Member Reviews

I will forever and always be a Beth Revis fan! She is one of my all time autobuy authors. Throughout this entire book I kept telling myself “Trust no one.” But I still found myself rooting for Ada and Rian. There were so many times that I had to stop and ask myself “Why is Ada being so weird?” Or “That’s an odd thing to say.” All in all this book kept me on my toes until the very last page (literally, I kept trying to refresh the page on my kindle, hoping for more). I would recommend this book to my friends and family if they are looking for a slow burn, YA, sci-fi, mystery with a hint of romance.

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A fun sexy space adventure short story for grownups by one of my favorite YA authors! I love Beth Revis' work, ever since Across the Universe, and this hearkens back to that one--only a little spicier for adults (and mature teens). I love the main character, she's savvy, funny, and strong. "Oceans 11 in Space" would also be a good tagline for this story about a thief in space. Can't wait to read part two!

I read a digital advance copy from NetGalley in exchange for my review.

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This was such a fun sci-fi novella, with a bit of mystery, a healthy dose of adventure, and a touch of romance. I especially loved the banter, and if you pay attention, you’ll notice a few Easter eggs from real-world history and Revis’s earlier works. If anything, I wish the story had been longer, and I’m definitely looking forward to the sequel!

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This was a fun, fast-paced space adventure. Ada Lamarr, the witty and daring heroine, immediately draws you in. The chemistry between Ada and Rian White adds a nice touch of romance without overshadowing the action. Revis's world-building is vivid yet concise, making the futuristic setting easy to dive into. Though the ending leaves some questions, it sets up the next book in the trilogy nicely. Overall, it’s an engaging read for sci-fi fans looking for humor, romance, and adventure. Can't wait for the next one!

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This is a lively, fun space opera with some interesting worldbuilding and nice plot twists. The opening reminded me a bit of Andy Weir, and the snappy banter of John Scalzi, but the main character is all Ravis's own. The ending is a little obscure, but this is the first book in a trilogy, so maybe my questions will be answered later. Recommended.

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"Full Speed to a Crash Landing" by Beth Revis is a fast-paced science fiction adventure that draws readers in from the start. Revis’s storytelling keeps the pages turning, as space looter Ada Lamarr navigates an salvage mission filled with both peril and romance.
At the core of the novel is the captivating push-and-pull between Ada and her love interest and adversary Rian White. Their conflicting goals and undeniable attraction create a compelling dynamic.
Revis’s descriptive yet economical prose paints a vivid picture of the characters' world without getting bogged down in excessive world-building. Readers discover the details of this suture space-faring society, with its conflicts among the different Earths and their political factions, in organic, bite-sized reveals that never feel like info-dumps. The overall mood is one of lighthearted fun, even when Ada is crawling up a rocky slope with a deadly lava river below her. Revis blends the high-stakes thrills of a space-based heist with a dollop of romantic tension.
My only criticism is that the final chapter composed of memos between Rian White and other members of the intergalactic bureaucracy didn’t add anything new. Ada had already explained everything, and the memos seemed unnecessarily redundant.
Fans of plot-driven science fiction laced with action and romance will likely enjoy "Full Speed." Revis has crafted an engaging novel that leaves readers interested in the next installment of this promising new series. This is my first time reading Beth Revis book, but it won’t be the last.

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This was short, fun, and delightful. Ada, the main character, is clearly more than she seems and I hope we get the chance to find out what happens to her next.

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I've seen this author around the place, but I think this is the first time I've ever picked up a novel by her and gosh I'm glad this is the one I did. It had me guessing till almost right up to the very end of the novella!

Ada is our first person PoV character who we find almost out of oxygen and all but ejected from her ship that has a big gaping hole in it when the rescue comes for her. Her smartassness right out of the gate really makes her approachable even in the midst of her worrying that death is going to come before rescue.

Once on the government salvage ship Roundabout has her on board, it comes up that the reason she was not rescued sooner was that there was an internal struggle about whether she was actually in danger or whether she was a trap.

It's pretty clear from early on that Ada is not merely the space looter that she seems, but she holds everything so close to the chest that one needs to simply keep turning pages in the hopes that more will reveal itself. In the meantime, her attraction to Rian White, the person behind this whole expedition, if not the captain of the ship, increasingly makes it harder for Ada to push through with the plan (what plan? We don't yet know!) that she came on board to achieve.

What is clear throughout is that this planet of Earth is basically collapsing under the weight of strain, pollution, waste, etc, and there seems to be a question from other Earth colonies out there in the various solar systems as to whether it is financially worth it to keep the original Earth from imploding. The other alternative, of course, being that a mass exodus of billions of people to other planets needs to be considered.

Honestly, I didn't know until starting to write up this review that this is the first story in a new trilogy but, honestly, it could have stood up on its own and I would have been happy with it as a standalone. Loved it, but also now really happy we get to see more in this world.

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Ada Lamarr was a really cool fmc, for sure she had her own charm and wit, and I could love to learn more about her, and I could say the same about Rian.

They're quite a good match, but the romance in this book is very light.

It's embarassing how I didn't understand what would happen when its written on the blurb, and with Ada being the narrator you know something will happen, she's not trustworthy, she won't stay with the crew for long. But for some reason I was stubborn and thought something else was going to happen.

Personally I would also have liked to learn more about the world building in itself, having several different earths is a nice concept.

Overall I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the rest of the trilogy, that cliffhanger was criminal.

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4.5/5 - This totally hooked me in. It was a quick, fun read that I didn’t want to put down & literally made my mouth drop as I kept reading.

The banter between Ada and Rian sometimes seemed to be a bit too much for me, like it was a little forced at times, which is why this wasn’t a full 5 stars. Also because it did feel a little rushed towards the end (but wow, did I love the end) however knowing this is book 1 of a trilogy, that is understandable. But overall the banter is really fun and often very cute as well.

I will absolutely be continuing with this series, and hope to see more of the crew of the Halifax, because I really liked them. I love when a book has strong side characters in addition to well developed main characters, and this didn’t disappoint.

Thank you to the publisher & NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book! I voluntarily read this book, and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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From the get-go, I was captivated by Ada Lamarr, a gutsy salvager facing a life-or-death situation as her spaceship’s hull is breached, leaving her stranded with dwindling oxygen. But fear not, because enter Rian, the swoon-worthy scientist leading his own salvage mission to recover something from a crashed ship. Cue sparks flying and secrets swirling as Ada and Rian embark on a heart-pounding adventure in space.
What I loved most about this book was its perfect blend of action, suspense, and just a sprinkle of romance. Ada is the kind of protagonist I adore - fiercely independent, quick-witted, and with a heart of gold. And Rian? Well, let’s just say he’s the strong, silent type with a magnetic charm that’s impossible to resist.

But what really sets the story apart for me is Beth Revis’s masterful storytelling. Her writing is as sharp as a laser beam, propelling you through the story at warp speed while still leaving you breathless for more. And with this being just the first book in a series, I’m already counting down the days until I can dive back into this mesmerising universe.

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"Full Speed to a Crash Landing" by Beth Revis delivers a high-octane adventure filled with sexy space heists and irresistible romantic tension.

Ada Lamarr finds herself in a precarious situation when she stumbles upon a spaceship wreck, only to realise her own ship is damaged and her air supply is dwindling. Just when all hope seems lost, a government salvage crew comes to her rescue, albeit begrudgingly. As Ada tags along on their classified mission, she becomes entangled with Rian White, the government agent in charge, whose suspicions about her intentions grow with each passing moment.

Revis masterfully blends action, romance, and intrigue in this exhilarating novella. Ada is a compelling protagonist whose wit and resourcefulness make her a force to be reckoned with, while Rian adds a layer of complexity with his charm and determination. As the story unfolds, readers are treated to a rollercoaster of twists and turns, keeping them on the edge of their seats until the very end.

"Full Speed to a Crash Landing" is a phenomenally fun read that sets the stage for an exciting trilogy. Revis introduces a cast of dynamic characters and a gripping plot that promises even more thrilling adventures to come. If you're a fan of space opera and heist stories with a dash of romance, this novella is sure to leave you eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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I love sci-fi romance, and this novella might be a good entry point for newbies to the genre. I’m curious to see where the story goes after this.

However, while novellas are short, this one in particular is rushed. There’s not meat on the bones. The ending is abrupt. The novella feels more like a prequel to a book series after the fact, rather than something that could stand on its own.

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This book is a fun romp. The "sexy space heist" tagline and cover art had me expecting more romance, and what I got was more like a Kristen Wiig SNL skit making bedroom eyes at everyone around her while ignoring the fact that she very much almost died, but that worked for me. The story has a divide in tone between the first a second halves, starting off quirky and cute (if not what I'd consider romantic), with a second half more focused on some emotional character development and plot twists galore. Like a lot of this book's qualities, the ending is either going to be frustrating for folks, or leave you excited for the rest of the trilogy to be out already.

My enjoyment of the story is higher than my star rating because I don't expect much to stick with me aside from having a good time reading it. I am definitely excited to pick up the next books in this novella trilogy when they are announced, and think the arc of the trilogy has potential to make it greater than the sum of its individual entries.

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📣 fans of Ilona Andrews, check this one out!

Thanks to the publisher & Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.

📖 what would you run Full Speed to right now?

Give me all of the smirking, smart, swaggering female badasses, especially when they’re navigating treacherous situations & coming out on top.

Beth Revis’s novella Full Speed to a Crash Landing offers that with heroine Ada, a space looter who has to be rescued by a fellow ship at the beginning of the book.

On the ship is Rian White, an intriguing person Ada loves to play with & vice versa. They’re both masters at figuring out things out / thinking & acting on the fly, but only one of them can win & our protagonist Ada doesn’t reveal all of her cards to the reader, too.

FSTACL captivated me from beginning to end, concluding with a cliffie that makes me wonder what could happen in book 2. This sci fi nugget does have romantic elements but it’s not a romance, another reason I’m crossing my fingers regarding the follow-up.

I super enjoyed my time with this one & recommend it to any Ilona Andrews fan—Ada gives me some of that sweet Kate Daniels energy.

5 ⭐️. Out 08/06.

CWs: dangerous situations, reference to death.

[ID: Jess is wearing a white floral dress & holds the ebook in a field.]

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I really like Ada as the main character — she fits well in the story and I love that she's clearly an unreliable narrator. Nonetheless, she's not someone I would like to spend time with in real life. She's greedy, somewhat brags about how great her suit is and honestly, I would find her annoying. Fortunately, she's just a character and I had a great time reading her story.

Although the book is quite short, I think the length is done quite well. It's a proper story that has been given the time it needs, not more, not less. It starts well and keeps its pace. I like how things slowly get revealed and develop until the end — when it will all make sense.

My biggest criticism is the romance. The cover suggests that it's an important part of the plot, but in my opinion, it felt unnecessary — it didn't add anything. Also, I didn't see a good reason why Ada would be attracted to the guy. I know some people love the whole enemies-to-lovers trope where the male love interest is a broody man and she's somehow still attracted to him, but I generally don't like it and this was not the exception.

Thank you NetGalley and DAW for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I'm really excited about novellas becoming more common in sci-fi fiction. There's something so great about trying a story that isn't going to be a huge investment. The thing that really made this story interesting to me was the world--or universe--building of the story. I'm hoping the characters will become fleshed out in the further stories. I'm interested to see where the plot goes. Overall, it was a fun, fast sci-fi adventure.

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This novella overflows with nonstop action, twists and turns, and a bit of flirtation as Ada Lamarr tries to pull off a seriously huge, seriously dangerous heist. I can't wait for the next book!

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I'm familiar with Beth Revis - I loved Across the Universe back when I read it several years ago - so I was really excited to see a new space-related book from her. I really love the concept of Full Speed to a Crash Landing, which gave me major Firefly vibes mixed with Zenon, but unfortunately this fell flat for me.

There's nothing inherently wrong with the story. I think it's very clear what it is and does exactly what it's supposed to. I especially respect that it was written in a female rage-fueled bender (for lack of a better word). But - you can tell that this wasn't a fully fleshed out idea. I know it's a series (though I didn't realize it before I read it), but I think even a book in a series needs SOME sort of conclusion. This was very go on girl, give us nothing! I don't know. It's probably a personal preference, but I don't think a book should end leaving you with more questions than answers, even if it's supposed to be a cliffhanger. There are some series that are really good at doing this (The Lunar Chronicles comes to mind) and it doesn't make you feel like you wasted your time reading something with no ending.

That being said, I do think I'll pick up the sequels from the library if only to feel closure.

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5 star!

It blows my mind how much the author was able to fit into this Novella!

This story is such a roller coaster of emotions in less than 200 pages! Parts of this book had me on the edge of my seat with anxiety, others had me almost in tears, and some had me laughing so hard I actually had tears.

I absolutely love the writing style and how I could actually hear Ada's voice telling the story in my head. I feel like I grew to know every character in a short amount of time because of how well their personalities are written. You come to understand and care for each of them.

There are some secrets thought the story and just when you think you've learned them, the author turns it around and has you completely confused again in the best way! It perfectly sets up and has you begging for the second Novella!

I could not put this book down and I am eagerly waiting for the next addition to this trilogy!
Thank you so much to NetGalley and DAW for sending me an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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