Robards tells the story through flashbacks to the time of the cult with Lollie (Laurel) and Dom sharing the POV and Claire's POV in the present time. Robards has obviously researched well into cults and how they form and I found those timelines very engaging, despite knowing the outcome.

I found myself really engaged with Laurel's story and my heart broke for her while she was trying to leave the cult. I thought Robards did an amazing job with Claire as well because she's ultimately a flawed character and you're not quite sure how much to believe and how much to sympathise with her at times. The ending threw me a bit but it really suited the book well.

Thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely love books with a cult/true crime theme and this one did not disappoint 👏🏼👏🏼 This thriller had me highly engaged from the very first page to the very last! It was super dark and twisty which is exactly what I like. Chefs kiss 🤌🏼

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The premise of Only the Guilty Survive hooked me immediately. It is a fascinating read into cult life and how cult members come to follow their leaders without question. I am giving the book 3 stars as I was intrigued to find our answers to the questions about the cult. However, I do feel like the ending was rushed and left me wanting more answers than were provided. I don't mind an ambiguous ending. This book the ending came so fast I flipped back to make sure I hadn't missed a chapter. Thank you to Kate Robards, Crooked Lane, and Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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DNF at 58%

I really really tried with this one but it gets over half way and to not actually care about any character, I had to stop. This "true crime podcast" genre is flooded right now and I don't think this one makes the grade. Maybe better editing is needed as it was too slow to actually pull this reader in.

I wish the author future success.

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This book is told in various perspectives, the lone survivor of a cult, the cult leader and one of the members who was killed, both past and present day stories. It touched on the vulnerability of people and how the leader looked for and exploited that and to a certain degree, how the one survivor was still coping with that and a lack of her own identity. It was pretty good but could have been stronger, more effectively told and the side plot of who killed Lollie felt somewhat unnecessary 3.5

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