Member Reviews

I thought the beginning was a little slow but I pushed through and thoroughly enjoyed this book. This book is as clever as the previous but even more entertaining and action-packed. Very good pirate-world backstory.

Oh my goodness, this book was stupid. I had to force myself to finish it. I love pirate stories, and while I realize this was written for a YA audience, I can't believe anyone would find it much fun. The protagonist gets out of every scrape without breaking a sweat; there is never any real tension about what will happen in dangerous situations. The vocabulary is rather above what I believe most teenagers could comprehend, and though it is 'G-rated,' I very much doubt the audience for whom it is intended could parse a lost of the language without a dictionary. A complete waste of time.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a readers copy of this story. My reviews never contain spoilers and are freely given.
A YA pirate adventure to be enjoyed by anyone. I especially appreciated the descriptive language used and the authentic pirate feel of the book. Definitely a protagonist that you can root for.

Pirates, Captains, and Heroes, oh my! I love a great adventure story - they are always fun to read and chock full of action, drama, and unexpected surprises. Viking Pirate by Kevin C. Smith is no exception - this story is such an exciting treat to read. The words, "Ahoy, matey!" and "Swashbuckling pirates" kept running through my head as I read the book. I really enjoyed getting caught up in Captain Bilge's battle with the Viking Pirate - it was crazy and wild, exactly what you would expect in a pirate adventure, or should I call it misadventure. After all, the Viking Pirate is a cannibal - how savage and psychotic is that?! And, Captain Bilge must figure out a way to beat this rogue monster and keep his ship running. Talk about a seaworthy read!
Make sure to check out this cool series about pirates, sailors and captains - you will have so much fun getting caught up in their adventures. I know that I did. Viking Pirate was such a fun read!