Member Reviews

An interesting and informative book about dinosaurs and the Big Bang. The illustrations are beautiful and grab your attention. The book does include big words and concepts, so it may be better suited for older picture book readers. Overall, a great read!

I received an ecopy of #Dinosaursinspace by Todd Sturgell from #NetGalley. This is a cute book for a child who loves dinosaurs. Some of the dinosaurs are talking to the narrator while the pictures are a draw for the eyes. The book has a glossary and has Dinosaur facts. I recommend this book

This is a cute book that any young dinosaur or space lover will enjoy. A great chance to talk about truth verses fiction.

A humorous look at dinosaurs that starts off serious and quickly brings out young readers laughter. Kids who move dinosaurs will want to read this book over and over.

This was SUCH a fun book, for anyone who loves dinosaurs and a good dose of humor. My boys are 5 and 7 and this was spot on for both of them to enjoy. We will definitely be adding this to our collection.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

ARC Review
Dinosaurs in Space by Todd Sturgell
5/5 ⭐
Thank you to NetGalley @netgalley , Todd Sturgell, and Sourcebooks Kids @sourcebookskids for this e-book in exchange for an honest review.
Do you have a dinosaur loving kiddo at home? Do you want your books to entertain your kids as well as teach them facts? If you answered yes to either or both of them this is a book for your little one. This is told from an interesting point of view with a narrator and dinosaurs who respond to what the narrator is saying. This kept my little one, 4 year old who was sick, occupied and engaged in the story. The illustrations are fun, go great with the story, and help bring the story to life.
#netgalley #netgalleyreview #toddsturgell #dinosaursinspace

Who doesn't love dinosaurs? And who doesn't love space?....Get ready for a fun silly adventure learning about dinosaurs! So cute and funny.

Dinosaurs on the moon? I found this book to be partly educational along with some silliness and hilarity! The illustrations were cute and captivating, which is perfect for a storytime with kids! The blend of non-fiction and imaginative humor allows this book to not feel dry to the reader and keep kids engaged. I appreciated the information added to the back of the book to give the educational piece a little boost!
Thank you NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.

Dinosaurs are proven to be in space...well, at least, somewhat and with an extra sprinkle of imagination, it becomes even more fun.
This is a nonfiction book about dinosaurs, which stretches its wings into humor and creeps to the very edge of science fiction without really going over it. It begins with the introduction of an Austroraptor and goes on to introduce several other dinosaurs, explain the periods with a timeline, address the theory of dinosaurs evolving into birds, and then, presents the asteroid destruction theory. And that's where things start really taking a turn into silliness.
A never-seen narrator explains all of this to a small group of dinosaurs, who are more than willing to ask questions and let their imaginations fly free. From the very beginning, it's clear that while this goes over dinosaur basics, it's by no means a serious, dry read. In some ways, it reminds me of The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone but with much, much more mixed in than just silliness. The humor mounts and mounts in these pages until it takes over...and it's so wonderful when it does!
These dinosaurs are fun. Their energy beams from the page, and it's hard not to wonder when they'll simply let all caution to the wind and jump into a spaceship for sheer fantastical adventure. This would be a fun group to head into space and beyond with. At times, it does feel chaotic, but that fits to the entire atmosphere.
On the more substance end, this presents a few dinosaurs without digging overly deep. The various time periods are also mentioned but never really go beyond the quick address. The evolution of dinosaurs into birds is given a tiny bit more time, but again, everything carries on rather quickly. There are also a few extra facts at the back, including a glossary for terms.
It's a fun read and will slide in well with especially the younger end of the suggested audience.

Adorable, fun and educational book. My 4 year old and 6 year old girls absolutely loved it and have requested it again and again. Illustrations combine fun and accuracy well. The main character is likable and engaging. Learning fun facts and a bedtime story all in one.

DINOSAURS IN SPACE by Todd Sturgell is a humorous take on the science behind events that scientists believe led to the extinction of dinosaurs many millions of years ago—and possibly even sent dinosaurs to space. Facts mixed with humor will delight and inform dinosaur lovers.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sharing an eARC of the book with me.

Dinosaurs in Space is a narrative non-fiction children’s book about dinosaur fossils in space.
It is told by the narrator and the dinosaurs (interrupting)
The illustrations are cool and original.
I was sooo looking forward to this book because of what I had read about it, the blurb and the unique art style in the cover.
My child and I liked it but did not love it.
The idea and the information are amazing. When it comes to the execution, we had a 3 star experience.
I hope similar crazy, silly and informative concepts are turned into books though.

Thank you for the ARC! This book is fun and whimsical and silly, but at the same time too advanced for my daughter. I don’t think 4 is necessarily the right starting age! I think for older kids this would be a better fit. My daughter liked the illustrations but lost interest with the concepts!

This book was interesting but it was too scientific to keep the interest of my toddler. He kept asking ‘What’s that? What’s that mean?’ I expected it to be more carefree and less scientific- it might have been a better option for older children

Thank you Sourcebooks and Todd Sturgell for the ARC! I’ve read a lot of dinosaur books to my kids and my preschool class and this one is definitely one of my favourites! The illustrations are so fun and easy to look at! Some dinosaur books have way to much information and can be exhausting to read but not this one! I will definitely be purchasing it for my classroom!

What a cute dinosaur book! It has a lot of whimsy and I really enjoyed the cartoonish illustrations of dinosaurs. This is a silly book for kids wanting to learn about dinosaurs. I laughed through the entire book. It was such a fun reading experience.

This was ridiculous, funny, and educational. Any dinosaur lover will love the info and the illustrations to go with it. Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebook Kids.

I really enjoyed the illustrations in this book. It was advertised as silly and I think that held true. It did seem a little more advanced than the kids who usually gravitate toward our non fic picture books.

My five year old daughter is obsessed with all things space and all things dinosaurs, so I had to request this book. Unfortunately, I don't plan to get it for her or show it to her. I think that it is a little too dark and scary for her. I think some kids her age would be interested in it, bug my daughter is very sensitive and I can see this upsetting her.

Educational and silly!
A fun and interesting read that's perfect for any dino loving kid (and adult). Dinosaurs In Space has great illustrations of both Dinosaurs and visual time lines pf their existence. There are multiple points of view which makes for an extra bit of fun if you enjoy reading in different voices. This is the first that I've heard of Space Dinosaurs, and will be a fun fact to share with others, probably. Highly reccomend.
Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Kids for the eARC!