Member Reviews

Mona is the favored mortal of the crow god of love, but being blessed could actually be a curse!
When Mona inadvertently causes the death of her older brother, she refuses emotional love and hides away in her rooms, only granting her god-given skills of divination to the people who can pay her fees. That is until the Royal Master of Practitioners grants her a challenge - find the king's soulmate, save the realm, and escape her self-imposed prison. Vengeful ghosts, demon clans, rogue magicians, and a race against time all drive this fantasy debut into a breakneck finale that will have you begging the gods for the sequel!

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This book was a bit slow for me and it took me awhile to get really into it but once I did I really enjoyed the romance and the characters. Just felt the first half was really a struggle to get through. Would still recommend though!

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I had high hopes for this book, but I ended up not finishing. I thought the concept was so cool, but I could not get sucked in. The pacing felt a bit stunted and would slow down as soon as I started to get into it. I think I may have enjoyed it if I had continued, but I just lost interest.

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Mona has the ability to predict soulmates, but after the death of her beloved brother, which she believes she caused, she is unable to leave her house and she worries she’ll never find her own soulmate. That is until things in her world begin to change, and she is asked to come serve on the kings council to we will solve the problem of disappearing magic in their world. What she isn’t prepared for is possibly finding her own soulmate , finding out the magic and the world is not quite what she thought it was.

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Mona Arnett might be blessed by the gods but, lately, she’s feeling anything but blessed.

Mona has the unique ability to divine soulmates, and while she’s never divined her own soulmate, many have come to her seeking their own happily ever after. With the king’s health deteriorating, there is a country wide search to find the king a queen and secure the throne. When Mona’s soulmate reading for the king turns up her own name, Mona wants nothing less than a royal wedding. Especially when she starts falling for the king’s closest advisor and friend…

2.5 stars rounded up. The blurb for the book pulled me in, along with that beautiful cover! I think a lot of people will enjoy this novel, and I look forward to reading the next book in the series. I think, based on the description, I had hoped for a love triangle so this didn’t hit like I hoped it would. I would have loved more time spent expanding on Mona’s romantic interest, as a result it did end up feeling a little one-sided for me. That's where I think my disconnect was, my smooth brain wants romance only. The secondary characters were great, I truly felt like they added so much to the story. I’m interested to see where the story goes next!

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I just finished Divine Mortals by Amanda Helander- I received an eARC from NetGalley.

Mona Arnett knows the name of your soulmate, she is after all a Gods-favored mortal. Other magic practitioners are skeptical of Mona's authenticity. This wouldn't be a problem for Mona, as she never leaves the house and is content to do readings only by appointment. That is, until a representative for the dying King takes Mona away from her home (which is problematic because she is agoraphobic), whisks her away to the castle, and has her perform a reading for the king to solidify his legitimacy. If all of this wasn't enough, she finds her own name screaming in her head as the King's soulmate, a position that she will do absolutely anything to avoid. Armed with a lot of sarcasm, newfound friendships, and an emerging backbone, Mona must figure out who is pulling the strings that are leading to the destruction of their world.

Gods, alternate realms, love triangles-- this book has a little bit of everything. The moment Mona steps outside of her house, not literally-- that's a mess-- the adventure never stops. Helander writes this book at a quick pace as the situation keeps getting stickier and stickier for our plucky heroine. Throw in a good enemies to lovers trope, and we have the makings of a fantastic YA duology! The only reason I'm giving this 4 stars instead of 5 (I wish 4.5 was an option) was because I found the final betrayal to be a little predictable. The characters are interesting (love to BeBe), and the intrigue of court is real. I'm very excited for the second half!

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Thank you NetGalley, author, and publisher for this eARC!

My overall opinion about this novel is very low. I had a hard time getting through this and I felt like there were too many things going on that slowed down the book. The relationship between Mona and Whitman felt a little boring and the side characters were written okay. Her readings of soulmates was interesting but fell flat, especially when it came to the King. I found myself skimming and feeling bored throughout the book. Hopefully the second novel has a better flow. When the romance did happen, it was well written. I don't know if it was just the kindle format, but it came out very awkwardly so it was also hard to read that. The setting and world building could have been explored further.

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Amanda Helander's 'Divine Mortals' is a captivating fantasy novel that weaves an intricate tale of fate, love, and the complexities of destiny. The story revolves around Mona Arnett, a unique individual blessed by the gods with the ability to divine soulmates. Mona's life takes a dramatic turn when she is tasked with naming the future queen of the kingdom. To her astonishment, she discovers that the king's soulmate is none other than herself. However, a royal match is the last thing Mona desires, especially when she finds herself drawn to the king's closest advisor. Determined to avoid her destiny, Mona embarks on a perilous journey filled with lies, deception, and scheming gods. As the stakes rise and murder becomes a reality, Mona must confront her fears and embrace the power within her. The characters are well-developed and relatable, each with their own motivations and desires. Mona's struggle to reconcile her own wishes with the expectations placed upon her creates a compelling conflict that drives the narrative forward. The novel explores themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of one's actions. It questions the notion of destiny and the extent to which we have control over our own lives. Mona's journey becomes a testament to the power of choice and the importance of embracing our true selves. I highly recommend this book for fans of fantasy, romance, and stories that delve into the complexities of human nature.

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This is a book I simply want to buy just for that beautiful cover. Such a fantastic read and an interesting female protagonist. Highly recommend.

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Wow. Just wow. The description sounded good, and I loved the title and cover, but it blew me away. I'm not a huge fantasy or speculative fiction reader, but it got its hooks into me early and never let go. I'm more impressed than I expected to be.

I love the world-building and the lore of this story. Honestly, I don't want to spoil too much about it. I feel like it's better to uncover it yourself, peeling back layers as you go. I will say that the description actually undercuts the story a little. The plot is so much more in-depth and complex than I think the description gives credit for. There is a bigger story lurking in the pages.

Mona, the main character, is deliciously flawed in all the right ways. She's absolutely fascinating and, thankfully, is a dynamic and changing character. There will be moments that you want to grab her and shake her, don't get me wrong. But that's the point! She's realistic and imperfect. She is not always likable.

I will say that I think this might be more at home as a New Adult book than YA. There is enough innuendo, alcohol, and sexual content for me to think that it toes the line. Honestly, it's nothing that most teenagers haven't already been exposed to, but it's a little more than I'm used to seeing in YA... or was used to seeing back when I was the target age group. Not overly graphic, but some parents may want to give it a once over in advance if some of these topics are sensitive.

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~I received a copy of Divine Mortals from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review~

I think what caught me most off-guard of the characters of Divine Mortals is their vulnerability. In the YA/NA genre its easy for characters to have poorly written struggles or emotional turmoil, but Amanda Helander gives a very realistic portrayal of the ways that guilt and grief can manifest themselves in a young person. Our main character is flawed from the beginning, but becomes more and more whole throughout the story as she navigates her own experiences, her past and the need to move forward, even though its against her own will.

The story develops nicely and the world building is solid. I finished this one pretty quickly, and I’m excited to see where the world goes after this.

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I was hooked in the prologue, where the action begins immediately with a character’s death, setting up for the rest of the book. Two worlds full of magic catapult our heroine into an adventure that requires her to conquer her fears. The salty sassiness of Mona and watching her develop as a character was fully appreciated. The plot twist at the end sets up successfully for future books.

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Interesting premise and magical world, well-developed characters and fun to read. I wished it wasn't an obvious beginning to a series, however.

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The formatting was broken on the kindle version. I was not able to read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Disney for the ARC.

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I absolutely loved that I checked out the author's GoodReads before diving in, and I love how she combated the publisher's claims that this was perfect for fans of SJM & RY!!! Amanda earned major points from her post!l ;-) l I personally love content warnings! I've added them below! This book has Fantastic World Building! Mona is a wonderfully developed character, and the writing was superb!

"Below are some content warnings for Divine Mortals. Please be safe with your brains.
• Violent death/murder
• Dead bodies
• Self-mutilation (one scene, not in a self-harm context)
• Chronic and terminal illness
• Mention of cults and mass suicide
• Mental illness stigma
• Sex/masturbation"

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I truly loved this book. I do wish it was longer because I felt like some much needed world building wasn’t added in but hopefully it’ll come to light in the next one.

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A very promising book and start of a series that really captures an eerie, somewhat mysterious atmosphere. I loved the pacing but there should be more work put into the character building as well as a few inconsistencies throughout the book. Overall, good read.

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This is an exciting new series! I loved this book. I am looking forward to reading more and seeing where it goes.

THE GOOD: Excellent world-building, including a sense of pure menace. What fun! I love the dark world feeling that I got from the writing and characters. It gives off a similar vibe to Uprooted, though it is very different. I loved Mona as a character, she's clearly suffered and been taken advantage of, and more of the other characters want to use her for various reasons. I liked the conflict Mona experiences because of her visions, and how we see her fear shaping her. I loved her friendships, particularly with her reluctant coconspirator, and I like how much Mona doubts herself but comes into her own.

THE EH: I hesitate to call anything bad, just because I liked this book so much and most of what didn't work for me was immaterial. I felt the pacing dragged in places, and I found the romance between Mona and Delmar to be a bit one-sided. I would have wanted more yearning from him, and more of an actual relationship between them other than just sexual tension.

Overall, this is very promising and I'm interested to see where it goes!

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