Member Reviews

This is not a follow up or sequel to The Barnabus Project so much as it is a companion. Set in the same world as the previous book, it follows perfect pet Barnaby as he becomes a beloved pet, feels he has been replaced by a newer pet, leaves, and finally returns. Readers will feel sympathetic for Barnaby. It was well written, with beautiful illustrations, but less compelling than The Barnabus Project.

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The Fan Brothers have added another delightful book with Barnaby Unboxed. Will Barnaby be replaced? Find out in this beautifully illustrated book.

I will be adding this book to my school's library collection in September as I know my students will adore it!

Thank you, NetGalley and Penguin Random House Canada & Tundra Books for the ARC.

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Thank you to Terry Fan, Eric Fan, Devin Fan and Net Galley for giving me an ARC to review.

When you first open the book you immediately are drawn to the uniquely drawn illustrations. They are cute and bring a sense of life to the characters. While the overall plot of the story was great, I struggled to stay engaged in this story. When I read this book to my five year old son, he loved looking at the illustrations but wasn't able to grasp the underlying lesson within the story. I think this book would be better suited for kids maybe 7 and up.

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The Fan brothers strike again!! Another really fun picture book about finding your place in this world. So original and creative, this picture book was absolutely beautifully illustrated and the story had a very fun "dystopia for kids" vibe. Barnaby is so cute and tries to find a true home despite the threat of being replaced by a cooler "Rainbow Barnaby" pet. All about belonging and self acceptance, kids will love this book!

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I heard a lot of good reviews about this book. It was for my 9-year-old I didn't think he was going to like it at first.. He said he really enjoyed it, and kept asking me questions before I could even get the book finished because he was so curious about it. At 100% kept his attention and that is very hard to say for him either me reading it to him or him reading it his self..

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Barnaby is a perfect pet, an elephant/mouse hybrid with just a touch of flamingo. He is well-loved until a shinier, striped version of Barnaby premiers on TV. Barnaby becomes neglected and then becomes an accidental runaway.

The story started out as a typical ‘what happens to toys/stuffies/pets when something better comes along’ but took a nice turn when Barnaby goes feral. Overall a nice story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House for this DRC.
#BarnabyUnboxed! #NetGalley

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This was giving me Toy Story vibes because Barnaby is a very special toy living his best life when his little girl decides she wants a different model. Poor Barnaby ends up running off (when chased by a cat) and having a lot of adventures, some not very nice, before the little girl finds him and asks him to come back.
Even though she let herself be distracted by the idea of something new, she did love Barnaby and they lived happily ever after (with the other toy rejects). Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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This is a gorgeous picture book with an amazing, heartfelt message. Anyone and everyone, no matter how old or young, can relate to Barnaby and the way he feels. I love the world the Fan Brothers have created, and I would like a Perfect Pet, please. Preferably one that’s part elephant and part mouse with a dash of flamingo.

This comes out in September, and your kiddos will love it!

I received an eARC from NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada and Tundra Books (thank you!!), and I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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I adored The Barnabus Project. Barnaby Unboxed feels a little less magical (and I do have some questions about how long the girl was looking for him!) but I can't resist the Fan brothers.

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I was blown away by the original Barnaby book as were my students. This book however feels too formulaic although the illustrations continue to be knock my socks off gorgeous. My students were intrigued by the "monster" kept in the tube in the basement and the "bad guys" in the first book. This story about a toy who runs away will not capture the same audience and I felt wronged when Barnaby went back with the little girl. She wanted the rainbow version, why would she now, after all this time be looking for him? And why would he want her back? It would ring more true if he said politely (because he seems like a very polite character) thanks but no thanks and went off on a new adventure. Also, the little girl isn't a very likable character. Kids like it when characters get what they deserve (like in the Pig the Pug books). The little girl doesn't deserve to have Barnaby back.

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Another gem from the Fan brothers! For those of us who haven't quite recovered from Toy Story 3, this charming story about a little stuffed elephant who loses his way might be the healing you didn't know you needed. Adorable illustrations, and wonderful characters abound, along with a sweet ending, worthy of Barnaby and his story.

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