Member Reviews

Some really simple but helpful ways to integrate faith into the everyday life of your family, this book is a great starting point & resource.

This was fantastic. So many practical ideas and examples of what little faith habits can do for your family. I would highly recommend.
Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was helpful in knowing that little changes, attainable changes, can make a lifelong difference in your family’s lives. I appreciated the research into scientific studies paired with biblical studies as well.

This title and read started out so promising for equipping and engaging your family in building attainable and effective faith habits. My initial thoughts were "Who can I gift this to?" because there are so many simple and beneficial practices. By the end I concluded, probably no one.
While there were many positive elements and suggestions I found myself wanting to implement, I finished the book disappointed with a handful of the recommended resources, quoted authors, and mystical practices encouraged such as lectio divina, which are contemplative and extra biblical. Additionally, a few of the resources in the appendixes lend themselves to critical theory and not something I would consider an aide. She hit the nail on the head when it comes to habit forming practices and missed the mark with resources and foundations.
As a result, I won't be able to promote or suggest for others to read in order to avoid sending someone down a possible destructive path of thinking. For me this is a classic example of some truth intertwined with trails that could lead then to falsehoods. I would lean towards reading other habit forming books that were completely secular or held to a more conservative view of spiritual development and formation before this saved I really am crushed that I have to say that in the end.

This was a wonderful book. It tells the concept behind doing little things to create habits to instill biblical principles in our family (our children) was great. There are prayers sprinkled throughout as well as true stories from people. Encouraging, "doable", and definitely a book for parents of children (and grandchildren) of all ages. Highly recommend.

I am looking for book that can build the faith of my kids but I don't know where to start. This book little habits, big faith bringing the idea how to make it a habit in our kids. Christie Thomas do a good job by providing this material.

This new soon to be released book Little Habits, Big Faith – How Simple Practices Help Your Family Grow in Jesus by Christie Thomas is one for all parents to read, especially those with younger children. Though there is some helpful information for raising teenagers too. If you, like me, are into creating good habits, then you will enjoy this book! It comes from a Biblical perspective and offers plenty of suggestions to help you and your children grow in faith.
Some of the ideas in the book I already do with our family because of homeschooling, but I did find a couple of helpful tips to apply. I like how she focuses on small habits and to build from those. She also provides information on how important our role is as parents in sharing the Good News, along with what the Bible has to say about it.
You will learn your why, creating a vision, goals, what and how habits work, and lots of encouragement and resources. Each chapter ends with questions to help you apply and/or discuss with others in a book group. This would make a great study book to do with others.
Here are a few quotes I took from the book:
-Life-changing moments with our kids can come out of simple habits.
-We can be faithful to introduce our kids to Jesus and trust Him to do His work.
-It’s about being confident in our calling as our kids’ spiritual leaders. It’s about trusting the process, trusting God, and growing alone with the kids we love.
-Most teens who are leaving the church in droves have parents who aren’t engaged in their own spiritual growth.
-Parents play a key role in helping kids grow a faith that sticks.
-We pull kids from the main church serve to give them a fun, age-appropriate faith education, essentially saying to parents, “drop your kids off, and the professionals will take care of this”.
I really enjoyed her writing and helpful tips, with biblical perspective. I highly recommend to parents with younger children!