Member Reviews

This book grabbed me immediately and didn't let go until the end. It was really hard to put it down to go to sleep at night.
A story about a woman who is an attorney and surprising things that her husband kept from her. The story was so well crafted that it led you down multiple different paths and I was surprised at the revelations.
If you want a fascinating book that will take you on a ride, give Lies He Told Me a try. You will not be disappointment.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the arc.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for the eARC.

Do you actually know the person you are married to? This book explores how to reckon with that question and sure takes the reader on an adventure full of twists. I really enjoyed this one.

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I received an arc copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. Marcie and David are married with two children. She is an attorney and he owns a bar. David jumps into the river to save the driver of a car that drove through a bridge. David becomes a hero and that's when the secrets come out. The first half was definitely better and it was fast paced but I just felt like so much of the second half was just far fetched and over the top.

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Lies He Told Me has all of the best parts of James Patterson's and David Ellis' work: short, snappy, action packed chapters, and plenty of reveals and twists. You will be floored by the twist near the end, I guarantee it!

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Lies He Told Me by James Patterson and David Ellis is hard to put down. There are so many clever twists and turns that keep you reading. A great mystery!

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Happy belated publication day 🎉🎉

This was an easy and quick read. Short chapters too.

What if the man you’ve been married to with children is not the man you thought he was? What if he could have been a hit man in his past life? What would you do?

I enjoyed this and could tell the parts where Ellis took over. I will say the ending was definitely over the top. However, I could see this being a blockbuster motion picture.

Thank you to Little Brown n co, James Patterson and David Ellis for the opportunity. I even purchased the hardback because it’s that gorgeous!

4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Every one knows David and Marcie Bowers. David is a well respected restaurant owner and Marcie is a big time lawyer! But one David makes a heroic decision that puts their entire family on the map. But that might not be such a great idea!

James Patterson and David Ellis have written a compelling psychological thriller that weaves a narrative filled with intrigue and suspense. The main character Marcie is caught in a web of deception that makes her question the belief of trust and morality.

The book itself keeps a fast pace which makes you not to want to put it down. Patterson does a great job of creating tension to increase your want to continue in the book. The one small issue I personally had was that some of the characters storylines were a little too predictable and that took way from it in some aspects. This is a solid thriller that any thrill reader would love and enjoy while keeping you guessing for more!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #LittleBrownAndCompany for the book #LiesHeToldMe by #JamesPatterson and #DavidEllis. This book was amazing and could not put it down, such a roller coaster of emotions. Marcie and David are married with two kids. After David jumps in a freezing river to save a man who crashed, his whole life changes. And not in a good way. Does Marcie really know her husband? What is he hiding?

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Damn this is a movie in the making if I ever read one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Twists after twists after twists. Readers, read this novel slowly and savor every word, less you miss something. The way the action picks up and shoots off in this book, you just might miss some important info if you're not careful.

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What a wild ride! This is a quick paced thriller with lots of action…and lies. A quick read with lots of twists and turns, when you think you have it figured out, guess again, another person is being shady. In the end I felt bad for one of the main characters Marcie. A short review, but can’t say much with this one or I’ll give away the crazy ending.

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This review contains small spoilers of the first couple chapters of the book.

One night on a walk, David and Marcie Bower find themselves witness to a car accident, and then thrust into the spotlight in their small town (and beyond) as David suddenly becomes a hero for rescuing the driver.

A month or so later, strange things are happening in the Bower's house; things are misplaced, their dog goes missing from their fenced yard while everyone is getting ready to start their day, and someone is parked across the street, watching their house at 3am. Are these just Halloween pranks, or is there something else going on? Why are the Bower's being targeted? And what is David hiding from Marcie?

I will admit, these two almost lost me in the first handful of chapters with the missing dog. (Thankfully, the dog, Lulu is found safe and sound and is OK for the rest of the book.) I have read a handful of books by James Patterson, and I really enjoyed Look Closer, the only other book I have read by David Ellis. I don't know if they have a friendship outside of partnering on this book, or how they come together to create this story, but it was really well done. Maybe a little formulaic, but I think that also feeds into the whole concept of this story. You think you know how it's going, but do you? Do you really? Yes, I did actually. I had a lot of pieces figured out in the first hundred pages, I was just unsure how they fit together, and I enjoyed the journey to figure it all out.

Lies He Told me was a quick, engaging read. The only issue I have is part of the ending, but maybe that's just me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little Brown & Co. for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

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Lies He Told Me
by James Patterson; David Ellis
Pub Date: Sep 30 2024

It's been some time since I've read a James Patterson book, and to be co-authored by David Ellis is a win, win! "Lies He Told Me" is an unputdownable read full of deceit, thrills and chills! The twists and turns are unrelenting and they do not stop right up until the very last page.

Synopsis: An attorney and mother of two discovers her husband’s secret life—and it might cost them all their lives. She’s in love―with a liar.

Many thanks to #LiesHeToldMe #NetGalley and #Littlebrownandcompany for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this eARC.

This was my first James Patterson book, and first co-authored book (I loved the last David Ellis book I read so I was excited to see he co-authored this one), and really enjoyed it! It was definitely an “okay, I have to know what happens in the next chapter” 20 chapters ago type of book, which I love! Lots of twists that I didn’t see coming which is great because I love being oblivious in thriller books 😁 I was convinced that I knew what was going on the entire time but of course I was completely wrong lol. Such an entertaining read and happy I got the chance to get an arc!

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David and Marcie are celebrating his birthday when a car plunges off a bridge and David dives into the river and rescues the driver, bringing David instant celebrity with internet postings of his daring rescue. Shortly after strange things begin to happen in their lives. Are these innocent pranks or is someone sending them a message? Could it be a patron of David’s bar or a client of Marcie’s law practice. Marcie becomes suspicious of David’s actions. Thus the excitement and story twists and turns begin. A fast paced quick read. I enjoyed this book and recommend it.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the Publishers, and James Patterson and David Ellis for an ARC of Lies He Told Me! I was elated to find out I received an advanced copy of this book. I was already looking forward to September 30th to purchase, but getting it a couple days earlier I was over the moon. James Patterson is obviously one of the greatest writers of all time and paired with another one of my favorites David Ellis (if you haven’t read Look Closer please add to your TBR immediately)?! How could you not instantly buy this. From the very first page I was hooked and when not reading it all I did was thinking about the next time I could pick this book up. Gripping, thrilling, twisting, heart pounding, jaw dropping, having to manually think about taking another breath - what a wild ride. This is one of those books you will think about months.. years after reading this. I absolutely can’t get enough of it. I had a suspicion on one of the twists, but there were many others I didn’t see coming that hit me like a brick.

Marcie, an attorney and mother of two, is married to a liar. His lie might cost all of their lives. Everyone knows Marcie and David, who owns a local pub. When David jumps into a river to save a drowning man he is known as a local hero. Normally people would not be concerned about their faces posted all over social media, but not David. This will be a life sentence for him, unless Marcie can figure this out. Marcie will do what it takes to protect her family and at all costs.

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Lies He Told Me is a captivating, fast-paced domestic thriller. JP and Ellis are masters of their craft, there are few authors who can keep me engaged with a story filled with so many twists and yet pull it all together for a solid conclusion.

Thank you NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#LiesHeToldMe #NetGalley

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Full of twists and turns, this novel will keep you on your toes and guessing! An entertaining fast-paced read that you will FLY through. I couldn’t put it down. Just when you think you have it figured out… you don’t!

Thanks to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for a copy of this book!

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Okay, when I saw this James Patterson thriller was a collaboration with the amazing David Ellis, I knew I had to read it. Wow, wow, wow is all I can say!

Twists and turns, secrets, lies, red herrings, action scenes, and a likeable heroine - Lies He Told Me has it all. I inhaled this one!

Make sure you read this one if you love thrillers and then make sure to check out David’s other clever thrillers!

Thanks to @littlebrown for this complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

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The short chapters make this a fast-paced read. Numerous twists and turns keep the reader guessing. Just when I thought I had something figured out, a twist changed that. It was fun to uncover secrets with Marcy. Characters are well-developed and realistic. This duo writes an engaging story that may leave the reader wondering how well they really know anyone, including their spouse.

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Two of the best authors have come together once again in Lies He Told Me. As I expected, it was a phenomenal book!

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