Member Reviews

I wanted so badly to love this book, but it fell a little flat for me. I felt no connection to the characters, and I really didn’t love the insta love vibes.

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Enjoyable, spicy, and easy historical romance but ultimately I just didn’t buy it.

So the good points:I really enjoyed the plot, the pacing, the world building and the exploration of various themes around unconventional relationships. Ultimately all of that just didn’t make up for me not buying into the story though. I’m not sure if it’s that I never really felt the tension or romantic connection, or if there were just too many historical inaccuracies (lots of historical norms and expectations felt like they were skimmed over or excluded because they didn’t fit with the author’s story) but I never felt invested in this book.

It also probably didn’t help that I could just not buy into the MCs. Georgie was an interesting FMC to start with but she soon became just a bit boring. Likewise our MMC was really intriguing and instantly sucked me initially, but the more time we spent with him the less and less interested I became.

Overall, if you’re wanting a light and enjoyable historical romance this might be worth looking into. Despite my numerous gripes this wasn’t a bad read at all, I just don’t think it’s for me. In actual fact, it was a fun and relatively enjoyable read so, as long as you’re willing to suspend disbelief and forget the historical accuracies. It’s more if you want the FLAVOUR of a historical romance without the substance.

I hadn’t read anything previously by this author (including the book preceding this). And while I’m sure there will have been some lovely easter eggs if I had, you really didn’t need to have read the first book to enjoy this. It’s definitely comfortable as a stand alone!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-ARC

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I had high expectations for this story and it didn't live up to them. I loved the idea of the main characters meeting in a very scandalous situation, only to meet at a house party a few weeks later when he is trying to find a wife. But it was surprisingly hard to get into the story. The first part of the story was intriguing but it was missing any tension between the characters. I think the best part of Regency romances is the tension and the pining, but this story didn't have any tension since they just kept getting together every time they had meaningful conversations. The second half of the story was interesting and made the book worth reading. It allowed the characters to develop more and the plot was interesting. So even though the story was not what I expected, it was still enjoyable.

Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book, my first read from the author, and I enjoyed it! Georgie is a strong girl who knows what she ways, even if it tends to lead her into trouble, whereas Gabriel is trouble incarnate, if the rumors are to be believed. What started as a passionate and unexpected encounter blossoms into a tale of love, honor, duty, self doubt, and passion, as well as both upholding and disregarding societal norms. I love that there are unconventional for the time couples present, representing the lgbtq community and how they were able to work within the confines of society, as well as a look into the not so “polite” side of the ton. While there was an air of mystery and intrigue, and some assistance from friends and family alike, these two were meant to be and it was lovely to see it come about, no matter how wayward the journey. It was also a divergence from typical regency romances to see things post nuptials and not all roses and cheer either—it made for a surprising and rewarding conclusion and one made even sweeter.

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“It’s a romantic tale, in fact, with a little spice to it, just suited to the modern taste.”

A Duke of One’s Own was such a quick and nice story! It was an easy read, and I couldn’t put it down. I wanted to read a Historical Romance and this book just popped when I needed it. It is part of a series, but I read it as a standalone without problem (well, now I want to read more books from this author).
The writing style brings us back into the past by itself, while remaining simple and easy to understand. I truly like that aspect, as it helped to immerse in the Historical Area. But if the story’s time frame is Regency England, many aspects are very modern. I loved how consent is important for Gabriel, and how empowered Georgiana is. She can be seen as frivolous and lacking in reflexion, but she isn’t a “poor little thing” either. I loved her evolution in the book, as much as I loved what we learn about Gabriel page after page. If I usually like how sexual tension is gradually built in romance novels, it was fun to have something different here, and that it isn’t their main problem or stakes. It makes the reading different than it usually is (same for the different third act).
Side characters and side plots were super fun. I adored the lesbian couple, it was a very nice representation (even though I have no idea about the historical accuracy, even after reading Anne Lister’s journals). I loved the characters and their difficulties, and how the side storyline was told (even if I would love to read more about them). My only regret with that book is maybe the too numerous different POV that sometimes spoiled a little bit the suspense, but I never got bored anyway (on the contrary).
If you want a page turner with some Bridgerton vibes with a strong minded MFC, gossips and a touch of scandal, this book is for you!

Thank you NetGalley, Emma Orchard and Boldwood Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A Duke of One's Own by Emma Orchard presents a regency romance filled with intrigue and scandal, set against the backdrop of a summer house party in 1816. While the premise promises an engaging tale of forbidden attraction and hidden secrets, the execution falls somewhat short of expectations.

The story follows Lady Georgiana Pendlebury, a rebellious heroine unafraid to defy societal norms. When she finds herself entangled in a scandalous party, she unexpectedly encounters a mysterious stranger who offers her assistance. However, when she later discovers that the Duke of Northriding, the host of a prestigious house party, is none other than her rescuer, the plot takes a predictable turn.

Orchard's writing style is elegant and evocative, transporting readers to the lavish world of regency England. However, the character development feels lacking, with Georgiana and the Duke of Northriding (Gabriel Mauleverer) conforming to familiar archetypes of the genre. Despite their potential for complexity, their interactions often feel formulaic and lack depth.

Additionally, while the premise hints at intrigue and deception, the resolution feels rushed and somewhat contrived. Subplots are introduced but never fully explored, leaving loose ends that detract from the overall cohesiveness of the narrative.

Overall, A Duke of One's Own offers an entertaining diversion for fans of regency romance, but falls short of delivering a truly captivating tale. With stronger character development and a more nuanced exploration of its themes, it had the potential to be a standout in the genre. However, as it stands, it earns a modest three stars for its engaging setting and charming prose, but ultimately fails to leave a lasting impression.

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This was a really fun read! The story was gripping and took a lot of surprising turns, and it was well written as well. I really enjoyed the writing style!! It was just so engaging. Literally felt transported every time I picked it back up. Emma Orchard is a wonderful storyteller!

Also, I enjoyed reading about these characters way more than I initially thought I would because it started off a bit too 'insta-lovey' for my tastes, but there was depth to their characters, and the way Gabriel was obsessed with her made up for it?? Because he was OBSESSED.

All in all, this was a really lovely read and I recommend it to anyone that enjoys the genre/HR!

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i wanted to love this soo bad (aka why i requested the arc .. thank you netgalley) but this just fell flat… i couldn’t connect with the characters at all
i didn’t dnf but i wanted to ngl
overall pretty bland wouldn’t read again
could be bumped up to 3 stars if my mood wasn’t ass today.

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Net Galley Review: If you like Pride & Prejudice or Bridgerton, you will love the book, A Duke of One's Own by Emma Orchard. The book will be published on Monday, April 22nd and I give it 4 STARS. The female main character in this book, like Daphne or Elizabeth Bennet, is strong-headed and smart. The twist in this book is that the woman admits that she wants things that women of this time were not allowed to speak about.

Overall it is funny, quick, and interesting. I definitely recommend this book.

#netgalleyreview #adukeofonesown #emmaorchard

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This is my third Emma Orchard book, I've had a lot of fun with her books, and it's really great to have fresh authors in the historical romance world!
This one just didn't work as well for me as I had hoped, the pacing was a bit all over the place and at points it felt very wordy without the plot being advanced.
I still enjoyed the storyline and the characters were great, it was also great to have some diversity in the car of characters too.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a free eARC of this book

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I usually like insta love because it gets straight to the point of a romance and I’m good with smut if I feel like there’s a believable romance there but this story just wasn’t it. I didnt believe the romance and the characters were just lusting.

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What to say that hasn’t already been said by my fellow readers?!

In a nutshell- this book was just horny.
The entire plot feels like it’s just about the to MCs desiring each other, and it really lacks depth and foundation.

I like that our heroine had enough agency to realize she didn’t want to be a trophy wife, cast aside while her husband galavants around with various lovers, as was common for the time, but on the other hand, her objection to this was used so dramatically, and never did she just say, “ I wish for a love match”. Her problem was either have sex with the duke now and be unhappy or later once we are wed and be unhappy. It was all a hypothetical problem in her head and I wanted to bang my own into a wall. 2 ⭐️

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this advanced copy, in exchange for my unbiased review.

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2.5 stars rounded to 3

A Duke's of One's Own is the newest book from author Emma Orchard. It was my first time reading anything by her and unfortunately it might be my last. There wasn't anything wrong with the book per se. I just had a lot of trouble connecting with the characters and the storyline.

I was very excited to select this book as soon as I saw the blurb. This book begins with a bang. Georgie started strong as character with some pretty intriguing first chapters but she quickly became kind of boring. It took me entirely too long to get through this book. I'm the person that reads a book in a day and a half and it took me almost two weeks. I just kept putting it down and not picking it back up. I enjoyed the writing style and it definitely had it's funny moments. It's refreshing for a historical romance to have an inclusive cast of characters. Overall, I feel like this book had a lot of potential but was just missing something.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this eARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Lady Georgina is used to bending the rules of polite society. When a new friend invited her to a different kind of party she was eager to go, but little did she know it was a very different kind of party. She was beyond shocked when she found herself in the middle of a masked party, where participants were skimpily dressed and up to various activities for everyone to see. When a mysterious stranger offers to help, she accepts his help.

Later that summer, at another party, she runs into her mysterious stranger again, who is a notorious rake and a Duke.

I really like the premise of the story, but I felt it lacked chemistry between the MCs.

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I am rounding up from 2.2 to 3 because I am nice and because I finished it and wanted to know what would happen. But this book was overly wordy, hard to follow, and often referenced characters as if we knew their backstories when we absolutely did not. The conflict was weird, and there's no reason to believe these people like each other.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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It was entertaining at times but Georgie (the female lead) was too much of a crybaby and the Duke (male lead) was too self-centered, all "me me me" all the time plus alot of the writing felt too modern. But maybe that's just because I wasn't use to the writing style.
I really wanted to love this but it just wasn't for me.

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The author clearly knows and loves her Georgette Heyer stories as this one closely follows the key issues - feisty heroine reluctant in polite society's constraints, handsome Duke who finally admits he has to produce an heir, baddie with evil designs on the heroine and so on. The basic story was interesting and well-written, even if predictable - but we want that don't we? The story is certainly taken up a notch or three with it's raunchiness. Once with all the graphic detail one might wish for is acceptable, but three or four or five times just gets too much. I'd really wish the latter had something left to our imagination - it became rather repetitive and, frankly, dull adding nothing to the story other than padding. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy.

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Lady Georgiana Pendlebury is known for breaking the rules of polite society buat finds herself in a difficult situation when she attends a clandestine party. When a mysterious stranger offers her assistance, she does not realise that they will meet again under quite different circumstances. Gabriel Mauleverer, the Duke of Northriding needs an heir and holds a house party, in an attempt to arrange a marriage. When he and Georgiana meet again, they find their attraction to each other has not dwindled.
This was an entertaining read with plenty of banter and active dialogue between Gabriel and Georgiana. What made this book even more refreshing is its honesty with regards to marriage and controversial relationships (for the time period) which was tackled with sensitivity. There was plenty of spice between the couple, making for an enjoyable read.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The description of A Duke of One's Own was immediately enticing to me, but sadly a lot fell flat for me. The romance ended up feeling a bit insta-love for me, which works for some folks, but isn't my favorite trope. Another aspect that I think would work for many readers is the shenanigans, which could be fun at time.

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It's been a while since I've picked up a historical fiction romance, and let me just say that this didn't disappoint!

This is a quick-paced, witty, steamy, and scandalous book that really just holds your attention really easily. This was a binge book 100%, as I could have sat down and read straight through this whole thing.

This book really was just an easy and enjoyable read that made for a perfect book to lose yourself in, as you never had to think too hard but rather just flow with the story itself. Plus the drama was amazing, it was giving Lady Wistledown at certain times.

Overall this book was just a perfectly delightful ride and was a great book to lose yourself in.

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