Member Reviews

A Duke of One's Own is a well-written, well-plotted, and well-paced historical romance with plenty of spice, banter, and heart. I'm tempted to leave it at that fact. But I have to, regretfully, say it really didn't click for me. Despite the detailed, open-door sex scenes, I never really felt the chemistry between Georgie and Gabriel. Frankly, I didn't much care for either of them as individuals, which means I wasn't particularly invested in their relationship. Maybe it's just a me-thing; I have a feeling most readers will thoroughly enjoy all this one has to offer.

Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ebook ARC. All opinions are mine alone.

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This was a fun, light read for those who enjoy a bit of spice in their romances. It’s sure to be a hit with anyone who enjoyed Bridgerton.
The Duke was a suitably dashing hero and it was easy to see why the heroine succumbed so readily to his charms. It was less clear to me why he fell so easily for the heroine, whose reckless foolishness and willingness to report her saucy behaviour to so many of her friends and family made it hard for me to like her quite as much.
The settings were terrific and the writing flowed well. Overall a quick and entertaining read.

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He rescues her from a scandalous party. She ends up in his house party a few months later. They cannot keep their hands off each other. The passion is there but is there love?

Gabriel needs to marry. He has lost both his heirs (brother and cousin). His sister organizes a house party with el8gibles. Except the one woman who he wants there is attending as a guest and not an eligible. Heads tangle, tongues tangle, bodies tangle that leads to a compromised situation and a wedding. Everyone other than the couple can see that they are in love and so the wedding takes place. There is some OM drama that gets resolved and also pushes the couple to share their feelings.

I felt that Georgiana was a little too unsure about Gabriel. Yes he does not commit to being a reformed rake, but he also does not flagrantly say he will change. He's living in the moment. This dragged on a bit. For someone who is supposedly bold and scandalous, Georgiana came off as immature.

Overall an okay read.

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A Duke of One's Own
by Emma Orchard
Pub Date: 22 Apr 2024

Summer, 1816. A notorious rebel is about to meet her match...

Lady Georgiana Pendlebury is no stranger to breaking the rules of polite society. But when a so-called ‘friend’ invites her to a clandestine party, Georgiana is shocked to discover the event is more scandalous than even she could have imagined. So when a mysterious stranger offers help, she accepts, not realising their encounter will turn her life upside down.

Later that summer, Georgiana is invited to attend a house party at an infamous castle in Yorkshire. The gathering is a loosely veiled effort to arrange a marriage for the Duke of Northriding, who desperately needs an heir. Duke Gabriel Mauleverer has a terrible reputation as a rake, and Georgiana is happy to be a guest purely for the entertainment, but upon arrival, she is shocked to discover that the Duke is none other than the stranger who rescued her weeks earlier.

As the other ladies vie for the Duke’s attention, Georgiana is desperate to avoid their shocking secret getting out. But she finds herself caught, unable to avoid Gabriel’s gaze. Are they a threat to each other? Or could they be the answer to each other’s greatest desires?

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Oh my goodness, where do I begin?

As a predominate romantasy reader (with the odd contemporary or historical romance thrown in the mix). I can say that this book was an utter delight to read.

I have found with previous historical romance books I have read that often I did not connect or fall in love with the book as I thought I would. But with this book, I was hooked right from the very beginning, and let me tell you I could not put this down. I tend not to normally finish books within the day and if I do it's because the writing is so well written I fall into the pages of the book. This was 100% the case for this story.

I loved the tension and chemistry Georgie and Gabriel had right from when they first met. The raw undeniable attraction they had for each, I felt it in my very core. I loved seeing that this was carried on throughout the book, especially when they finally realise who the other is but still can't push their desire away. The push and pull, the will they/won't they tension picks up and was so beautifully written. Because you didn't know what was going to happen for them next, one minute they kissed, the next avoiding each other's gazes, the next Gabriel was proposing. I liked that even after they are engaged there is not a rush in them sleeping together, as their desire has been prominent the entire book. There's still that desire between them but there is now confusion and anxiety. I found that to be a lovely twist to how the situation was dealt with.

I enjoyed the switch in POVs, though mainly through Georgie's POV it was nice to get a couple of chapters from Gabriel's POV even when the captain and his sister were plotting away. This helped fill in any gaps or obtain new information that will come into play in the future or understand the past better.

If you like these tropes:
~ Strangers to acquaintances to lovers
~ Forced proximity
~ Marriage of convenience
~ Historical Romance
~ She falls first, he falls harder

This book is definitely for you!

Thank you to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for an e-arcopy of the book!
#ADukeofOnesOwn #NetGalley

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Delightfully sinful and sexy romp into regency (not so) polite society.

Georgie finds her self tricked into attending a masked orgy, as a lady of the ton this could easily be her undoing. Thankfully she is saved by a masked saviour who offers a carriage to flee. But baser thoughts take over Georgie and she not only allows but encourages this mysterious stranger to have his way with her.
Georgie thinks she has gotten away with it until a trip to Yorkshire reveals her secret paramores identity and hers to him.

Filled with plenty of spice, pearl clutching and balls, this is a fantastic period romance that is perfect for fans of Jane Austin who want a peak under the chemises and stays.

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This book is different from what I expected. It started out great; a woman who longs for more excitement in het life but who finds herself at an orgy; something she didn’t really want! She is then rescued by a handsome anonymous man, who later turns out to be a duke. Great plot, I was looking forward to reading this story. But Georgiana was exhausting. She plays the innocent virgin, hard to get, and berates the duke for being a rake. But at the same time she allowed him - a complete stranger - to pleasure her, at that orgy?! And later she’s angry at him for pursuing her! Yes, Gabriel took liberties with her but when they got reacquainted, he proposed marriage to her and behaved very honorably, quite gentlemanly and sensitive to her feelings. I really liked him a lot. Georgiana refused his proposal of marriage, I didn’t get her reasons at all. So her character was a bit of a disappointment to me. But I did like her adventurous side! She wasn’t cowed by society’s rules, powerful men, or men at all.
There is quite a lot of spice in the book. The main characters are portrayed as helpless victims of lust, unable to control themselves. I think that’s a bit silly.
I really enjoyed Gabriel trying his best to be a good man to Georgiana. The story is taking place in an old medieval castle, which I also liked. Georgiana’s brother Hal made me laugh - what a great way to ‘handle’ an unruly sister! Her aunt and her girlfriend didn’t add much in my opinion, and neither did the addition of a villain. I liked that there was an honest, open conversation between Georgiana and her friend, but it was a bit TMI and quite unrealistic to divulge every single detail about their physical encounter to her friend and family, especially for that time. So although the book has good bones, I expected more. I was lucky enough to receive a digital copy of this book as an Advanced Readers Copy, so I do have hope that some of these issues will be sorted out before it is released, since the book has enough good aspects.
Thank you Netgalley, Boldwood books and Emma Orchard for providing an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A Duke of One’s Own is the sequel to The Runaway Heiress but can be read as a standalone. Lady Georgiana Pendlebury often likes to break the stifling rules of polite society but when she is led to a clandestine party by someone she thought was a friend she realises that it is much worse than she thought and it could have led to her total ruination. Accepting the help of a stranger to escape she determines to reign her behaviour in and learn lessons from it. Thankfully she will never see the stranger again.
Invited to a house party some weeks later [loosely arranged to find a bride for the scandalous Duke of Northriding although she is definitely not on the list of potential brides] she is shocked to see the stranger was none other than the Duke. Georgiana is desperate to keep her secret from getting out but she cannot avoid the magnetic pull they have towards each other.
Duke Gabriel Mauleverer has never been able to forget the stunning young lady from their encounter weeks ago. Duty bound to marry and beget an heir, Gabriel cannot entertain the notion of any other lady as his wife now that he has found her again. But can he overcome Georgiana’s fears and convince her to take a chance on their obsession leading to a lasting and successful marriage?
I really enjoyed A Duke of One’s Own. Gabriel and Georgiana have such an instant attraction that borders on obsession for each other which both freely acknowledge but both oblivious to the obvious reason for it. They really needed the push from Georgiana’s brother. I liked that the story largely focussed on their relationship although Georgiana’s fears and reasons for rebuffing Gabriel went on a bit too long. There is a bit of a villain to overcome but it didn’t take up too much of the story and it helped their relationship develop. I also liked the honesty between them – they communicated well and there were no unnecessary misunderstandings. Gabriel’s character developed very differently from what his reputation suggested. I loved that he acknowledged his feelings first and was honest about the fact that he wanted Georgiana regardless, however it was achieved. The only thing I would have liked is a little more about his background in depth – although it was explained, it was fairly light.
The story is really well written and Emma Orchard really keeps the feel of the time period. The language – whilst not difficult - is still true to Regency England and she talks of real people and events naturally. The secondary cast of characters all have depth and Hal from the first book plays a big part although I would love to have seen a little more of Cassandra.
Overall, I really loved Gabriel and Georgiana’s story and look forward to Emma’s next book. Also I must say how much I loved the cover. Gorgeous! I received an advanced review copy from Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I thought Orchard did a convincing job conveying the chemistry between Georgie and Northriding -- it was clear how interested they were in each other both in and outside of the bedroom. I also appreciated the positive LGBTQ+ representation, which I haven't seen in many historical romances, and the focus on consent. I think my major problem with the book is with its pacing; I wish that more time had been given to allow Georgie and Northriding's feelings to develop and escalate naturally, as well as drawing out some of the other potential obstacles to their relationship a bit more.

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I would like to thank netgalley and Boldwood Books for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

This is an entertaining spicy traditional regency romance.

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"A Duke of One's Own" failed to captivate me as a reader of historical romance. While the premise was promising, the execution fell flat. The lack of genuine tension and chemistry between the main characters made their relationship feel forced and unbelievable. The heroine's inconsistent characterization, from headstrong to boringly insecure, was frustrating. Additionally, the storylines were underdeveloped and out of place. Overall, this book offered little to distinguish itself in the crowded Regency romance genre, leaving me disappointed and underwhelmed.

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book!


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I don’t normally read historical romance, so this was a great change of pace. Georgie and Gabriel were such a fun couple to watch fall in love. I loved their back and forth, the push and pull between what they thought was right and what they actually wanted. And while the story focuses on their relationship, it’s also about Georgie growing up, recognizing that actions have consequences, and figuring out how she wants to present herself to the world around her.
If you are looking for a fun, well written, spicy regency romance, A Duke of One’s Own is definitely worth a read!

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Boldwood Books for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book!

I cannot tell you just how I excited I was to read this book. Though, maybe this meant that I had probably too high expectations for it. I confess, I also have not read that many regency era romance novels--though I intend to read some more.

I think there were just some things that fell quite flat for me, in this one. It felt like every time one of the characters would speak, they would go into a dense rant that last multiple paragraphs all at once. Whilst that may be appealing for some readers, it was not for me. I think this also touches on another thing that prevented me from fully enjoying this book--the sheer amount of repetition. It felt like all of the characters, Georgie especially, just repeated themselves and their thoughts rather endlessly. I felt like it was just telling and not showing, which is not my cup of tea.

The other thing, and this is purely subjective, is how quickly the romance played out. I supposed I was hoping for a little bit of a slow burn but the characters felt incredibly attached from the first page to the last--never drifting apart. This made it a little bit boring for me.

That being said this book does have some things going for it. The writing is almost poetic every chance that it gets. The LGBTQ representation was also nice to see and quite refreshing. The descriptive imagery was also very beautiful, I could easily place myself in the same settings as the characters which felt very immersive.

I would say that is an objectively good regency romance, though perhaps it was just not my cup of tea personally.

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I was extremely excited to read this book! A historical romance with a heroine who recognises her wants and is insistent on obtaining them? Yes, please.
The begging was definitely what I signed up for and I got into this book super-fast. Georgiana was breaking rules and didn’t care about her reputation that much - which I always really appreciate in a female book character. But, unfortunately, it all went downhill from there. The tension, which is my favourite key-element of historical romances, was non-existent. The main characters went on and on about how much they want each other, but I’m sorry to say there was no real chemistry between them. Whereas Georgie was a pretty intriguing heroine in the first few chapters, she quickly lost her appeal and became simply boring. The only interesting part about this book was the scheming of evil siblings - which also turned out to be disappointing, as it didn’t do enough damage to meddle with the main relationship. Also, the fact that the love birds were all over each other with no slow burn or tension, completely ruined any chances I had of enjoying this book. And the lacking in sex scenes? Not even gonna get started on that. I can only praise the author for sticking to the language and culture of the times when the action takes place.
In a crowd of historical romances, this one has nothing interesting to offer.

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Let me preface this by stating I received this as an arc and I think/hope it’s still in editing mode. A generous 3 stars in current state. The premise is interesting: a young woman accidentally attends an orgy and unknowingly meets a duke who offers to help her escape given the scandal this could cause if she is found. Flash forward to her attending an out of town party at a castle where they meet and figure out how they know each other. This party coincidentally is to help the duke find a duchess. Again, interesting premise. My issue was with the actual writing. I had to restart this book 3 times and often found myself rereading passages as I felt I missed something. It was very clunky. My hope is there is time to edit, de-clunk, otherwise this is a library rental at best.

Thank you Boldwood Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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The second in a series, A Duke of One's Own is a regncy era smutty romance and a guilty pleasure book ideal for fans of Bridgerton.

Sister of the previous entry's protagonist - Georgie wants the D......uke to stop talking about the scandalous meeting of the two in an orgy house. Said Duke, Gabriel, wants to talk about nothing else than that.

I loved how the book gently fills you in on the events of the previous book without it being too glaring - thus making it a good stand alone book. I couldn't rate this more than two stars as it needs a good proof read and edit. While set in the regency period, the actions and events portrayed seem more suited to modern times and the disconnect is very apparent. I must also question the motivations of our main character - while she says she wants to avoid scandal, she does everything she can to attract it.

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Don't let the cartoon cover fool you, this is a classic historical romance (what my grandma would call a bodice ripper...). It's a book fuelled entirely by lust and while that's some people's cup of tea, it isn't mine. I like historical romance that contains interesting non-romance centred plots.

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Let's talk about 'A Duke of One's Own' by Emma Orchard! Picture this: it's 1816, and Lady Georgiana Pendlebury is turning heads with her rebel vibes. When she gets roped into a scandalous party, things take a wild turn. Cue the entrance of the mysterious Duke of Northriding, who's like the bad boy your mom warned you about but irresistible nonetheless. It's like a Regency rom-com waiting to happen!

First off, let me say, this book brings the heat from page one. No slow burn here; we're diving straight into the spicy stuff. Georgie and Gabriel's banter is top-notch, like watching two pros spar in a verbal fencing match. And let me tell you, the tension between them? Off the charts! But it's not all steamy glances and stolen kisses. There's genuine depth to their connection, which makes the romance all the more satisfying.

Now, I'm not saying this book will change your life, but it's darn good fun. Orchard nails the balance between humor, romance, and intrigue. Plus, I love that Georgie and Gabriel actually talk to each other instead of playing the whole 'will they, won't they' game. It adds a layer of authenticity to their relationship that I really appreciate.

In the end, 'A Duke of One's Own' is like that guilty pleasure rom-com you can't get enough of. It's the perfect escape into Regency romance, complete with scandal, secrets, and a whole lot of swooning. So, grab a cup of tea (or maybe something stronger), settle in, and get ready for a rollicking good time with Georgie and Gabriel!

Overall rating: 4 stars, 2.5 chili peppers

Big thanks to Boldwood Books for providing via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and freely given.

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This has a similar vibe to Bridgerton but more towards the TV show than the books.

I really enjoyed the chemistry between the characters and the plot. This is definitely a lot easier to read than other historical fiction I’ve had on my TBR.

The relationships in it are so sweet and it’s really inclusive. A fantastic ‘he falls first’ romance.

Excited to see what other books this author releases.

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i truly wanted to love tbis book but it sort of just feel a bit flat. it had all the makings of a perfect hostorical romance for me but i didnt connext with the characters in a way that i wanted. this could totally be a fluke and blamed on me, but i really did try to love!

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