Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown for this book.

The book is told from several points of view which added so much to the story. It gave me a look at the minds and thought perspectives of each character. I especially loved the plot twist and the ending. I so totally did not see it coming.

James Patterson always surprises me. I read this book over the course of two days and lived it.

Highly recommend.

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Somewhat of a familiar plot – man performs heroic deed, man becomes famous and in the news, man has his past surface that brings with it people trying to track him down.
I gave it the following SCORE:
Setting: Present day, small town in Illinois not far from Chicago
Characters: David Bowers, local pub owner, his wife, Marcie, an experienced attorney, their two children, and a great supporting cast of devious and ever-changing characters
Overview: David, Marcie and family enjoy the typical peaceful existence until David daringly rescues a drowning man in a car accident. David’s new fame does not take long to reach people from his past who want to find him for very good reasons. Strange, minor occurrences in their household alert them to something out of the ordinary going on and Marcie begins to realize that David may have had some secrets from his past. From there, frequent backstories contribute more clues to the mystery and potential danger that may not all be on David’s side of the equation. People, identities, and motivations constantly change in a well-developed storyline.
Recommendation: I rate this book 4 stars
Extras: Plot twists and character surprises are what make a book of this type so fascinating and keep the pages turning. Another good story by a very good author, David Ellis.
Thanx to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for the opportunity to provide this candid review.

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A great book. I am a new reader of James Patterson’s but I have become a huge fan. I haven’t read a book by him I did not like.

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Superb display of mystery and intrigue at its best.
5 star all the way for Patterson and Ellis.
Marcie and Davids Bowers with their young son and daughter are the perfect family.
Everyone in their small town knows them and they have what seems like, from the outside, a great life.
When strange things start happening around their house that cannot be explained, their entire life heads
into freefall. Marcie begins to find her husband's life may not be exactly as he always portrayed it to be and
suddenly, everything she has known about their life together is questionable.
The story takes off and never stops. The twists and turns are fabulous and keep you flipping the pages in
fast fashion.
A great story and totally one sitting readable.
Bring on the next one guys.

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What a page-turner!. This story had so many twists and turns and kept me transfixed until the very end. Who really is David Bowers? A hero who saved someone from certain death? A successful businessman or a cold blooded murderer. This is what Marcy Bowers needs to know and what puts her and her two children in jeopardy. In a small town like Hemingway, there really are no secrets - or are there? I absolutely loved this book. Kudos to James Patterson/David Ellis. Well done. Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. I wish it never ended. Loved every minute.

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I could not put this book down! Lies He Told Me by James Patterson and David Ellis is such a good book. Throughout, I was saying, "What the heck," and "Oh no, something is going to happen."

Lies He Told Me is a crisp story that held my attention. There were times I had to set the book aside to catch my breath. I really liked this story and the way each scene unfolded. The pacing was great, and the tension was page-turning. I liked Kyle and FBI agent Francis Blair. But, boy, are there surprises that are in store for anyone reading this book.

There were so many good twists, surprises, and gasp-out-loud moments.

I would highly recommend this book.

#LiesHeToldMe #NetGalley @littlebrown

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Lies He Told Me was a twisty, turvy, thrilling page turner.

Just when I knew I had it figured out, a not so fast twist appeared followed by another and another.

This one is a must read for anyone that loves an edge of your seat thriller.

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Thank you for the opportunity to preview Lies He Told Me.
This is a collab with James Patterson and David Ellis. They are a great team.
This is really a good story. It’s got a great storyline and characters. A married couple David and Marcie live a nice lifestyle in a small town. Two kids, a nice home and good jobs. Everything changes when David becomes a local hero. He saves the life of a drowning man. David is a modest man and doesn’t want the attention.
Soon strange things start to happen. A missing coffee pot, their dog and other things. Marcie is concerned but she doesn’t think it’s a real issue.
But when a fire starts in their yard they both know they are not coincidental
An introduction of new characters and the couples past being the plot full circle and soon they are going to face some criminal factions that they are not prepared to do.
Fast paced and surprisingly twisted and chaotic.
Loved this one. 5 stars

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If David Ellis is affiliated I am going to read it. This book did not disappoint. I really enjoyed reading it and didn’t want to put it down. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Another fantastic/must read book from David Elis and James Patterson. Lies He Told me has multiple POVs and keeps you guessing what is the truth the entire book. This book immediately sucked me in and kept my interest with its action packed story lines. I loved the strong will of the main character, Marcie. The authors crushed the book's ending.

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Another good mystery from the author. Enough suspense as well as twists and turns to keep the reader interested. This is a book which I would recommend to all who enjoy a good mystery.

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I enjoyed this book. It was really suspenseful. I loved the ending even though it was different from what I thought it would be. I love reading books by James Patterson because there's never a dull moment in them. I'm grateful that netgalley and the publishers let me read this in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a mystery crime thriller about a married mom of 2 who is also a lawyer. Her husband, a pub owner turns out not to be who she thought.
After her past career of defending mobsters and their associates, she never thought danger would be so close to home. This story is filled with action, corruption and lies. I was hoping for a better ending for the story so I took off a star for that.
Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin books for this eArc for honest review.

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A refreshing new book from James Patterson. Not the same old story and characters. Kept me guessing til the end. Really enjoyed this book.

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I had the opportunity as an ARC reader to read "Lies He Told Me" by James Patterson and David Ellis which is a pulse-pounding thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. As a collaboration between two prolific authors, this novel delivers a gripping narrative filled with twists, turns, and jaw-dropping revelations.

The story follows aspiring attorney Ellen Gleeson as she becomes entangled in a web of deceit and danger after discovering a missing child poster bearing a startling resemblance to her own adopted son. What begins as a simple curiosity soon escalates into a high-stakes investigation that exposes long-buried secrets and puts Ellen's life in jeopardy.

Patterson and Ellis masterfully build suspense, expertly pacing the narrative that kept me guessing until the very end. The characters are richly drawn and multifaceted, each with their own motivations and vulnerabilities that add depth to the story. Ellen's relentless determination to uncover the truth drives the plot forward, while supporting characters bring additional layers of intrigue and complexity.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its ability to explore themes of trust, betrayal, and the lengths to which people will go to protect the ones they love. The authors skillfully navigate moral gray areas, challenging readers to question their assumptions and consider the consequences of their actions.

Overall, "Lies He Told Me" is a riveting thriller that showcases Patterson and Ellis's storytelling prowess. With its breakneck pace, engaging characters, and unexpected twists, this book is sure to captivate fans of suspense and mystery alike.

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This was an intense, fast-paced thriller that I didn't want to put down! The story was engaging and full of unexpected twists and turns. I wouldn't have expected anything less from Patterson and Ellis, two of my favorite authors, and they did not disappoint with this novel. Prepare yourselves now to be thrown for a loop. I would have liked to have more from David's POV. I understand this probably would have changed the dynamics of the book and possibly would have made it less exciting, but maybe something added at the end that would explain his side a bit more. Regardless, I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it!

Side note: Huge shout out to former Buckeye quarterback, Justin Fields, for his first book appearance!!

Thank you to the authors, Little, Brown and Company, and NetGalley for granting me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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Talk about Psychological Suspense! Just when you think you have this book figured out another twist comes along and shows you that you don’t have anything figured out. Lies He Told Me had me hooked from the very first chapter. I am a huge David Ellis fan so I was really excited to read a book he co-authored with James Patterson and it did not disappoint! I loved how the book was written in multiple points of view, though I would to know more about David. I really appreciate a strong female lead character so they really nailed Marcie’s character. The ending tied up really well and all the twists and lingering questions were answered. Can’t wait to see the cover for this one. Definitely add Lies He Told Me to your TBR list.

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This was a good, twisty book. I thought I had it all figured out pretty early on, but I did not so that made it more interesting for sure. There were lots of POV’s which made it a little hard to follow at first. I think it would have helped if each chapter was labeled with whose POV it was. I didn’t love the ending, but overall the book kept me engaged and guessing so I gave it 4 stars. Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown for the ARC.

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Another cannot put down mystery. Red herrings kept me guessing. This is a really innovative story with so many secrets. Written in a way that the obvious is anything but. The characters keep the story moving. This would make a good movie, but I am not sure how the characters would be portrayed. Few seem to be who they really are…or at least, who the authors try to convince us they are. Confusing? No. Just much guessing. Thanks Netgalley.

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