Member Reviews

I honestly enjoyed this book. I think the plot by itself wasn't terribly unique, but it set the stage for a lot of interesting possibilities. Unfortunately for me, and this review that's where the book ends. Literally the book is just not long enough. It feels less like a novella and more like a .5 in numerical order in a bigger series. I had high hopes, but I'm not sure I understand why this story ended where it did.

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FULL SPEED TO A CRASH LANDING is another excellent installment in the genre of sci-fi for those of us who don’t understand physics and just nod through all the gravity mumble jumbo to get to the relationships, mystery, and action. This started a bit slow but the last third certainly piqued my interest. Excited for the next!

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Genre: sci-fi romance

Ada Lamarr is a space looter, but she’s on her last gasps of oxygen and beaming distress signals to anyone who might save her. Once safely on board her rescuers’ ship, she’ll do anything to ingratiate herself to the crew who saved her, but especially the gorgeous government agent in charge, Rian White.

I had a great time reading Full Speed to a Crash Landing. I'd read a Beth Revis book many years ago and was lukewarm on it, but when @Plottrysts couldn’t stop raving about this one, I listened, and this book paid off. It's a really fun setup novella, building groundwork for a new series. Ada is snarky and unrepentant, making for a very fun POV who hit the spot. I love a heist, I love a romantic arc, and I love when that all clicks in a SF setting.

I enjoyed this ARC so much that I immediately requested the second in the series. There’s just something outstanding about a fun, sexy space heist novella with a tone like this.

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Thank you SO MUCH to DAW and NetGalley for letting me ARC read this book!!!

What a ride! this book may be short but its PACKED with action and a really intriguing plot. Characters are on pint, they don't need a lot of development because they are personality plus. I've been a fan of Revis since Across the Universe and I am really loving this adult romance/sci fi/heist book mashup she gave us here. Her world building and plot twits are ELITE. I highly recommend taking a little time and reading this book. You will not regret it.

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This is quite a short book, and it is also fast-paced, so it took me no time at all to devour it, but it packs quite a lot for such a short amount of pages. It is also quite gripping, so once you start it, it will become hard to put it down.

Ada, our MC, is funny, quirky, and a pleasure to be around. And Rian is the perfect counterpoint to her. I enjoyed watching these two circling each other because it is clear that both of them are hiding something, and both of them are also smart and good at their job (you just don’t know what their job is, but that’s not the point here). We also have secondary characters, and I enjoyed them, to be honest, I would have liked to know more about them, and to see more of them around, but since this is a pretty short story, it wasn’t possible. I get that, and I am not really complaining, but I would have enjoyed to spend more time in their company.

And then there is the “mystery”. You know that something is happening beyond what you see, you know that there is an angle here, or two, but you don’t know what it is and all you can do is follow along, with this constant itch to scratch, because you need to know what is happening, what the angle is here, and so you keep reading, turning page after page.
But that’s not all. When the story ends we get some reports, and they are gold, because they made me want to keep going! I was curious to see what would happen next, obviously, but the reports at the end are what made me really itch to keep going!
Lucky for us, the second book should be coming out in the Fall (and luckier for me, I have an ARD for that one!! Yay!! So I am trying my best to wait a bit before reading it since it is a tad earlier, but I don’t know how much I would resist, because the need to see what will happen next is strong!)

If you want to take a break from a more demanding read, and are interested in a witty heroine, a space heist, some romantic tension, and a fast read that would captivate you, well… search no more, this is the perfect book for you!

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Thank you so much to DAW and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

This. was. so. much. fun.

The perfect mix of a great FMC that's smart, sneeky, charming, sarcastic and funny in a story that's fast paced and a delight to follow along.

Consider me a fan of yours Beth Revis, this book was awesome (and that dedication is too tier.)

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Ada Lamarr, a space scavenger with a very big (some might say gaping) problem and very little oxygen is (reluctantly) rescued by the crew of the Halifax in this highly anticipated space Heist. With witty banter, carefully paced reveals, and an astonishing amount of world building for such a small worl, this novella will steal (perhaps loot) hearts and thrill minds.

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Ada Lamarr has a hole in the side of her salvage ship and only a few minutes remaining in her oxygen tank. When the crew of the Halifax -- a government issue ship -- finally deigns to answer her distress signal and rescue her, she cannot believe her luck. They have much better food on their ship, and a man in charge with just the dreamiest eyes.

Since Ada was in the process of scavenging the same ship they are here to loot, she manages to convince the crew to take her back down to the planet to recover the precious cargo they are seeking. Ada has been at this game long enough to know that this crew isn't telling her everything. But hopefully they won't figure out she isn't telling everything either.

I'm a sucker for a space heist, and this novella delivered for me. I mean, a feisty female protagonist named in honor of Hedy Lamarr and Ada Lovelace? Swoon. The banter between Ada and Rian reminded me of Connie Willis at her peak. I am so excited for the next book in this trilogy!

This review will be posted to Goodreads on August 1, 2024 and Instagram (@goodquietkitty) on August 2, 2024.

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This fast-paced novella is packed with action and excitement. Ada Lamarr, a lone scavenger running out of air, is rescued by Rian White and his crew on the Halifax. The world-building is unique, with Earth dying and humans colonizing other planets. Ada’s charm and cleverness quickly win over the crew, but she has her own secret mission. The banter and growing chemistry between Ada and Rian add a fun twist to the story. Ada’s love for Earth food and her playful personality bring humor to the plot.

The characters are well written and very relatable, making them come alive, especially Ada’s adventurous spirit. The story is filled with high-stakes twists and turns, keeping me on the edge of my seat. The cliffhanger ending left me eager for the next book. If you love space adventures, intriguing characters, and a bit of romance, then this book is a must read!

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I'm quite furious with myself at this point because I did not know that this was a series, AND THAT ENDING. Oh my goodness, I've never read a science fiction story, but this heist, misfit-cast, sci-fi, suspense mashup was one of the best, most hilarious, most thrilling sci-fi books I've ever read and I'm clamoring for the next one already. Revis did an incredible job with Ada and Rian's characters, keeping me just the right amount suspicious of both of them while still making me fall in love with both and wanting to see the best for them. Competing jobs and keeping secrets, as a reader, you never know what's going to happen next, and then when I was hit with that ending, my entire thoughts about everyone was rocked. CANNOT WAIT for more!

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I had heard Beth Revis books were good, but I have found that she is still going strong and is up my alley. Full Speed to a Crash Landing was a fun, fast reading with an independent, intelligent smart aleck…in space! Our heroine Ada has an emergency with her ship while traveling alone and is dependent upon another space ship of unknowns to rescue her. The incident leads her to make herself valuable to them in order to get a ride. As the first of a trio of novellas, it is full of action and banter, with a bit of attraction. Author Revis peppers in some background of the situation but it is very sparse with it, making the readers feel like we don’t know all of Ada’s intentions. The ending is unexpected and makes me excited for the next installment. Full Speed to a Crash Landing has the wit of John Scalzi with the brevity of Murderbot. A great way to take in part of a space opera. Thank you to Netgalley for giving me a chance to read this novella in return for my honest opinion.

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Full Speed to a Crash Landing is the first of 3 in a Sci-Fi novella trilogy.

I really liked the premise of this story, it sounded interesting and being so short in pages, I knew it would progress quickly.

Overall, it’s an okay read. At times it felt a bit muddled, and I’m hoping my questions are answered more in book 2 which I also have the ARC for. I did feel Ada was a little too full on at first but was confident and self assured which I liked. I really liked Rian and am looking forward to seeing more of his story. There was so good banter, not much romance.

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A fun and snarky sci-fi space adventure with a touch of budding romance. Full Speed to a Crash Landing is the first in the Chaotic Orbits series of novellas following Ada Lamarr, our unreliable narrator and lone scavenger with a chip on her shoulder and a love of food and jetpacks. There's an intriguing political/environmental mystery that kept me turning pages and asking, just what is Ada's deal? What's her story? What past pain is she covering up with humor and cheek? Ada is literally the biggest pain in the ass for the crew of the Halifax, but of course, we (readers) and the cute, smart, and mysterious Rian can't help but fall for her.

Beth Revis packs a ton of fun and serious commentary into less than 200 pages, making Full Speed a sweet and punchy morsel of sci-fi deliciousness. Come for the snark and Ada gushing about her cool jetpack and custom spacesuit, stay for the moving commentary on overpopulation, climate change, and space colonization.

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We enjoyed the hell out of this sci-fi romance/heist novella! It's short, it's sweet, and it's super fun.

Ada is rescued after her space ship suffers a hull breach. Turns out the people who rescued her are on a top secret mission to salvage ... SOMETHING ... from the surface of a nearby planet. She invites herself along to help them out, totally altruistically, obvs (and, well, for some hazard pay, too).

There's plenty of snarky banter, insta-lust that doesn't go too far (this is a novella, y'all!), and a tight plot that resolves at the very end like the best heist stories do. It's told in first person, present tense like a lot of sci-fi romance seem to be these days (a la Jessie Mihalik and Constance Fay), but partially because this is such a short book that didn't grate. Honestly, Ada's snarky internal dialogue reminded us a lot of The Murderbot Diaries, which is a real treat. (You've gotta love a self-aware, caustic MC.) There's also a really great epilogue from the POV of Rian (the LO), which really added to the romance. (One of the things we miss in so much sci-fi romance is the MMC's perspective, and it was great to have it here!)

Absolutely loved this and cannot wait for the next two planned books in the trilogy!

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.

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This was such a fun and light read, I just adored it. I loved the characters, the heist, the snappy banter and the start to a romance I can definitely get behind. This is a great start to what I am sure will be a fantastic little trilogy.

The story is told through Ada’s point of view and I just loved her. She is sassy and fun and can really work a room. Her opening scene was a heartstopper and she just kept hurtling through the story without letting up. The heist she planned was so well done that I was just as flabbergasted as the crew of the Halifax was. She was so smooth about it. I also adored how much she loved the food on board the ship. It sounded pretty disgusting to me, but she ate it like it was the best meal she ever had. She was just a great character.

The whole crew of the Halifax were great, and I look forward to maybe getting to know some of them better in the next couple of books. Not sure they will all be back but I certainly hope so. I really liked Rian White, who is the loved interest of Ada. He was a perfect fit for her, even when he was always one step behind her. Can’t wait to see more sparks fly between these two.

Even though this is a novella, there was a lot going on. Not only the heist, but there is something brewing that may not be altogether gosher with the government. I am excited to learn more about that as the story progresses. The pacing was perfect, fast but with some slower scenes to let you catch your breath. There are hints about what Ada is up to if you pay close attention, but I think it might be more fun to just go along for the ride and be as surprised as everyone else.

The next book doesn’t come out until December, but I just might have to read it sooner. There is a bit of a cliffhanger at the end. No announcement as to when the third book is coming out but it can’t come soon enough to satisfy me. If you enjoy fast paced space heist with likable characters and a little steamy side romance, this is a book I highly recommend you get on your radar.

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I dont understnad hte length and structuring of these books. They feel like unfinished ful ficiton novels much more than novellas, but not fully. developed to stand on their own. However, fast read, enjoyed it and enjoyed the second in the series even more!

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I really enjoyed this sci-fi novel - it was short and super engaging, and I like the twists and turns at the end. I'll definitely be reading the next one right away! I listened to the audiobook and I LOVED it, I highly recommend it since the main character is snarky and witty and the narrator did an excellent job.

🌈Queer rep: secondary nonbinary character

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Full Speed to a Crash Landing is a fun sci-fi romance and heist story! I am fully invested in this story and I love these characters! Ada is a badass and I love the chemistry between her and Rian. The world-building is fantastic and feels lived in. So much witty banter! I loved it! I can’t wait to read the next book!

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I enjoyed this fast-paced space heist story. I liked the characters and would have liked more time spent on getting to know them.

This is the sort of story where its very clear that the main character is hiding something from everyone (including the reader) but it isn't revealed until the end. This hiding and reveal felt a little clunky to me and I think I would have liked it better if it hadn't been so very clear how much Ada was keeping from everyone.

I liked how we get the addition of Rian's POV at the end, via incident reports, as he realizes what has happened.

The audiobook narrators were good. They did a good job bringing the characters to life and making them feel like real people. I enjoyed the experience of listening to it.

I definitely feel like there is more to explore with these characters and this universe and I look forward to continuing with the next installment of the story.

*Thanks to DAW and Dreamscape Lore for providing an early copy for review.

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Thank for this ARC! What a fun beginning to an easy-to-read sci-FI book. This would also be a great book for someone who is looking to dip their toes into the sci-FI genre.

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