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This book hooked me in from the first chapter. I loved the character development and how the story progressed.

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Full Speed to a Crash Landing
By Beth Revis

What a fun, short novel. There were some over-the-top moments, but it was so fun I didn’t care. The protagonist is funny and smart. There are things happening in between words as it were and it all comes to a mostly satisfying, but wanting more ending.

Thanks to @netgalley for a copy of this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I'll read pretty much anything Beth writes.

I was obsessed with her Across the Universe series when I was younger! It was the similar, inventive, slightly distressing world-building elements of that book -- the decay of Earth, the idea of long-term space travel into unknown parts of the galaxy, and how humanity would persevere and change -- that I also loved about Full Speed to a Crash Landing.

The characterization and relationship development though felt a bit rushed, but that may just be the downside of doing a novella.

All in all, it was a fun read and I'm already waiting eagerly to find out what's going to happen in the next instalment!

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Me gustaría creer que estoy más o menos al día del mundillo de la ciencia ficción y fantasía, pero no es cierto. Por eso, cuando cogí para leer Full Speed to a Crash Landing lo hice más por la sinopsis y la longitud, que prometían diversión y poco tiempo de compromiso de lectura más que por el nombre de la autora, Beth Revis, que francamente no me sonaba de nada. Me alegro mucho de la labor desempeñada por la publicista que ha conseguido despertar mi atención, porque es un libro con el que me lo he pasado genial y además he descubierto a una autora muy prolífica que probablemente me acompañe en el futuro. Luego ya decidiremos cuántos latigazos recibo por no conocerla, porque está traducida al español, ha publicado libros de Star Wars… vamos, que shame on me.

Full Speed to a Crash Landing está escrita en una divertidísima primera persona que hace que devores sus páginas. La protagonista es Ada Lamarr (admito que con el nombre Revisa no ha estado sutil, lo que se dice sutil) que comienza la aventura a punto de morir por la despresurización de su nave y que acaba siendo rescatada por una tripulación que tiene una importante misión, de la que no quieren hacerla partícipe. ¿He oído narrador no confiable en el fondo de la sala? Pues os felicito, porque es así.

A lo mejor la sutileza no es la principal característica de esta novela, porque sabemos desde un principio que Ada no pasaba por allí de casualidad. Como gran parte del libro, excepto las últimas páginas, está narrada con su voz, sabemos todo lo que pasa por su cabeza y que hay algo que no cuadra del todo. Pero da igual, porque es muy divertido.

Es el comienzo de una trilogía y es una novela corta, por lo que la construcción del mundo no está todo lo trabajada que quizá nos gustaría, pero entiendo que el escenario se irá poblando en las siguientes entregas. También tiene su parte de romance, pero es más sobre la atracción que sienten los personajes entre ellos que lo que se podría considerar una relación más asentada o incipiente.

Full Speed to a Crash Landing me ha parecido una excelente introducción para un mundo en el que quedan muchas cosas por contar.

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This book is a true masterpiece of thrilling plot devices, characters that will tug at your heartstrings, and a story that will addict its readers in like a moth to flame in such a stunning delivery to pack the punch that only this author delivers! A wondrous beginning to the series indeed.

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What a blast! (No space pun intended!) A science-fueled story, an outer space setting and a smart, funny lead make for a fantastic journey as the reader!!

This was my first work of Beth Revis and I am ready for more!

If you’re not a space or science buff, read this anyway. Lead character Ada Lamarr is a blast!

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This is a clever story of a clever con disguised as a space adventure. The characters are authentic and humanly vulnerable.
It grabbed me from start to finish and leaves just enough questions unanswered to not be a patronising read

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This was cute! The fmc was a bit of a Mary Sue though. Typical “fierce, sharp, bantery, flirty” female character archetype I’ve seen many times before. That being said, this was a decent palette cleanser

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I had such a great time with this short and sharp, action-packed space romp.

Full Speed to a Crash Landing is the first in a trilogy of novellas which follows Ada, a looter of spaceships who is 'recruited' by Rian, a government agent, to assist with a dangerous rescue mission.

I loved Ada's gumption, and while I don't know if she was always as funny as she thought she was, I am really curious to see how that plays into her later character development. Rian's character emerged quite gradually, which really served to heighten the suspense and uncertainty, and I loved his footnotes.

The characters of the crew of the Halifax were well developed, especially given the length of the story, and I really enjoyed seeing the little references to Across the Universe. I loved the intensity of the ending, and found it really satisfying, though I'll definitely be hanging out for the next instalment!

Thank you DAW and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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i had a lot of fun with this one! very quick and cute, character and relationship forward rather than atmosphere. which is fine!

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Deep space thriller with secrets, intrigue, and a volcanic newly forming planet as the key villian. Once again we have pretty much destroyed Earth, and are trying to backpedal - tsk tsk, not far from our likely future! Some tense moments, and a few interesting twists ...

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Somehow, in all my years of reading, I never opened a book written by Beth Revis. But I love space opera, and this one was as fun as it sounded! It was a quick and easy read and exactly what I needed.
That being said, I have to admit that I did not manage to fall in love with the characters, nor did I think there was a lot of chemistry between Ada and Rian, sadly.
I will definitely read the next book, though!

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"Full Speed to a Crash Landing" by Beth Revis is a thrilling sci-fi novella that follows Ada Lamarr, a scavenger stranded at a spaceship wreck. Rescued by a government salvage crew led by the intriguing Rian White, Ada finds herself entangled in a game of manipulation as she tries to complete her mission. The story is fast-paced, with twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. While Ada's character may come off as too nonchalant at times, her resourcefulness and wit add depth to her portrayal. The novella's clever use of footnotes provides additional depth to the story and leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment. Overall, "Full Speed to a Crash Landing" is a captivating read that blends sci-fi adventure with romantic tension, sure to appeal to fans of space opera and heist narratives.

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A low 3 stars. Just not as fun as the blurb made it seem, but not a bad time overall. A lot of potential!

I love a space opera with a bit of romance, but this one was very flat and felt lifeless. The concept is great and for a novella, it wasn’t too bad, but I never really cared about the characters or the plot. I was expecting rompy fun in the vein of a Jessie Mihalik book, but sadly, this story never quite got there.

The protagonist gets dangerously close to being annoying, rather than quirky-cute, sometimes. And this story definitely isn’t a “high octane sexy space heist!” It’s not sexy or dangerously heisty in any way, really. There are many elements of this that are conceptually fun, but it came across as slightly half-baked and unfinished.

Also, the writing thought it was funnier than it actually was. I could tell when it was trying to go for a more comedic tone, but it rarely actually succeeded in doing so.

It's entertaining enough for a quick read. But not much more! I probably won’t continue the series.

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I'm sat! I'm strapped in! I love a sneaky, snarky MC and Ada Lamarr ticked those boxes- it was as much fun trying to keep up with what she was doing as it was seeing how the crew reacted to her. Some of the jokes fell a bit flat, but I didn't mind it too much, as it felt fitting for someone trying a bit too hard. I think the crew's personalities were also well-developed for the time spent with them. The worldbuilding was spare as the book was so short, but I think there's a lot we already get from our constant awareness of the climate crisis and how wealth moves.
Rian is obviously also a smartypants, but I didn't get the hype until the footnotes- he was a bit flat before that, even as much as Ada hyped him up. If I could have one wish, it would be to cut the references to Rian's eyes by at least fifty percent- my mental image of him is mostly a pair of eyeballs with the hazy suggestion of a guy around them.
Overall, this is an exciting, laugh-out-loud romp through space with stakes sufficiently high and mysterious to keep you turning the pages. It isn't especially tricky- we know something's up from the get- but it was fun and an absolute breeze to read. I'll go wherever Ada ends up next!

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One of the best books I've read in a while! Always full of action, it made it impossible for me to put the book down!
I loved Ada, her intelligence, and her sense of humor. Through her thoughts, we can see how sharp she is, through all the conclusions she draws about the crew.
Despite everything being planned, I feel that Ada genuinely formed connections with the crew and that it may have cost her a bit to leave everything behind.
Lastly, I couldn't leave out the relationship between her and Rian. From the very first moment, they have chemistry. The way she seduces him is brilliant and funny, and I loved seeing how much he cared for her too. Even after she ran away, he still wants to know who she is and who she works for, trying to figure out if everything they went through was a lie, hence him asking for records about Rose.
I'm super excited for this trilogy and can't wait to see what's next!

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Oh my god I was SO excited to be approved for this ARC on Netgalley! I read Across the Universe by Beth Revis over 10 years ago and it’s been one of my favorite YA series for a long time. It was such a joy to see familiar terms like “Sol-Earth” again, it made my heart happy!

The pacing starts off intense and fun, and while it slows down a bit, it picks back up and the intensity is there once more. I loved the entire journey and the ending just left me in shock haha! I very much enjoyed Ada’s personality from the get-go. She’s smart, witty, and hilarious and almost everything she said had me laughing out loud. I enjoyed her conversations with the other characters and getting to know Rian and a bit more as well.

I believe this is going to be a three part novella series, and can’t wait to read more!

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This book scratches a very specific sci-fi itch that I think people who were bopping around when Firefly was airing can understand. Sassy rebellious protagonist doing daring shit. I do think it pushes that button a little too hard-- some of the witticisms are not that witty (but everyone acts like they are) and the protag can be way too blase to be believable, but overall I enjoyed it.

Things move much too fast relationally, and while I get this is a novella so there is limited time... like, come on.

The other element that made this a 4 for me was the format choice at the end (no spoilies). I find the trope pretty uninteresting and just a complicated way of telling and not showing.

All that being said, I will definitely read the next installment.

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The story follows Ada Lamarr, a skilled and cunning thief, as she finds herself in a dangerous situation after looting a spaceship wreck. When a government salvage crew rescues her, she sees it as an opportunity to steal from them. However, things become complicated when Rian White, the government agent in charge, starts to suspect that Ada is not who she seems. Revis has created a fascinating world in this story, filled with spaceships, advanced technology, and government secrets. The descriptions are vivid and the world-building is impressive, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in the story. The characters are also well-developed, with Ada being a strong and independent heroine. She is not afraid to take risks and is always one step ahead of her enemies. Rian, on the other hand, is a complex character who is torn between his duty and his growing feelings for Ada. The chemistry between Ada and Rian is electric, and their banter is entertaining. Revis does an excellent job of building their relationship, adding just the right amount of romantic tension without overshadowing the main plot. The dynamic between Ada and the rest of the crew is also enjoyable, with each character bringing something unique to the story. This was a phenomenal read that combines elements of science fiction, romance, and action. I highly recommend this book to fans of space heists and romantic tension.

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Full Speed to a Crash Landing by Beth Revis
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Full Speed to a Crash Landing is a novella that was packed with action and banter right from the get-go.

We meet Ada Lamarr, a smart and almost snarky to a point, scavenger, and, Rian White, a handsome and secretive goverment officer, who are both on the hunt for the same item onboard a ship that had crashed into nearby planet.

This novella, in my opinion, was well written and allowed the reader to be able to enjoy it without investing too many brain cells in doing so. I would have liked it to be a bit longer so that we could have a bit more knowledge and insight into the characters and the worlds, especially more about what has happened to earth, etc.

I understand this novella is the first in a series of books coming up and is just the intro to the series, so there will be more to looked forward to in the future.

Thank yo so much to DAW and NetGalley for the ebook in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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