Member Reviews

This is book 3 of the Queen of Roses series!

This book picks up where book 2 leaves off. While book 2 was all about Draven’s world, this book pummels back into the kingdom of Pendragon and the war that has ultimately decimated the kingdom and its people thanks to Arthur’s cruelty.

Morgan must act as the dutiful sister to the King in order to gain information to remove Arthur from the throne. Nothing goes as planned. There is a traitor in their midst, and Arthur’s new Queen is not as innocent as she seems..

I enjoyed the way that the author was able to keep Morgan and Draven together, even if it was only in their dream world for majority of the book. You could tell that he gave her strength even when them meeting wasn’t really face to face. There are so many moving piece at play here and the never ending twists make it so much better. I enjoy being sucked into this wonderful world!

A couple sections left me with questions.. how did the sword basically teleport Draven to Morgan? It was never explained.. what actually happened when each of the dying fae went to help Morgan with her injuries.. her eyes changed color, does that mean her powers did too? Will her and Draven keep Medra? What did Guinevere actually do to Arthur? He wasn’t blind cause he was looking at everyone..? And what is with the owl.. the fact that it keeps being noticed means it’s important.. right?

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Ahhhhhhh! If you are a fan of a totally unexpected plot twist - this is it! I was on the edge of my seat for almost the entire book! I loved it so much. It was a little stressful, but sooo good! I’m still loving this Camelot fantasy retelling. I’m terrified going into the next and final book b/c I’m so warm and fuzzy with the ending here. 🔥📚❤️

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This is the third book in the Blood of Fae series and you’re in for a ride. Morgan has returned to Camelot with Javer in tow. Her younger brother and everyone she knows are in grave danger due to Arthur’s terrorizing behavior. She immerses herself back into the court she hates in order to gather valuable information from Arthur and his deeply demented followers.
Draven is on his own adventure after deciding to sail after her. There is a problem in his plan, it takes an awful long time to sail across an ocean. He hold out hope that his mate is safe against the odds while he travels after her.

Getting Dravens POV was absolutely delightful.

“You’re on your way to her. You’ll see her soon,” he promised me convincingly. I gritted my teeth. “Or she’ll turn me away and I’ll spend the rest of my life like a dog at her heels.” “Well, there’s no other place you’d rather be, right? Barking behind her?”

As a warning, this book contains some dark material. It’s hard to stomach, but so is war and the story has been building to this point. Not to say you should have seen it coming but… you should have seen some of this coming. The horror of it all fits in well with what had already been set up.

You don’t get a whole lot of romance in this book, you do get some, but it’s not the main focus. That’s what I’ve liked about this series is that romance isn’t the main focus. It’s a story that happens to have romantic aspects. The real story is of Morgan Pendragon, a girl who was dealt some really shittt cards and has done everything in her power to write her own future. Draven just so happens to be there supporting her, not saving her. She did that all on her own.
We didn’t get a cliff hanger but we most certainly didn’t get relief. Worse is coming. I can’t wait to meet him.

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC. This is book 3 of 4. I cannot even express how exciting this book was. So many twists and turns and even though I knew certain events were coming, I was still in disbelief when they happened. All i was expecting to happen - did- and things I didnt even see coming had me yelling, screaming and smiling above all. You really need to read this. Forget that its a fae/mortal love story, its just exciting

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Third book in the Blood of a fae series. Thank you to Netgalley for granting me access.

Separated by vast oceans yet forever intertwined, Morgan Pendragon embraces her true identity as Morgan Le Fay. Rejecting a potential future as ruler of the Siabra fae and consort to the Prince of Claws, she flees through a portal to Camelot, where her loved ones face peril at the hands of Arthur.

But Kairos Draven, bound to Morgan by bonds transcending time and space, refuses to let her slip away. As Morgan uncovers newfound abilities and divine lineage, she becomes a force to be reckoned with, with a claim over realms beyond imagination.

However, adversaries emerge, determined to thwart her destiny at any cost.

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Empress Of Fae is the Third book in the Blood of a Fae series. It picks straight back up from where book 2 ended. This is an Arthurian Retelling Dark Fantasy series. Please, PLEASE look at the trigger warnings for this book if you have any! (Specifically with young children or infants, as this book touches on some very dark aspects of the Arthurian mythology)

✨️Enemies to Lovers (again)
✨️Power-hungry King's
✨️Kingdom at war
✨️Found Family

I loved this book! I couldn't get enough. Morgan goes back to Camelot and goes undercover in the castle to spy for the rebels, along the way she meets the ambitious and arrogant King's general.

In another kingdom, Draven gets his shit together and chases Morgan across the ocean to come to her rescue when she needs it most.

This book was wow! I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it! It was action-packed, I was gripping the edge of my seat the entire time! We went through heartbreak for some beloved characters, we met new ones and fought alongside old friends.

Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for letting me read and review this fantastic series!

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I was absolutely captivated by this book. The story follows Morgan Pendragon, who has now taken on the name Morgan Le Fay. As she discovers her true heritage as a powerful fae, she must make a difficult decision: embrace her new role as ruler of the Siabra fae and marry the Prince of Claws, or return to Camelot to protect her friends and brother from Arthur's wrath. One of the things I loved most about this book was the character development. Morgan is a complex and multi-dimensional character, and as her powers grow, so does her inner strength and determination. She is not the typical damsel in distress, but rather a fierce and powerful heroine who is not afraid to fight for what she believes in. The romance between Morgan and Kairos, the Prince of Claws, is also beautifully portrayed. Their bond goes beyond mere love, as they share a deep connection that transcends time and space. Their relationship is tested as Morgan learns to control her newfound powers, but their love only grows stronger in the face of danger. Boleyn does an excellent job of building tension and keeping the reader engaged throughout the story. The world of Aercanum is richly detailed and filled with mythical creatures, making it a delight for fantasy lovers. Overall, this book is a must read! The story is both thrilling and heartwarming. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a magical and captivating read!

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I really liked this one maybe the best out of the first three books, the whole meeting in a dream concept was really unique and interesting. The book is more gore and disturbing than the first two but it was needed to show the effects wars can have. Also, I keep liking the male lead more and more. Something which I did not like as much was the multiple pov at the start of the book, it felt confusing and unnecessary.

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I wasn't happy with how this story started, it just wasn't following my vision from the other books so far. I took a while to get into the story, but once I did I could see that it was going exactly where I thought it should, and who doesn't like a bit of froustration in the beginning. Some things were predictable in a satisfying way and there some supprises along the way that just made for a great story. I can't wait to see what happens in the nest book!

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Thank you NetGalley and Starwater press for allowing me to read this book!

The plotting and scheming is very good in this book. It's a very big info set up for the what I'm hoping is going to be the epic conclusion of the series. It gives a big set up what is going on in Camelot and the continent and brings new villains into view. The characters seem to interact but there isn't much build up from the previous books. Overall a great build up of the world and characters.

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Another great book from Briar Boleyn! Empress of Fae, the third book to this Blood of a Fae series, is just as remarkable as the first two!
The book begins right where we left off in the second book, with Morgan back in Camelot and reunited with her old friends and family. Unfortunately, Camelot is not in the same condition as when she left- her cruel brother, King Arthur, has caused war and mayhem, and now Camelot and its people are suffering. Morgan and the Knights of the Round Table devise a plan to obtain information crucial to saving Camelot and ridding it of their evil tyrant ruler, Arthur.
We dive deeper into Morgan's self-discovery in this book, learning about her true family (well, sister), Excalibur and her connection to it, and of course, how deep her bond is with Draven. Draven and Morgan are not together in this book, however, that's not to say the bond is there! That man will do anything for his empress, and I absolutely loved every bit of it! (Not to mention, we have Draven's pov in this book and it was great!)
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed the first two. There's a lot of action, a few twists, and lots of spice! The ending was great, not much of a cliffhanger, however, still enough to keep me anticipating the next book!

Thank you NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for such a great read!

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LOVED that we got multiple POVs in this one! Draven is literally everything to me!! I'm so glad he didn't just accept her leaving and he went after her! Nothing gets in the way of my boy! Morgan has truly come into her own and we love to see it, the way she plays Arthur and that bitch Fenyx was gold! Her and Draven dream walking together was legit the high point of everything and I cannot wait for the next book!

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Firstly, thank you Briar Boleyn and Netgalley for allowing me to ARC this book! This series has been amazing.

I have been reading this alongside ACOTAR and let me tell you, this series is fantastic!! I have had such a hard time putting it down. I love the direction of the story and seeing such growth and development now in comparison from where this journey started!! Hands down, this has been my favourite out of the 3 books I’ve read so far! Highly recommend!!

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This book series has been getting better with every book. The second book in the series has morgan running away and thankfully Draven was not deterred. He loves her and will continue to pursue her. Morgan's character growth really shows in this one. she is not the timid girl she was in book 1. Draven is book boyfriend goals and continues to defy expectations. Cannot wait to see how things wrap in this universe in book 4.

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Somehow I didn't realize that this book had released galleys at a diffrent time. And somehow wound up with 2 seperate galleys of the same book from seperate listing.

So I'll repost my review feom my previous version of the book here too.

This was just what I needed.

I couldn't wait to see whete this tory would go after book 2. Especially since book 2 wound up being so much better as the story progressed.

And I wasn't wrong to be excited for this one.

I think it was a great way to continue things. And see what all would happen.

The characters continued to be interesting. And I still do love the take Briar had on this legend and turning it into hernoen thing the way she did

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This series just keeps getting better! The build up, the mysteries unravelling, the horrors of a kingdom ruled by a cruel tyrant, once I started this book I could not put it down. I cannot wait to start the final book but also don't want the story to end either!

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Empress of Fae is the third installment in the Bloof of a Fae series. These books should be read in order and not as stand-alone stories.
One of my favorite things about this series is that the next book starts exactly where the previous one ended.

Empress of Fae takes place back in the Rose Court in Camelot after Morgan jumps through and destroys the portal from Myntra, leaving behind her husband and the court she is now the Empress of - both titles she didn't ask for or necessarily want. Tack on top of that her recent realization that she's not who she thought she was, her "brother" has waged war, putting her youngest brother in mortal peril, and she's manifesting crazy abilities that she has no idea how to control.

Back in the Court of Claws, however, there's no way her husband, Kairos Draven, is just going to let his love abandon him and their court without a fight. Their bond goes deeper than she knows, and neither of them can resist the pull for long. He's going after her, and there's nothing stopping him.

Each book in this series gets better and better. We ended Court of Claws with quite the jawdrop of a development, one that had be IMMEDIATELY scrambling to start this book. Empress of Fae delivered and came out swinging. Thoughtout this book, wow, there's a lot happening. There's treachery from unexpected sources, no shortage of action or sacrific, but also love and friendship. I've noticed with this series that those last 100 pages really hit you hard. With Empress of Fae, those last hundred pages were just as wild as I expected 🤯! I was on the edge of my seat, up until 2 AM, because I COULD NOT put it down.

Throughout this series, we've seen a lot of surface-level glimpses and hints into the future, or what seems to be the future. I'm waiting for it all to be wrapped up so nicely, with everything being answered and explained because I have A LOT of questions.

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I’m still really enjoying this twisted King Arthur series by Briar Boleyn, but man, this one had some dark themes. I do appreciate how the author continues to weave elements of the original story into her narrative. There are some characters I wish we’d gotten more from, but I’ve already started on the last book and safe to say there’s a LOT more that needs to happen.

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“There are no limits to my love for you, Morgan. When Myntra and Eskira and every place in Aercanum have crumbled into oblivion and the universe itself dissolves into nothing, my heart will still beat for you.”

As the third installment of this series, I was expecting it to fall into the third child slump. I was pleasently disappointed. This book is outstanding. Following Morgan as she returns to her kingdom we are hit with trial after trial for this young princess. She adapts and overcomes which is fascinating to watch/read. While this book has spice scenes, Morgan's intellect is what drives me to read more and more in this story. She makes decisions for the betterment of everyone which not a lot of FMCs do in the Romantasy genre. Briar Boleyn's character development of Morgan and Draven hands down is my favorite part of the book. This couple is by far my favorite book couple I have read to date. Their relationship is "real" which is a testament to the author. Seeing their ups and downs is so refreshing in a romance.

Learning more about the world as the story progresses is beyond fascinating to me. Seriously if you enjoy a story that is all parts romance, fantasy and has fantastic world/character development, you NEED to read this series.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for this ARC copy.

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"Empress of Fae" by Briar Boleyn is an enchanting journey into the mystical realm of Aercanum, where ancient powers and timeless bonds collide in a whirlwind of intrigue and romance. Boleyn masterfully weaves together elements of dark fantasy and epic romance, crafting a captivating narrative that enthralls from the very first page. The character of Morgan Le Fay is brought to life with depth and complexity, her journey of self-discovery and empowerment resonating with readers on a profound level. As she navigates the treacherous waters of love, loyalty, and destiny, Morgan emerges as a truly compelling protagonist, one whose strength and resilience leave an indelible mark on the reader's heart.

Boleyn's world-building is nothing short of breathtaking, transporting readers to a realm where magic thrums through the very fabric of existence and danger lurks around every corner. From the majestic halls of Camelot to the mysterious Court of Claws, each setting is vividly rendered, immersing the reader in a rich tapestry of sights, sounds, and sensations. The romance between Morgan and Kairos Draven crackles with tension and passion, their forbidden love story unfolding against a backdrop of political intrigue and cosmic conflict. With its intricate plot, dynamic characters, and evocative prose, "Empress of Fae" is a spellbinding read that will leave fans of dark fantasy and romance clamoring for more.

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