Member Reviews

A Scottish Highland Hideaway was a sweet story about starting over, finding love and finding yourself. It was a good read.

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I love books in faraway settings, and the premise of a jilted bride wanting to start a new life was appealing. This was a cute book and an easy summer read. I enjoyed the main character finding security in herself and not in what others think. I agree with other reviews I've seen that the romance seems fast-paced. I feel like there's a chapter or two missing that would have built more chemistry and a foundation between the main character and the love interest. The revelation and mystery at the end I wasn't expecting, but it was resolved quickly-- maybe a little too quickly and perfectly! There wasn't a lot of tension in this book to really hook you in on a few fronts. But, that made it for an easy summer escape read for me.

I received a review copy by NetGalley, Harper Collins UK, and One More Chapter for my honest opinions.

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Starting over after a big fall, the party girl becomes the shop owner in a small town, yep the Scottish hideaway, that somehow becomes the hub of secrets - and the target of a rather hot investigative reporter with more secrets of his own. A number of subplots and interesting characters keep things moving to the eventual HEA. A fun read

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A fabulous read. The main character reinvented herself in a small Scottish village and you follow her finding herself , falling in love, helping a famous film star . Supporting her brother and forgiving her mum. A great story . You just escaped. A perfect summer holiday read. I loved it

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The premise seemed fun and lighthearted and had a solid-enough first half. The latter half went a bit off the rails and ended up more tedious than entertaining for me.

The FMC was fine if not a bit silly and the flower shop in the Highlands seemed like a nice cozy exposition. The flower shop and setting were incidental to the story, and the MMC was hot and cold and all over the place. Their romance and its timeline were entirely unbelievable, and there was not enough time to make me invested in them together. The family's meddling and side plots were more distracting than entertaining, but I admittedly have little background on British uppercrust society activities. Because everyone had a twist and turn, it was not surprising with every dramatic development.

This was a quick read and played like a daytime soap opera, so if you want a very low-stakes melodramatic read after a tame beginning, this is for you.

Thank you Harper Collins UK/One More Chapter for the arc!

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2/5. I received and advance copy from NetGalley. I was intrigued by this book because i am obsessed with everything Scottish Highlands, but honestly there was very little about Scotland, the storyline was lacklustre and unrealistic, the romance was rushed and we learnt very little about the main characters, particularly the male lead who was in the story less than a lot of the side characters.

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I enjoyed this novel about a jilted bride reinventing herself and looking to be known for who see is versus who she was. Some romance and some intrigue, and generally a good read.

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Todo el libro es desde el punto de vista de Bailey.

Anastasia/Bailey es una exitosa florista que fue dejada en el altar, meses después intentando seguir adelante se muda de estado, un lugar en donde no la reconozcan.

Ezra es un famoso actor que busca anonimato, entonces se va a vivir a un pueblito, el mismo en el que Anastasia y también busca empezar de nuevo.

Estos dos se hacen amigos mientras intentan alejar a un periodista.

Luego tenemos a Zach, un galardonado periodista que de repente pasó de escribir artículos sobre política a seguir celebridades.
Él sienten que Bailey sabe algo sobre la persona a quien quiere entrevistar, entonces intenta hacerse cercano a ella.

Bailey no es tonta y sabe que Zach quiere utilizarla. Ella logra ganarse su confianza para que le cuente sobre lo que ha descubierto sobre Ezra e intentará alejarlo de Heather Moore, pero conforme pasan tiempo juntos se da cuenta que él no intenta arruinar la reputación de su amigo y además empieza a sentir cosas por el. Pero hay un gran problema, le está escondiendo su verdadera identidad y sabe que reaccionará mal.

Senti feo por lo que pasó Marcus.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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