Member Reviews

I had thought that the first book had done a great job with the world building and then the second one introduced a whole new world into it. The entanglement of the Arthurian legends with Fae could have been confusing but it has been explained in a phenomenal manner. And when the new characters were introduced and the leads finally started having more and more banter, I was hooked. The only thing which I think was the reason behind one less star was start dragging a bit.

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Once again, Briar Boleyn has done an incredible job delivering the perfect fantasy masterpiece! Court of Claws, the second book in the Blood of a Fae series, was executed perfectly, with the world-building, storytelling, and character development delivered perfectly, picking up where we left off at in Queen of Roses and leaving us with the perfect cliffhanger to bring us into book #3, Empress of Fae.

We start this book with Morgan now in Draven's homeland after he has brought her there for her own protection and safety. The Sabria, as Morgan was taught, are cruel and savage fae creatures, but as time goes on she learns the true nature of their being. She also beings to learn more truths about Draven, this fae of mystery, as well as more about herself and her past (major self-discovery!)

As usual, Briar leaves us with many twists, turns, and shocking revelations throughout the book. The suspense is taken up a notch (or 5 lol), the spice has definitely been upped, the characters, their ruthlessness, the mystical creatures.. everything has been taken up a notch, not to mention the twist at the end is shocking and will leave you anticipating what will happen in book #3, Empress of Fae. This series is hands down one of my favorite series ever!

Thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op, and the gifted Briar Boleyn for this captivating read!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Starwater Press for this Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really struggled getting through the second book in this series. Though we see more of the fae world and the two different factions of fae were very interesting to learn about, the only thing that had me excited about this book was the underground volcanic setting. While we do see Morgan and Draven get together, they never come across as real people. Morgan never experiences even an inch of character development, which left me irked with- and annoyed by her. Draven was a one-note exercise in banality dressed up in the clothing of a hyper-protective, unnecessarily commanding character, and this simply did not interest me. There wasn't a moment that I felt pulled in enough to imagine that they were more than just characters in a book. There were more typos and wording errors in this book than there were in the first. The second part of the book also felt rushed and completely random. Draven would storm in and out of scenes, dropping new information in his melodramatic manner, characters would respond with the typical face-palm/*gasp* response, the main character would do her usual predictable i'm-a-rebel-and-don't-like-this reaction, and then the chapter would end. It felt like the same thing on repeat but with new information. Most of the book, barring a few exciting incidents, was also rather boring. Morgan simply walked around the court and did courtly things and thought the same mundane thoughts on repeat. I kept reading in the hope that it would get better, because the first book in the series definitely got better as the plot moved along. That, however didn't happen for me in the second book. The author also performed the same rushed and underwhelming action scene at the end of the book... I just did not enjoy myself with this, but I am incredibly thankful to have been gifted an ARC and the opportunity to experience a new world within these pages.

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I am officially obsessed with this series!! Book 1 was good and book 2 just took it to the next level!!! Taken to Draven's kingdom he won't let her leave until he has what he wants and all I can say is man Morgan's willpower is stronger than mine will ever be. The way I would've given in to him immediately with no prompting is ridiculous! I loved all the side characters introduced in this book and getting more mystery unraveled but adding more to it still! The ending is brutal and I was not prepared, thank god I already had the next book because I was wrecked and needed it ASAP!

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Books like this one are a guilty pleasure of mine. There’s action, romance, court politics, and a plethora of fantastic creatures. In this book Morgan and Draven experience this endless push and pull. Draven is more true to his desires and Morgan questions everything. I rejoiced every moment Morgan gave in to her desire for Draven and those scenes my heart soared at finally getting what I wanted to see from the first book.

Morgan becomes all the more powerful in this book and in other ways so does Draven. I know the romance is supposed to be a slow burn, but damn it kept killing me everytime Morgan questioned Dravens actions. At the end of book 1 he bonded himself to Morgan to save her life. She would’ve died otherwise. Over and over he does everything he can to save and protect her and everytime she lets herself trust him for a while, but then questions everything again.

The best parts of book two were the moments she and him were working together. The pair training together and growing stronger as a unit. As well as Morgan training the exomor and going through secret passage ways with the young shielder she befriends.

In her heart of hearts I know Morgan would protect Draven with her life. She has done so. I am just frustrated that she doesn’t realize that her attraction came long before the magical bond did and Draven’s decision to bond them together wasn’t to rob her of her choices. Draven clearly loves to allow her to make her own choices and wouldn’t do anything against her will except to save her life and try and make things better for both of them.

They need to kiss and makeup in book 3 or I will scream.

Anyway, I truly enjoyed reading book 2 and I loved all the action, magic, and intense challenges that Morgan and Draven face. It’s a really fun read.

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During my review of Queen of Roses I spoke of the world building and I am excited to say that it for sure helped this book because as incredible as it was. The romance between Morgan and Draven really built in this book and was very spicy and exciting. I also love the found family aspect and the cliffhanger also has me excited to keep going with this series.

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Give. Me. Blood.
This was an intense read! There is so much at stake for Morgan and Draven and only more hardship is to come. We find ourselves in Draven’s court under the mountain and Morgan wakes up as Draven’s paramour. Which, isn’t as great as it sounds (though sign me up any day of the week). The title puts an already massive target on her back. But she plays the part, because she needs Draven to succeed in the games and get the crown so he can lead an army to her people who are suffering at the hands of her brother Arthur.
Draven and Morgan begin to dance the line between what’s real and what’s fake concerning their relationship leaving Morgan spiraling.

“My hunger for this man left me reeling. His scent enveloped me, musk and leather and beneath it all the lingering hint of blood. He was the most dangerous temptation I couldn't resist. He had killed for me. I knew he would not hesitate to do so again.”

Who is Draven and is he someone she can trust? Morgan has never been more confused in her entire life and for good reason. Everything she has ever known continues to be tested while she’s forced to live in these strange walls. Morgan doesn’t know the person she will be by the time Draven and the Siabra are done with her.

I thought this was a great second book to this series. We still have the taste of Camelot while now getting the blend of Fae life and rules. We needed to have this information because Morgan while she doesn’t want to face it, is also fae. I loved getting more details on Dravens backstory and the history of the Siabra. We were building up to something the entire book, and as the ending erupted with crazy new exposed information I was just grasping for more. The queen herself gave us ANOTHER intense cliffhanger that just makes you itch for the next book. I’m so impressed with this series and with the freshness of the story. I cannot wait to continue to the third book.

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Thank you NetGalley and Starwater press for the opportunity to read this amazing book..

Absolutely loved it had all my favorite tropes, one bed, forced proximity, fake "dating", great build and tension between Dravon and Morgan. Lots of information about the fae world and Morgan background. Love the new setting for the boo and the trials were fun to read. Absolutely devoured the book can't wait to read book 3!

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Thank you for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

This is book 2 of the series, and this is a whole new world! Literally! Draven saved Morgan at the end of book 1 but we never truly know how he did it until the end of book 2. All we know for the majority of this book is that he took her back to his home, where he was previously banished from. In order to help Morgan go back and fight against Arthur, Draven has to get an army behind him and the only way to get an army is to become King. However.. the only way to become king, is to complete trials presented by the Queen Regent, his step mother.

There is so much that happens in this book. Morgan doesn't trust Draven 100%, and every time she finds herself trusting him just a little bit more, he does something to break that trust. There is a couple scenes that get incredibly spicy and they become so close, that their relationship is just perfect! I do think that there are some parts where Morgan still denying their relationship is almost childish. She just kept saying that she hated him but then a week later she is all over him, granted he does some stupid things and hides too many details.. I just don't think Morgan's anger came off as anger, it was more tantrum-like.

The end of this book, at the end of the trials, I don't even know how to react.. we finally find out how exactly Draven saved Morgan at the end of book 1... which is so shocking and surprising that I don't know where this is going to go from here... and then there is the epilogue!! WHAT!! I did not see that coming!!

Can't wait for book 3!

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Baby when I tell you that I LOVED this book I mean I LOVED this book.

We started off with a bang and never were able to catch our breathe even until the end of the book. It was one thing after the other after the other. I was absolutely hooked from beginning to end. Let me tell you. There were plot twist after plot twist, especially towards the end, that kept me at the edge of my seat.

Starting with the releationship between Draven and Morgan. What a rollercoaster from enemies to reluctant allies to kind of lovers to lovers back to enemies. I loved loved loved that the slow burn was still burning throughout the entire book even though there was spicy scenes included. Their relationship felt really authentic with Morgan have a very clear battle between her true emotions and feeling towards Draven and her attraction/lust she felt towards him. It never felt forced or rushed. Besides I LOVE a forced proximity/fake relationship trope and this was beautifully done.

Beyond that, I said this in my review of the previous book and I'll say it again, the world building that Briar does can only be described as magical. I genuinely feel transported into this world. I know how it feels and look and the rules without it being overwhelming or overexaggerated. I enjoyed the little found family trope of her and the few Siabra that she became friends with. I loved that even though she was friends with them she could outwordly critisize the society they were raised in for being barbaric and held strong onto her own morals. Very much enjoyed the dept of the new characters introduced in this book and how each of them had deep, hidden motives behind everything that they did. It just added to their character and the relationships between characters. Like they weren't side characters for the sake of the story needed additional characters, they were there for a reason and actively participated in moving the plot forward.

Which leads into why I think I enjoy this book so much. It's because with stories such as this (fae and fantasy romance novels) so often the female main character doesn't feel like a complete character. But with Morgan, she has her own ambitions and morals and motives that fall completely outside of her relationship with Draven and I love that. Both Morgan and Draven felt like complete and real people which isn't common (in my opion) in books such as these.

All in all I think this was an INCREDBILE read. I am still catching my breathe from the absolutely shocking ending that left me both gutted and filled with joy. I CANNOT wait to finish reading this series.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC. This came as a set since book 4 was being released. I had actually forgotten i read book one until the first few pages. Then I was super excited to realize I had a whole set of Morgan and Draven!! Book two consumed me for days! I have no words for how good this story is! I don’t want to give any spoilers but the twists turns and surprises keep me hooked. I cannot wait to start book 3!!

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Reading on my phone is truly a dangerous thing for me to have access to 🤣 I crushed this in a day. The action is definitely picking up (and the spice 🔥). I loved the court politics side of this one as well. The little Arthurian legend Easter eggs are so fun to pick up on. I just need Morgan to figure out her feelings and stop being mean to my boy Draven. But also I need Arthur roasted over the pointy end of a sword like yesterday. Probably going to start book 3 tonight!

Thanks again to NetGalley for rereleasing these.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for this ARC!

If you haven't read the first book of this series yet, do yourself a favor and RUN! If you have read the first, then why are you over here instead of on your couch reading book 2?!

"But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine." - my favorite quote from this book!! Had me SWOONING. I can't get enough of these characters. They are giving me everything I need. The plot is thickening and I'm in so deep. I'm fully committed to this series and can't recommend this enough.

I cannot wait to dive into book 3 and 4!!!!

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“I could save myself, thank you very much.”

This book absolutely hooked me and didn’t let me go! After book one’s cliffhanger, I was interested in book 2 but I didn’t think that it would literally terminate me.

Court of Claws continued the fantastic adventure of Morgan Pendragon and a new fave man, Kairos Draven as they take on a completely different continent and a new courtly intrigue.

I loved learning more about Kairos Draven and his backstory and just getting to know this handsome man! The Court of Umbral Flames was bloodthirsty, wild, but so much fun! But also, they have clap lights? That did make me laugh out loud. *clap,clap*

I think this book really held my interest because our dear Morgan started to grow her own claws (👀👀) especially after her naïveté got the best of her in book 1.. but in this book she has to really become a bit more backboned in the Court of Umbral Flames. Especially with everyone out to get her and Kairos!

The evolution of Morgan and Draven’s relationship was *chefs kiss*. Again, I will reiterate WHO DOESNT LOVE A MAN WHO WILL KILL AND DIE FOR HIS LADY?! and Draven is definitely one of those men. I’m obsessed.

I mean … “But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.” Woof. Just let me faint.

Now does this book end a bit more on a heartbreaking note?! YES. Was I absolutely ready for book three? YES. Did I devour book three instantly after book two?! YES. This series just keeps giving and giving!

As a gentle reminder - if you need to, read those trigger warnings again. It is still a DARK fae romance.

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I utterly adored this book! It’s a loose Arthurian retelling, but with fae and other things I shan’t spoil. It kept me utterly enthralled from start to finish. Morgan is a Badass with a capital B!

Do check your triggers before reading, as there are some darker parts but if you aren’t triggered READ THIS. Seriously, drop everything and read it. It’s that good! I promise you won’t regret it!

Thank you to NetGalley, Starwater Press and Briar Boleyn for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow that certainly was a court of claws! This book was more like a thriller fantasy romance, there was always a bombshell being dropped in the court of claws. I feel like I could spend so much more time with the people in this book and going into the dreams with a bit more detail. I feel like this book has set the stage for an epic book 3!

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley for this ARC copy in exchange for my review.

This is probably one of the best enemies to lovers series I’ve read – the miscommunication between them only adds to the tension and actually gives you plenty of relevant plot information instead of just leaving you frustrated.

The depictions of the Umbral Flames palace were vivid and creative, I could picture it immediately and thought it was really cool. Give me a burning inferno underground palace over sparkling glass and marble any day!

The characters translate really well into book two as well. They’re all brilliantly written, well-rounded and believable. Even the villainous characters are great because they really make you feel something. I also liked how Morgan never ‘forgot’ about Kaye, she kept trying to get back to him rather than just being completely distracted and forgetting him like some books tend to have their protagonists do.

(SLIGHT SPOILER): I’m exceptionally pleased with how things are left at the end with Morgan and Kairos... Hey, I’m all for a morally grey character but oh my god, it’s literally betrayal after betrayal with him, there is no trust and he totally doesn’t deserve her in the slightest at this point. Extreme dub-con, actually more like non-con with the whole marriage thing. I hope he’s miserable in the next book.

Would 100% recommend for any romantasy readers, but as with my review of book one, pay very close attention to the trigger warnings listed in the book!!

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the 2nd installment in the series!! and just wow this did not disappoint!!!!

i dont think there is enough words to explain how amazingly good this book was!!!! Briar has gone and done it again!!

this is once again an enemies to lovers trope, filled with romance, magic. amazing chemistry! not to mention heartbreak! the twist and turns will have you needing to put the book down to catch your breath! tons more spice and the fire that burns well and truly delivers

Dark fantasy romance!! Fae twist! it picks up right were the last book left off... (if you know you know) with the FMC Morgan waking in an unknown place in a bed that she doesnt know whos it is! she quickly learns that she has to play the game in order to be able to save camelot from her brother!

This book leaves you needing/wanting/screaming for more!!! i kept trying to get to the next page!! this book will end before you are ready for it to be over, in a way that will make you scream! cannot wait to dive into book 3!!!

overall i was pulled into this book and didnt want to be let out. please remember to read the triggers warnings this book is a dark romance book and the author put them there to help you protect yourself!!!.

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4 stars ⭐️

This book has me on the fence, do I think this is an epic tale that had me reaching for the next one ?

But I did feel like the main character took two steps back for majority of this book, she was independent in the last book but kind of blended into the walls.

Draven on the other hand- this was totally his story you learn his secrets. Past and failures. I think this book is amazing in showing that but I felt like his people were gossiping about him too much and he let them. He went from a hulking shadow people were scared of to the prince of gossip. Still not sure how I feel
About that one.

But all in all this is a great book and a book two that held a lot of questions that were answered and makes me on the fence on what will happen in the next book due to the twists given in this books ending.

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Love, loss, and everything in between.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Brair Boleyn for the opportunity to read Court of Claws.

Court of Claws was not what I was expecting. Thrilling, adventure, love, and loss all tied up into one book. I started it around 7am this morning and could not put it down. Boleyn does an amazing job with character development and world building. There were some parts that felt a little like Valaris (ACOTAR Night Court) to me which honestly, I loved. She did a wonderful job creating a new world with tropes and ideas used in other popular books.

This book is a 4.5 star read for me. My heart was broken by the end but then hope blossomed in the last few pages. I can't wait to read the next book in the series to see what happens next.

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