Member Reviews

DNF at 21% after 3 weeks of trying. This one had a pretty good premise and synopsis that were right up my alley, but I didn’t find it as well written as other time travel books I’ve read and loved. It comes across as corny, trying too hard, and the descriptions are not great. Iain just shows up at the beginning and instantly has the hots for Isobel out of nowhere—no lead up whatsoever. The characters don't feel genuine. The writing feels awkward and the descriptors strange (snow described as “powdery topping”). I wish this one was more compatible for me.

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Book: Forged in Dreams and Magick
Author: Kat Bastion
Series: Highland Legends, Book 1
Publisher: Kat Bastion and Stone Bastion
Length: 339 Pages
Overall Rating: 5/5
Blog Rating: 5/5

This review is from: Forged in Dreams and Magick (Highland Legends, Book 1)
This book had me captivated and very emotional throughout the book I really love that when that happens when reading a great tale as it's not a given. It's about a young woman Isabel MacInnes who comes to Scotland to say goodbye to her ailing Grandfather in Scotland. Isabel is also a student and junior archeologist assistant with a photographic memory with major in history and minor in archeology. Pretty convenient one would say on the journey she is about to take...hehe

On her way leaving Scotland by accident no pun intended she literally bumping into this ancient box and brings it back to the states to have analyzed. She shows it to her friend Iain she met from this Highland games who won every match and discovered by Hollywood and always with a model or starlet and he claims it found her and then as they both touch it and boom they are in 13th century Scotland!

This Iain is totally different then the one in 21st century California. This part confused me as Iain was somehow split it two part of him remained in the 13th century and the other in the 21st century. As if he were split in two or there was a clone but I found 13th century Iain much more appealing, sexy but then again he was whole Iain in the 13th century. Maybe I wasn't that confused afterall! :)

Then the box is from what Iain says bring the soul mates of Brodie Clan Lairds and has for generations since the Picts. Well it was not that easy to accepts but Isa does after some convincing and falling in love with 13th century warrior Iain who is so much more then 21st century Iain. So if you think they fall in love and get married and that's the end of the story right? Wrong....but you need to read to find out.

I really enjoyed this paranormal time travel historical romance it was so much fun to read! Yes I am an Outlander fan but no you will not find Jamie and Claire in this book but you will find Isobel, Iain and Velloc. Wait did I just say two male heros and yet one heroine? Well yes as curious Isabel is she touches the box again this time alone and end up in another thousand years in the past and a pict leader Velloc is her soulmate in this time.

This is all I am going to tell you as you really need to read this interesting unique story as it does keep moving and you have to follow this journey to the end lots twists and surprises. Also I also enjoy the two watcher winged beings Orion and Scorplus they both had some hilarious and interesting lines in the book. I would like them to have there own books and loves in future book as they were major attractive and entertaining. Also I hope Iain's sister Brigid and Finn get a future book so we can see how that story plays out.

Ms. Bastion weaves a great tale in Forged In Dreams and Magick! This book was so unique and different and I was so captivated as I was definitely rooting for Iain but I felt for Velloc too. Tough choice a girl having two soul mates in two different time zones and if you are a bit prudish and don't like love making scenes this might not be the book for you .

I always feel love and sex goes hand in hand as that is why it is called making love just thought I would put that out there. Don't get me wrong I did enjoy this book very much and it had my interest and it has a really great flow. It was was fascinating once you connect all the dots. It's not your usual romance as there is some parts you will need a hanky too. I actually love that to feel so many emotions. I look forward to future reads from this author and my next read shall be Bound By Wish and Mistletoe By Kat Bastion. I definitely recommend this captivating read I loved it!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy and an advance reader copy from the publisher. I voluntarily agreed to do a fair review and blog through netgalley. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.

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The summary on NetGalley wasn’t joking when it recommends a fire extinguisher! My goodness, this was a passionate, steamy and stirring novel that not only offered one handsome historic hunk, but two.

I really liked Isobel’s character, and how her interest in history and architecture allows the reader to get a real, in-depth first person point of view of the historical periods the protagonist finds herself in. She also visibly changes throughout the novel inspired by the journey she goes on.

Whilst, as an Outlander fan, it has a strong semblance to Diana Gabaldon, it also had its own original slant. There were plenty of twists towards the end which I definitely didn’t see coming, and gave the novel an extra layer.

The book had many strong themes; from romance, time-travel, magic and adventure.

It was an entertaining, steamy historical read that I thoroughly enjoyed reading,

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I loved the concept behind this book and really really loved the first part of it. The book lost me when a second man was thrown in as another soul mate. To me it didn't feel needed and took away from the over arching plot of the book? And then he dies???? So like what was the point?????? I found that plot point frustrating and think I would have enjoyed a novel just focused on Isobel and Iain figuring out her time travel gift. Aside from that, I enjoyed the rest of the characters and the rest of the plot.

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I really wanted to love this story as the blurb makes it sound like the perfect book for me, unfortunately I just never was able to fully connect with the story. That being said — it’s not a “bad” book and I am sure many have enjoyed it!

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this #book from the author/publisher via #Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher/author for allowing me the opportunity to review. 🦄
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This was quite the steamy novel! Practically a why-choose trope, but with undercurrents of emotions expertly woven in to cross the boundaries of time. The author did a great job of showing her characters’ reactions and reasonings for what they do; when it comes to a leap through time, I think one of the most difficult things to do is to balance out shock and surprise with a desire to explore, but Kat Bastion not only made her protagonist believable, but also made her assimilation and final actions more than elegant.

I didn’t give this five stars, though, because there was just one part of the story (and I would say a rather major one) that just seemed to conclude itself too conveniently, but the author more than made up for this with beautiful prose and a whimsical yet touching storyline. Thank you so much to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This was some Fantasy. Amazing storyline going back in History to the early developments of the Scots. The imagination required to make this seem real is extraordinary. My mind is still spinning from the implications and links to History. Great read!

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I found this book an engaging read. I found the characters to be well drawn and the book generally intriguing. I love the mix of present day and past with time travel. I enjoyed the relationships through the different ages. However rather than in a story that is pure fantasy the context of the historical past makes it necessary to suspend disbelief and not question too closely. This got in the way of my giving this book 5 stars. I would however highly recommend.

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Very interesting historical romance. I enjoyed reading it, the story is unique, but all the mumbo-jumbo that was used to describe how this time travel works for me was very unnecessary and painful to read. Isobel is very interesting and is great to see how she develops into a true warrior.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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"Forged in Dreams and Magick" by Kat Bastion is a mesmerizing tale that seamlessly weaves together the elements of time travel, romance, and historical intrigue, resulting in an enchanting journey that captivates the reader from the very beginning.

The story centers around Isobel MacInnes, a modern-day archaeology student who awakens in present-day California, only to find herself transported to medieval Scotland and an even more ancient era, where she becomes entangled in a web of love and destiny that spans the ages. The novel brilliantly explores the delicate strands of time as Isobel grapples with her newfound existence and the complexities of her heart, torn between two soul mates from different centuries. Isobel's transformation from an academic driven by ambition to a fearless warrior willing to protect those she loves is nothing short of extraordinary.

One of the most compelling aspects of this story is the mystery that shrouds Isobel's time-traveling experiences, particularly the enigmatic "magic box" that propels her through time. The gradual unraveling of this mystery, intertwined with the fate of the people she comes to love, keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, eagerly turning pages in anticipation.

The characters in this novel are beautifully crafted, and Isobel's journey of self-discovery is both poignant and relatable. Her inner struggle to reconcile her scientific mindset with the inexplicable events happening around her adds depth to her character. The two men in her life, Iain Brodie and Velloc, are portrayed with such nuance that it's easy to understand how she could love them both. Their qualities, both similar and different, make for a compelling love triangle that is both heartwarming and emotionally charged.

What truly sets this book apart is the lush and evocative descriptions of the various landscapes and time periods. Kat Bastion's vivid narrative paints a rich and sensory tapestry, allowing readers to feel the furs, savor the foods, and marvel at the breathtaking landscapes. This attention to detail is a true gift to the reader, immersing them fully in the worlds of medieval Scotland and the ancient Pict times.

In summary, "Forged in Dreams and Magick" is a beautifully written, emotionally charged, and utterly enchanting novel. The seamless blend of time travel, romance, and historical intrigue, coupled with its well-drawn characters and the tantalizing mystery at its core, makes it a must-read for those seeking a captivating and immersive literary experience. Kat Bastion's storytelling prowess shines through in this magical journey that will leave you yearning for more.

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A time travel fantasy set in modern day California and a medieval Scottish Highlands. Isabel is transported back in time to medieval Scotland. I really enjoyed this novel and there are some steamy scenes in it, but I enjoyed them too. I would recommend this novel highly. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the book.

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Isobel MacInnes is an archeology student. She's strong-willed and determined and she's a rising star with a bright future in archeology ahead of her when she touches an old box that has been handed down by chieftains for centuries and is transported to 13th century Scotland. Here is alpha male, Iain, clan leader who takes an immediate, protective liking to Isobel.

Isobel's aggressive nature is not unusual in the 21st century but in Iain's time it is quite unusual, but Iain seems to have great respect for a woman who can match his intensity. They are, they realize, soulmates. But in a cruel twist, shortly after recognizing that they are meant to be together, Isobel is whisked away once again, centuries earlier, now in Pictish-era Scotland.

Here, Isobel meets Velloc, a Pict chieftain; an alpha male; and her new soulmate. It will take some time, but she will manage to get back (forward in time) to see Iain again, who will help her to understand a few things about that box that has helped her time travel, as well as a few important things about herself.

It's okay to have more than one soulmate, right?

I don't read very much paranormal romance (probably for good reason), but I recognize Kat Bastion's name as a popular writer in the genre. In general, I did find the writing to be very well done. The character of Isobel was especially well defined and even though Iain and Velloc were the same type of character, there was enough distinction between the two to make them unique.

There were a number of times that I rolled my eyes while reading this and thought very strongly that this was 'Mary Sue' fiction. For those not familiar with the term, Wikipedia describes it as: "A Mary Sue is a type of fictional character, usually a young woman, who is portrayed as unrealistically free of weaknesses. Originating in fan fiction, a Mary Sue is often an author's idealized self-insertion."

"Unrealistically free of weaknesses?" Yes. And also the one woman two 'top-dog' males are madly in love with. The first wants her so badly that he'll ignore his lustful desire and treat her with respect (this leader from the 1200's) and will only have sex with her with her permission, and then he'll be tender and caring and ready to cuddle afterward. Yes, really.

I referred to this as a paranormal romance and time-travel maybe isn't what most people would consider 'paranormal.' But there's something here that most definitely is, and that something while hinted at in only the barest of ways, doesn't show up until maybe two-thirds of the way through the book. I really didn't care for the deus ex machina moment.

There is some sex here. Really steamy, described in detail, sex. If the main character here was male and the sex scenes were exactly the same, this would be classified as either sleaze or porn. But since the main character is female, it's romance. Or erotic romance, at least.

Looking for a good book? Forged in Dreams and Magick by Kat Bastion wasn't a bad read, other than the eye-roll moments. For a self-published author, this is certainly at the top of the genre, and I would consider reading another Kat Bastion book at some point.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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I am not a great fan of time travel books but I really liked this one. I loved being taken back to 13th century Scotland, being a Scot, and the Laird Iain sounded lovely. I enjoyed getting to know the characters. A love triangle that was believable and very well written. I think this book has converted me to time travel novels.

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