Member Reviews

Wow, Book 1 got me interested but Court of Claws really pulled me in! I had mentioned in my review of book 1 I loved that this dark fantasy romance is inspired by King Arthur retelling with a fae twist! Court of Claws picks right up from the cliffhanger in Queen of Roses. And the push and pull with Morgan and Draven throughout the book is so compelling! I cannot wait to read Book 3!

Thank you NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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*ARC received from Netgalley - all opinions are my own*

TLDR: Falls short of the first book. Both the FMC and MMC become their own brand of insufferable. The overarching plot and lore is what brings the rating up and will get me to continue with the story. Try at your own discretion!

**Bit of a ranty review and will contain some spoilers!**

I will preface this by saying that I loved Draven in the first book, however, it was like I was reading about a totally different character from the get go. There are very few parts in Crown of Claws where he’s a likable character and a viable love interest. He lies to Morgan throughout the entire book, gaslights her into not trusting herself, justifies the abuse of a child, forgives his advisor after he nearly kills Morgan and severely injures his friend and the list goes on. Plus his dialogue in the sex scenes feel so disconnected from his character, it didn’t feel natural to him at all.

Morgan is just as worse in her own way, she went from being incredibly meek and immature in the first book to being constantly angry and whiny about everything and everyone and is just so self centered towards side characters who I actually quite liked (as much as you saw them anyway). The only time she isn’t being angry and whiny is during sex where she forgets about her feelings and becomes a completely different person from what she’s written as and as soon as the sex is over she's back to her usual self.

There is also no growth or important “filler” throughout the book. For example, when Morgan is learning to use her powers, we go from her having absolutely no control and hurting people to then all of a sudden jumping a few days where she has semicontrol and then there's another jump to where she's battling with her magic and has complete control against armies and experienced fighters. It all just feels so rushed and we get zero insight into the journey she has had with her powers and it just feels like every chapter we’re just bouncing from one plot point to the next without a chance to see character relationships grow and also character growth from our main character.

The best points are still the world building and plot as I am still eager to know what happens next so I will stick with the series for now but definitely hope to see big improvements in the next one!

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Let me tell you, I could not be more thrilled that I was a little late to the party with this series and have been able to read one book after the next right away; there is NO WAY I would have been able to wait between releases! I can’t put them down.

Court of Claws is the second book of the series and picks up right where the first left off. In this book, we find out a bit more about Morgan and where she came from, including a little more about her mother.

Finding herself in Myntra, in the heart of Siabra territory, Morgan very quickly learns that these people are not like any she’s ever met before and she most certainly is not in Kansas (or Camelot) anymore!

Battling with her head vs her heart when it comes to Draven, will Morgan take a leap of faith and learn to trust him, or was she right to be wary of him and his true motives all along?

I am utterly addicted to this series and am racing through them as I just can’t stop reading!

Brilliant on all levels.

Briar Boleyn, I salute you.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read this.

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This book picks up from the cliffhanger in book one and I was captivated from the start! It’s an enemies to lovers story but also develops Morgan’s character and strengths. We also learn about Draven and see a softer side as we learn his backstory.
More information is given about the Fae world and Morgan’s background. Epic battles where the characters fight to the death, will Draven be able to succeed? War in Camelot where Morgan will have to test her own loyalties. Reminiscent of A Song of Ice and Fire. A huge cast of characters, pure brutality and rollercoaster twists.

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I received this ebook from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I loved Morgan’s growth throughout this book. She has really started coming in to her own, and i’m so here for it. While I disagree with Draven’s actions, I do believe he did it with her best intentions at heart.

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If you like banter, humor, and enemies to lovers type of stories you’ll like Court of Claws.

There were hints that reminded me of From Blood and Ash and Bridgerton, which sounds maybe like an odd combination but when you read this I think you’ll understand.

Even while it shares some similarities, Briar’s way of writing has me hooked. From their descriptions to their story and character building, I’m always wanting to know what is going to happen next.

I’ll save you from the spoilers because you need to read this and judge for yourself.

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I’m a true lover of this series! I love this world and the characters. I can’t get enough of it and I can’t wait to read the others. I cannot put these books down. The characters are dynamic and I can’t wait to see what they do next

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Thank you to NetGalley and Starwater Press for the advanced reader's copy of this book!

The second book in the Blood of a Fae series, A Court of Claws, was a phenomenal sequel to the first book, Queen of Roses. We really got to learn so much more about not only the Fae, but the Gods, and the world of Eskira.

Our two main characters, Morgan and Draven, showed some improvement from book 1 to book 2. I wish Morgan was a little less naive and basic, but hope the next book she can grow into the badass female MC I know she can be. Draven and his court were by far my favorite part of this sequel. Every new character we are introduced to has such a great and distinct personality. Draven has the classic dark, brooding, Fae male love interest vibe, but was still sassy and secretive enough to be a great character. I can't wait to engage with Draven and his court more in the next book.

The Arthurian lore is not always at the forefront of this book, but I appreciate that. It gives the author the freedom to create a new unique world that most readers still have an underlying knowledge of the structure of the world and characters. But the additions of the Valtain and Siabra Fae as well as the Pantheon of Gods into the Arthurian world is a refreshing take. The author is an amazing world builder and I can't wait to learn more!

As other reviewers have mentioned, the book does end on a rather large cliffhanger, so be prepared to immediately pick up the next book.

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I’m so sad I won’t be able to read this. Thank you Briar for the trigger warning list at the beginning of the book. There are unfortunately too many things listed that I’m uncomfortable reading about. Thank you NetGalley, Brair and starwater press for the ARC!

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This book just jumped in. The secrets were all killing me. I loved getting to meet all the new characters and see the difference in the new court. Learning more about Draven was amazing getting more of his backstory. The description and how the characters responded were interesting. I loved that this book kept me guessing at every turn. I am so sad for my favorite character but I totally did not expect that ending at all it was totally crazy and I can’t wait to see what happens next with the tag a long.

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Court Of Claws was a great sequel and I loved it. It had deadly trials, Morgan coming into her power, found family and Lyrastra who is such a babe!

The book took me on a whirlwind of emotions, the prologue had me sobbing. Finally finding out more about the curse, and seeing its effects firsthand with the true dreams, absolutely broke my heart. That being said, there were some hilarious moments, romantic moments and quite gruesome moments.

Draven participating in the the Blood Rise really showed a dark, gruesome and treacherous side to the Siabra fae and the Court of Umbrial Flames. Despite that, there are moments where you see the courtiers truly shocked and appalled by what occurs.

The found family doesn't get much time to show their dynamics, but what we do get to see is their love, respect and loyalty towards one another. Lyrastra is an unlikely part of the family, but she is truly fearsome, extremely loyal and great at showing both softness and harshness when needed. I absolutely love her!

Morgan's training wasn't perfect, she would take one step forward and two steps back, and it was really refreshing to see and a great reminder that progress isn't linear.

The spice was great, especially the scene after the Blood Rise dinner. I enjoyed the plot and the writing style. I was confused about the ending, and it wasn't my favourite twist, but I can't wait to see where it goes.

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The second book in the Blood of a Fae series. Thank you Netgalley for granting me access to this book.

Forced into a loathsome union, Morgan Pendragon finds herself in the treacherous court of the Siabra. The man she once cared for lies dead, replaced by a stranger. Amidst deceit and danger, Morgan longs to flee, but Kairos Draven, her unwanted companion, insists on her presence.

As their lives intertwine further, they remain oblivious to the impending reckoning of past misdeeds, poised to engulf them both.

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The story follows Morgan Pendragon, a young woman who wakes up in the court of the Siabra, surrounded by danger and betrayal. Her world has been turned upside down as she finds out that the man she was falling in love with is dead and has been replaced by a stranger. The author does an excellent job of setting the scene and creating a vivid and intricate world full of magic, politics, and treachery. The Siabra court is a dangerous and cutthroat place, and the author's descriptions of the court and its inhabitants are both fascinating and chilling. Morgan is a strong and resilient protagonist who is forced to adapt to her new surroundings and the man who is now her husband, Kairos Draven. Their relationship is complex and constantly evolving as they navigate the dangerous court together. Draven is a fascinating character, with a dark and mysterious past that slowly unravels throughout the book. The chemistry between Morgan and Draven is palpable, and their interactions are filled with tension and passion. One of the things I loved most about this book is the way the author weaves together the past and present. The sins of the past come back to haunt both Morgan and Draven, and the consequences of their actions threaten to destroy everything they have built.
One other thing I enjoyed about this book, was the way the action sequences are written. I think the author does a great job in creating a sense of urgency and danger in every scene. Overall, I highly recommend this book, especially if you're a fan of fantasy and romance.

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Court of Claws (Blood of a Fae book2) by Briar Boleyn is an enemies to lovers, fantasy romance. Oh wow what did Morgan and *cough* I the reader just wake up to. I thought book 1 was good this one is even better. It starts up right after book 1 and is definitely not a stand alone. This one is more of a dark romance than the first with a lot more steam. The world building continues to be excellent. I love getting to know every character developed and how they are multi faceted.
Morgan wakes up in the court of Siabra. Her life is becoming ever more entangled with Kairos Draven. Do not forget King Arthur her manipulative brother back home.
I just love this series and can not wait to grab book 3. If you have not read them I highly recommend picking them up. Great job to the author!

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Dive into Briar Boleyn's "Court of Claws" and prepare for a whirlwind of romantic turmoil, haunting secrets, and some serious cliffhangers that will leave you staring at the last page, begging for more.

Our heroine, Morgan Pendragon, finds herself in the unnervingly enchanting court of the Siabra, with her love life turning into a labyrinth of lies thanks to the mysterious Kairos Draven. Oh, and he's a kidnapper—but the hot kind, because this book is a masterclass in the enemies-to-lovers trope that we just can’t resist.

Let's talk about Morgan for a second: she’s all kinds of fierce, fighting her way through dangers with her heart and sword both flung wide open. And Kairos? The man is a walking contradiction, a morally grey love interest who'll have you yanking at your hair in frustration in one chapter and swooning in the next. Expect the tension between them to build into a crescendo that's as exasperating as it is exquisite.

While the back-and-forth might test your patience (are they in love or aren't they—make up your minds, people!), the unique twist on the Arthurian vibe will pull you out of any reading slump. The pacing picks up steam compared to the first book, delivering all the romantic payoff you were pining for. The supporting cast will worm their way into your affections—or irritations—setting up shop in your feels with the finesse of a found family saga.

In short, "Court of Claws" is more than just a good read—it’s a deliciously tangled tale of love, betrayal, and redemption that’s as infuriating as it is irresistible. Ready for emotional whiplash and a desperate need for the next book? Grab your copy, and don't say I didn't warn you about those cliffhangers—Briar Boleyn might just be the crowned queen of them!

**I was given this book by NetGalley for my honest review **

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This is book 2 in the Blood of a Fae series. This book is full of magic, action, and romance. This book had a definite Hunger Games feel to it. I could not put this book down. There were so many twists, turns, and moments that just left me stunned. This book kept me reading late into the night because I needed to know what was going to happen next. Thank you to NetGalley and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to read this amazing book.

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I enjoyed this book a lot more than the first one! The pacing was really good and all the relationships seemed relevant and like they added to the story. I did lose track of who people were a few times throughout the book, but all the characters felt distinct and individual from one another which was nice. The relationship between Morgan and Draven developed naturally, and the timing felt realistic. I wish there were a little bit more attention paid to certain plot points. The story is pretty contained to the characters we know, and I would have liked a bit more interaction between Morgan and the general public. Her character development wasn't as significant as I had hoped. While I liked the entire story overall, I found the ending a bit annoying as it felt like we left off where we began.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Victory Editing for access to this book in exchange for my review. This is book 2 in the Blood of a Fae series, and I am flying through this series. I'll say this one is a ~3.75/5 rounding up to 4 stars. Court of Claws picks up right at the end of the cliffhanger left in book 1 which was much appreciated. This book was a bit more focused on Draven and the trials in his courts as he fights to take his rightful place as emperor. This book definitely starts to expand upon the romance that was being set up in book 1, but there's a lot of back and forth in Morgan's feelings towards Draven. I mean to some extent, it's expected given what she's going through, but the love/hate back and forth might be a bit much and at some points she really just comes across as immature and bratty. Another shocking cliffhanger that I was not expecting, so I am excited to roll right into book 3.

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Court of Claws is book 2 in the Blood of a Fae series by Briar Boleyn.
I loved Queen of Roses. And book two was just as great!
This is well-written, imaginative and an excellent immersive world-building.
This book was such a thrilling adventure.
Such good writing, a lot of worldbuilding. The characters were so well developed.
The constant twist and turns kept me on the edge till the very end.
A phenomenal dark fantasy romance filled with angsty enemies to lovers romance, fae, secrets, and betrayal, and just the right amount of action and adventure to balance it out.
I’m already jumping into book three!

Thank You NetGalley and Starwater Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book follows Queen of Roses, an Arthurian Fantasy book. We finished with a bit of a cliffhanger.

✨️Dark Romantasy
✨️Enemies to reluctant friends to Enemies with benefits to Lovers to Enemies again?
✨️Trials to death
✨️Found Family
✨️Fake Dating

This book takes place in a new kingdom with all new people, we learn more about the curse, the Valtain people and most importantly, the race of Siabra.

The precarious friendship Morgan and Draven developed in Queen of Roses got challenged, there was tension and spice!
Morgan fought the attraction the whole way, but I felt Draven fell a bit *too* quickly

I will be honest, she did irritate me at times, when she gave in to the attraction she'd say it was because they were pretending, and the grieving?! I felt she barely grieved for Lancelet! There was mentions here and there of her, but she was her best friend!

I enjoyed the trials a lot! I felt maybe the last trial was over too quickly for my liking, but I enjoyed the Valtain coming and Morgan finally learning more about her powers!

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and couldn't get enough! I can't wait to see what books 3 and 4 bring

Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review these books.

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