Member Reviews

Olivia Blacke’s "A New Lease on Death" is a refreshingly original supernatural mystery that masterfully blends dark humor with a gripping whodunit. The story introduces an unconventional crime-solving duo: Ruby Young, a vibrant and quirky twenty-year-old, and Cordelia Graves, the sarcastic ghost of the apartment’s former resident. This unlikely partnership sets the stage for a novel that is as entertaining as it is suspenseful.

Ruby Young’s move to her new Boston apartment is far from ordinary. Along with the typical urban nuisances—like barely functioning heat and noisy neighbors—she finds herself sharing her space with Cordelia, a ghost who died under mysterious circumstances a few months prior. The narrative takes off when their neighbor, Jake Macintyre, is shot dead in an apparent mugging gone wrong. Cordelia, convinced there's more to Jake’s death than meets the eye, enlists the somewhat reluctant Ruby to help solve the mystery.

Blacke excels in character development, bringing to life (and afterlife) the dynamic between Ruby and Cordelia. Ruby’s energetic and somewhat clumsy nature contrasts sharply with Cordelia’s ghostly frustration and sharp wit. Their evolving friendship adds depth to the story, making their investigative journey as emotionally engaging as it is thrilling. The contrast between Ruby’s warm, albeit chaotic, life and Cordelia’s spectral existence creates a compelling dynamic that drives the narrative forward.

The mystery itself is intricately plotted, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers guessing. Blacke’s keen eye for detail shines through in the clever clues and red herrings that pepper the investigation. The supernatural elements are seamlessly woven into the plot, adding an extra layer of intrigue without overshadowing the central mystery. Ruby’s interactions with suspects and her dogged determination, coupled with Cordelia’s spectral insights, make for a captivating detective duo.

Advance praise highlights the book’s cleverness and fun, and these qualities are evident throughout. Eliza Jane Brazier praises the book as a detective novel with a twist, while Amanda Jayatissa commends Blacke’s attention to detail. Lyn Liao Butler and Darcie Wilde emphasize the novel’s addictive and suspenseful nature, and Celeste Connally applauds the humor and heart infused in the narrative.

In conclusion, "A New Lease on Death" is a standout addition to the supernatural mystery genre. Olivia Blacke has crafted a delightfully dark and humorous tale that will keep readers glued to the pages. With its smart writing, engaging characters, and a mystery that unfolds with perfect pacing, this novel is sure to appeal to fans of quirky, character-driven whodunits. Blacke’s new sleuthing odd couple, Ruby and Cordelia, are poised to become favorites in the world of mystery fiction. This is a must-read for anyone looking for a mystery with a supernatural twist and a lot of heart.

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This was a fun, cozy, supernatural mystery! I love the premise of this series and I really enjoyed the dynamic between Cordelia and Ruby. I liked the author's easy to read writing style, but I was hoping it would be funnier. It was cute and quirky, but not really laugh-out-loud funny. Some parts were a bit repetitive. We frequently are told that Ruby is perky, Boston is cold, and ghosts fry the electronics. I think some of that could be trimmed up a bit. The mystery was interesting, and I liked how the clues were there so it made sense at the end. It seems like a sequel will be coming out, and I am looking forward to it. There are definitely some things left unsolved and I am looking forward to seeing more of Penny, Harp, Ruby and Cordelia!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC!

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This is so fun!! I like the plot and the murder mystery was so good. I love Ruby and how she interacted with Cordelia, it was so Gen Z/realistic/fun comparing a 40 yro to a 20 yro! I cannot wait for the next one where we can move on to the other mystery.

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What a fun, cozy read! I can’t wait for book two so we can (hopefully) get an answer to that cliffhanger! I loved the dual POV from both Ruby and Cordelia. I also want to hear more about Harp. Cordy needs a ghost friend.

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This was a fun cozy mystery that was a lot more enjoyable than the other book I read by this author. It was more authentic and the dynamic between the main characters was delightful. I enjoyed the mystery and though the main characters really didn't solve it, the adventure to get there was intriguing and they saved someone's life, so I'll take it. I feel cheated that one of the big mysteries wasn't actually solved, but I get it, we need room for a sequel, and that's (annoyingly) fine.

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Okay…but what happened with Cordy?? Like I really just went through this whole book for it to end on a cliff hanger and not find out what happens to the main character?!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
𝑴𝒚 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔:
What a fun cozy mystery this was, and such a different concept for a book having one of the two main characters as a ghost.

I really loved having the dual perspectives as the narration for this story. It was great being able to hear from Ruby’s POV since she was the character actually alive and conducting the murder investigation in person, but I also LOVED having Cordelia’s POV as the ghost of the previous tenant of Ruby’s apartment. Both characters were very unique and had traits which I really liked, and made reading the story that much more enjoyable.

As for the plot, I thought the storyline was really good. It was pretty intricate, but was easy to follow along with based on all of the clues throughout the story. I do have to say I caught on to the murdered very early on in the book, but all of the twists a turns throughout made for an entertaining read.

Since this is the first book in a new series, I’m excited to see where the author will take Ruby and Cordelia’s story next. I feel like she lined up enough info to possibly get into Cordelia’s past a bit more, and I’m hoping the next book looks into what actually happened to Cordelia and how her old work and the reporter play roles in it👀

This book is perfect if you want a bit of a paranormal read (especially in October), and also if you love cozy mysteries which are easy to read.

𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒇 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆:
- 🕵️‍♀️ Cozy mysteries
- 👻 Friendly neighborhood ghosts
- 🧐 Interesting cast of characters

𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 2022 Rosé - Trius Winery🍷

Thank you to Minotaur Books, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

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I couldn't resist picking this up with such an interesting premise, not to mention the small hope that this would be anything like another beloved series with a funny heroine who can see ghosts. And while this didn't (sadly) live up to the series I was hoping it would, it did hold its own in many ways. Overall this was an enjoyable read and was very different from what I expected it to be but not in a bad way. In fact I think this series looks promising and it will be interesting to see what the second book holds.

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What a fun, quirky read! The characters were incredibly sweet and endearing- I was hooked from the start, and the cliffhanger ending left me wanting more! I hope there is a follow up on Ruby and Cordelia in the works!

Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy!

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Move over Finlay and Vero, there is a new amateur sleuth duo on the market of cozy mystery series! This is the start of a fun cozy paranormal mystery series following Cordelia, a 40 year old introverted ghost, who is haunting Ruby, a bubbly and naïve 20 year old, who has moved into Cordelia's old apartment. When Jake, the man across the hall, is also found dead outside the apartment building, Cordelia is worried for Ruby's safety so she tries to communicate and assist Ruby in solving his murder. These two opposite characters forge an unlikely friendship through fridge poetry magnets and skittle candy trails as they work together to interview Jake's family and slew of girlfriends to figure out why he was shot. Brimming with dark humor and with a cast of Southie Boston suspects, the mystery was fun, and I loved Ruby's attempts at understanding what also led to Cordelia's own death. This is setting up to be a great new series, and I am excited to return in book 2 to see spend more time with this crime-fighting duo.

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Review of Uncorrected Digital Galley

Sitting beside the body of Jake MacIntyre, Cordelia Graves watches as snow accumulate on the legs of his flannel pajamas and the fuzzy socks covering his feet. There’s a bullet hole in the center of his forehead, but she is waiting for him to wake up.

Cordelia sits vigil until the dead man sits up. “I know you,” Jake says. Suddenly he remembers . . . Cordelia is dead. And now, so is he.

Cordelia wants to help Jake adjust to being a ghost. Although she could still see and hear everyone around her, she was invisible to them. Alone and unnoticed. She doesn't want him to feel alone. But Jake doesn't believe in ghosts . . . .

Ruby Young, the new tenant in Cordelia’s apartment, is certain that the apartment is haunted. With Jake being murdered, Cordelia thinks that, perhaps, she can keep Ruby safe. But Ruby thinks Cordelia wants her to solve Jake’s murder.

Will they work together? And will they solve the murder?


First in the author’s planned Supernatural Mysteries series, Cordelia and Ruby provide their unique viewpoints for the reader. The unfolding narrative is both clever and intriguing; Ruby and Cordelia, both quirky and humorous, make a great team and the supernatural aspect of the story is well done.

The idea that Cordelia and Ruby could work together despite the challenges of communicating with each other keeps readers guessing as to how it might all work out and keeps those pages turning as fast as possible. While the mystery isn’t complicated, it is perfect for the telling of this tale and does keep the reader guessing.

Although the story wraps up well with regard to Jake’s murder, a larger mystery remains. Ruby does not believe Cordelia committed suicide . . . Cordelia does not remember doing the deed . . . so how did Cordelia end up dead in the bathtub? Presumably, this mystery will be solved in the next book in the series.

Readers who enjoy cozy mysteries and a clever paranormal character are sure to enjoy this unique tale as well as the stories that [hopefully] follow.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#ANewLeaseOnDeath #NetGalley

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The unlikely combo of the living and the dead, working together to solve a murder mystery.
I was pleasantly that it wasn't as silly as I thought it would, all the characters are fleshed out and have very real world struggles.
The dual perspective story telling really let's you get invested quick and the conversational writing style keeps you turning the page.

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cozy-mystery, ghosts, paranormal, urban-fantasy, Boston, situational-humor, verbal-humor, contemporary, amateur-sleuth, murder, investigation, new-series, first-in-series****

Thought there was only one way to behave as a ghost? Cordelia has discovered a whole new way and it's a hoot!
The publisher's blurb is a really good start, but the sleuthing is well done, the humor is hilarious, the plot twists are amazing, and the characters!!! Great start to a totally new series.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

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This was a fun book and I loved the human/dead person interaction between Ruby and Cordelia. It was a good mystery with a twist and I loved that twist! Well written and fun as hell to read, I really enjoyed it!

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I'll be honest, the blurb sounded a little outside of what I usually read. However, I am really glad I picked this ARC up!

Ruby doesn't expect to get a ghost included in her fully furnished apartment! Then, when her neighbor winds up dead, she has some questions! Together the ghost and Ruby try to solve the murder.

Excited for the sequel!

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A New Lease On Death immediately starts in with the action and pulls the reader into the story. We follow Cordelia Graves as she discovers her dead neighbor (Jake) out front of their apartment building. Soon after we meet Ruby, Cordelia’s new roommate and begin to uncover the mystery of how Jake died. 2 POV from Cordelia a 40 year old women and Ruby 26 year old .
I absolutely loved the plot and storyline of a paranormal mystery, a first for me, I preferred the storyline from Cordelia’s perspective. I found Cordelia’s personality to be lol funny however we didn’t get much depth with her character as the story progressed. Ruby definitely had the most character growth overall but I found her annoying throughout most of the story. This story had a lot of questions that came to mind as I was reading relating to the context of the story.

I enjoyed the writing in this novel and the idea of this story. Had a good pace (slow and boring in the middle) for me. Overall a good time and I enjoyed the book to keep an eye out for the next in series

-Cozy Mystery
-Who Dunnit
-Dark Funny
-Cliff Hanger
***check Trigger Warnings.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books for the ARC digital copy.

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I loved it! Excellent mystery! There were clues dropped here and there that lead me this way and that but I didn't catch on till the end. Cordelia and Ruby are an unlikely crime fighting duo but their differences made it work. They don't know each other very well now and I'm anxious to see how that turns out in the next book.

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loved this mystery of cordy's death and solving the murder of a neighbor and the room mate that lives there and helps her solve the case. loved ruby and cordy's relationship. Who killer her ? was it the boyfriend or someone else ? I'm ready for the next book.

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What a fun easy read! The story had such character development and you felt like Ruby was your friend and cared what happened to her.

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I was invited by the publisher to read this book. I did enjoy this "cozy mystery", which involved solving the murder of Cordelia's apartment neighbor, Jake. The catch was that Cordelia was also dead, so she had to team up with Ruby, the girl who was living in Cordelia's (former) apartment. This was a unique twist on this type of storyline, and the reader was able to have multiple viewpoints as well as get to go behind the scenes, so to speak, of being a ghost.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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