Member Reviews

It's rare that I find a book that I struggle to get into as much as I did with this one. It is written more like a movie than a book and would be much easier to see than to read and try to picture in your mind.

The concept was interesting enough to keep me reading but it feels like a mini-series saga that was condensed to a 90 minute screening.

The end of the story didn't feel like a conclusion ... and due to the premise ... maybe it can never really end. Tough to recommend this one unless you are a huge Keanu Reeves fan.

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The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville is a sci-fi, fantasy, speculative, epic tale of huge proportions. It was dense and challenging in many ways- emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. An immortal warrior called Unute and now known as “B” reminded me a bit of John Wick and I love John Wick. While working in US black ops and harboring a desire to die, he has lived too long but is written creatively and brilliantly. I felt like I was not quite smart enough to really grasp all the intricate pieces but I was fascinated by and propelled forward. By the end, I was so completely engrossed that I really didn’t care how it ended. This book was spectacular.
5 stars – Pub. Date: 7-23-24
Thanks so much to NetGalley and Del Ray for the eARC and the opportunity to read and review The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville.

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Throughout history books, plays & movies have been written involving a human seeking immortality. In these, the human isn’t necessarily seeking other God-like powers, just the ability to avoid death and live forever.

The Book Of Elsewhere asks the previously unasked question: What would the life of an otherwise (mostly) normal human look like if they were immortal? And had been for as long as man has walked the earth.

A fascinating question indeed, and worthy of speculating on. And this book does a (mostly) worthy job of it.
I’ll admit that around 30% of the way into it, I struggled a bit; something about the pacing, the story, or the way the story was being told had me dreading needing to finish this book. (Since I’m reviewing an Advance Review Copy supplied to me, I feel an obligation to finish). But either because I buckled down and cleared my schedule & lifted my own reading pace, or it simply got better, my feelings about it dragging diminished.

Only as the book approaches its ending does it finally incorporate a little philosophical rumination, but when it does it asks, and speculates on a few good points. Such as “Do you not know that someone who attempts to kill death will not do well out of it?” Or, simply immersing the reader in a moment where the sheer relentlessness of immortality can lead one’s mind to near-insanity, or moments of despair. Or the sheer loneliness of thinking one is the only immortal, ever. Might that one want to eventually be mortal, want to be at risk of dying?

As a Christian, I guess I wouldn’t recommend this book to someone who has built their Christian theological castle on sand. I’d want to be confident they are on solid ground, and their faith is not threatened by a fictional story of an immortal non-God.

Why not a five-star book?,because my rating scale reserves those for books that I crave to read again, so I can get even more from them. I didn’t crave picking up this book to read it - especially in that slow time I mentioned above. So it deserves a good score, just not my best. Four (+) stars.

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THE BOOK OF ELSEWHERE, by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville, is the story of B, a seemingly immortal being who is ready to die. B has lived thousands of years and has died many times, but has always mystically come back to life. Above all else, B is tired of living and seems to go through his never-ending life with a sense of begrudging obligation. B has been supporting a black-ops group for years, which in return the group is trying to find out more about him and maybe how to help him end his long life. Their research uncovers secrets that B either never knew or completely forgot about and those secrets provide clues to what B is. Who else knows about him is a much bigger conspiracy than anyone knew. Will B get his wish or will he be doomed to never leave this earth?
I appreciate the uniqueness of this story because while there is a little Highlander vibe to it, there is so much more going on and, quite frankly, more interesting to me. B is a reluctant anti-hero who seems to operate with a weariness but still a strong purpose to help humanity where he can. The plot moves in jolts, like its in stop and go traffic, which can be jarring and hard to keep up with. The main characters, aside from B, are interested and three dimensional, but most all of the supportive people are forgettable and just seem like generic placeholders to progress the story. What the book has going for it, though, is when the plot really gets going in the last third or so of the book, things get exciting and the surprising reveals start coming fast and furious.
While THE BOOK OF ELSEWHERE wasn't my favorite book and it had its issues, I did enjoy it and I would recommend this book to action, sci-fi, and thriller readers.

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3.5/5 stars

This was a wild ride of a book. I think since this book was inspired by the world of BRZRKR, that took away from the book for me. But this was such in interesting story that twisted and turned.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book and opportunity to read it before release!

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It feels wrong to rate a Keanu Reeves’ book as 1 star, but this book was a serious slog to get through. The narrative is unnecessarily unfocused and confusing, and I usually appreciate beautiful, wordy prose even if the story is slow.

Unfortunately, I could not finish this book, as it seemed to go nowhere. I would say look elsewhere for your next pick, even if you are a Keanu Reeves’ fan (which I still am!).

Thanks, NetGalley for providing an ARC for review.

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Another difficult one to rate. This was not an easy book to read. Tbh I see many DNF because many don’t really want to put the work in to not just read but absorb and connect a twisting, disjointed narrative. So, while this was a challenging read I still enjoyed it. The story is super jumpy to the point where it’s difficult to always understand if what’s happening is current or not.

The interludes were some of my favorite parts. It’s a bit hard connecting to the main narrative at time, but still they brought a really interesting element.

The characters were well written and didn’t feel cliche. I would definitely be willing to read more by this duo moving forward, but I hope they can make it a bit more accessible to reach a wider audience.

Recommended to those who don’t mind a book that takes some work to digest. I definitely had to do some re-reading of passages at times.

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I haven't read any of the comics that led to this book, but the plot summary sounded like weird, chaotic fun - and it was! I initially was a little lost, but I trusted the process and was pleasantly surprised by this story. The book never slowed down, and I loved how action-packed it was. Even though this isn't a typical genre that I read, I enjoyed reading something wildly different.

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3.5 stars
I occasionally read science fiction although it is not my bread and butter. I have read a book by China Miéville which I enjoyed. My son has been reading the comic series by Keanu Reeves, which he has enjoyed and we read a lot of the same or similar books. That being said, I decided to give it a try. I found the book a bit difficult to get into in the beginning. And the long run on sentence, stream of consciousness, threw me off and also irritated me. As I got further into the book, I started to enjoy it more. The story of Unute , AKA B , was interesting. A man who dies and is reborn again and again. He is currently working with a Black Ops type of group that is trying to figure him out. The story was interesting but I was not enamored with it. For those with a stronger affection for science fiction, this might be a better fit. Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read it!

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This started out as a really interesting read, but the further I progressed, the less I understood what was going on. Overall, a good start, but I just didn't understand it.

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"The Book of Elsewhere" by Keanu Reeves is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that transports readers into a realm of mystery and wonder. Reeves' debut in the literary world is nothing short of impressive, showcasing his talent for storytelling and his deep understanding of human emotions and experiences.

The novel's narrative is rich and immersive, weaving a complex tale that is both fantastical and deeply introspective. Reeves' writing is eloquent and evocative, painting vivid pictures that draw readers into the world of Elsewhere. His ability to create a sense of place and atmosphere is truly remarkable, making the setting feel almost tangible.

The characters in "The Book of Elsewhere" are intricately crafted, each with their own unique personalities and backstories. Reeves delves into their inner lives with sensitivity and insight, making them relatable and engaging. The relationships and interactions between characters are authentic and compelling, adding depth to the overall story.

What sets this book apart is its blend of philosophical themes with an engrossing plot. Reeves explores ideas of identity, reality, and the unknown with a deft touch, prompting readers to reflect on their own perceptions and beliefs. The novel's pacing is well-balanced, with moments of tension and introspection seamlessly woven together.

"The Book of Elsewhere" is a testament to Keanu Reeves' versatility and creativity. It's a beautifully written and intellectually stimulating novel that will leave a lasting impression on its readers. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys a blend of fantasy, philosophy, and rich storytelling.

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Full Disclosure: I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine via NetGalley.

The Book of Elsewhere by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville is based on the BRZRKR comic books created by Keanu. I haven't read the comic books, but the story sounded very interesting. This is weird fiction. You have to be ok with not knowing exactly what is happening in the very beginning. The story will reveal itself with chapters alternating between "present" time and stories from the past that tell the history of Unute aka B. Not only does B come back from the dead, he also goes into rage states where he becomes a killing machine. If you don't do well with violence, you might want to skip this. Although B is the main character, I wouldn't define him as a hero. He's not necessarily a villain either. The first few chapters were very slow going as I puzzled things out. Once it all started to click, the pace really picked up. You had me at religious fanaticism and pig-worshipping cults! If you have read the comic books, definitely pick this up. If you haven't but are looking for something that is an atypical action thriller, give this a go.

Bonus points for incorporating Babe, the immortal babirusa. Honestly my favorite character. I could read a whole series just based on Babe's adventures through history.

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This book was a wild ride from start to finish. I was very interested to see how much of the authors you could see in the work- I think both authors shine through in their own ways, but in a seamless fashion. I would be interested to see if they collaborate again in the future!

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Enjoyed this book by Keanu Reeves and China Mieville. Great characters, great story, and great pacing. #TheBookofElsewhere #NetGalley

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I really wanted to love this book, but it fell short for me. First of all, I don't know if it's the formatting or the editing, but there were several errors and gaps. Also, there was a 3 page sentence. One sentence.
Second, we get to the story. The lore and idea is actually fantastic but boring to read. There were some parts that kept me intrigued, but so much of the book was all over the place and got confusing. I had to force myself to keep reading, I did finish, but I can't say I enjoyed it.

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Keanu Reeves is going to draw readers into this book, but they will stay for the truly fantastic worldbuilding and strange writing. It takes a bit to get into, but once you are immersed in the story you won't be able to put this book down!

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The concept is intriguing and I absolutely adore Keannu Reeves so there was no way I was going to pass up this opportunity. However…. While I know this is an ARC, an unedited copy, it still feels as if this was too far from ready to be read. I was confused on this page, there are several parts that are hard to follow and it is not an easy read. There is so much telling and absolutely no showing while completely lacking in any details that help the reader picture the scene in their heads. I will buy this book either way because of my love for Keannu and I’ll give it another go after it’s been published.

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This novel was definitely different. I can say that without a doubt, I have never read anything else quite like it. I'm not really sure how to describe the writing style except that it is somehow archaic yes futuristic at the same time. Sometimes it is brisk and action-packed, yet at other times it is almost overly formal with its sentence structure and word choice.

I think it would have been a little easier to read with an illustrated component, more like a graphic novel. The story itself was interesting but I just had a hard time with the writing style.

It was basically the literary equivalent of climbing barefoot up a mountain of LEGOS. The view from the top may be incredible but it's a rough path to get there.

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While this book is well written, I believe it might be best to read the BZRKR comics before this novel. The first few chapters read like stage directions and descriptions, and it starts in the middle of a narrative or rather 80,000 years into one. The premise is interesting and the characters are well fleshed out. It is a little disconcerting that the pov switches characters multiple times in the same chapter and there are time jumps/unintroduced character povs without notice. I would like to revisit this novel after reading the comic series, and give a more informed review.

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Look, I also picked up this book because it said Keanu Reeves on the front of it. Sue me. If you are a fan of other Miéville writings, enjoy comic books, or you really like speculative fiction, you might like this book. However, it just wasn't for me. I thought the prose was clunky, the storyline was jagged, and the novel would have been better as a graphic novel.

The opening of the book was hard to read because none of the characters really had names. The intro also contains a stunning amount of violence, just in case you were wondering what kind of book it was. And the main character is described basically as Keanu Reeves. Is Keanu trying to tell us something? Is he secretly immortal?

As the story progresses, there are so many characters that are introduced that it becomes confusing as you try to hang on to the thread of the story. I thought the twists and turns were clever, but I'm not sure it was worth reading. Again, I can see where this would have been better as a graphic novel because you would have the visualizations to follow the characters.

Maybe this was too speculative and experimental for me, but I just didn't like this book.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine - Del Rey for the ARC, all opinions are my own.

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