Member Reviews

Thank you to Daphne Press and NetGalley for my digital review copy.

This scratched an itch I didn't know I had. It was cathartic and full of rage and it's definitely going to sit with me for a while.

It's a fast paced, dystopian apocalyptic story following Benji as he escapes from the fundamentalist cult that raised him.

This was gloriously graphic and full of some disturbing body horror and the right amount of cathartic rage. Each and every member of ALC was so vivid that I wish I could interact with them.

This is a book I can always see myself recommending if anyone wants horror.

It deals with a lot of heavy content, ranging from gore, suicide, to abuse, so please do check them before you read.

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A powerful, visceral scream of defiance, this body-horror is written with savage beauty. The religious cult that Benji was raised in has brought on the Flood: a plague that warps the bodies of its victims where it does not kill, and the biggest plans of all are for Benji…

His new friends at the LGBTQ+ centre can never know where he escaped from. But will Benji’s ongoing transformation doom or save them?

The author’s exploration of identity and dysphoria and rage and control is skilfully done and the character work is excellent. This is a trans story of hope amidst horror. A debut to watch.

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First up, you need some content warnings before reading this book: transphobia, homophobia, death, body gore, Emetophobia, violence. There are a lot of depictions of fluid and damage to human bodies so if you're squeamish, it might not be the book for you.

This book is a lot. It made me feel uncomfortable, made me cry, made me angry but also made me hope. I found some parts of it difficult to get through for different reasons. Some sections were so graphic that they really made me feel a bit sick. Others seemed to drag a lot and take me out of the action. I ultimately stuck with it because I wanted Benji to get to live his life and had to follow his story through to the end.

I did want more motivation from Benji as I felt like there wasn't much beyond 'he wanted to escape because he's trans and now he wants some sort revenge but he also doesn't because he wants to be good'. I wanted to find out more about him other than just how he felt about Theo, Nick and religion. I also wanted more chapters from other people as they tended to keep the pace up.

I'm struggling with exactly how to rate this book. I want to rate it 4 stars as the representation was mostly great. However, I think the pacing lets it down a bit. I think ultimately it is a 3.5 star book.

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Hell Followed With Us is unapologetically gory, rageful queer horror that made me sit up and pay attention. This may be my first book from Andrew Joseph White, but it certainly will not be my last.

Benji come into my life and stole my heart instantly. He is deeply fractured and flawed, the product of a deeply broken and hateful society that forces monstrosity upon him under the guise of blessing. The religious fanaticism on display here is sickening, especially with that false morality of being righteousness. Your heart breaks for Benji over and over again. That is what makes the bloody hellscape the book delves into at times so precisely cathartic and emotional. The stakes have been so well crafted that you are invested in this and you feel that rage consume you as it does Benji. This is not a book that will shy away from that – it is visceral and messy and deeply human.

Also, it is not a book that backs down in terms of gore. It is wonderfully wicked and wrathful body horror that delves into the apocalyptic days of disaster. Horror should challenge and provoke a reader and White’s anger is incredibly timely. A lot of the messaging in the book is not too far removed from messages seen in wider media and society at the moment – twisted through a dystopian lens of apocalypse and monstrosity beyond our imagination. That fury seeps into your skin while reading. There is also a throughline about not letting it fully consume you though – finding your own balance and peace without forgiveness. I’m glad we strayed from some of the typical ‘being the better person’ themes – marginalised people of all communities deserve to feel their anger and have it be recognised, rather than diminished.

Hell Followed With Us explores queer anger, particularly at a system determined to destroy and deny us. It pulsates with fury and delves deep into the darkness and bloodshed. In short, it is magnificent in its malice.

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"Prepare to Die. His kingdom is near." is a whirlwind of apocalyptic chaos that left me more confused than captivated. Sixteen-year-old trans boy Benji escapes a cult that triggered the end of the world, only to discover he's been infected with a bioweapon turning him into a potential monster. Rescued by a group of teens from the Acheson LGBTQ+ Center, led by the enigmatic and secretive Nick, Benji must navigate his new reality while grappling with his transformation.

The book tackles themes of identity, belonging, and survival but often feels overwhelming and convoluted. It might resonate deeply with some readers, but for me, it was a challenging and bewildering read that left more questions than answers. Maybe it's neurodiverseness but something went over my head here.

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I'm not into gore, horror really isn't my thing, and dystopian stories leave me depressed, BUT this book is incredibly gripping and I couldn't put it down!

Benji is a gay trans teen who was raised in a religious cult that brought about the end of the world. Not only that, but he's been infected with the Seraph virus - a strain of the Flood that will eventually transform him into a creature that will cull the rest of humanity. After escaping and linking up with ALC (Acheson LGBTQ+ Centre), he decides to turn his weaponised body against those who abused and denied him...

The atmosphere in this book is super grim, brutal, and deadly. There is a huge amount of death and body horror, and yet it sometimes gives way to moments of childish jokes and friendship which creates a heartbreaking juxtaposition that lingers with you. I really was hooked, and found myself hoping against all hope that everything would be okay for these teenagers.

There are some things that didn't feel fully developed or had me wondering (like what is the Flood exactly, and how did they make it?), and the ending did feel abrupt and ambiguous. I wish there was just a little more of a resolution, but I guess that makes the situation more realistic.

In the end, I was impressed once again by Andrew Joseph White's worldbuilding, exploration of the self, and unique plot. Hell Followed With Us tackles questions of religion, family, dysmorphia, violence, abusive relationships, and more, and it does so with an honesty that bleeds through each page.

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Thank you so much for the ARC. I was really looking forward to this one and had it on my tbr for a while. The concept itself sounded amazing but unfortunately the book fell flat for me. It didn’t grip me and about halfway through I struggled to keep going. The story dragged at times although I did appreciate the multi POV at times to understand the situations fully. perhaps I just wasn’t the right audience.

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This book was an absolute page turner for me! I love reading queer stories and seeing parts of myself and my friends, especially in less used genres like YA horror.

I'm not usually a fan of big casts but I loved all the side characters here, and I especially loved seeing real life queer dynamics reflected in the ALC. There were moments that felt very true to life with how little subgroups form and interact in the larger LGBTQ+ community.

Hell has some vivid body horror and I loved how Benji's transformation tied to his treatment in the church: the things you survive might make you a monster, but you are still you.

I'm very new to the horror genre but if I find more books in the vein of Hell Followed With Us, how could I not become a horror fan?

Thank you Daphne Press for the ARC!

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Hell Followed with Us by Andrew Joseph White: A Riveting Dystopian Journey

In "Hell Followed with Us," Andrew Joseph White crafts a harrowing yet captivating tale set in a dystopian future. The novel centers on Benji, a trans teen on the run from a fanatical cult that has unleashed a deadly plague upon the world. The story's backdrop is a world in chaos, filled with monstrous transformations and a society on the brink of collapse.

White's writing is visceral and intense, drawing readers into a world where survival is a constant struggle and trust is a rare commodity. Benji's journey is both physically and emotionally grueling, as he navigates the treacherous landscape while grappling with his own identity and the remnants of his humanity.

The novel excels in its character development, particularly in its portrayal of Benji. His resilience and determination to reclaim his sense of self amidst the turmoil are both inspiring and heartbreaking. The supporting cast, including a group of resistance fighters who become Benji's unlikely allies, adds depth and complexity to the narrative.

White's depiction of a dystopian world is both imaginative and terrifying, with vivid descriptions of the plague's effects and the cult's fanatical zealotry. The novel's pacing is relentless, keeping readers on edge as Benji's fate hangs in the balance.

"Hell Followed with Us" is a thought-provoking exploration of identity, survival, and the human spirit's resilience. Andrew Joseph White has delivered a powerful debut that will resonate with readers long after the final page is turned. It's a must-read for fans of dystopian fiction and anyone seeking a gripping, emotionally charged story.

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First, the premise of this book is amazing — a trans boy flees a religious cult and seeks refuge with a group of LGBTQ+ teens in the midst of the apocalypse. And I’m happy to report it lived up to my expectations.

I really appreciate the growing number of YA authors who don’t talk down to their audience. This is queer horror, not watered down for teens. I’d already read The Spirit Bares Its Teeth which is probably even more horrifying than this so I wasn’t overly surprised at this but it was pleasing all the same. In the same way, the book has a cast full of LGBTQ+ characters who feel organic and realistic. I really appreciate getting multiple different trans characters in a book and having neopronouns being used. Hal Schrieve is another YA author who does this really well.

What’s strongest in this book is the rage. This book pulses with anger and trauma. I just read Chuck Tingle’s Camp Damascus which has similar themes of horror-as-religious-homophobic-trauma, but I think this was much more successful in its execution. Yes, it’s all a metaphor, that’s the point. Being a trans teenager is a special kind of horror; I’m glad there are books like this about it.

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A Unique premise that had alot of potential. However, the execution was not the best. I felt it lacked structure in parts that made the story feel disjointed and a bit lacklustre. The representation of the characters is amazing and the dynamics between them was interesting. I would recommend this despite not loving it in its entirety myself.

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Such a vivid story! Absolutely added to my favourite LGBQTAI+ horror stories well worth the pick up.

Each character has their own fully fleshed personality and no one seems like a tacked on diversity choice, we need so many more stories like these. It truly reaffirms my love for horror and the great representation it gives

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If you like horror and queer stories. This book. Body horror, gore, queerness, survival in the face of extremism and found family. And all the queer rage you could ever hope to see. This phenomenal book will make queer folk feel angry and empowered in the best way possible.

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This is a dark YA fantasy that’s got an amazing cast. What I most liked was the action scenes, the gore details and eerie atmosphere definitely delivered. The actual concept is really cool with the religious persecution and bioweapons use. The characters are diverse and likeable, we are often in their heads to see their motivations and drivers. I would have liked more character development but given this was YA I feel it was enough, this is more a personal thing. I also loved the hopeful element, fighting against the monsters externally and internally. Overall a fun book that covers some important issues in an entertaining way. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for an ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.

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I really enjoyed this story. I loved that it started right off in the thick of things and you figure everything out as you go along. I loved all the religious stuff, the angels, the flood, Seraph, all of it. It was great. Oh, and lots of great body horror which is a favorite of mine. I was creeped out by so many scenes it was great.

There is also a lot of great representation and I did like the discussion of various things (obvious parallels to things happening). Yes, if I think about some of the world-building stuff it is a bit thin, but I also didn't really care as I was enjoying where the story was taking me.

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This was not an easy read, but bizarrely not because of the high gore content or because of content listed in trigger warnings. Instead I found my brain sliding over the paragraphs dealing with religious texts, and I’d have to shake myself to re-engage with the story. But apart from that, which was definitely a me problem, this was a brilliant book. The religious elements were terrifying and sadly quite believable in this day and age.
I loved the dark humour, the terror, the gore, the love and just everything else about this book.
A very powerful story.

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Hell Followed With Us is a YA novel set in a dystopian future, where the world is run by a religious cult. Benji is a transgender boy trying his best to escape the cult when he runs into a group of queer teens from the ALC (Acheson LGBTQ+ Center) who offer to take him in. But Benji is harboring a deep secret, the monster that he's slowly turning into.

I really enjoyed Hell Followed With Us, it's unusual to find a book with proper representation, and as a queer teen it was really easy to relate to some of the struggles Benji deals with. This book wasn't what I expected it to be but I had a great time reading it nonetheless and it's definitely a book I will be recommending to my friends, I'd love to check out more Andrew Joseph White books in future!

Huge Thanks to Andrew Joseph White, Daphne Press, and NetGalley for this ARC!!

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This the third book that I have read by Andrew Joseph White, and I am a big fan as of now.
The other reviews explain the plot summary quite well. This is an allegorical novel with a strong concept at its core. It is a high concept novel that tells the story of Benji and his friends in a post-apocalyptic environment run by a religious cult.
The pacing 5/5.
Characterisation 4/5
Writing style 4/5
Plot 3.5/5
Themes and messages 5/5
Allegories 5/5

A great YA read.

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Set in post apocalyptic America, trans boy Benji tries to escape the religious cult that has caused the apocalypse. In the process meeting Nick and his crew, a queer group of survivors who made it through by hunkering down in the LGBTQ+ centre.

This is quite possibly one of my top reads of 2024, as a queer person who grew up religious with a fairly bigoted family I feel like I can relate to Benji and the side characters quite a lot. Andrew Joseph White did a great job capturing what it is like to grow up queer in an unaccepting community and criticising those with harmful extremist religious views that seem to be quite prevalent in the US while also staying respectful of religion in general.

I cannot think of a single flaw with this book, I loved every character and thought they were all very well thought out, my only ask would've been to see more of the side characters. I also loved how much representation was in the book with people from all sorts of backgrounds being fairly prominent characters.

As a horror fan I loved the gore and body horror but didn't think anything about it was so scary that it wouldn't be suitable for older teens.

Thank you to Andrew Joseph White, Daphne Press, and NetGalley for this arc and Happy Pride month!

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The concept behind this book is so so good. I mean, queer kids trying to survive after a religious extremist apocalyptic event? Amazing. However, I do think the final novel didn’t quite read as I expected it to.

It was definitely entertaining, and I really liked Benji as a protagonist. He did become a little one-dimensional at times with his only real thoughts/personality being trans, but that’s also fitting with the themes of the book so I understand it. I thought Nick was great too, and I loved him and his lizards.

There was great representation too, but most of these felt like tokenism, as for example, a disabled character appeared for a single piece of dialogue, and then was promptly never mentioned again. I don’t know if it’s better than nothing or is the bar just really low? I’m not the person to answer that question.

It was gory. The body horror was intense, and the descriptions were so evocative. It’s a YA novel, but definitely aimed more towards the older readers in that bracket because woah, it’s graphic. It really worked for me though! What didn’t work for me was the random bible quotes scattered throughout. I understand that it was to show Benji’s childhood and his unlearning of religious rhetoric, but it really pulled me away from the story.

Overall, I think readers closer to the novel’s target age will enjoy it more than me, because they’re probably more willing to overlook things that I’m not.

Thanks to NetGalley and Daphne Press for giving me the eARC for this!

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