Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for providing me with an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Unfortunately this one just did not connect with me. I ended up DNFing at about 37%.

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I was very excited to receive an early copy of this book and the cover and authors drew me in. However, upon reading the first chapter I realized I was in over my head and this specific genre doesn’t really resonate with me. The writing itself reminds me more of a screenplay than a novel. The action and descriptions felt removed and I didn’t find myself connecting with any of the characters. I DNF at 34%.

Thanks NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced copy!

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Note: I received a free unpublished proof of this book, for a limited time, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions here are my own.

This book contains a great deal of violence, blood, gore, sex, abuse, war, suicide, and other mature themes, hence I only recommend it to adults (18+).

When I saw there was a new China Mieville book to review, I had to request it on NetGalley, because while I still haven’t finished any of his books—my ability to actually sit down, pay attention, and finish books before library due dates has been compromised for the past three years, if only by other books—I love his writing style based on what I’ve read. I noticed that Keanu Reeves, that one actor guy from “The Matrix”, whose character in said film has been stuck in my mind for the past four months for some reason, co-wrote the book, but truthfully I had no idea that he even wrote things, and had no idea whether he even enjoyed reading books, so I didn’t really have any positive or negative expectations. (It’s not that I think performing artists aren’t “smart” or don’t know how to read, it’s that from what I know about the theater/film industry it is nigh-impossible for them to fit anything else around those brutal filming schedules, tech rehearsals, and random actor nonsense, so there is presumably not much time for reading.)

China Mieville, for the uninitiated, has written many acclaimed novels, most notably a few Hugo-nominated works including Embassytown, Perdido Street Station (followed by The Scar and Iron Council, also nominated), and The City & the City (one of two 2010 winners for Best Novel). His work is highly imaginative and descriptive, with all sorts of unique ideas from the linguistic structures of aliens to the biology of beings that can only be described as the product of steampunk/cyberpunk and body-horror character design. Mieville’s novels go beyond the quirky and whimsical, however, to make thought-provoking statements about people, society, politics, relationships, and other harder, chewier real-world stuff.

To put it another way: When I saw that the two people responsible for most of my random authorial sci-fi musings involving people with technological powers teamed up to write a book, I had to read the thing.

I didn’t think my request to review this would be accepted, if only because Random House is a massive publisher and I figured a lot of people would want to review this book. I realize that most copies of books by well-known authors are going to go to people who have written multiple reviews of similarly well-marketed titles for a large audience, and there are good reasons for this. But some way, somehow, I managed to get one.

Though The Book of Elsewhere is a continuation of an existing storyline from a comic series called “BRZRKR”, the entire book is readable by someone (like me) who has not read these comics. I suppose if you’ve read the comics, those might enhance your appreciation of the book, as I’m sure there are characters, events, settings, and other things in this book that were introduced in the comics, but that background knowledge isn’t essential to parse the story. The book tells a complete story on its own, and while I plan to read the comics because I’m interested in the characters and the world, I quite enjoyed the book on its own merits.

(Note: There is another book series with a similar title, the middle-grade series The Books of Elsewhere by Jacqueline West, that is completely unrelated to this book. This series is about a young girl and some magical paintings, and is considerably more family-friendly than the title I am reviewing here.)

The Book of Elsewhere tells the story of an immortal, demigod-esque character, usually referred to as B, who sometimes slips into a superpowered killing rage outside of his control. On the rare occasions he “dies”, he simply comes back again, quickly reborn into his original form. After thousands of years of this, B wants answers—why is he immortal? Why does he lose control and start killing people? Why does he sometimes disappear after his “deaths” and reappear somewhere else? More importantly, can he become mortal and thereby end the cycle? This is a relatively short book, so I will not go into much further detail on the plot.

The nonlinear narrative jumps between the central narrative taking place in the modern day, scenes from B’s (often distant) past in which he attempts to become mortal, and minor characters’ accounts of their encounters with B and other major characters over the years. I liked this structure as, while nonlinear structures are quite common nowadays, the approach taken here was unique and made the narrative feel more thoughtful and philosophical than a great deal of more traditional action-focused books on the market. The different sections are spaced nicely enough to give a good bit of time to each narrative beat, while automatically creating cliffhangers for the main story to build suspense, like a commercial break that’s filled by something you actually want to watch and not an overdramatic toy advertisement featuring a bunch of 10-year-olds in an underground Beyblade fight club.

The writing of the book felt a bit awkward at first as you’re dropped into the action with little context, but once you have enough information to get invested it’s remarkably readable and keeps you flipping the pages. The awkwardness is actually a plus as you want to fill in the blanks with more information, but the suspense isn’t overly forced. That is, it doesn’t feel like a book where you get dragged along for 200 pages just to find out the wine mom protagonist’s mysterious best friend killed her next-door neighbor so nobody would find out that the best friend was cheating on her husband with the wine mom’s fiance. Vivid, dripping, and visceral at times without being overly purple, the prose drags you into the story, taking you on a darkly-fascinating journey through time and space. While the work undeniably highlights Mieville and Reeves’ signature stylistic choices, there is a Douglas-Adams-meets-Clive-Barker vibe to the whole production that I really like.

Despite the characterization-light style typical of the genre, the characters are interesting and believable, and the authors balanced the exploration of characters’ thoughts and motives very well with the greater motive of moving the plot along. I could easily picture these people and places while I read and there was a great sense of atmosphere throughout, albeit a morose one, that piqued my morbid curiosity enough to keep me turning the pages. B is not a morally good character, per se, but he is neither glorified as some anti-heroic vigilante nor framed as a villain protagonist. He sometimes does things that we as the readers would agree with and sometimes does things that we very much wouldn’t. Amidst numerous popular franchises centred around the Good Guys and the Bad Guys, it was remarkably realistic to see a character who has obviously done a lot of bad things and a few good things, and who we can nevertheless get a bit invested in.

The action-based fighting scenes, a key hallmark of action-based fantasy, made sense and were easy to follow. This approach was refreshing in a genre where I often can’t keep up with who’s moving the sword where and how the armies are arranged on the platform on top of the building on the hill, next to the other building, next to the lake, west of the woods—I didn’t feel like I was playing a 90’s era text-adventure RPG. However, despite its rich descriptions, engaging atmosphere, and striking action sequences, the book did not fall into the fully-escapist tone of, say, early science fiction, pulp fantasy, or Andy Weir-type works. The narrative leaned heavily into philosophical and thematic ideas rather than remaining preoccupied with the violence and gore. This extra depth reassured me that Mieville has not descended into the sea of largely-forgettable modern space operas during his hiatus.

Mieville’s trademark twisted takes on history as it may have happened in a world similar, but not quite identical, to ours shine through despite the fact he’s writing in another author’s pre-existing universe. He never loses his narrative voice or the traits that make his work stand out creatively. B is clearly similar to multiple characters that Reeves is known for portraying, but he is nonetheless a unique character with his own backstory and motives. There really is a case to be made, I believe, for writing what you know and doing it well, and a work like this that nicely showcases the authors’ bread-and-butter tropes is infinitely more pleasurable than many authors’ weak attempts to write about cultures, historical periods, social dynamics, scientific ideas, or abstract concepts of which they clearly don’t possess more than a surface-level understanding. Originality, alas, is not everything, though there was certainly a good bit of that here as well for those looking for something classic in tone yet remarkably fresh.

Overall, I’d recommend this book to adult readers who are interested in comics, action literature, and high-stakes fantasy with a philosophical bent. I wouldn’t call it the best book I’ve read this year because that’s a tall order and that title usually goes to a purely standalone book or strong series opener, but The Book of Elsewhere is very good for what it is and I think that fans of the authors and the related comics will especially enjoy it.

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Went into this with absolutely no knowledge...leaving with the same.

This totally missed the mark for me. I couldn't connect with it at all. It felt like it was written with the Obscure Dictionary close by. Felt almost unintelligible.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher and Net Galley, and my review is being left freely.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the authors, and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Impossible to truly describe, cerebral, dense, morose, meditative, and dark, The Book of Elsewhere almost requires a second, or even a third read to really "get it." It's very intelligent, deep sci-fi for a reflective audience. It's absolutely not for everyone, it's never going to be a crowd pleaser. Elsewhere is too surreal and weird to have broad appeal. It's a masterwork in literary devices; flashbacks, changes in POV and voice, nonlinear storytelling, foreshadowing, you name it it's here. B/Unute has been alive more or less as long as humanoids have existed, and rather than be an Anne Rice diary of immortals, its much more common to see the story through the eyes of people that have the (mis)fortune of interacting with B. Calling it "enjoyable" completely misses the point of this novel. It's a dreamy nightmare journal meditation on the nature of life and death with American military paint slapped over it. I can't talk about it enough, and I can't find the words to talk about it either. It's a fever dream about the history of the world and what it means to be a living thing. In the hands of the right reader, it's a dream come true.

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This book is a bit like eating a fresh pineapple. It's very dense and at surface level hard to break through, and you may have to wash it with a little salt, but after that, it's very worth it. Reeves and Mieville's voices blend very well and I very much enjoyed learning about the world they crafted. Reeves' characters are interesting and I very much want to read more in this world.

The Book of Elsewhere is a prime example of the surreal nature of non-linear storytelling. I found myself thinking a lot about Samual Beckett's work while reading.

The Book of Elsewhere follows 'B', a man who can't be killed and has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations. But what happens when a deathless man craves death? Better yet, what happens when a spec ops group offers to help kill him in exchange for work on a mission to save one of their own?

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for giving me early access to #TheBookofElsewhere.

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Just not for me... Finally DNF at about 38%.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for the advanced reader's copy.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the early copy. Unfortunately, I can't say I enjoyed this book. It took me a 3rd of the book for me to figure out what was actually going on, and who this story was about. I probably would have caught on a little quicker if I had realized this was basically a novelization of Reeves' comic book series "BRZKR." At least I could've looked up what that was about to give me some clue about the book. Once I figured it out, though, there was still the slow pace and confusing writing style. This is a problem I've had with Mieville before, so I wasn't surprised. But, for a story about an immortal, unbeatable warrior, there was very little action. While I may check out the comic in the future, I won't be recommending this book.

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The Book of Elsewhere introduces us to Unut, a legendary warrior who has witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations. Known simply as "B," he has an unusual wish: to die. But not death itself—just the ability to experience it.

The collaboration between authors Keanu Reeves and China Miéville weaves a complex narrative. B's immortality and quest for death are intertwined with the mysterious investigation conducted by the Black Ops Team. The sometimes intentionally vague writing style immerses the reader in the burden of eighty thousand years of existence.

While the character's timeline may remain elusive, the convoluted plot and occasional violence make this book an engaging read. If you appreciate unconventional storytelling and don't shy away from gore, The Book of Elsewhere awaits your exploration.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group.

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There have always been whispers. Legends. The warrior who can not be killed. Who’s seen a thousand civilizations rise and fall. He has had many names: Unute, Child of Lightning, Death himself. These days, he’s known simply as “B.”

And he wants to be able to die.

In the present day, a U.S. black-ops group has promised him they can help with that. And all he needs to do is help them in return. But when an all-too-mortal soldier comes back to life, the impossible event ultimately points toward a force even more mysterious than B himself. One at least as strong. And one with a plan all its own.

That is the synopsis from the book. While it is technically accurate, I don't think it gives a realistic expectation of what you're about to read. There are chapters that feel irrelevant in the moment, and some still feel irrelevant now that I've finished the book. Some of the chapters feel like there might be a secret third author because the writing style seems to change with every flashback. You're going to get confused, but don't let that distract you. It's a weird book that gives a unique view of immortality. It deals with death and grief, love, and loneliness.. it was more emotional than I expected.
I really liked B, I liked all of the characters. I liked how the author flipped back and forth between the main plot and Bs memories as a way to slowly tie everything together. Overall, this book was enjoyable and thought-provoking. I haven't read any of the graphic novels Keanu wrote, and I wonder if reading them prior to this would have changed my opinion at all.
This book isn't going to be for everyone, but if you can handle weirdness, dont mind being confused, then this book might be for you!

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. I went into this not having read the comic series that it ties into, and appreciated the ride for what it was. I really liked the world, and the MC, but definitely wish there was a pinch more science to the fiction of it all. I enjoyed it, but I think it should have gone through one last round of edits to make sure the story flowed a little more. All in all, great novel debut for Keanu, and now I'm interested in picking up the comics to see what I'm missing! A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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I haven't read BRZRKR comic books but I probably should.

I like the strange and the weird and I absolutely love Keanu Reeves. There are deep layers to that man and I am appreciative that he lets us in to see more and both authors did a great job with this book!

(That being said, yup, it is strange at times. And yup, not for everyone!)

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so i got lucky in the sense that i'm actually familiar with the BRZRKR comic books (Keanu helped create and write the series) thanks to my husband. and this book is inspired by that. i think even having some understanding of the comics will help some through this book.

with that said... this isn't your typical, conventional, get-to-a-point type of book. it does get a little weird and nonsensical at times. so i know it's not for everybody, and i wouldn't be surprised if there's a 50-50 reception of it. reading this requires a little patience because some things will not make sense and there's a lot of things that are just out of reach.

also, if Keanu's name is what pulled you in... then you're familiar with his cinematic repertoire. i feel like that's something you need to take into consideration as well. why? because his movies, old and new, aren't just straightforward action plots. there are layers, and a level of inventive ingenuity. this book embodies that.

in this book... the main character, 'B', is trying to find himself, his purpose, and his goal... and it's written in a way that also leaves you, the reader, wondering. imagine being an immortal being who's lived many forevers and you're just sick of it all. things become bland, boring, unsurprising, and overall pointless. and i think that is somehow translated really well here.

i liked it though, and i'd rate this a 3.75 stars for me. (i guess we'll round that up to 4.) again, this would cater really well to people who've read the comics. so i'd recommend it to anyone who've read 'em. for anyone else, it will be a hit-or-miss. and that's okay. reading is subjective. for anyone looking for something unconventional, stimulating, and requires a unique comprehension... this might just be for you.

thank you to NetGalley, Random House Publishing, and Ballantine Books for allowing me to read this book. i received this book as an ARC and leave this review voluntarily.

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Modern warfare and immortality – concepts that should be left alone. Reeves and Mieville tackle these beasts with full force in The Book of Elsewhere. This is the story of B, an unkillable/killing machine, whom I found sad. I was not aware of the BRZRKR tie-in when I opened the book. I would have liked more science and less fiction in this sci-fi offering.

I found it did not read well – a bit clunky in style. I think it would have made a much better graphic novel but then I’m an 80 year old grandma. This will have a limited audience, too bad. The concept is juicy and enticing but, for me, it just didn’t deliver.

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I thought the concept was fascinating and refreshing but it somehow didn't work for me, it was a bit of an effort to get through, the overall tone of the book felt immature

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*Full review to be added closer to publication**

Well this was certainly an interesting read! I've enjoyed China Mieville in the past, so I was really curious to see what a a team like Keanu Reeves and China Mieville would bring to the table. I am honestly not entirely sure what to make of this book, so I'm glad I have some time to think it all over before I post my review closer to the publication date in July. This will definitely receive a lot of mixed reviews, and I'm so curious to see what people think of it! It's not the type of book that's going to hold your hand or even let you know everything that's going on, so if you're good with that you might also like it, but if not then this may be a tougher read.

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A fun one for sure! Wasn’t really sure what to expect when I saw the author and read the description, but it was a blast! The concept was interesting and different, and overall I’d recommend this for my die hard sci fi fans.

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I wish the description of this book had mentioned that it was basically a BRZRKR tie-in because I wouldn't have been interested or requested it in the first place, but also this is clearly a title that the publisher poured advance and marketing dollars into because of the existing fanbase and marquee names and proven sales track for the franchise, and didn't focus on editing any more than the bare minimum they needed to... which wasn't that much, and it shows. I'm actually a fan of Keanu Reeves's movies as well as Wolverine and The Old Guard and other similar stories of this type, and I suspect the comic or the movie or tv series would all be much more enjoyable mediums for this one than trying to engage with it in novel form (even with a book where the execution was a lot stronger than it is here).

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Sci fi book that is a little confusing and hard to follow. Love the cover and Cool idea though! Love seeing the authors attempt to branch out.

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Barely finished and felt that this book could benefit from stronger editing and writing. The concept and plot was interesting at first but the writing made the book a slog.

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