Member Reviews

David and Marcie Bowers live a normal life. Marcie is an attorney and David owns a local bar. All of that changes one day when David jumps into a river to save a stranger from a sinking car. His heroic actions are about to change their lives forever. With my heart in my throat, I knew something horrific was about to happen and nothing or no one could stop it. I never dreamed just how bad this was going to get.

I rarely read the blurb on a book with Mr. Patterson's name on it because I know I will not be disappointed. I am so glad that I did not know what I was getting into before I started this book. Read this book blindly and trust that you will not regret it. That is all I am going to say. This clever and deftly crafted plot was filled with mysterious and intriguing circumstances and even more mysterious characters.

The gritty, high-octane suspense will have you turning the pages so fast that you will be fanning yourself, and the curve balls thrown at lightning fast speed will make you dizzy. Don't assume you will figure this one out. I am still sitting here stunned and happy at the same time. Binge reading is a must for this thriller. It deserves much more than five stars. Bravo gentlemen. You have shocked this reader speechless.

Thank you to Little Brown and Company and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was hands down a David Ellis book. The amount of drama and twists and turns were never ending. I love that he has the ability to make me think I have it all figured out, just to rip the rug out from under me.

In this story, we follow the Bowers family, David and Marcie and their two kids. She’s a lawyer and he owns and runs a pub in town. When things start happening around the house and to their family that just doesn’t add up, they begin to question who is messing with them. Their pasts start coming back to haunt them. So much lies and deceit unravel, it makes Marcie question if she truly knew the man she married, or if their lives thus far has been an utter lie.

I absolutely loved Marcie as a character. She is intelligent, strong, and quick on her feet. How else could she be a great lawyer. Her love and dedication to her job and her family is heartwarming. Every obstacle that she faced in this book, she was one step ahead, I’m always a fan of a strong minded FMC and Ellis delivered 100%

If you loved the chaotic twists and turns of Ellis’ other books, you’ll enjoy this one as well. Things aren’t as they seem, and the journey til the end was a lot of fun! I couldn’t put this book down!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown Company for the e-book ARC. Forever thankful!

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The author duo of James Patterson and David Ellis was great. Lies He Told Me grabbed me from the start. I could not put this book down. The short chapters that are reminiscent of James Patterson made it so easy to binge. The story is about David and Marcie Bowers and what happens in their life after David saves a man. The twists and turns just kept happening. I enjoyed the mob/FBI aspects of the book, which remind me of other David Ellis books. Many red herrings have you wondering what is really happening, I even found myself saying "I knew it!".

Thank you NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for an ARC of Lies He Told Me by James Patterson and David Ellis for an honest review.

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REALLY enjoyed this one! Great twists and flow throughout the book! I loved how the first half was set up and we got to know the characters.
4.5/5 stars!

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Marcie finds out her husband has a secret life. Marcie's husband is named David and they are a very well known couple living in a small town in Illinois. She is a lawyer and he is the owner of a popular pub. They have 2 children and a busy schedule. David jumps into a river to save a drowning stranger, he becomes a local celebrity before things start to happen in the couple's home.

Just when you think the book is going in a certain direction, it gets twisted again! This is a page-turning suspense and Marcie is a strong character.
This will put the reader on the edge and easy to read in one sitting.

Many Twists, Strong Characters, and Not Predictable!

3.5 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy! This book will be released 9/30/24

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4.5 stars
This is the first Patterson/Ellis collaboration I've read, and I really enjoyed it! David Ellis has experience as a lawyer and a judge and his knowledge of the law makes a great contribution to the story. Marcie and David Bowers seem to be an average couple. Marcie practices family law and David owns a bar. One night they are out for a walk when an SUV runs off the road and into the river. David jumps in the water to save the driver and a video of his heroics goes viral. A month later, strange things are happening at the Bower house - household items in the wrong places and a BBQ grill catching fire in the middle of the night. This is just the beginning of how things change for Marcie and David Bowers after the fateful night of the rescue, and nothing is as it appears!

This book is fast-paced and entertaining. I don't want to say too much more about the plot because I don't want to accidentally give something away. There are so many twists and turns in this book that just when you think you have everything figured out, things change again. The ending is action-packed, full of surprises, and satisfying. If you're new to Patterson, this book would appeal to Harlan Coben fans.

I received an advance copy of this ebook at no cost from NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company. My review is voluntary and unbiased.

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Marcie had wanted a big time law career and that made her move from her small town to Chicago. When she came back home, she was practicing family law. She was married to a man who made a decent living with his pub and they had two kids. All was going well until he became a hero and his face was all over the internet.

And then strange things started to happen. And the lies started to unravel. I thought this was a great thriller.

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I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read “Lies He Told Me” by James Patterson and David Elis. I have read most of James Patterson’s books and was excited to receive this ARC. I was hooked from the first page and enjoy Patterson’s action packed, but short chapters. This books keeps you guessing and skillfully misdirects you from beginning to end. I really liked Marcie’s character and felt she was very relatable. The supporting cast of characters were also believable and there was strong character development. It was a great read and I will be recommending it to fellow readers. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for the digital ARC.

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Wow! What a ride! This dynamic duo can do no wrong! They did it again with this book, LIES HE TOLD ME! I simply couldn’t put this book down. I was completely immersed in this story. It was mind bending, action packed, and filled with clever twists that made my jaw drop! To top it off, it even made me emotional! Highly recommend picking this one up!

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James Patterson never fails to deliver a good thriller, and this was no exception. This one is written with David Ellis, who has collaborated with Patterson previously. How can you resist a book filled with Lies?

She's in love—with a liar.
An attorney and mother of two discovers her husband’s secret life—and it might cost them all their lives.
Everyone in Hemingway Grove, Illinois, knows David and Marcie Bowers.
David owns the local pub.
Marcie is a former big-city lawyer who practices family law.
When David jumps into Cotton River to save a drowning stranger, he’s celebrated as a hero. His muscled physique, shaved head, and piercing blue eyes are broadcast on every news outlet.
For most people, newfound fame is a lifeline.
For David Bowers, it’s a death sentence.
For Marcie Bowers, it’s a test.
A wife knows the difference between a loving husband and father and a cold-blooded assassin. Right?

My Thoughts:
Some big, fat lies in this book! I was hooked immediately to the story in this book. It was as enthralling read and I couldn't put it down. Lots of action and plot movement here. I felt so bad for Marcie, This book was full of twists and turns which raised many questions. There is a lot of tension here. David, being a hero, triggered a storm! This is a great thriller.

Thanks to Little, Brown and Company through Netgalley for an advance copy.

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Mind blowing, nonstop action! This was captivating! Loved it from the first sentence! The authors did a fabulous job of keeping me on the edge of my seat!

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A felt this book was a bit different from the normal James Patterson. It was fast paced and kept me interested the entire time. Several twists, most I did not see coming. My only reason for not giving this book 5 stars is I felt there could have been just a little more character development. There were a few touching moments that lacked just a bit that more development would probably have had me crying.

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Thank you Little, Brown and Company for the ARC!

Wow, this was so much fun! I think this might be one of my favs by Patterson to date. Lies He Told Me was packed full of action, plot twists that were shocking and yet made sense and that fun anxiousness you get from a good thriller. I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish!

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I love James Patterson so much the twists and the turns and the shocking is just next level. I never see what’s coming next and this was just such an awesome roller coaster ride of a book a great thriller indeed.

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Marcie and David Bowers’ walk is interrupted by a car plunging off a bridge into a freezing river. Without thinking, David dives in, reaches the rapidly sinking car and rescues the driver. He’s an instant hero but with fame comes…what? A missing pet, a coffee pot in the dryer, misplaced ID? These small. aggressive acts lead to so much, much more in this convoluted mystery by James Patterson and David Ellis. David Bowers owns a popular local bar. Could his fame have made him a target? Marcie is a lawyer with a local practice but once worked for a major Chicago firm. Is there something in her past that is threatening her now? Doubt, suspicion, jealousy and more weave together in this unputdownable thriller. Marcie and David are strong characters trying to save their family from the unknown. You’ll keep guessing until the last page. What more could you expect from Patterson and Ellis? 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Little, Brown and Company, James Patterson and David Ellis for this ARC.

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One thing Patterson and Ellis are both notorious for is their convoluted webs of lies that somehow read easily. This was no exception. It takes a talented author (or two) to include so many secrets and twists without making it confusing or feeling forced. I had a suspicious about one of the twists but I never could have guessed the rest!

This was nonstop action from start to finish. I really enjoyed Marcie and a few of our other characters. I fear if I say who it will spoil some things 😂

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Marcie and David have settled down in a small town where they own a pub and Marcie works as a family lawyer. Everything seems to be great until a mob boss Marcie helped put away is released and strange things begin to happen but are they connected. Nothing major goes on until the secrets start to catch up with both David and Marcie and no one knows who to trust.
This was a fast paced page turner that kept me reading long after my bedtime. The twists just kept coming. I hadn't picked up a James Patterson book in a bit but now I'm going to be reading more.

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Marcie and David are living in a small town, where she is a lawyer and he owns a pub. Suddenly, weird things happen at their house - coffee pot goes missing, dog gets out of a fenced yard, etc. They don’t think much about it until Marcie sees a car parked in front of their house early in the morning. Why are they being targeted? Maybe her husband isn’t exactly who she thinks he is 🤷‍♀️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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What a great pair to coauthor this book, a modern day dynamic duo. This one was packed with tension and emotions. I got hooked at the very beginning and stayed that way until the final paragraph. Fantastic characters that kept me wound so tight throughout the book. Don’t let this one get away.
Thank you NetGalley, James Patterson, David Ellis and Little, Brown and Company for the opportunity to read and review this cracker of a book.

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Oh this is sooo good. I always love James Patterson books, but I’m a bit skeptical when they are co-authored. This one shattered that skepticism.

Marcie and David are celebrating their anniversary by going back to the place where they met. When a car goes over the bridge, David doesn’t hesitate and jumps in to save the driver. But, when David’s heroic efforts go viral on social media their world gets turned upside down.

A coffee pot in the dryer, the missing dog from the yard that gets returned a few hours later, their home break-in with a message spray painted on the wall – and things just get worse from there.

I don’t normally love books that James Patterson co-authors – but this was the exception. This was amazing! A fast paced adventure that kept me on my toes. I could not turn the pages fast enough and read in one sitting.


Thank you #NetGalley for the complimentary copy of #LiesHeToldMe in exchange for an honest review.

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