Member Reviews

An incredible, action packed short novel that I still think about weeks after finishing it.
Full Speed to a crash landing is this kind of books where you get to meet chaotic people in space, except that, this time, you get to be fooled by them. And, you are going to love.

When it comes to the story, I got hooked right away. First chapter. First line. We are thrown directly into the story, and it's so fast and so action packed that you barely have a second to catch your breath - and this is how I like my sci-fi. Without getting lost in complicated details or long descriptions, the author builds a comprehensible story in a truly amazing lore. It is climate fiction as much as it is Sci-fi, and the way it was brought up just made sense. I think it is truly the proof of an amazing talent when you can pack so much in such a short story and still make it make sense. There is no information overload, just pure bliss all along the way.

The main character, Ada Lamarr (my theory was that it was Ada Lovelace + Hedy Lamarr combined and it was confirmed in the notes of the author so now Beth Revis shall be an auto buy for this single, amazing fact) is incredible. You won't know her next move. You won't know her completely. Not until the end, and even then, you'll have questions. And that's great. Because why not stay a mystery to us if she is going to be a mystery for everyone else? It gave me the impression to be a character on the crew, trying to pull her mask away and understand just exactly who she was. I didn't succeed. And I loved every second of it. There is nothing like an author who knows how to surprise.

I will be awaiting the next books in this series with great impatience.

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I was gifted an earc of this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
What a ride!! I fell in love with Beth Revis’ writing with her Star Wars book the Princess and the Scoundel, and this book did not disappoint!! Rein is a by the book crew member looking for a prototype that will help save Earth, ADA is our Han Solo of the book and you never really know what she is up too until the end! The side characters were great and I can’t read to read more in the next book!

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I received an advanced copy for review. This is my own (enthusiastic) opinion.

What a fun space romp! It’s giving Firefly without the misogyny and YES. YES. More of this please! It’s like Ocean’s 8 in space but with a single woman. Which is probably an odd comparison, but still. You get the vibe.

I’ve been really missing *fun* space fiction lately, and this really hit that spot.

Thanks to Netgalley? Beth Revis, and Daw for the ARC!

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This author has never let me down and I enjoyed this one as well. I’ liked the space and sci-fi aspects of it. It kept me engaged, and I actually learned quite a lot.

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This novella was an absolute delight. It’s action-packed and fast-paced, and the shorter length was perfect for this story. Ada is a clever heroine, and I greatly enjoyed the twists and turns. Definitely looking forward to the rest of this series!

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ada lamarr is a scavenger that finds herself needing rescue during a job, and winds up helping the ship halifax's crew that rescues her find an important piece of cargo on the crash site she was scavenging. the alluring government agent, rian white, doesn't trust her, but takes her help and realizes she is more than she seems. set against the backdrop of vast open space and an unstable, primordial lava planet, ada finds that it isn't so easy juggling a hot man, espionage, and the endless abyss of space. (except, for her, it is.)

this was such a fun, well-paced, entertaining space opera. it's going to be a trilogy of short book (<200 pages) and it honestly feels like the perfect length. full of sharp wit, banter, and cleverness, if i wasn't sticking around for the plot, i was sticking around for the characters. ada is so chaotic in such a fun way, and really carries the whole thing. i can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy.

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Beth Revis' Full Speed to a Crash Landing is the first novella in a 3-part trilogy called Chaotic Orbits. There are two main characters in Ada Lamarr, and Rian White. Ada is a lone scavenger, mostly scouring space and planets for random ghost ships or wreckage to salvage anything that might be valuable for resale on her ship, Glory. Rian is a government agent who, although he's not captain of the ship, has control over the current salvage mission to a planet where a ship has crashed with important technology onboard.

Ada may have gotten to the spaceship UGS Roundabout wreck first, but looter’s rights won’t get her far when she’s got a hole in the side of her ship and her spacesuit is almost out of air thanks to an explosion. Fortunately for her, help arrives in the form of a government salvage crew named Halifax—and while they reluctantly rescue her from certain death, they, mostly Captain Ursula Io, is not pleased to have an unexpected passenger along on their classified mission.

But Ada doesn’t care, all that matters to her is enjoying their fine food and sweet oxygen since she claims she hasn't been on solid group in months. Until Rian starts to suspect that there’s more to Ada than meets the eye. He’s not wrong. Rian is desperate to find an important piece of intel from the very ruined spacecraft Ada has found. Ada is perfectly happy to keep him paying attention to her, at least until she can complete the job she was sent to pull off by her employer who we do not know at this moment.

There are all those little hints along the way thanks to the story being told in the first person narrative of there being more going on as well as the mystery surrounding this super important item they're retrieving. And if you really want to know more about who both Ada and Rian are, you need to read not only the final chapter, but past the authors acknowledgments which she appears to have written this book because some really made her lose her mind. It is apparent that the author intends to write 3 short novellas and call them a trilogy.

Note: Because these are novella's don't be shocked when you learn that there will likely be twisted cliffhanger endings. These ending pretty much ensure that if you liked the first novella, you will continue reading until the finale. If you like a snarky, sarcastic FMC, and a MMC who not has an axe to grind with said female, then you will enjoy this book.

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Brilliant and fast-paced, I am so ready to devour the rest of this series. I may be a tad biased (I'm one of the publicists working on this title) but I was delighted by this heist novella. If you like space, slow burn romances and characters who definitely deserve to be together but are too busy being at odds--pick up this book!

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I feel like the book could have stood on its own as a sci-fi adventure, as I didn't feel much chemistry between Ada and Rian. When I got to the end of the book, though, I wanted to read book two just to see who Ada was working for.

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Thank you to Netgalley and DAW for this e-ARC.

I adored this novella! It was action packed right away and perfectly paced all throughout the ~190 pages. It was hinted at from the beginning that things were not as they seemed, but I truly did not predict what actually happened. The characters really popped within such a short period. Ada had me laughing out loud at her banter with the crew. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Rian moving forward.

I remember reading an ARC for Beth Revis's first novel back in 2010/2011 and really enjoying it. I haven't read anything else by her since her first trilogy ended, but I'm very happy I was able to read this. It was just enjoyable all the way through. No complaints. I can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy.

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Love a short and intriguing sci fi. I'm definitely invested in the story this novella told. I am very excited to learn Ada's secrets and goals, as well as see how Rian handles it

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This book is a fun and fast-read. The main character, Ada, is a mystery and a full of sass and moxie. I enjoyed her narrative, and it's a novella where you want to re-read and see what you missed. My only complaint was that I wish this book was dual POV, with Rian. However, the footnotes and epistolary ending makes up for it. The chemistry between Ada and Rian is a spark, and I'd love to see it grow.

The world Beth Ravis unravels seems simple at first, but get's more complex. I can't wait to read the whole trilogy.

Thank you, DAW, for the ARC.

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This was a fun novella! Had me laughing out loud a few times. Intriguing start to a series, I really liked the main character and was bamboozled by the heist. Loved the ending and look forward to the next book! I could have done without the romance and still enjoyed it just as much.

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Thank you to NetGalley and DAW for sending me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

If I didn't know there would be a sequel (after searching about it), my rating would be lower. I'm giving it an opportunity because the story probably will develop more in the next 2 novellas.

Full Speed to a Crash isn't a romance by any means, I think it was wrongly identified as it. There's only a kiss during the whole book, too spontaneous, without any reason neither chemistry so I was a bit disappointed by it. I understand it is Sci fi, maybe romance in the next two novellas, but not this one, for sure!

I liked the characters and the topic along the book itself, it wasn't bad to the point I wanted to give up on it. I was really interested on how everything was going to happen, but it is too short of a book.

I think the three novellas could have been put all in one, the world building would be way better as well as the characters itself. These were missing right in the first book. The author was trying to do too many things at the same time but it seems they only wanted to reach X pages and nothing more so they started to cut on important information and it didn't end up well.

Still, it might be just my first impression. I've read it in just one sitting and the ending was quite good for me to get even more curious and read the second novella (which I'm about to request to read, so let's see)! Hopefully it gets better!

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Thank you DAW, Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for the advance reading copy. I enjoyed this female lead science fiction novella. The dual POV highlighted two very good narrators. The pace of this novella was perfect to keep the reader engaged

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I fell in love with this novella from the title. Did someone know that my kryptonite would be space heists, secrets, and swoons? Full Speed to a Crash Landing was constantly surprising me and never more than at the end. This was a roller coaster from start to finish. I loved Ada, her banter, her cleverness, and her recklessness. She's my hero. And Full Speed to a Crash Landing, while being the first of a series and a shorter book, packs a punch. It feels fully encapsulated, like a mini episode of a series.

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Thanks to Netgalley and DAW for an e-arc of Full Speed to a Crash Landing.

Look I’m a sucker for a certain type of sci-fi and this was such a good time! This novella is short, but it's packed with a lot of good things.

Ada Lamarr is a looter/scavenger and has reached a crash site first - looters rights are in play. However things start going terribly wrong because her ship has some damage and her air tank is running low. She sent out a beacon to a nearby ship, but they are taking their sweet time getting to her. Oh and also they are here for the crash site. Luckily they do help her in the knick of time, but can anyone trust anyone else here?

I just finished this and I already want to read this again to catch things I missed, because there are LAYERS and I was eating it up! I had a question right at the beginning and was wondering why no characters were asking it, but the question finally came into play at the very end. Not everything is answered, but it is a trilogy and I’m ok with getting answers later. I absolutely loved how this played out!

I am so ready for the next one and luckily I already have the arc for that as well.

If you like sci-fi with heists, some romantic tension, and things to keep you guessing; than you are definitely going to want to pick this up.

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This was an awesome adventure! This is my first book by this author, so I'm not sure if I'm missing some set up for the state of the world, worlds, and galaxy at large. Even with that, I had no problem following along on this fun space heist.
Ada is an awesome protagonist with tons of secrets, ooh the reveal at the end was great and Reigns discovery of what really happened...! Reign was a good love interest although it really wasn't the focus of the story, I think Ada poses a challenge for him and if we get to see they relationship to develop in future books, it will be fireworks!
I breezed through this novel in one morning, very easy read and the flow was great. The side focus on food really touched my love language... peaches!
Thanks so much to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for providing this read in exchange for my honest review.

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“Full Speed to a Crash Landing” was such a fun journey, and reminded me why I like novellas so much.

The story was fast paced from start to finish and balanced being a great sci-fi heist book with including compelling characters and themes around different approaches to bringing about effective change, all in less than 200 pages.

I loved the depth to the book and how each character’s unique perspective reflected the themes within. I also loved seeing the full scope of the story unravel as all the pieces came together for Ada, who effectively dupes both the readers and Rian while remaining wholly honest in both her narration and dialogue.

While I love the inclusion of the romance sub-plot, for most of the book I didn’t feel the heat from it in the way that I wanted to. I didn’t really think that Rian and Ada had all that much chemistry other than being too attractive people with limited options. However, after the ending of the book I’m hooked. I wonder if this first novella in the planned trilogy will almost act as a prequel to their romance. Reluctant allies to enemies to lovers? Sign me up.

I cannot wait to see what is in store for the rest of this trilogy. (Hi DAW please accept my NetGalley request for the next one, I’m impatient)

4 stars

Thank you NetGalley and DAW for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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This novella. 😍
I read Beth Revis’ Across the Universe series years ago and loved it. So, finding out she wrote another sci-fi series was so exciting.
I knew I needed to read it ASAP, and it did not disappoint.
This was such a fun and fast-paced story, full of action, drama and a little bit of romance.
I absolutely loved Ada as our FMC, she was so fun and resilient.
And I enjoyed her banter with Rian.
I cannot wait to see where this story goes next!

Highly recommend if you are looking for a fun space romp.

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