Member Reviews

I have never read a psychological thriller that's had me this consumed before! This book had me in a chokehold! I found myself holding my breath many times, with my heart beating (almost) out of my chest! S.A. Falk truly has a gift!

Dr. Stephanie Fletcher is head psychiatrist at Pantano State Hospital. At her psychiatric facility, she treats high-risk patients, so it is no surprise when one day, she gets Trent Davis as a new patient. Davis has six consecutive life sentences- he kidnapped six hitchhikers, incapacitated them, brought them back to his home, and ritualistically killed them, removing their organs and allegedly drinking their blood. He is known as The Vampire of Bakersfield, but prior to all this, he was known as a famous musician/ singer/ songwriter, member of the rock band SOS.

Dr. Fletcher is determined to not only treat Davis, but to understand him. She wants to know why he's done the things he's done and what triggers these actions. At some point during the treatment, she finds herself wanting answers to more questions. This sudden copycat killer arises, copying Davis's heinous murders, and now she finds herself questioning who is this killer and what is his/her connection to Davis?

Davis, however, provides Fletcher with answers in the form of hints. He mentions things like "Everything you need to know about me is in my music", which causes Fletcher to start digging even deeper. Now she is invested. She starts finding out more and more about Davis and his past, getting closer and closer to solving this mystery. All the while, the copycat killer is still striking, killing eight girls total! Who is this copycat killer?!

This book is so wonderful and compelling, written in a way that will grasp entirely! The twists were amazing and so unseen, and the ending was jaw-dropping! S.A. Falk has a gift when it comes to psychological thrillers and executes them perfectly. I found myself becoming anxious, uneasy, nervous, astounded, scared, holding my breath, and flabbergasted, all the while being so satisfying with the way the plot was playing out. It's such a great read and I recommend it to all thriller lovers! 5 stars across the board!

Thank you NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and S.A. Falk for such a captivating read!

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This is a great read for those who love psychological thrillers! I was hooked from the start. Steph, a psychiatrist at a high security mental facility, has a new patient. Trent was a famous heavy metal rock star who killed numerous women. He is smart and manipulative. He starts to get under Steph’s skin and with a copycat killer on the loose things get crazy real quick!

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I had mixed feelings on this book- It started out with a strong plot and ended with a great twisty finish! However, I felt the middle got kind of boring and redundant and ultimately dragged on.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ebook to read.

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I simply adored 95% of this book. It was amazing! Because I want this review to be spoiler free I won't talk about the other 5%... I really do recommend this one!

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Such an awesome thriller! There were so many twists and turns, and it kept my attention the whole time. Definitely pick this one up!

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!!

This was a fast paced thriller that I wasn’t able to put down. I did finish this in a few hours so it’s def a book to get you outta a slump! My main gripes are that somehow the last 30% just seem to drag a bit, I saw the plot twist coming a mile away as well as I feel like it ended a bit abruptly? Otherwise, this was still a fun ride and something I’d recommend to someone who’s looking for a quick read.

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This was an extremely dark and twisted novel. I was hoping for a psychological thriller which the book is labeled as, but it felt more gory horror book to me. Overall, a little too dark for my tastes. The novel itself felt really slow for the first 60-70% and then things got really fast paced and exciting. I loved the short chapters that switched points of view quickly making me want to keep reading. I enjoyed the large twist towards the end but felt the ending left a lot to be desired. Overall, not my favorite read and it felt like the story needed some more fleshing out.

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"The Therapist" by S. A. Falk is a gripping and thought-provoking psychological thriller that delves into the dark recesses of the human mind. The story follows Dr Stephanie Fletcher, a successful forensic psychiatrist and criminologist, as she navigates her professional and personal life while working with a notorious serial killer, Trent Davis.
The novel is well-paced, keeping readers engaged from the beginning with its intriguing premise and complex characters. The exploration of the therapeutic relationship between Stephanie and Trent is both intriguing and unsettling, offering a unique perspective on the dynamics between a therapist and a patient. The author skilfully weaves elements of suspense and mystery into the narrative, keeping readers guessing until the end.
Stephanie's journey, intertwined with her professional life, adds depth to the story and creates a multidimensional protagonist that readers can empathize with. The supporting characters are also well-developed, each with their secrets and motivations, adding layers of complexity to the plot.
The dark and disturbing nature of the storyline may not be suitable for all readers, as it contains graphic descriptions of violence and abuse. However, the author's ability to balance the darker elements with moments of emotional depth and vulnerability makes for a compelling and thought-provoking read.
While some aspects of the story may feel predictable, the overall narrative remains engaging and captivating, keeping readers invested in the unfolding events. The twists and turns in the plot add an element of surprise, ensuring that the story never becomes monotonous.
"The Therapist" offers a unique perspective on the world of forensic psychiatry and criminology, providing readers with a glimpse into the complexities of the human psyche. The author's expertise in this field adds an authentic touch to the narrative, making it all the more captivating.
In conclusion, "The Therapist" is a gripping and suspenseful psychological thriller that delves into the darker aspects of the human mind. With well-developed characters, a fast-paced narrative, and an intriguing plot, this book is a must-read for fans of the genre. The author's ability to balance the darker elements with moments of emotional depth makes for a thought-provoking and engaging read.

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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | Format: E-Book

Review: This book sucks you in from the first chapter and holds your attention through the last page! When I say I was completely hooked, I mean I was HOOKED. Like, could not put this down because I absolutely had to know how it ended immediately kind-of hooked. S.A. Falk flawlessly weaves a tale involving the psychology of a disturbed serial killer, and manages to strike all the right chords for crafting a truly enthralling psychological thriller.

Perfect for fans of Alex Michaelides, Stephen King, and Freida McFadden. Even the more “predictable” twists made this story so worth it because of the disturbingly compelling writing. Warning: this is by no means a light read—it handles very heavy topics and contains disturbing content.

Huge thank you to S.A. Falk, Storm Publishing, and NetGalley for the ARC! All opinions are my own.

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“The Therapist” by S. A. Falk is a masterpiece of a psychological thriller. You will not be able to put this one down!

The story follows Dr. Fletcher, a psychiatrist in a unique position. She treats patients at a correctional facility, and has a seen a wide variety of criminals. Nobody has been a match for her new serial killer patient, and we see twisted truths unravel as a result.

I loved the story and the fun twists along the way. I could not put the book down, and binged a majority of it in one sitting. As I tried to piece together the story, I felt as if I never knew exactly what was going to happen next. Falk kept things moving and interesting, which I appreciate in a thriller.

I also enjoyed the internal struggles Dr. Fletcher described about empathy, good vs. evil, etc. While treating such a difficult patient, we saw her personally struggle through how she relates to someone she is also horrified by.

Ultimately, I was a bit disappointed in the ending, but it didn’t ruin the story for me. I felt like the ending came a bit fast while everything else was so detailed, so would have loved to see that build a little bit more. That may have helped me enjoy the ending more, but ultimately, still really enjoyed the story and reading experience! Would recommend!

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"The Therapist" by S.A. Falk is a compelling and intricately plotted psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Falk weaves a gripping tale of suspense and deception, exploring the darkest corners of the human psyche while delivering twists and turns that will leave readers guessing until the very end.

Falk's writing is taut and atmospheric, creating a sense of unease that permeates every page. The novel is imbued with a sense of menace and foreboding that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is relentless, with each chapter ratcheting up the tension and propelling the story forward at breakneck speed.

"The Therapist" is also a thought-provoking exploration of the nature of truth and perception. Falk skillfully blurs the lines between reality and illusion, challenging readers to question their own assumptions and beliefs. With its expertly crafted plot twists and spine-tingling suspense, the novel keeps readers guessing until the very end, culminating in a shocking and satisfying conclusion.

In conclusion, "The Therapist" by S.A. Falk is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers. With its compelling characters, intricate plot, and relentless suspense, it's a book that will keep readers enthralled from beginning to end. Falk is a master of the genre, and "The Therapist" is a shining example of her talent and skill as a storyteller.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for an advanced copy to review for my honest opinion.

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This book follows Dr. Fletcher, a psychiatrist at a correctional institution who begins treating a “celebrity” patient who is a serial killer. A copy-cat emerges while he is locked up, and she begins to assist on the case. It delves into the MC’s respective pasts, giving the reader more perspective. Not gonna lie, the ending made me mad due to somewhat of a cliffhanger, haha.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It had an interesting story line, and some twists along the way. Some parts were a bit repetitive and drawn out, but still kept my interest.

I would also like to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

Trigger Warnings (this is not a complete list and some are only mentioned): Childhood abuse, murder, cannibalism, pedophilia, asphyxiation, PTSD, demonic possession, schizophrenia/psychosis, drugs, foster care, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, molestation, sodomy, rape

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Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this early release of The Therapist by S.A. Falk. This was quite the page turner. It hooked me from the start and I found it difficult to put down.

This book follows Dr. Fletcher a correctional psychiatrist working with an infamous serial killer. As she works day by day with this infamous serial killer she dives into his psyche all while trying to piece the puzzle of his crimes together. When a copy cat killer emerges it is Dr. Fletcher and her teams job to bring justice once and for all. Who is the copy cat killer? You’ll find out!

I rated this book a 3.5. I did figure out the twist pretty early on but the book still held my attention. At some points I thought I may be wrong and was eager to keep reading. This book does mention a lot of religious as well as cult like talk so if that is not for you I wouldn’t dive into this one. The ending came very fast that I didn’t even realize it was the end of the book. Some things also felt like it was unanswered and up for interpretation but overall I did like this book and would recommend it. It comes out April 25th so be sure to be on the lookout at your local book store!

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This book was not for me. It was dark and twisty, but I think it was too dark for me. I did not like the satanic element of the book with the rituals and sacrifices. This was just not my type of book.

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Good, dark thriller. Quite disturbing. Brave with its themes which is refreshing. I thought the characters were well developed and intriguing.

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S.A. Falk has the mind of a sociopath! I was impressed with the clear sinister picture he paints for the reader, delving into the cunning mind of a narcissistic psychopath.

The story begins in a state-run psychiatric hospital, where the staff and patients anticipate the arrival of the infamous Trent Davis who has been found guilty of the savage murders and suspected cannibalism of six hitchhikers. As she speaks with Trent and learns his traumatic backstory, the lead correctional psychiatrist, Dr. Stephanie Fletcher feels compassion for the convicted serial killer. As a child, she was a victim of abuse, just as he was. She understands what it takes to rehabilitate his damaged soul, and finds herself consumed with the need to help him.

This is a fast paced, intense book that will keep your mind working in overdrive. Unfortunately, I figured out the main twist early on in the story; however, the way it all unfolded in the final reveal still managed to leave me in awe. I just wish there was more to it. The ending concluded very quickly and left me feeling a little discontented. I felt like there were things throughout the story that could have been further explained in the end to draw it out a little more, and make it feel less abrupt.

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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I really enjoyed this book! There were so many twists and turns it kept me hooked the whole time! I really did not see the ending coming even though I was guessing along the way! I thought the author did a great job of capturing the details of the crimes without going overboard. It read to me like watching a true crime documentary in the best way!

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This book was a wild ride! Dr. Steph Fletcher is a psychiatrist at a correctional institution and when Trent Davis, rockstar turned serial killer is brought in she is determined to treat him and get to the root of why he murdered those girls. They both had traumatic childhoods and have a certain kind of trauma bond. He's a master manipulator and loves mind games and she is all to eager to dig in and figure out the riddles he speaks in. Then a copycat murderer shows up and Dr. Fletcher starts working with detective Navarro to find him and stop these copycat killings. Their investigations kept my mind bouncing around from one person to another, suspecting everyone. The twists and turns in this dark psychological thriller hooked me from the beginning as I raced through it. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC, I thoroughly enjoyed this book!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
An excellent, fast-paced plot that I couldn’t put down. It’s part thriller, horror and mystery…very dark and disturbing!
Highly recommend this wild ride!!

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A fantastically, dark thriller that be disturbingly graphic… I loved it!
It’s well-written with complex characters and the author does a great job with their backstories. I was a bit disappointed by the ending though.
Definitely recommend to all thriller and horror lovers!
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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