Member Reviews

First time reading David Sandner, but have enjoyed the books in this series. This probably wasn't my favorite in the series, but it was enjoyable. #HisUnburnedHeart #NetGalley

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This was a great fourth book in this series, it had everything that I enjoyed from the other three books. The concept was everything that I was looking for and enjoyed the overall feel of the characters in this world. I loved the idea of Mary Shelley going on a quest to save her husband’s heart.

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Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read and review this book.

I love David Sandners writing style in this and I enjoyed this story. That being said, I feel like the second part with the snippets was unnecessary and I think we could have touched upon what happened with Byron and Allegra a bit more. Had that happened this book would have been 5 stars, and had those snippets not been added this would be 4 stars.

Strong 3.75

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Loved the story line. 5 star read for me. Loved reading this book so much!!! I recommend this book to everyone.

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Poetic prose weaves through the story of Mary Shelley’s loss of her husband, Percy. This was an interesting take on Mary’s state of mind and heartache around a time of great loss. As she deals with depression and misogyny, she fights to keep what she feels belongs to her-her late husband’s heart. The author presents her anguish in a desperate way, while painting a heartbreaking view of her mind’s attempt to unravel the mystery of Percy’s death, and the agony of the loss of a child. What this story does best of give Mary a voice, and a chance to tell her side of the story-at a time when women were silenced or told to know their place.

I enjoyed this historical fiction story that revealed more of Mary Shelley than just being known as the author of Frankenstein. The language is rich and lyrical, and gives Mary’s grief a place to be known.

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I requested His Unburned Heart on Netgalley as I’ve always found both this period of history and the lives of the Shelleys fascinating. Also, anything published by Raw Dog Press is guaranteed to be of high caliber.
This is a novella that combines fact and fiction superbly. The true back story is fascinating and temptingly macabre. Its immersion in Gothic romance only adds to the mood. A lot can be learned about the role of women here, and of how certain characters within this period of history sought and fought to change things for the better, Mary Shelley included. She was so young, but quite a formidable character. Truly remarkable.
The second half, The Journal of Sorrow, sees Mary imagining different scenarios regarding the facts about her husband’s death, as no one really knew what happened on that fateful sailing. This worked well, as I believe it’s exactly what one might do under such circumstances. That said, the author took a risk in writing in this format, but for me it worked.
Intelligently written literary horror. I really enjoyed it.
My thanks to the author and press for providing an ARC.

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Thanks to NetGalley and RDS Publishing for an advanced copy of His Unburned Heart by David Sandner.

3.5 stars rounded down to 3 - I honestly wish I could give this an in-between rating, because I don't feel like this was quite 4 stars, but it was definitely better than just 3 stars.

His Unburned Heart was a short story told in two separate parts about Mary Shelley attempting to retrieve her deceased husband's heart from his publisher, and various journal accounts of what she believes to have happened to her husband while he was at sea, at the time of his death.

I feel like this was an interesting perspective about Mary Shelley, and the grief she suffered in tandem with the misogyny she dealt with during this time of her life. The second half was definitely much harder to follow as it was written in a journal entry form and were different musings of what she thought had happened to her husband. It took me a while to figure out that that was what was happening because of the back and forth nature of the journal. Overall this was well written and enjoyable, but I did still have some lingering questions by the end. I think the issue I mostly had was the length, and that this would have probably benefited from more details to wrap things up in a more conclusive way.

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A beautifully written exploration into the death of Shelley and the grief and love of wife Mary Shelley.

I loved this telling and found myself deeply immersed into the 19th century Gothic reimagining. Such a gorgeously thought out story and the addition of Mary Shelley’s “the journal of sorrow” was a beautiful addition the book along with the collection of imaginings of Shelley on the boat.

I really enjoyed this novella and would like to tank Net Galley and RDS Publishing/Raw Dog Screaming Press for this Arc.

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Sandner's prose in His Unburned Heart is pretty captivating, weaving a story of emotion and atmosphere. I found myself drawn in by the raw humanity depicted within its pages. Sandner explores themes of grief, love, and the thin veil between the seen and unseen worlds. The characters are richly drawn, each with their own complexities and depths. Sandner's storytelling shines brightly in this story. Overall, I think this was a really great novella and I enjoyed reading it immensely.

Thank you to NetGalley and RDS for providing me with this ARC. Although this book was provided, all opinions are my own.

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“There, in the charred lump of his unburned heart, in its impossibility, my story lies. If you will know it, you must know it with the unsayable left in; the excess, like his heart, abides.”
His Unburned Heart opens in Tuscany, Italy, in August 1822 as Percy Shelley’s body burns upon a beachside pyre. Attending his cremation following his untimely drowning are prideful, hot-tempered Lord Byron; dishonest, pagan ritual-performing Edward John Trelawny; publisher and supposed friend Leigh Hunt; and other locals, including Mary Shelley, forced to disguise herself as a male servant in order to attend. For Mary, the sight of Percy’s post-mortem figure is chilling and horrifying, as is the strange occurrence of his heart, pillaged from his cracked chest by Trelawny after it fails to burn.

From there, the storyline moves back and forth in time, always with the burning day as the focal point, chronicling Mary’s furious revolt against period-standard misogyny and personal betrayal, the most pointed and grating of which involves Leigh, who claims Percy’s heart and tells Mary point-blank that she doesn’t deserve it, and who attacks her lifestyle, gender, and credibility and undermines her love and devotion, leaving her infuriated and determined to claim what’s rightfully hers.

The novella then progresses into The Journal of Sorrow, “Mary’s Shelley’s epigraph to her new journal,” begun in October 1822, an account of Percy’s fatal sea journey and Mary’s feelings of regret and culpability. The text also includes 12 imagined versions of the ill-fated voyage, where the men aboard the ship fail to thwart death and destiny, their demise interwoven with supernatural elements and private musings.

Through smooth and moving prose, the story immerses the reader in the early 19th century while resurrecting a literary icon, laying bare lower class humiliations, female tensions and challenges, Mary’s intense internal struggles with grief and self-regard, and her resolved quest to reclaim her true love’s heart. As the real details have been lost to history, this historical gothic horror work reimagines what may have transpired, producing a startlingly clear, morbidly fascinating peek into a much-lauded life — an expertly crafted, in-depth examination and a powerful tribute. Both heartfelt and compelling, it’s a deeply resonant read and a haunting meditation on the monstrously finite and fickle enigmas that are man, existence, and mortality.

Thank you to NetGalley and RDS Publishing/Raw Dog Screaming Press for sending this forthcoming novella (which hits shelves on May 9, 2024) for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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A tender and explicit look into the fear and anguish behind this story where Shelly's heart does not burn and his wife desperately wants to keep this part of him. Unfortunate for her so does his publisher. Familiar characters take centre stage in this story portraying the details of the relationship between the Shelleys. Followed by exerts from his journal that chronicle his fragile mind. This was an intimate look into the relationships that shape the circumstances in both stories. Told through poetic prose it would appeal to fans of Frankenstein.

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