Member Reviews

This was a gripping read, I thought the characters were intriguing and I'm going to keep an eye out for more from this author.

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Dr Fletcher has a new prisoner in the hospital that she works as a psychiatrist, Trent is fascinated by Saturn and has killed and removed body parts of his victims. When a copycat starts up again, it’s a hunt to find that person.

The Therapist is a very dark read with loads of triggers, but saying that I read it in a day. Each page I read, I wanted more. It’s really grim in places, but the plot is great. The twist at the end was amazing, I don’t see that coming. A really good read and the author has worked as a psychiatrist so she knows what she’s taking about.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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This book was absolutely gripping right from the start! In terms of a psychological thriller, this was epic! It did get a bit gory at times, however; that build to the plot and helped the reader paint an actual gruesome picture in mind. Watching the ins and outs of the patient client relationship develop between Dr. Fletcher and the murder Trent Davis was fun to experience. The twists and turns on each page was enough to keep you wondering. I will be looking for further work from S.A. Falk in the future, and loved the concept of treating a serial killer.
Thank you to NetGalley, S.A. Falk, and Storm Publishing for letting me read this book.

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First of all the book had all the points to intrigue me into requesting this book😅and I was expecting the story to be as epic.
📌<i>A psychologist who works in the prison system trying to rehabilitate the criminally insane. Serial Killers.</i>

I have mixed feelings about this book because it started out with a strong plot and all but towards the end I was feeling not as enthusiastic about it as I did in the beginning. 😭I will say that seeing into the psyche of the different characters was quite exciting and I loved that aspect of it.It was nice to read a thriller book like this which is in a in a different setting compared to the usual ones. I would have given the book a bit of a higher rating if we’d have gotten more of the workings of the killers mind and if it hadn’t ended as abruptly.

Thank you to NetGalley, Storm Publishing, and author S.A. Falk, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! The synopsis immediately grabbed my attention. A psychotherapist working with criminals afflicted by mental health disorders promised an intriguing premise if handled well. And in my view, it was executed flawlessly.

I admired the delicate balance between being character-driven and plot-driven, despite the fast pace of the narrative. The characters' motivations and backgrounds are portrayed in a manner that allows us to grasp the "why" of their emotions and actions, particularly Dr. Fletcher and Trent Davis, an artist from a well-known metal band called SOS, but also the infamous Vampire Killer central to the story. Davis emerges as a murderer oozing confidence, macabre allure, and cunning. Each interaction between Dr. Fletcher and Davis had me deciphering his enigmatic messages and seeking the true intent behind his words. It felt like unraveling every phrase, every lyrics, and every decision alongside Dr. Fletcher, and that atmosphere was thoroughly engrossing. However, Davis isn't the sole malefactor; a copycat lurks, attempting to surpass the master.

The plot twist blindsided me completely. Despite my efforts throughout the book to identify the copycat, I was far from predicting the outcome. Was I rushing through the pages too hastily? Was I overanalyzing the situation? Possibly. Nevertheless, I found the progression and conclusion of the book very satisfying. Overall, it was a gripping read!

The writing style is enjoyable; neither juvenile nor excessively jargon-laden. My only critique would be the overreliance on "quizzically" and "my brow furrows" - synonyms for these phrases would have been appreciated to add variety throughout the narrative.

⚠️ <b>Content Warnings</b>
Child Abuse (Physical & Sexual) - Cult-like Murders - Gore - Vomit - Mental Disorders - Drugs

✨ 4/5 stars

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved the premise of this book, and the first half had me enthralled from the start. The first part sets you up for a dark journey of a thriller, with lots of suspense, possibilities and drama, and leaves you wanting more. Sadly the second half of the book lets it down, and I found it quite predictable - no spoilers but I figured out what the big twist was going to be early into the second half which made it much less enjoyable reading. I also found the ending disappointing as it finishes very abruptly and without any real explanation of how or why things happened the way they did, and I don’t feel like we got much in the way of resolution to the story or some of ten character arcs. I honestly read the last line as if it was the end of a chapter, and was convinced that part of the book hadn’t downloaded properly and there must be more!

Overall an ok read, and the writing style has a good easy flow to it and I found it a quick read. Not one is overly recommend unfortunately.

Thank you to netgalley and storm publishing for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest views.

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This book was everything I have wanted in a book for a very long time, all in one book. I remember I was slightly cautious when I started reading it. At first, I was even weirdly bothered by the fact that the author is a guy. I hadn’t done my research, and the name/initials did not convey any gender identity. Because, you know, I prefer women authors and I have a very strong dislike for “men writing women” thing. But nope. It was good. No badly written women here. Yay!
But other than this slight almost-bump on the road, the reading was one wild journey. The best of all the possible wild journeys out there.
Set in a psychiatric hospital: check!
Deep and well-written female MC: check!
A broken and flawed MC: check!
Psychos: check!
Religious motive: check!
Lots of over-the-top gory details: check!
Many possible ways the story could go: check!
No happy ending: check!
That last line, THE LAST LINE OMG: check!

This is not your regular psychopath story. This is very, very over-the-top crazy. There are no regular ho-ho-ho-rrors of what’s a frequent occurrence in psych thrillers, this is quite graphic and if you are squeamish – well, you decide if you are ready for it. I was, and I liked it. If you are religious and/or easily offended by religious content (not just Christian, but also Satanic), then this might not be the best match for your reading journey.
Me? I loved each page of it, I devoured it, I enjoyed it, and I want more of it. I want way more books like this one. Wild. Intense. Insane, both literally and figuratively. Gripping and captivating.

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I couldn’t tear my eyes away from this gripping thriller that had me on the edge of my seat. The detailed narrative captured my attention right from the beginning. The main character, a head psychiatrist at a maximum-security mental hospital in Southern California, is plunged into a chilling investigation after a notorious killer arrives at their facility.

The dark and twisted narrative is fueled by the killer’s past as a death metal musician, accused of gruesome crimes, keeping you guessing until the end. Falk’s impressive talent for exploring the minds of the psychiatrist and the serial killer created an enthralling suspense that kept me eagerly flipping through pages.

The story became more realistic thanks to the meticulous attention to detail and the authentic depiction of mental health professionals and their challenges. Readers are captivated by the book’s relentless pacing, which is enhanced by its fast-paced narrative and engaging plot twists. While some may have anticipated the ending, I personally found it to be a surprising and satisfying conclusion that effectively wrapped up the story.

For those who enjoy thrillers and psychological suspense, “The Therapist” is a book you need to read.

S.A. Falk has become a must-buy author for me, no questions asked.

Many thanks to S.A. Falk @Stormbooks_co & @Netgalley for a review copy.

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I am a sucker for a therapy-themed thriller and thankfully this did not disappoint. If you enjoyed The Silent Patient, you will likely love this too.

While I did end up guessing the twist, I still questioned myself til the very last moment. Overall the pace of this book was great and kept me intrigued. There was a little bit of a drop in interest towards the last 20-30ish percent but that was mostly due to a lot happening quickly and without as much detail. I would have loved to have seen maybe a dip in detail in the middle and an expansion on the ending happening.

This was a bit gorier than some thrillers but not to a point that made it tough to palate for me. I enjoyed the detail provided to help build the character's overall level of psychosis. Some topics can be triggering to read about such as religion, demons, CSA, mutilation, and suicide/self-harm so it may not be for all audiences.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Storm Publishing and SA Falk for the advanced read opportunity. I will be looking into The Patient’s Secret as well to see more of this author.

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This was a really fun read! Definitely a good one for anyone who loves a good unreliable narrator. I wouldn't say the twist surprised me because I guessed it fairly early on but I was still invested in knowing how it all worked out.

I did find the ending to be a bit rushed but overall I enjoyed reading this story.

Thank you too Storm Publishing, Netgally, and S.A. Falk for the opportunity to read this ARC and provide an honest review!

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The Therapist by S.A. Falk was different and intense. This is a book about mind games and manipulation. It was intense and I was constantly guessing, what was going on?
I must say that the end of this book confused me. I am not sure I understood. I reread the last chapter but still had many questions. I am hoping that this is because there is a second book planned and all the answers will be there.

When serial kiIIer Trent Davis is admitted to the psychiatric hospital he is ready to play. Psychiatrist and criminologist Stephanie Fletcher has seen it all and she is confident she can handle the manipulation. When new victims appear one by one, kiIIed the same way they know there should be a link but how to prove it?

Some parts of the book are sensitive but easy to skip without losing details. But if you carry on reading, know, that sensitive parts are delivered with care.

If you loved Alex Michaelides's "Silent Patient" you will love this one.

Thank you, NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this copy!

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The Therapist was a very interesting thriller/psychological thriller. I didn't notice any trigger warnings (didn't look for them as I don't have any triggers) but it should be noted this book has gory murder descriptions and sexual abuse situations. There were also alot of religious themes mentioned.
It was a good book that kept the reader engaged and had twists and turns throughout. It is a very hard book to figure out, and the final twist has you saying, ah, I didn't expect that.
Very good, and I would read more by this author.

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How I wanted to love this book. I was looking forward to read this one for a long time. As a former forensic psychologist and behavioural analyst, this blurb was screaming to me. The story started off pretty good. I enjoyed the dark and even pretty gore story. You definitely need a strong stomach for this one. The characters...well…I liked Trent. He was dark and portrayed the perfect serial killer. The FMC Dr Fletcher, however, was horrific. She was arrogant and not relatable at all. The thing I hated the most was to hear over and over again how she had been doing this (Therapist) for years and she knows it all. In the field we are learning every day and we are definitely not perfect. Then we had a lot of repetitive nonsense nobody cares about, which got pretty annoying. The build-up to something special fell through as I saw the plot twist coming from miles away. There were parts I enjoyed, but then we got to the last part of the book and it just went downhill from there with a very rushed and unsatisfying ending, that will leave you with more questions than answers. This wasn’t my best read, but certainly not the worst. I really enjoyed Trent's storyline, so that made up a lot. I think that this book could have been incredible with less filling and more details at the end. If, however, you enjoy the insight in a dark criminal mind, you might like this one.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, NetGalley, and Storm Publishing for this ARC.

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First I want to thank NetGalley, Storm Publishing and S.A. Falk for my ARC of The Therapist.

I did not want to put this one down! It pulls you in right from the beginning and leaves you with a jaw dropping ending! Great writing, great plot, I loved how it made me question all the characters and how it had me guessing till the very end. I absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat till the very end. My first S.A. Falk book but most certainly not my last!

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This book had me addicted from the start! It was so intense that I could not wait to see the twist. Authot knows how to deliver the breath taking, draw dropping twist that we all know and love and never expect the ending. I believe this book is her best one yet but I say that everytime I read one of her books. Thank you for allowing me to read your book in advance.

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Thank you NetGalley ! I really enjoyed this book. It was a buddy read with a friend and we both finished very quickly. For me it did drag a little in the middle and I thought the ending could have been extended and made better.

I really loved the silent patient and this gave me the same vibes.

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Wow!! I absolutely loved this book! I couldn't put it down.. I had to know what was going to happen next. It was suspenseful right up until the end, and I think I suspected every character in the book of being the killer at some point.

Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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When a high profile rock star patient is brought into Pantano State hospital Dr. Stephanie Fletcher is unprepared. She is still recovering from losing her best friend and therapist who treated her for years. And Trent Davis is a formidable force. He has confessed to murdering multiple women and professes to be possessed by a demon. From inside his cell he still exercises control over his followers and someone who admires his work has started to copy his killings once more.

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I thought this was a good book! I really struggle to put it down at times because I thought it was such a page turner. My only issue is that I didn’t like the main character and how unethical she was throughout the book.

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Thank you Storm Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC of this book. Below is my honest review:

This was a great book! Just when you think that the story is going to fall flat because the serial killer is arrested, his copycat makes an appearance and things get really interesting!

I suspected almost every character at some point while reading this story. For the first 75% or so, I truly couldn’t figure it out. However, the remaining chapters made the ending too predictable. I won’t spoil the book by saying who I hoped the copycat was, but it definitely wasn’t who it ended up being. I think choosing the character that was chosen resulted in some miss opportunities.

The author’s style of writing makes this an easy to read, hard to put down book.

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