Member Reviews

I love me some James Patterson I dont think there is one book I haven't liked from him or as a co-author. I feel like the "my husband isn't what he seems" has been done before but this kept my interest the entire time. I wanted her suspicions to not be true and for him to be a good guy and I'm not spoiling it :). This had me at the edge of my seat and I needed to know what was going to happen next. I give this 5 stars and I will be recommending this to my friends and family. We're all super fans of JP in this house.

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What a power duo. This book had me hooked from the verse first page. It’s so bingeable. I feel like I barely read for any length of time and blew through almost half the book, just couldn’t turn pages fast enough. There are so many layers here and it’s so well executed. Lies and twists and turns and just so much. I want to say so many things here but I don’t want to give a single piece of this book away so Its a struggle. I found myself actually biting my nails and my heart rate kicking up as I tried to speed read to the end to finally get to the damn truth. Wow. What a freakin thriller. Individually I love their books but together made it even more special.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the early copy!

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This was a very good and quick read. There was a lot going on in the beginning, but once you figure out the characters and their relationships, it flows so well. It is two books/parts. The first leads up to the main event and is very fast paced and exciting. Book 2 answers all the questions you have. Tough choices have to be made and the theory that you think you have figured out is probably wrong.

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Another success. I like James Patterson and this is another great popcorn thriller. This was very fast paced and engaging. The characters were developed and likable. Overall, highly enjoyed.

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Being called a HERO after jumping into the river to save someone from drowning sets David’s seemingly perfect life into a spiral. He’s just your average everyday bar owner. With a brain for math.

Strange things start being misplaced in his home. His wife Marcie finds the coffee pot in a very strange place. Their dog is kidnapped but returned (unharmed). A dead rat in their sons Halloween bag.

While Marcie is now a small town lawyer, in her past she worked in the big city, and had clients with mafia ties.

As more and more things happen, Marcie seems to find out her past is coming back as well.

There were so many twists in this book, including the ending, that left me speechless (something pretty hard to do!)

This book releases on 9/30/2024, so do yourself a favor, GET IT!

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A fantastic, intense thriller by two excellent authors. This novel was full of suspense and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time!! This is a unique, intriguing and complex plot with an interesting cast of characters. Highly recommended to anyone who likes psychological thrillers, legal thrillers as well as detective/mystery novels!! 5🌟
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I'm a big fan of David Ellis so was thrilled to see this book available to read. It didn't disappoint. At the heart it is a family story, a love story as a woman tries to figure out who her husband is and how much danger her family is in. A smart, strong dedicated heroine to root for and a nail biting story. Loved it. 4.5

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4 stars

Patterson and Ellis are a fantastic together. This is like the Patterson I fell in love with all those years ago. I was hooked and finished in a single sitting.

Sometimes it’s a hit, sometimes it’s a miss with Patterson, this is a major hit!

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“Lies He Told Me” by James Patterson and David Ellis is a Fantastic Gift of a book that was so thrilling and suspenseful I had to remind myself to breathe! The story revolves around a couple who are well known in their small town in Illinois, she is a lawyer and he is the owner of a popular pub. They are focused on raising their two children & managing their work life schedules when the husband jumps into a river to save a drowning stranger who’s car crashes off a trestle bridge. He becomes a local celebrity and suddenly very strange and frightening things start happening in their home. As the incidents escalate the wife starts suspecting that her husband may be hiding secrets of his past. I don’t want to give away more of the story but I kept thinking I knew what was going to happen but I was wrong every time! This story really pulls you in and it’s impossible to put down! I enjoyed every word in this book and I know you will too.

Thank you NetGalley and Little,Brown and Company for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This book was James Patterson in top form with the help of David Ellis, who I adore. I was totally captivated by the story. I figured out the first “twist” but not the second. Didn’t see that one coming at all, which I was happy about. This was a very fun read.

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James Patterson is at his best in this book about a couple struggling to continue their lives after the husband saved a life while risking his own. David Coleman became a hero but his own identity may have been revealed when video footage of his daring rescue goes viral. His wife must try to untangle the mess she finds her family in as they are harrassed by break ins, fires, dead rats, and spray paint. Her friend, Jake, now on the small town police force tries to help and is surprisingly close to solving what is going on when the FBI steps in. I really enjoyed this fast paced novel that is full of interesting characters. Great writing and a superb plot in a hometown setting. Thanks to #NetGalley#JamesPatterson#DavidEllis#LiesHeToldMe for the opportunity to read this book and give a fair review.

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Lies He Told Me is a fast paced, hold your breath, no one better interrupt me read because I cant put this book down.

I apologize to my dog , next time I pick up a James Patterson/David Ellis book I will walk you first.

When David dives into the icy water to rescue a driver who plunged off the bridge, his whole world and that of his family are about to change forever.

Marcie his wife and two kids are everything to David.

Marcie thinks she knows him well.

Secrets, lies and deception and a hidden past are the name of the game.

Strange things happen around the house and the breaking point is approaching fast for David.

All their lives are in danger.

James Patterson and David Ellis are a duo to reckon with ( I am a big fan of both authors) and they take the reader down a twisted path that has you guessing to the end.

Dont miss Lies He Told Me , clear your schedule and hope no one interrupts your reading.

Thanks to NetGalley and Little Brown and Company for a heart pounding read.

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Wow! Once started, this book was unputdownable!

It’s been quite some time since I’ve read a James Patterson book. There was a time I devoured every one of his books on the market! And that was no easy feat! They were coming at me faster than I could read! So I stepped away for a bit.

But after seeing this latest stand-alone with David Ellis co-writing I knew this was the perfect opportunity to jump back into the world of JP!

And it did not disappoint!

David and Marcie are living a quiet life with their two children in Marcie’s quaint hometown. David makes a decent living running a popular bar and Marcie has established a successful family law practice. But lately, odd things are starting to happen. A coffee pot in the drier, a BBQ ignited and bursting into flames in the middle of the night, just to name a few.

So who would have any reason to cause such havoc with this suburban family?

This book has it all! Blistering action from start to finish! Short chapters to keep you glued to the pages and convincing yourself “I swear, just one more…then I’ll go to bed.” Ha! Good luck with that!

And don’t plan on getting comfortable, because our two authors have thrown in a doozy (more than one actually) of a twist!

Looking for that fast, non-stop thrilling read? You’re search ends here…. This is the book for you!

⚠️ Go in blind for best thrilling experience.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company.

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My Thoughts

From its beginning the characters, setup and settings made for a solid story and the further I read the more that opinion was validated for me.

For every time I thought I had things figured out and every time I was proven wrong kudos to the author duo and their ability for creatively keeping me guessing from chapter to chapter.

A great way to spend your day reading something that just kept getting more interesting all the way to a satisfying conclusion.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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Marcie Bowers is married to David Bowers and they have two children. They live in a small town, Hemingway Grove, IL, where David owns the popular pub in town and Marcie practices family law. After David heroically saves someone when a car crashes through a guardrail on a bridge and goes into the water, David becomes the local hero and the video of the rescue goes viral and is being shown on newscasts. Shortly after that, strange things start to happen at the Bowers house - a coffee pot ends up in the dryer, a kid’s lunchbox is in the middle of the lawn, the dog goes missing and reappears, and the incidents escalate and become more frightening. Marcie begins to suspect David’s past might be holding secrets she had no idea about. I really don’t want to give any more of the plot away - the story really pulls you in and offers some twists and great characters. I couldn’t put it down! I give the book 5 stars out of 5!

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. The book will be published September 30, 2024.

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Maybe I picked it up and put it down too many times. I will perhaps try again later. This book has promise but I had to DNF at 32%. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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As the book opens the husband saves someone from certain death falling into the river. He’s a hero, but doesn’t want any publicity. We meet the wife and the kids and hear about their jobs and town. You start wondering where is this book going? And then it happens everything change! This is a great book!

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I haven't read a book by Patterson in a while, but decided to give this one and try and I don't regret it. This was a good mystery, filled with twists and turns. I enjoyed the pacing and the way the authors developed the mystery. This definitely made me want to pick another Patterson book again sometime soon. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Get ready for a roller coaster ride, page turning thriller of who can you trust in this book!! The suspects pile up and all comes to a crashing ending that only Patterson & Ellis can deliver.

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Everyone in Hemingway Grove, Illinois, knows David and Marcie Bowers. David owns the local pub. and Marcie is a former big-city lawyer who practices family law. When David jumps into Cotton River to save a drowning stranger, he’s celebrated as a hero. For most people, newfound fame is a lifeline For David Bowers, it’s a death sentence and for Marcie Bowers, it’s a test. Past lives and secrets come back to haunt them both. Fast paced read and a great book.

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