Member Reviews

This is a good YA book and if it had been advertised as such would have been a 4star for me. However, as a NA book it just doesn't hit the spot I was expecting more from it.

The premise of the book sounded intriguing but I feel like more could have been done with it. The world building is partially there but the way the story appears to sit in the modern day is questionable and does not always make sense.

The characters 'relationship' development is odd especially in its beginning.

The ending also felt very rushed and came out of no where (but not in a good way).

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This was my first book by helen glynn jones. With that interesting blurb and even a more interesting cover, i had my hopes up. The story was captivating, but nothing we haven't seen before. I just hoped the protagonist to behave like she is in adult genre rather than acting like any ya heroine ever.

thankyou netgalley for the arc.

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Although the premise of this book sounded so good, it did not work for me.
While it’s supposed to be “new adult”, it felt like I was reading a poorly written YA novel.
Extremely cliche and predictable.
The female protagonist pretty much annoyed me the entire time, and the romance was instalove.
Overall, an interesting concept but poorly executed.

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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If this book had been marketed as YA, I would have given it 4 stars, because the main character's behavior and thought processes are more in line with a YA protagonist. Because it's marketed as NA, I'm giving it 3 stars, as I think it's less likely to appeal to an NA audience.

The overall arc of the story leans more paranormal fantasy than romantasy. Yes, there's a romance, but the overall story doesn't meet the genre expectations for a romance. The genre categorization of this book feels misleading.

I am a general lover of vampire stories and human/vampire romances, and this book does a good job of setting itself up as one in the beginning.

The plot moves very quickly and there's immediate chemistry and connection between the main characters. There's a forbidden element to their romance as he works for her family. All of the pieces are there, but the book falls flat for me the closer you get to the end.

If I wanted a book filled with plot twists like this, I'd pick up a thriller. I pick up a standalone romantasy expecting a HEA, and this book delivers more of a "happy for now" ending after a lot of drama.

Know what you're getting into. If you're a fan of insta-love, YA protagonists, and fast paced plots with somewhat predictable twists, then The Last Raven is for you.

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This was a well written book. I’d say it leans more towards the romance side of the romantasy genre however the fantasy aspects of the book were interesting, I liked the idea that not all vampire offspring are vampires. The writing was easy to follow and the FMC was annoying at the beginning but she did grow on me throughout the book!

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This book had a great plot with intriguing characters. I’ll definitely be looking out for more from this author.

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Overall I personally enjoyed this book. I would recommend to readers that enjoy fantasy and romance in a more modern setting. I don't want to give any spoilers because the plot twist was done well. I had suspicions, but was never predictably certain.
There is insta-love, betrayal, personal growth, and so much more.
The only action I thought took over a bit was *kissing*. It did not take away from the book as a whole, but once it started it almost never stopped.
The story ends on a good note. I am interested to see more growth from Emelia and learn more of the character at the end. I'd like to see what she learns about herself as a human heir to a vampire world. I'm curious what she'll take from choices she makes in the end and how she'll apply it to the future of Raven.

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Did someone say BETRAYAL??? This book hurt, it was slightly predictable, but this doesnt take away from the story.

I found our FMC to be naive, but this is intentional due to how she’s grown up and the protective stance of her parents. She was however, compassionate and fierce in her opinions once she had the knowledge to form them. We get to see her grow during the story and who she might become if given the chance.

The story has heartbreak, betrayal, vampires and some mild spice. There are some political tones due to who her family is and the ongoing situation between humans and vampires.

All in all I enjoyed this, I think book 2 will bring us more information on why Emilia is the way she is and also, how her plans to make things better might actually take action.

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No soy el público meta. Este libro es para adolescentes.

La escritura, la historia y la protagonista se me hicieron muy inmaduros,. Por más que intenté que me gustara no lo logré. Estoy segura que mi yo adolescente lo habría disfrutado.

Gracias NetGalley por el Arc.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC. While I understand where this book was going, it was not the read for me. The characters are ones I could have related to when I was younger. A younger audience I think will appreciate this story.

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Thank you NetGalley and One More Chapter for this e-arc of The Last Raven!

3.75⭐️ (rounded up)

I was intrigued by the blurb of this book. It fit right up my alley of fantasy romance books that I enjoy.

Emelia is heir and to be the next Raven of her family, a powerful family of vampires that rule the world over humans. One problem…she’s human. A rare occurrence of vampires producing human children. Kept hidden away her whole life, she longs for freedom without really realizing what the realities are of the world outside her castle walls. When the vampire Kyle is stationed as her new personal guard, she quickly leans to him for affection, happy when he returns it. Set with a plan to escape the confines of her home, they set off working against not only vampires but the human rebellion that has taken root. Emelia must discover not only things about herself, but also how as the human heir to a vampire kingdom, that she can truly create possible change for everyone.

I got back and forth on this story honestly. There were parts that I like and parts that I didn’t. It’s fast-paced and I liked that. There was a little world building, but not a ton. I think the story read a bit young and childish at times, when it’s trying to be a bit more of a new adult type book. And I understand the FMC is only 17, so her feelings and emotions are expected to reflect that. I will say, the story got interesting around the 60% mark, which I then did get intrigued by it. There were parts that were predictable but I feel that is common now a days. I think it ends setting up nicely for another book and would most likely read that next installment.

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Thank you Net Galley and One More Chapter for this ARC.

Although the title and premise of this book sounded amazing it was not.

Extreme cliche throughout. The FMC annoyed me throughout as well as many other characters as their actions did not match the personalities.

I need more angst in my books and this was instant love. Very predictable plot twists.

Overall it’s a no from me.

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Unfortunately... This just wasn't for me. I guess I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. It just felt so YA, and I was hoping for something more adult. The writing, characters, everything just didn't vibe for me, and I LOVE a fantasy vampire romance. I think if this had been marketing as a YA book it might make more sense, but it just wasn't for me.

2.5/5 fantasy

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Unfortunately this book wasn’t for me and I have come to the conclusion that I may not be the intended audience.

After reading the blurb on Netgalley, I was excited to get the e-arc. We are introduced to Emilia who is a human, born to Vampire parents who are rulers of their realm. She is appointed a personal guard named Kyle, who is a very unlikeable character in my eyes.

Insta love occurs, the plot just gets messy and the story itself seems rushed. I just couldn’t connect with the characters or the events that were unfolding.

Perfect for fans of
- Vampires
- Rebellions
- Insta love
- Plot Twists

Thank you Netgalley, Harper Collins UK and One More Chapter for the e-arc.

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this one was a very refreshing vampire story and i was delighted to be an arc reader for this book ✨

we follow Emelia the heir of Raven, the vampires who control Europe. she is to be crowned on her 18th birthday so she can take her proper place as the head of the family. there is only one problem, Emelia is a human.

i love reading vampire books. while this one had many familiar vampire things, daylight, super speed, super strength, blood, there was also refreshing new ideas throughout the story. i loved the consept of anti-feed.

this book was very easy to read and i loved following Emelia although she was at points very naive and a bit childish. (which was understandable though, as she had lived a very shielded life) The love story aspect was very ya and a bit insta love but I enjoyed it for the most parts.

the ending was very cool and i totally did not see that coming. all in all, very refreshing take on a vampire story.

4,5 stars

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I thoroughly enjoyed this vampire romance! The characters were well-developed, and the world-building was rich and immersive. The story was engaging from start to finish, with a perfect blend of adventure and romance. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future! Thank you again for this opportunity!

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I was invested from cover and description and was so glad I was able to read this. It had that romance element that I was looking for and thought it worked as a realistic tale in this universe. I thought the characters worked with the vampire element going on. I was never bored when reading this and am excited for more from Helen Glynn Jones. Helen Glynn Jones always does a great job in writing this type of book and can’t wait for more.

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A good read for any human/vampire fans! The book started a bit slow for me. I had trouble connecting with Emelia at first, I’m not sure if it was the first person point of view (which admittedly I am not a fan of) or just her character and how naive and stubborn she was, but as the story progressed I found myself enjoying it more. Going into this I was excepting the love interest to be a vampire from one of the other dynastic families, but was pleasantly surprised to find out it was Kyle, the bodyguard.

At times the writing felt a bit procedural with the first person tense being used (ie “I run” “I turn” “I sit down” “I flick on the lights/tv”) and I know it’s not this way for everyone but it’s something that takes me straight out of the story.

It ended up being a quick, enjoyable read that I would recommend as a palate cleanser or maybe something to get you out of a slump.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for a review. I did enjoy this and got through it quickly. The book follows a character called Emilia, who was born a human but to a family of elite vampires. She is on the brink on adulthood and is dreading becoming the rule upon her 18th birthday. She struggles with discrimination due to being born human which is extremely rare in this world.

This is an enemies to lovers and had a really compelling ending!

Compared to twilight it is very different but I still enjoyed it for what it was.

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*The Last Raven* by Helen Glynn Jones is an exciting and heart-racing vampire romance that’s perfect for fall! Emelia’s journey as a human heir in a world dominated by vampires pulls you in from the start, and the chemistry between her and the mysterious Kyle is irresistible. Their forced proximity only makes the slow-burn romance even more delicious, and the forbidden aspect adds just the right amount of tension. The world-building is rich, and Emelia’s struggles with her destiny make her a relatable and strong heroine.

The plot is engaging, with rebellion simmering in the background and high stakes at every turn. Fans of *Twilight* will love the blend of romance and supernatural intrigue. It's the kind of book that keeps you hooked, rooting for Emelia and Kyle as they navigate a world full of danger and dark secrets. A must-read for those looking to sink their teeth into a forbidden romance!

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