Member Reviews

Also posted to goodreads. Thanks netgalley for the arc! I love David Ellis and was excited to see a collab with James Patterson. Overall I loved this and would definitely recommend to anyone who likes thrillers. It captivated me from the very beginning. I was able to predict some twists, but not all. Will definitely keep reading David Ellis and will now look up some James Patterson books to read too!

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This was entertaining. It was a quick read that kept you guessing. I was not expecting it would all wind up the way that it did.

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Lies He Told Me had me hooked from the very first chapter! I finished this book within a few hours of starting and couldn’t put it down. This book is fast-paced with short chapters. Every time I thought I had it figured out, the story would change and I’d be questioning what I had originally thought. The story has strong character development and I really enjoyed uncovering all the secrets along with Marcie.

Thank you for NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company Hardcover for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Many thanks to @littlebrown @hachetteus @hachettebooks and @netgalley for my #gifted (free) copy. Pub date 9/30/24.

Such an intense book written by the perfect author duo! LIES HE TOLD ME was so good that if I didn't have things to do, I could have finished this in one sitting. The chapters are short, and I just kept saying to myself, "Just one more chapter." Definitely add this one to your list. It's amazing!

David and Marcie Bowers are a well-known and liked couple in the community they live in. David owns the town bar, and Marcie is a lawyer. David and Marcie are celebrating David's birthday, and he took her to the place they first met, Anna's bridge. All of a sudden, a car starts speeding down the bridge and crashes their car into the river. David, without hesitation, jumps into the river to try to save the person. David is now the town hero, and his face is all over the news and papers. Then some strange things keep happening around the Bowers home, not a threat, but it definitely could be a warning. You will not know who to trust or believe, trust me! 4.5 stars!

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I want to start by saying I am SO PICKY with thrillers and I have not read one in a long time that I devoured like I did this book! This was such a solid thriller and I highly recommend going in as blind as possible. I read it in well under 24 hours.

There are twists and turns all throughout and the story hooks you from the very first pages. I guarantee you won’t be able to put it down once you start. There were lots of reveals, some I guessed and some I did not, but I was entirely entertained the whole way.

The chapters were very short, which I love in a thriller! The end of each chapter keeps you wanting more. Several POVs but not in a confusing way. I was able to keep track of who everyone was easily and it made sense!

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Lies He Told Me has small town attorney, Marcie, and her bar owner husband, David, reminiscing along a riverbank where they first met. When a car crashes through a bridge, David dives into the frigid water to save a stranger. The publicity he receives around his heroism draws unwelcome attention, leading him into danger, and Marcie into questions regarding who her husband is, and whether or not their life together is a lie. Marcie seeks to discover if the danger is related to her past as a high-powered criminal defense lawyer, or whether David's past is not what she has been told.

This is a fast-paced thriller that is impossible to put down. There are so many intriguing, possible outcomes that the reader is kept guessing until the very end. If there is perfection in a novel, this is it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Why oh why did I wait sooooo long to read a James Patterson book? One of the first authors I ever read was Patterson and I always loved his books. Then I became obsessed with historical fiction. Now I must go back and read all the Patterson books I missed. Patterson and Ellis together are explosive! Lies He Told Me will keep you up the ENTIRE night. They are master storytellers.

Thank you NetGalley and Little Brown and Company for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was so good! I could not put it down and then I was sad it was over. The writing was phenomenal and the story and plot line was so intriguing I couldn’t wait to find out what was really going on and who David really was. I highly recommend this book and it’s so addicting it’s a really fast read.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reader copy of lies he told me.
I love James Patterson and was excited to read his newest book, I read it in one sitting. I really liked how the story unfolded and the ending. Definitely recommend this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for sending me an ARC of Lies He Told Me by James Patterson and David Ellis.

5 stars!! This gripped me from the first page and is such a fun, easy read!! If you liked Look Closer (by David Ellis), you will definitely enjoy this domestic thriller. Highly recommend!

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James Patterson books are at their best when co-written with David Ellis. I kept turning the pages to see what was going to happen, I was completely enthralled. The short chapters are my favorite and I finished this book in 2 days! Lies He Told Me was a thrilling and fun read.

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So I liked it. Turns and twists where I thought I had figured it out but was surprised at the end. I would have liked to hear what david was going to tell Marcie before he got shot. Was wishing the ending had turned out a little differently with Marcie and the sheriff. Over all I enjoyed the book and will be buying a copy for my mom because she will enjoy it

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The dynamic duo of Patterson and Ellis knocked it out of the park! This kept my attention all the way through!

The lines of guilt and innocence are blurred as well as identities and crimes. This book will keep you guessing from the first page to the last.

Thank you to NetGalley, the authors, and Little, Brown and Company for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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AMAZING! Heart pounding whiplash of twists and turns! All perfectly executed. Brilliant writing and storytelling.

Marcie Bowers has a wonderful husband and two amazing kids. She’s comfortable in her small town and matrimonial law profession. She had previously worked as a criminal defense lawyer in Chicago but left that behind when then things took an unexpected turn. Now her comfort and stability is about to be rocked when she finds out her husband isn’t who she thought he was and everything about their time together has been based on lies. The only question left is will they make it out alive as the truth unravels.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. This review will be shared on NetGalley, Goodreads, and Amazon.

Pub Date Sep 30 2024

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I read it in 12 hours, I could not put it down besides to sleep.

Characters were great. The twists keep coming - you think you know? nope.

Marcie and David, the perfect family. David a local hero after he saves a man from a crash off a bridge.

BUT, David's face in the news prompts some weird stuff to happen.... and some WEIRD facts come out that Marcie didn't know....

Is David a liar? What doesn't Marcie know about his past?

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I've always despised the word "Unputdownable" as it is overused on so many books that are quite "Putdownable". Not in this case. I literally read this book faster than any other simple because I couldn't put it down. This book is more David Ellis (a good thing!) than James Patterson but I'm always pleased with the end result of these two getting together. If you are looking for a spy thriller with romance and deceit all wrapped up in a roller coaster of a ride then Lies He told Me should be in your shopping cart. You won't see then ending coming, guaranteed.

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Another good book from James Patterson. Marcie learns that her whole married life has been a lie. Her husband has been keeping secrets and her whole life is about to blow up in her face. You won't be able to put this book down until the end.

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Wow! I don't think I've read either of these authors and I'm asking myself why?
Wow was this ever a great book, suspense, twists, good guys, bad guys, definitely a page turner that I could not put down. Definitely a favorite far this year.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book,

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I really enjoy the shorter chapters, even if it means there is more of them. It makes it easier to stop for a quick second and pick it back up fast. I have truly enjoyed reading books by David Ellis and James Patterson. This is another favorite by them!

How well do we truly know our own spouse? That is something that Marcie is starting to ask herself... Could her husband, David have been part of the attacks that happened year ago. If so, then why? Not just why, but how could she have never know.

You have to grab this book! 5/5

Thank you Netgalley, Little Brown Co., James Patterson, and David Ellis for this advance read.

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Buckle up kids, this is a WILD ride!

I read so many of James Patterson's books in high school but haven't read a book of his in a minute. I've been super impressed by David Ellis so was amped to receive an ARC of this Fall 2024 release and it did not disappoint.

A quick read with short chapters that will have you saying "just one more" until you've completely blown past your bedtime. Fast paced with many twists and turns -- you can't take anything you learn at face value in this book!

I loved Marcie Bowers, this smart and determined lawyer who will stop at nothing to protect her family -- even the husband who has been less than truthful about his past in the twelve years they've been happily married.

A great legal thriller -- don't miss it!

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