Member Reviews

This was such an enjoyable book. A romance but not just a romance, full of complex relationships and family dynamics it made me laugh but also made me pause for thought. Set in a part of London that I know well, it tells the story of Minty a young widow with twins and a mother with Alzheimer’s but the focus is on Minty’s shady past as an art forger. Minty’s mishaps are a joy to read about and I was rooting for her from the start. All in all a very enjoyable book that I can highly recommend.

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I loved the sound of Love Painted in Lies but this read was not for me. It was one of those books that just didn’t grab my attention and I struggled to get into the story so much that I kept putting down my kindle for a while and going back to it hoping the story would get more gripping. The writing felt a little disjointed as the story jumped from Minty in the present day to episodes from her past and I couldn’t see the connection or relevance and at times I felt myself getting confused. I did finish the book but overall, I was just left feeling disappointed that it didn’t grab me as much as I hoped it would. Thank you to netgalley for allowing me to review this book.

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Not my usual type of book, I usually go for crime stories. I found this book funny and entertaining, made me laugh several times.

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This book is absolutely bonkers!! So very different to my usual macabre reads. It was a refreshing change to settle into this very entertaining and madcap read. Had me giggling and chuckling throughout.

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Well written, an entertaining read, and a totally original storyline, that kept me interested. I enjoyed Devon, and his unlikely relationship with Minty.

Everything about this was enjoyable, but for some reason I found myself not enjoying it, but I think I know why. I'm one of those annoyingly organised people; I have a bullet journal for work, and one for home. I make lists for everything. My calendar app is my bible, and I need to know what's happening from one day to the next, or I get a bit anxious.

Minty's life is pure chaos! Just the thought of living like that terrifies me, and I think made it an uncomfortable read. I just need my routines too much!

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Fun and entertaining a good feel good read. Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book. This book had me laughing out loud, although did find some of the story line a little far fetched, overall an enjoyable easy read

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I really wanted to love this more as the blurb enticed me in. I read this whilst on holidays and I struggled to get into it. It felt disjointed at times and I had to reread sections to see if I missed something. The humour bypassed me, but that is very subjective from person to person so others I am sure will love it. Overall and the reason for the lower rating was I just didn't believe any of it was plausible, I am ok with suspending belief to a point for a good story but this was all just to much for me.

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I honestly loved this novel. It was funny and real in equal doses. The characters were well rounded and I found myself sympathising with Minty as she struggled with her odd family members. A well written catalogue of disasters which you had to keep reading to see what would happen next. I would warmly recommend this one.

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There were some genuinely laugh out loud funny moments in this book about the eccentric Minty returning to Maida Vale to look after her equally dysfunctional parents, the Harries and a veritable menagerie.
A character from her past involvement in an art forgery business threatens to put all of their lives in danger.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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This was a busy plot with some great wholesome characters, who really made the story come alive.
Of course Minty, our main character was a young widow with twins. She lived with her mum and dad after discovering that her mum had early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Her dad needed lots of help. As if that wasn’t chaotic enough of a life, she had two old English sheepdogs, and cats too!! Her husband had died the year before and that was a hard time for her.
We travel back and forth in time to hear about what happened to her, along with her brother and sister when she was younger. It involves her painting amazing dupes of famous ones. and selling them on. It’s a lot of stress for everyone !! There is also a menacing man who has come back into her life making demands and dropping threats here and there.
I liked the story and read it quickly.
Many thanks to HR Publishing for the opportunity to read this arc copy via Netgalley. My opinion is my own.
#Netgalley, #HR Publishing, #HollyDenhamBooks.

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Minty has moved to her parents flat in Maida Vale with her twins, and dogs due to her Mother's dementia.
Her father is increasing frustrated with her as she doesn't seem to produce anything original, always copies of other people's work. He just wishes she would do something totally Minty and original.
When her past starts creeping up to cause her trouble she has to find a way to get out of the situation without anyone getting hurt or her going back to jail.
Juggling the twins at a new school with resident bully and alpha Mothers, her Mother's erraticness and family's growing menagerie she has to steer a path to safety.
An enjoyable quick read.

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I haven't laughed this much reading a book in a long time. Such a brilliant read. Full of twist and turns, laughter and emotion. An absolute must read. Can't think of a better way to make yourself feel good. Perfect as a holiday read or something to cheer you up on a rainy day. Can't wait to read more by Holly Denham.

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Minty has moved from the country to look after her parents, a slightly eccentric father and a mother with Alzheimer’s, and with her she brings 2 Old English sheepdogs, Muffin and Paddington aka The Krays due to their behaviour, several cats and the Harries (daughter Harriet, and son Harry). The house and her life is in continual chaos and when Devon, the rather attractive, unmarried 40 year old enters her life she thinks things are getting better. There follows the trials and tribulations of managing the expectations of gangland villain Quinn who wants a picture, children at a new school, a father who wants her to express her true artistry rather than copy, a police inspector, MI5, CIA and her family.This is a fast paced and at times hilarious cosy crime, which I read in one sitting and loved it. A great, feel good summer read

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The blurb sounded good so I thought I'd give it a try but sadly I really didn't connect with this book. Humour was sparse, the story dragged and was very slow going. The writing felt disjointed. The book didn't seem to flow. Minty was rather annoying rather than endearing.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read

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This was a fairground of a book, a whooshing, entertaining, frenetic page turning book to read! It was exhausting I a good way to have the different time periods, the mad children, errant parents and siblings all mashed together and plot lines merging. Even the romance isn’t straight forward although a bit of family scrutiny went down well. From letters written in prison, to speed welding competitions, there is something for everyone in the bright firework display of a book.

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I loved Hollys inbox and scandal in the city so was very excited to have the opportunity to read the authors most recent book… it’s been a while!

I have to admit that it took me a while to get into, I wasn’t gripped straightway and the story dragged a bit until we got into the crux of it with Mintys history of art fraud! I did laugh a lot, my favourite parts being the letters to and from her parents when she was in prison.

It seemed to be quite a long book, I whizzed through it though .

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Suffering badly with hayfever just now this book really cheered me up. What a fab book. I found it really amusing. I loved Minty’s mom and dad particularly. Minty herself is a case in a great way. Minty is an artist but struggles to come up with compositions of her own even though her dad thinks her talent is superior to what she thinks. Minty’s brother and sister persuade her to paint famous paintings and then they can sell them as originals. This runs smoothly until forgeries are uncovered and she lands up in prison. Never again will Minty forge paintings again, she has to be responsible. She decides to take up sculpting instead with scrap metal which she is good at. Life continues, Minty marries, has twins, husband passes away and then the trouble begins. Minty goes from one drama to another. She returns to her childhood home to look after her parents whilst raising the twins and her menagerie of pets. Due to her past the police get involved with her as there is a famous missing canvas and they think she has it or knows where it is. This is where the story becomes fun and interesting. A blast from her past arrives on the scene and is not a welcome sight. Quinn is a menacing man and is prepared to do anything to retrieve the painting. Luckily for Minty she has police etc following her every move as they feel she knows where it is and keeps her safe (ish). The story continues in a bizarre and fun way and enjoyed every minute of this book. The ending is fun and, of course, there is a love interest – great she deserves it

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Love Painted in Lies by Holly Denham has an anarchic quality to it, both in style and content. The style is superb, being quirky and fast-paced. By and large the characters are well-drawn too. I still don't feel that I know Rupert at all; he's somewhat blurred. But Minty, her family, Devon and the friendly DI are all engaging and dynamic. But the plotting is a little too anarchic to make this an easy book to read. I struggled at times to understand which time-strand I was in, and some of the action is just too unbelievable. The book would benefit from some better editing but, at the end of the day, I enjoyed it.

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This is the first Holly Denham I’ve read, but am absolutely sure it won’t be the last, excellent read. Some laugh out loud moments , totally loved Minty and the Harries! Great storytelling, and fabulous cast of characters! Highly recommended

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