Member Reviews

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A New Lease on Death was a cute, cozy, fun murder mystery that leaves you wanting more. Both Ruby and Coredlia are such different characters working towards a common goal - solving a murder of Jake the neighbour across the hall. Cordelia is found dead and Ruby moves into her apartment (fully furnished), which comes even more furnished with the ghost of Cordelia.

We have learned more about Cordelia in this book rather than Ruby, but with the cliffhanger at the end, I assume that we'll learn more about this murder-solving duo. I did find that the ending was a little rushed and tied up all too neatly, but it was nice that Cordelia had a part in solving one part of the murder that we're introduced to.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Olivia Blacke, and St. Martin’s Press for the advanced copy in exchange for my review.

This book was different than what I was used to but I really enjoyed it. I’m not one for supernatural components in books but this one was nicely done. The title was witty, cute, and creative. The title, along with the cover is what interested me in giving this book a chance and I’m glad I did.

The plot was unique in my opinion and was done well. Ruby moves into the home where now deceased, Cordelia used to live. The two become unconventional pair solving the murder of a neighbour in the same building. Cordelia is a ghost that guides and assists Ruby in various scenarios. The story is in two different POVs which is clearly indicated at the beginning of each chapter to make it easier to follow along. There was a few instances where a few pages in the chapter I had to check to see who’s POV it was in, as there are some crossover elements from each main character’s story.

There are two female main characters throughout the book who are opposites in every way but they’re very likeable. Ruby was more extroverted, outgoing, eccentric, and charismatic. Whereas Cordelia is more reserved and quiet. The differences between the two made them entertaining and comedic. These two characters were very well developed. The supporting characters were likeable as well, but their storylines were less developed. The author gives you enough to form an opinion on them and their personality. With only a handful of characters, it wasn’t an overwhelming to keep track of, which I appreciate.

While it’s a bit ‘out there’ it’s well written, not cheesy. There was a few good one liners in there that made me laugh along the way. In my opinion, this book can appeal to a variety of readers. The book is left with the opportunity for there to be a sequel or even a series with Ruby and Cordy. I’d happily read more from this author. I’d recommend this book to others. It is on the longer side though. This book is a really good option if you want a light-hearted, easy to read mystery. This is also a good book to read in between heavier or darker thrillers.


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Ruby Young's Boston apartment comes completely furnished including having the ghost of the previous tenant still present. Cordelia Graves allegedly killed herself one night in her bath tub and was not found until several days later. A sad life for Cordelia, but Ruby is thrilled to feel the ghost's presence. When a neighbor across the hall is murdered outside the building, Cordelia silently urges Ruby to solve the case. A clever, charming novel with two delightful characters and a sweet relationship.

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I loved this book. I couldn’t put it down! I enjoy a good mystery, but the paranormal element really made for an interesting, unique story. I have noticed my favorite books have developed characters and relationships, and I loved the unusual friendship between the two main characters. Super fun book’s

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I really enjoyed reading A New Lease on Death, the first book in a new series by author Olivia Blacke. This supernatural mystery features a crime-solving duo—one alive (Ruby) and one formerly alive ghost (Cordelia).

The odd couple pairing was really great. The two amateur sleuths come from different generations and have distinct personalities, but they work very well together. I liked the darkly funny Cordelia best (some readers will agree with me, but others will no doubt prefer the perkier Ruby, which is what makes odd couples fun).

There is a lot to like about this book. The POV alternates between the two characters, so you get the story from two viewpoints. Each chapter has a mini cliffhanger of sorts that makes you want to read on. The world-building is well done. The author establishes rules and bumpers for the ghost character, which prevent her from being too powerful but also allow her to pull off handy tricks that really help her human partner.

The mystery itself was well done. Clues were carefully included to keep things suspenseful and make the reader bounce from one suspect to another.

The ending was satisfying but also left a dangling thread that will likely be picked up in book two. I did not find the cliffhanger frustrating; it made me want to read the next book.

I would classify this book as a supernatural or paranormal mystery rather than a cozy mystery. There were a few swears (which didn't bother me in the least but may bother those who like a clean cozy) and mentions of topics that are a little more intense than those seen in the average cozy (e.g., suicide, alcohol dependency, depression, etc.). However, the book would appeal to many cozy readers who do not mind (or even like) a little deviation in their cozies.

I would love to get a hardback copy of this book for my bookshelf. The cover is really cool.

I recommend A New Lease on Death by Olivia Blacke to anyone who likes ghost stories, funny books, and mysteries and anyone who enjoys shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural (i.e., shows that combine suspense, humor, and paranormal activity).

Thank you, Minotaur Books, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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A quick read and fun read. I did find the characters and story to feel surface level. However, this was super easy to read.
Thank you Netgalley and Macmillan Publishing for an early copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I guess books about the "undead" just aren't my thing. I did not enjoy this at all. I found it silly and trite.

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Death is only the beginning in Olivia Blacke’s A New Lease on Death, a darkly funny, supernatural mystery that introduces an unlikely crime-solving duo.

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For some reason this title would not show up on my kindle no matter what I do . I tried everything. I also contacted the publisher that sent me the invite for this but there was not much they can do. I contacted NG , they were no help either, so I just leave it at this and "rate" it in the middle

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I was drawn in by the summary of this one, but sadly it just didn't hit for me. The supernatural element just felt too hokey, the characters didn't have enough depth to draw me to them, the writing was drawn out, and the pacing was just too slow.

I can appreciate the quirks of the story and overlook how heavy handed the foreshadowing and "clues" were. I just don't think this is a series that I'll continue.

Overall: 2 stars (It was fine)

**Thank you to NetGalley & St. Martin's Press | Minotaur Books for the free ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.**

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The plot for this book was very clever, but I think the writing and plot could have been stronger! I did appreciate the pace, but felt like the characters lacked a little depth

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Charmingly funny mystery. Surprisingly cozy considering the inclusion of murder and a ghost. A very snarky ghost. Highly enjoyable with a nice twist (but sensible) payoff at the end, with the opportunity for a sequel.

Only complaint was that since the POV switched between two characters, use of first person was occasionally confusing.

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Olivia Blacke's newest book is one of my favorites for the year. I love this new world and the relationship between the main characters. I cannot wait to see more of their interactions. I love how she touches on difficult topics in a productive way.

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3.5 Stars for me
This sounded so promising! The blurb drew me in but sadly the writing did not. I just could not connect with any of the characters or get behind the dark humor. I love dark humor but it wasn't working for me in this one. Maybe I will give it a try if it comes out on audio since some books work better for me that way. Don't get me wrong, the humor was there but I just couldn't connect with it. Overall, this was a decent book and I do plan on a second try if an audio becomes available, it just wasn't what I was expecting once I got into it.

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A New Lease on Life is a fun, fast paced, paranormal, cozy mystery all wrapped into one. Ruby finds herself sleuthing with her ghostly roommate Cordelia to try and solve the mysterious and suspicious death (murder??) of their neighbor. Their shenanigans and banter made me laugh out loud. Everyone they encountered made me suspicious and the twist was great! I had such a great time reading this ARC. Thank you #netgalley for the opportunity to read and review!
I’m looking forward to reading more by this author. I really enjoyed her style of writing!

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Cozy. Interesting. Not really what I was hoping for. Thought it was good. Others might like it more than I did. I was just feeling let down by the story.

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Cozy murder mystery with likeable characters. This may be a little too tame if you are a hard core thriller reader. Perfect way to dip your toes in the "who-done-it" world

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I thank the author, St. Martin's/Minotaur and NetGalley for the opportunity to enjoy this ARC and provide a review.

This was an enjoyable cozy with a supernatural twist. I liked the Boston setting, the two main characters and their developing relationship. Much of the story deal with the challenges of communicating between the living and the dead, with some amusing and creative methods. The pace was quite leisurely, with lots of different threads getting started. One mystery had a gratifying conclusion in this story.

And that's my key issue with this novel. it is setting up for the next installment in the series. It didn't feel like a full meal, if you take my analogy. There's obviously something going on with Cordelia's history and her death, and I'm interested in learning more.

I'll watch for the next stage of this story from Ms. Blacke, and hope for a more satisfying feast of murder and supernatural cooperation.

3 stars.

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What an AWESOME discovery- author AND book! I am so very thankful I stumbled upon this one!

A New Lease on Death was a delight! I highly enjoyed the humor, the characters, the relationships, and how the main characters Cordelia and Ruby interacted with one another.

When I read the description, I had a feeling that this book would be exactly what I was looking for and it did not disappoint! The writing and humor reminded me a little of Cherie Priest's series The Booking Agents, but Olivia Blacke definitely has her own unique style and humor!

I love that Ruby and Cordelia solved Jake's murder, but I REALLY love that the books ends with in a "to be continued..." fashion because I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK! 👏👏👏

Special thanks to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for sharing this digital ARC with me in exchange for my honest review.

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I don't read many ARC's but I received an email asking me to review this one and it sounded like something 1 would really enjoy.
This is a cozy, paranormal mystery that follows a pair of roommates - one who happens to be a ghost! I found the evolution of their relationship to be really fun. Ruby is a 20 year old who needs to get herlife together, and Cordelia is a 40 year old whose life has just ended. One night their neighbor is shot and now they are trying to figure out who may have done it.
This is the first in a new series and I'm interested to see how the second book goes.
Thanks, @netgalley
for the ARC.

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