Member Reviews

The strangest book I’ve ever read, I’m not really sure of it was a comedy, love story, a thriller or a mystery/gangster. Having said that it was most enjoyable especially after the first third when it picked up a pace. It had some funny laugh out loud moments, some interesting characters and some quite unbelievable moments.

Overall I enjoyed it thoroughly but it did take some time to get into.

Thank you to Netgalley the author and publishers for an arc in exchange for an honest review

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*3.5* The first half of the book was a slow build that left me wondering if the book was for me. The second half was a confirmation of my love for Holly Denham’s work. I could not stop laughing at Minty and her crazy and often times chaotic situations. I think that the introduction to all of the characters in the beginning threw me for a loop and confused me quite a bit. Once I had an understanding of who everyone was and their personalities the story meshed together well.

Thank you to Netgalley and Holly Denham for providing me with an e copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I’ve not read any books by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Minty has a strange lifestyle and the reason why becomes apparent as you read on! The characters are very well developed and you can’t help but become involved with the family and cheer them on through all the trials and tribulations. A must read!

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This is a great, fun, lighthearted story, which provides an air of cosy mystery and moves along at a rapid pace. It is written in a very concise way, to the extent that you have to pay close attention, else you could miss important details - I wound up having to reread a couple of parts, when the characters wound up in a totally different scenario without my noticing.. The timeline flicks between past and present, with both timelines covering Minty’s crazy and chaotic escapades. Overall entertaining, with lots of hi jinx, but not much by way of convincing romance. Thanks to NetGallery for the ‘read now’ - the book is out now ….

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I wanted more romance, and it wasn't haha funny, but I read it in one sitting. The premise was more exciting, and the flashbacks were much more exciting that present day story.

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Thank you to NetGalley for supplying a free copy of this ebook in exchange for a review
Read if you like:
🎨an artistic main character
🏠stories that include a close knit extended family
⏰a patchwork reveal of past events

Minty returns to Madia Vale to care for her aging parents with two twins and recently widowed. She isn’t expecting her past involving Glaswegian gangsters and international law to feature are heavily when all she is trying to do is keep her church attendance up and balance the realities of kids in school.

The overall setup of the plot was easy enough to follow, however I had some issues with the execution that impacted my enjoyment of the book. The book is written in sections of present day and then relevant flashbacks to reveal key events or add further context. However, because of this, the plot wandered at times with events often jumbled into the same paragraphs. I wound up having to reread a couple of sections as the characters wound up in a totally different scenario without my noticing. The time jumps could have also been clearer but that may have just been the formatting on my copy.

Main character
My enjoyment of this book felt like it was in spite of Minty instead of because of her. I knew going in that she was going to be loveable and intending to be relatable, however she didn’t land with me. She felt as if the author was aiming for charming eccentricities and wound up hitting a bullseye with odd kookiness. Her antics were occasionally funny but mostly had me cringing for her children.

I did enjoy the description of her artworks and her freedom of expression in her outfits! They were very creatively picked out and I loved her get up and go attitude.

Secondary character
A vast majority of the other characters fell into secondary territory and the vast majority of those are one note and not very developed. Minty’s family are the most carefully attended to with her parents feeling the most fleshed out and cared out. Her mother has Alzheimer’s and I appreciated the inclusion about the concessions the family make to help her live a mostly independent life and the struggles with that. Her parent’s marriage was a delight to read and they wound up stealing most of the scenes they were in.

Everyone else can be summed up in a handful of words: her sister (uptight), her brother (used car salesman), her children nicknamed the Harries (teenager and child) respectively despite being twins. Even the main antagonist felt like a caricature of a Scottish gangster and never packed any kind of threat despite the book’s attempts to lead that way.

I liked the setup but felt lacklustre on it as the plot progressed. I will be brief to avoid spoilers but I felt the twist was telegraphed and unnecessary.

I enjoyed the community atmosphere that was created in this book. The modern day reactions to things, such as Minty going viral on TikTok, felt very well-executed and added to the story.

Overall, I did enjoy reading this book. It was a pleasant read and I do enjoy the genre of cosier novels which this book falls into. I wouldn’t be opposed to reading more of the authors work either! Just maybe not in this series.

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A fun read with a quirky family and art forgery.
Minty used to be a forger but is now more concerned with sorting out her unruly family, especially her parents, who have dementia. The restaurant scene is a hoot! The one of her forgeries comes back to bite her. An enjoyable read, especially if you’re an art lover, though a bit confusing at times. Daft but fun.

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This book was pretty unexpected. I liked the romance and mystery and I've never read a book like this. I would recommend this book, it just watsn't for me. I felt like the story was a little slow but honestly, it's okay.
Thank you Netgalley for this e-ARC even though the book is already released (I got it in the Read Now section)

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I can see the appeal but the humour just didn’t do it for me and the story was too bitty. Felt like it needed some good editing.

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5* Not to be missed

After finishing a gruesome thriller, I was in need of some light reading. According to the synopsis, Love Painted in Lies would be just this. And it was!

A genuine comedy, at times a non-PC dark comedy, containing a complicated plot keeping my complete attention. Very clever writing, there's not a dull page from beginning to end.

There's so much in this book, I intend reading it again in the future to see what I missed first time.

I won't give anything away about the plot as you've probably already read other reviews, but I strongly recommend Holly Denham's book. It's great.

eARC generously supplied by Front Recruitment Publishing and NetGalley, this review is my personal, unbiased opinion.

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Minty is a gifted artist, but instead of painting original work, she began a forgery ring with her brother and sister. That was all years ago and now she’s back home with her parents, her twin children, and her twin dogs. Her past catches up to her and it seems everyone in the neighborhood is watching her. Hilarity and heartbreak ensue.

I have no idea what this book is. I don’t understand who Minty is or what she’s about, but man, I loved this book. It was like Cold Comfort Farm had a baby with a Guy Ritchie film. I absolutely adore the ensemble cast - her parents are the absolute best - and the entire world-building surrounding her and everyone is glorious. This book was so surprising because it had so many different elements, and like the main character Minty, everything is a bit jumbled: it is an art heist, a mystery, a comedy, a romance, a family-centered slice-of-life, all laced with a lot of dry British wit. I loved it! Please - more books with these characters!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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This was a lighthearted romantic comedy, with the humor definitely taking center stage. But if all you're looking for are some humorous, lighthearted shenanigans, this should be exactly up your alley. Unfortunately, the tale didn't always flow the way I would have liked it to, especially in the beginning. There was also a little abruptness in the way the two timeframes switched.

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This book was such a cute read! I love an artsy character so this was absolutely perfect. Thank you for the ability to read it!

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I’ve been waiting forever to read something new from Holly Denham and this didn’t disappoint. Although very different from the Holly’s Inbox books it’s equally as brilliant. I laughed my way through this book and read it in one as I just couldn’t put it down.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for my honest and unbiased opinion. And thanks to Holly for coming back and the opportunity of a great read.

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I've been waiting years for a new book from Holly Denham! Love Painted in Lies in so much fun. I love Denham's writing style and while this book was quite different from Holly's Inbox, it was fantastic. There's some mystery and some laughs and, of course, some romance. The perfect mix. Loved it!

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This was a great book. I connected with the characters. I felt engrossed with the plot. I would read another book by this author.

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What a lovely book, I enjoyed reading about the antics of all the characters and I loved the way the story came together. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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"Love Painted in Lies" is a delightful British comedy romp, skillfully blending humor, mystery, and heartwarming moments. Minty's return to Maida Vale brims with chaos, juggling the demands of raising twins, managing an Old English Sheepdog, and navigating the labyrinthine complexities of London school admissions. Yet, amidst the uproar, a tantalizing mystery unfurls, injecting an extra layer of excitement into the narrative.

The characters are expertly crafted, and Minty's journey is both relatable and thoroughly entertaining. The introduction of a mysterious stranger adds an alluring touch of intrigue and romance, ensuring readers remain captivated until the very end. Minty's struggles and triumphs resonate deeply, offering a connection that many will share.

In sum, "Love Painted in Lies" is a hilarious adventure that speaks to anyone who has ever felt like they didn't quite fit in. With its sharp wit, unexpected plot twists, and endearing characters, this book is a true pleasure to read. I highly recommend it!

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"Love Painted in Lies" is a charming British comedy that goes beyond the typical love story. Minty's return to Maida Vale isn't just about raising twins and managing her parents—it's shadowed by her past involvement in a family art forgery ring. Suspected by the law of returning to uncover secrets about a missing painting, Minty must prove she's starting anew. Amidst this, a mysterious stranger brings intrigue and potential romance. With gangsters on her trail and love at her door, Minty's journey is a hilarious adventure blending comedy, mystery, and unexpected twists in Maida Vale.
This is a really fun book; it's perfect for relaxing and having a good laugh. There are many little subplots that add a lot to the story. I really liked Minty's character because you can easily relate to her, especially her train of thought. The book is very vivid, so while reading, you have a little movie playing in your head.
Of course, I liked that Minty is "different," adapting to how we all function now. It also addresses stress, bullying, embarrassing situations, and various topics that are humorously portrayed. I definitely recommend reading this book; it's great for a laugh, relaxing, and easy to read. It's easy to follow Minty's thoughts and the story, which alternates between events that happened about ten years ago and the present.

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"Love Painted in Lies: A Maida Vale Tale" introduces us to Minty, a single mom with a unique talent for painting and a...well, let's say eccentric personality. While the premise of a single mom juggling family, art, and a possible love life held promise, the character introductions felt a little rushed. A bit more upfront development for the characters would have helped establish their dynamics and endear them to the reader.

Minty in particular, presented a challenge. Her humour, which I believe was intended to be quirky and endearing, came across as trollish. The plot itself had a decent foundation, but the execution was inconsistent. Interesting developments didn't kick in until around the 35% mark, leaving a significant portion of the book feeling slow. Honestly, some scenes, like the one with Minty bringing both her parents and children on a date, were just plain confusing. There were even moments where Minty's engagement with the reader also felt inconsistent.

Ultimately, the slow build and dull ending left me feeling like the good parts of the story weren't strong enough to overcome the pacing issues and underdeveloped characters. It took me a significant effort to finish this book, and the ending itself was a letdown.

This book needed more focus and refinement to truly capture my attention. Perhaps those who enjoy quirky humour and slower-paced stories might find this enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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