Member Reviews

Thank you to Sara Beth Haring for inviting me to read the ARC for A New Lease on Life by Olivia Blacke. This is a duel P.O.V between Cordelia, the recently deceased tenant of an apartment in a shady part of Boston and Ruby, the current tenant. It’s a fun, engaging mystery, a budding relationship between the living and non living. We follow Cordelia as she is learning her new role as a ghost who has also taken it upon herself to encourage her human counterpart Ruby to solve the murder of another former tenant who lived across the hall. As the mystery unfolds Cordelia learns her limits to what she can and cannot do in her human interactions and the toll some of these take on her, mean while Ruby is trying to solve Jake’s murder and figure out how to better communicate with Cordelia. We get to learn about each character’s life and watch their unconventional friendship endure ups and downs, I hope this character development and friendship is leading us into a series because I enjoyed their banter and their non traditional detective work.

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Naurrrrrr the cliffhanger! I really enjoyed this book but that ending 😫 it felt a little rushed and i wish it was dragged out a bit more. this was an easy and enjoyable read. I liked the characters and im excited for some unanswered questions to be answered in the next book! I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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"New lease on death" is an easy, cute ,cozy mystery.
Olivia Blacke introduces her readers to Cordelia and Ruby. Two young ladies sharing an apartment but in a non traditional way. You see, Cordelia is a ghost.
Cordilia is hanging around to help Ruby solve the murder of a neighbor and hopefully solve the mystery of how she, herself, died.
For me, Blacke left some gaping holes in her story and some unanswered questions. there is also a tiny bit of confusion about why certain others can see and hear Cordelia.
Based on the ending this novel will have a sequel that will turn into a cute series. Perhaps in future installments Blacke can "tighten" up the story to solve some small issues
I don't always read the author acknowledgements but I am happy I decided to read the acknowledgments in this book. It is clear that Olivia Blacke has a wonderful sense of humor. It is my sincere hope that she is able to translate some of her natural ability at humor in her future books.
Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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Olivia Blacke's "A New Lease on Death" blends humor, mystery, and supernatural elements in a captivating story about a ghost and a living tenant teaming up to solve a murder.

Cordelia Graves, the resident ghost in Ruby Young's new Boston apartment, is restless after her untimely death. When a neighbor is killed in a supposed mugging, Cordelia suspects foul play and recruits Ruby to help uncover the truth. Despite their differences - Cordelia's spectral existence and Ruby's penchant for killing houseplants - the duo forms an unlikely partnership to crack the case.

The banter between Cordelia and Ruby is a highlight of the book, bringing charm and quirkiness to the characters. Readers will find themselves rooting for Ruby as she navigates the investigation and forms a bond with her ghostly roommate.

With an engaging plot, witty dialogue, and a hint of mystery, "A New Lease on Death" promises an entertaining read that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

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I rather enjoyed this comedic murder mystery and have found these tend to help me if I am in a reading slump. Nothing overly complicated about this book but such a joy to read all the same. I found myself laughing out loud quite often and loved the paranormal aspect of this story as well. A super fun read that I will recommend to anyone looking for a fun and light read. Thanks Netgalley.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s press for this ARC .,This book was such a fun, cozy, paranormal mystery! I really loved the unique and funny storyline. Cordelia ,a former tenant of a Boston apartment , passes away but desires to contriving in the apartment even though a new tenant , Ruby, lives there. Cordelia’s neighbor Jake gets killed in a mugging , and Cordelia is determined to find out the truth behind his murder. Since she’s a ghost, Cordelia forms a friendship with Ruby to find out what really happened to Jake. This was highly entertaining, and it was so hard to put down. I would recommend this book to all and I need book 2 to come out soon! The cliffhanger at the end was sooo good!

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I ALREADY LOVE THIS SERIES. I want more Cordelia and Ruby. Here’s to hoping they’re both in the second book!

From page one I was HOOKED. I sat around DEVOURING this book. I laughed so much. There was so much quirkiness and charm in the characters. I couldn’t get enough . The banter and relationship between Ruby and Cordelia was so well done.

I found myself rooting for Ruby to figure everything out and everything to work in her favor. She was easy invest in. I can’t wait to see what happens in the second installment. The cliffhanger had my jaw dropped! It wasn’t a surprise.. but it definitely surprised me that it ended on that note. Now I’m impatiently waiting for the follow up.

Thanks so much NetGalley and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books for the eARC.

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This was a fun mystery with an unlikely friendship! It had a twist I wasn’t expecting and left me wanting more. I’ll definitely be reading the next book!

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Roommates Ruby and Cordelia set out to solve the murder of their across the hall neighbor. They are a fun new sleuthing pair. Ruby is naive and bubbly and Cordelia is older and a ghost.

With humor and plenty of ghost world building this cozy was a very fun read. I look forward to book 2.

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Ruby Young's new Boston apartment comes with all the usual perks. Windows facing the brick wall of the next-door building. Heat that barely works. A malfunctioning buzzer. Noisy neighbors. A dead body on the sidewalk outside. And of course, a ghost.

This was a bit of a slow burn for me, but I did enjoy this cozy paranormal mystery. Ruby was easy to like, so funny and real. I was left with the feeling that this is the start of a new series. I will check out #2.

This will be a perfect cozy read for spooky season.

Thank you to Netgalley & Minotaur Books for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Enjoyed reading this even though parts seemed to drag a bit with perhaps too much detail for the scene, maybe not enough detail to develop the characters the way I would have liked. Ruby moves from Baltimore to Boston to escape a bad relationship. She seems unprepared for city life even though she's from a city and unprepared for the cold climate which is brought up ad nauseaum. That being said I really enjoyed her character. She's a strong young woman who isn't afraid to be herself faults and all. Her character and the Southie characters made me laugh out loud quite a bit. The humor saved the story which at times dragged. I like the concept of a character living with a ghost (who's very different from her) as her roommate and learning how to communicate while trying to solve a murder. Definitely not a stand alone. Felt as though the ending was rushed and less of a cliffhanger as it seems to have been intended. I would probably read #2 which is why I gave the book a 3 instead of 2.5 stars, because I like the premise in the hopes that the characters would gain a bit more depth.
Thanks to NetGalley and and St. Martin's press for a copy of the book. This review is my own opinion.

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After reading an excerpt, I was immediately drawn into this cozy mystery and wanted to finish it. I found it an entertaining read. Cordelia is the late owner of an apartment in a dilapidated building in Boston that twenty-year-old Ruby rented fully furnished. When Jake, the neighbor across the hall, is found dead outside in the snow purportedly the victim of a mugging, Cordelia convinces Ruby that Jake was murdered and they begin to investigate.

The story is told in alternating first person by Ruby and Cordelia. I enjoyed the dynamic between these two characters. Cordelia is very frustrated with the Ruby and her failure to keep all her beloved houseplants alive amongst other issues. Ruby is a bit flighty moving to Boston on a whim seeking a fresh start away from her cheating ex. They are quite opposite in personality and since Cordelia is a ghost, they had to find creative ways to communicate with each other. This is where the story shined.

I’m not usually an amateur sleuth reader these days, preferring more serious police procedurals. I enjoyed the mystery though Ruby clearly jumped to conclusions at times and missed some details that I found a little sloppy. However, it’s consistent with her character but may frustrate me in future books. The ending does leave a few questions about Cordelia and her situation open for more story.

Recommended for a fun, light read about a nontraditional amateur sleuth and her ghost companion.

Thank you to Netgalley and Minotaur Books for a copy provided for an honest review.

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When their neighbor is killed in a possible mugging gone wrong. Ruby and Cordelia have to work together to find out what happened. Now if only Cordelia wasn’t a ghost.

Luckily for us, this cozy mystery is told from multiple POVs. So we know what Cordelia is thinking; even if Ruby doesn’t always get the message. It’s a good thing Ruby still has Cordelia’s fridge magnets.

I loved the humor and friendship. This had everything I would want in a cozy Mystery. I look forward to reading more books by Olivia Blacke.

Thank you to Olivia Blacke, St. Martins Press, and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thank you Netgalley and Minotaur Books for the arc in exchange for an honest review. This was such a fun read. I personally love cozy mysteries. Adding paranormal vibes was chef’s kiss. I’m really excited for the next book!

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I wasn't sure if I would like this book. It's not just about solving a crime but solving a crime with a ghost. However, it was a fun easy read. The story went smoothly it was a bit redundant. There were sentences mentioned over and over again, the writing was a bit novice but I didn't really mind because it kept my interests. However I did wish the book took different turns then what it led to.

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Well if you ever find yourself dead and needing some entertainment, this is the book for you. Ruby Young moves into a fully furnished apartment only to find herself with a ghost for a roommate. Cordelia Graves died in the apartment and has been exploring the afterlife with little to no success. When the next-door neighbor Jake is killed, she teams up with Ruby to solve the murder of Jake. Thus, begins a funny oddball friendship between roommates alive and dead. This is a quirky, funny mystery. The difference between the two main characters is night and day and adds to the comical aspects of this book.

This is an easy read, very entertaining, the mystery had fun twists and turns with bonus Boston characters added in. You could almost smell the cheap beer, cheap perfume and hear the Boston accent coming through the book. Fun delightful read.

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While I thought the premise would be a lot of fun as the spirit of Cordelia haunts her former apartment after new tenant Ruby moves in and gets mixed up in some detective work trying to find a murderer, the story left a lot to be desired. I just never got caught up in it at all.
On a cold wintery Boston day, Cordelia (who you assume is just out on a stroll) finds the dead body of her neighbor Jake on the sidewalk in front of their apartment building. Cordelia is in shock when suddenly, Jake "rises" into a sitting position but his dead body remains flat on the ground with a bullet hole in it. It is then that the reader realizes that Cordelia is a spirit and now, so is Jake. After they talk for a bit, Jake can't fathom this spirit world and disappears into the wind leaving Cordelia to wonder how Jake was killed. When she returns to her own apartment, her new "roomie" 20 year old Ruby is just starting her day and begins to sense that the spirit of the former occupant is there. When Ruby finds out that Jake has been murdered, the two of them will try to find out who did it.
There's a lot of red herrings, meeting obnoxious neighbors, friends of Jake's who come back and forth to his now empty apartment. Cordelia and Ruby communicate with letter magnets on Cordelia's fridge or she knocks things over or opens the curtains.
Often, the dialog is silly and in the case of Ruby's interaction with a man on a bus who clearly has some issues, it almost seemed like the dialog was how an 8 year old would voice puppets as they put on a show. The way that Cordelia stepped in to defend Ruby against this man's advances was equality over the top. The bus driver's reaction to Ruby afterwards was just ridiculous as if it were her fault. This action didn't stop there as Ruby is thrown out of a bar by the bartender whose interaction with her just didn't seem realistic. I'm not even going to mention the pawn shop! During Jake's wake, one of his best friends is uber drunk at the bar and in his drunken haze, he is able to hear Cordelia talking to him. Really???? So Cordelia steals a bottle of vodka and at home, pours drink after drink to underaged and teetotaler Ruby so they might "talk" to one another while Ruby is drunk! That is just plain wrong!!!
There are some heavy themes covered in this book like suicide, alcoholism, domestic abuse, murder, adultery. More time could have been spent going deeper with these topics to give the story more impact and relevance. The characters needed a lot more development to understand them as we really only know them superficially. Their backstories are never fleshed out totally for the reader to care about them.
I liked the cover art. Quite eye catching.

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Very interesting book! This was my first book to read by this author and it was good. It wasn’t what I was expecting but in a good way. I couldn’t put it down!

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When Ruby moves to Boston she finds a furnished apartment, with everything the previous tenant owned. The previous tenant died in the apartment and no one claimed anything, but it turns out the previous tenant hasn’t actually left the apartment, her ghost is still hanging around. Cordelia, the previous tenant, was a forty something office worker. Having perky 20-year-old Ruby in the apartment is about to drive Cordelia crazy, until she discovers a way to communicate with Ruby.

When a neighbor is killed in front of the apartment building, Cordelia and Ruby find a way to team up to discover who killed him. They are a strange duo, and the path to finding a way to communicate, to learning to like each other, and solving crimes is at times a bit slow. But it was a twisted path to solving the case, which made it more fun.

Thank you to St. Martins Press and NetGalley for providing an eARC toA Lease on Death; these are my honest opinions.

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A really cute cozy mystery with a fun premise. A ghost only exists as long as they believe they are real? The rules around ghosts were a bit of a mind bender for me but I liked the characters and was excited to see them work together. There’s a nice setup for a sequel but I wanted to see the other murder solved in this book! I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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