Member Reviews

Court of Claws starts off right where Queen of Roses leaves off. If you have no read Queen of Roses, the following review may contain spoilers.

After their journey to the Bloodlands that didn't end the way they had hoped, Morgan awakes in the court of the Siabra with some startling revelations. The man she was falling in love with is gone, and she's left bound to the man she can't decide if she cares for or hates. However, being surrounded by liars and killers in this dangerous territory leaves her having to put more trust in him than she'd like. Throughout the story Morgan finds herself more and more entwined with Draven and stuck in the Court of Claws.

I'll start off my review by saying this book was WAY more entertaining than the first one. There was more action and adventure throughout the story as a whole that kept me more engaged than the first book did. I loved the development between Morgan and Draven, as well as Morgan's growth alone. Getting more insight into her past and what that means for her future is exciting when you think about what it will mean for the future books. We also got a greater look into Draven's past, and present.

Similar to the first book, those last 100 pages were INSANE! So many plot twists I didn't see coming, heartbreaking developments, and wild revelations. I'm excited to see where the series goes from here, that cliffhanger had me jumping to Empress of Fae immediately.

Once again, thank you NetGalley, Victory Editing, and Briar Boleyn for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Another fantastic read, I’m officially hooked on this series. Our boy Kairos made a hard decision to save Morgan at the end of book one. He has taking her to his home to heal, plus he has a few things that need addressing. In this book we learn more about Kairos, his people, and the kingdom he is from. We get introduced to a new set of characters, most of whom I liked and some I loathed but we need those in any good series. We get to be immersed in the blood rise competition, a cut throat and deadly set of trials. I truly enjoyed this book, there was just so much more in this book that sucked me in, danger, action, drama, and the spice 😉 Kairos is the man, I feel for him so much through out this book, he’s misunderstood and always gets the blame even when his actions were done to save a life. Alright on to book three.

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Court of Claws is so good, but oh, how I wish it was written as dual-POV. I NEED to know what Draven is thinking! There are so many little twists in this book that I want his thoughts on. His point of view would just add more fullness to the story. I loved (most of) the new characters that were introduced in this book. Morgan drove me a bit crazy. She was very stubborn and dead set on believing the very worst of Draven at every turn. I didn’t enjoy the way the book ended because I can’t possibly fathom what comes next in the story. Thank goodness I have the next two books ready to go!

I received a copy of Court of Claws for free from NetGalley. Thank you to Briar Boleyn and NetGalley for this copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The world building is amazing, banter and one of my favorite dark romance novels I’ve read in awhile!

Love the creatures, magic system and the characters are great.

On to the next book..

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*I received this book for free but all opinions are my own!*
I absolutely love this series! I adore the characters and the plot is incredibly engaging. I absolutely can’t wait to start the next book.
I will say this one also ended on quite the cliff-hanger (with a shocking reveal at the end of the book!) and so again I recommend having the next book lined up so you won’t be waiting too long before starting it.

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First I will say that I enjoyed the story and the unique twist on Camelot and the fae. The characters were well-developed and the slow-burn romance really picks up in this installment. The world-building was refreshing and stood out from other fantasy romance novels I've read recently.

However, I have to address my frustration with the main character, Morgan. I understand that a protagonist can start off immature and grow throughout the story, but I felt that Morgan seemed to just stay stagnant. Her constant miscommunication and refusal to see the truth grated on my nerves. She repeatedly accuses the male lead of lying, despite all evidence showing otherwise, and it felt like a childish tantrum rather than character development. Even when he offers to help her save her people, she pushes him away irrationally.

The ending, while it did move the plot forward, felt forced and repetitive. Morgan's insistence on hating the male lead for the umpteenth time was frustrating, especially when he had proven his loyalty time and time again. It was enough to make me question whether I want to continue with the series.

I am still curious about the conclusion of the big battles, but I am not sure if I can handle another book of Morgan's refusal to see reason. It genuinely drove me crazy and may deter me from picking up the next installment.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for a review.

Holy cow. Where to begin…….this book picks up immediately after the events of Queen of Roses, and the plots within plots continue to develop. Sometimes when I find a series I like, book 1 is fantastic and book 2 ends up kind of “meh.” No worries with this one, it delivered on all the build up. New characters are introduced which enhance the story and are not after thoughts. They are well written, and you genuinely care about them as well. The world building continues, and we get to see Kairos Draven’s home, which I found beautiful, and super imaginative. There are big reveals in book 2, and plenty of politics, backstabbing, lying, magic, slow-burn-tingle-your-toes romance to keep you up well past your bedtime.

If you haven’t given this series a shot, stop reading this review and get your hands on book 1 now. I have compared it to A Court of Thorns and Roses- but I think it is even better. I loved ACOTR, but this book takes the friendships, plotting & romance and goes pro.

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This was a great continuation of Morgan's story. There was romance, spice, action, new friends, and betrayals. I am excited to see how Morgan's story continues i the third book.

My only complaint for this book is that Morgan actually called Draven "morally grey asshole." It felt like the author just trying to force that trope.

Thank you to NetGalley and Starwater Press for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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↬ review: 4 stars ☾ ❦
in this book, we are transported into a completely new kingdom where morally grey characters lurk around every damn corner. the thrilling adventures mixed with found family dynamics kept me on the edge of my seat because i was constantly worried.

❀ characters:
➵ draven: let's talk about my absolute favourite character first. forget brooding princes: draven is a man. i mean, he literally ripped his own heart out to save morgan. talk about commitment and sacrifice. i love his calculated and soft heart so much.
➵ morgan: on the other hand, morgan is the feisty female lead with a knack for pushing draven away every single time, even when he's handing her a literal crown on a silver platter. like, come on, get your act together.
➵ beks: i love this boy with all my heart, and my heart is broken. that's all. i just wanted to say his name and tell everyone on this planet that he is my son.

❀ love: morgan and draven have complicated dynamic, filled with emotional highs and lows. i have to be honest, they tested my patience because their love is a slow burn. even after the second book, their relationship is still a damn slow burn.

❀ what i loved: first and foremost, i loved the deadly trials filled with heart-pounding suspense and danger. i was cheering draven and morgan on one minute and biting my nails the next as they tried to survive and save innocent people. and let's not forget the exmoor, the special cats that bond with people like dragons. for everyone who loves cats like i do, this world-building is perfect for you.

❀ what i disliked: the ending left me feeling conflicted. everything that happened after the trials was a little bit confusing and rushed as hell. i was wondering if i missed something important because everything happened so quickly and was implausible.

❀ conclusion: this book is a wild ride from start to finish, with morally ambiguous characters, found family dynamics, adventures, deadly trials, love gestures, and friendships. just embrace the chaos and let yourself be swept away.

"you have the most beautiful laugh, you know. you rarely use it, but when you do..." he took a breath and to my shock i felt him tremble. "it shakes the world. my entire world."

thank you, netgalley and briar boleyn, for the arc in exchange for my honest review. it means a lot to me, and i appreciate it.

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The author meant it when she said there was 🌶️ increase in the books

I don’t know you guys I think this might be my new contender for favorite series! I swear Draven is swoon worthy and it’s overall just amazing. I wanted to slap the FMC a few times but that’s just life. I’m hoping she gets it together in the next one. Again, the author didn’t hold back on the emotions. The writing was great!

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Oh wow. This is my second reading and it was hands down one of the best fantasy books I have read so far. I haven't read many but this was definitely good.

The world building is amazing as always. You can't help but fall in love with everyone mentioned. The siabra are not kind but there are people who are different among monsters too, nicer I mean.

Draven is too good to be true. Thoughtful, selfless, counting others before his own gain, caring. Morgan on the other hand, is just trying too hard to sound smart and funny. I liked her voice in first book but in second book it didn't feel like Morgan at all. I know as story proceeds people change but Morgan was timid and not so confidant in the first book, totally opposite of how she is portrayed in the second book. Reading her being totally sassy just didn't make sense to me. You can become more confident but you can't get from boring to sassy in overnight.

I didn't mind it but it just didn't feel like reading the same character anymore. Like she took a 360 turn overnight after her injuries. Also she got on my nerves so often for continuing to be an overwhiny and self-indulgent idiot.

Something would make sense to her in a minute , even then she would not stop whining about it the whole book. She was just insufferable. At one point I even felt screaming at her and really wondered what is Draven actually seeing and liking in her coz there's nothing to like about her.

I know why authors do this- to have some banter, to make it enjoyable for readers, the readers like me who especially enjoy the enemy to lover trope. But this wasn't really enemy to lover scene here, Draven saved her life. He did what he did to save her and it wasn't that bad to be honest. It just annoyed me thinking seriously what is wrong with Morgan and her whiny monologues.

Apart from Morgan's not so subtle change of character, it was a really good read for me. I enjoyed it thoroughly and I finished it in a night so that says a lot about the book for me. The ending didn't disappoint. I'm off to third book now. This will be my favourite from the series, if third doesn't turn out better that is.

Thank you Netgalley and publishers starwater press for ARC in exchange of an honest review. Special thanks to publishers for making fourth book available and previous three books too as many readers prefer Revisiting books before reading finale.

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•Court Of Claws•
“Your hair is like liquid moonlight, a crown fit for a goddess."~~

Holy hell I loved this sequel. Now lets get into it..

Rating: 5 out of 5
Romance: 4 out of 5 (We could have had a bit more of showing how Draven was falling for her but it still was so perfect)
Spice: 4 out of 5, those spicy scenes were just *chefs kiss*
Emotional Damage: YES A MILLION TIMES YES! ALL THE BOMBS. This was better than book one for me though both were amazing reads. We get a ton of questions answered here but are still in suspense for book 3. The plot is just so insanely good.

~~”So you've saved me by bringing me somewhere everyone wants to kill me? Wonderful plan."~~

This story so far is what I would call enemies to reluctant allies with attraction to somewhat friends to enemies to fake relationship with benefits to lovers back to maybe enemies? Idk what magic is in this but I am obsesssseed. This is like the ultimate trope. I do feel like our male lead fell a little too quickly but it’s written so well that I don't even care. Meanwhile homegirl over here is fighting their attraction every step of the way and I love the angst. Now don't get me started on the muthaflipping dialogue. Every word out of their mouths were gold. This was so well written and oh soso satisfying.

~~ "Don't make me fucking pull those horns off."~~

I love Morgan. She shows a ton of growth between this book and the last. She stands up for herself so much more and I am so proud of her. Her constant love hate relationship with Draven was so good. I never knew what to expect from her sometimes and I was always so invested into when she would finally cave. I can't wait to learn more about her past and how she's not who she thought she was. The suspense of her seeing her family, and both sides has me dying for more.

~~"I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine."~~

Draven? I am a simp. Boleyn really threw horns on this man and I was just like cool that's hot. His back story broke my heart. We knew he was going to have reasons for why he's done what he's done but I did not see any of it coming. He deserves the world and then some. Morgan needs to go ahead and be it for him because the constant hot and cold she's giving him makes me want to hop into this book and smack her around. Now the ending bombs he dropped? I wouldn't even be mad bestie. *spoiler* This contributes to my new favorite trope now, 'secret wife', 'unknown wife' like idk what to call it but when the mans like oh don't touch my wife and me and the main character are both collectively like wtf did this man just say right now??? Then I am leaping for joy and the Morgan is just like "gotta rip this man's horns off again". I was so dead, but I need more of this trope lol *end spoiler*

I loved every single new character that was introduced in this book, except Avriel, he was absolutely disgusting and up there with Arthur for me. The amount of shit he got away with was so frustrating but definitely kept me hooked and ready for his downfall.

Again another work of art by Briar Boleyn. Time for me to speed off to book 3 as I am no-lifing this series rn. Ta-Ta

Thank you NetGalley for an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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“I’m in awe of you”
“I’m spellbound”
“What I do is for you, always”
“You’re my every weakness, my every temptation”
“You’re mine”

If these quotes don’t sell you on this book/series I have no idea what will 😫

There’s more romance in this book! YAYAY They still have a long long way to go, Morgan holds herself back so much and is very stubborn, but at least the enemies are very SLOWLY turning into lovers. Draven is throwing his heart on the line (iykyk) and is really showing his dedication to her but she’s still so reluctant 😭 there’s a lot of push and pull in this book

Compared to book 1, book 2 was darker, more bloody/gorey, and filled with scarier creatures because of the challenges they had to face. With a fkd up family dynamic, great side characters, forced proximity, heartbreak, betrayal, magic - this book kept me hooked.

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Court of Claws by Briony Boleyn

4 stars

I could not wait to get stuck into book 2 of Briony Boleyn’s fae world and it did not disappoint. I know that sometimes book 2 in a series can be a massive let down, but this was the opposite.

At the end of book 1, Draven Kairos bound Morgan to him to save her life. Morgan is furious at this – she has never had control over her life choices, and this is yet another choice she couldn’t make for herself. But Draven knew that the Siabra would not accept her role in his life without that bond.

Ok, so I didn’t love how… resolutely immaturely stubborn Morgan could be, holding onto her anger like a cloak. I’m done with it!

I was a frustrated at the drip feeding of the secrets, seemingly layered like onions; just as I’m getting my head round the latest secret (or its impact), I’m hit by another secret.

Upon his return, the Queen Regent (his stepmother) initiates the contest for the Umbral throne; the contenders are a mixed bag some are likeable (honourable) and some despicable. During the three trials, Draven offers to let Morgan go and instead she stays with Draven and takes their relationship to a spicy new level. Draven is weakened during the second trial and during his comatose recovery the Queen regent brings forward the final trial and yet another secret rolls out.

At the Court of claws, Morgan meets new friends with amazing powers, she sees new opportunities for her friends back in Camelot (winking at you here Galahad), she lets Becks, a magically talented human, into her heart and (SPOILER grievously mourns his passing). Becks introduces her to Rychel, Draven’s half-sister (I use half to describe her as half human half fae – in heart they are full siblings).

I loved the new characters we were introduced to:
Gawain and Crescent, Becks, Hawl (Ursidaur) the Bearkin, Odessa, Lyrastra. I now want my very own Nightclaw (Exmoor battlecat).

As much as I loved some of the new characters, I hated the few others Briony wanted me to hate; particularly Avriel, Sephora and that B*stard Master Rodrick (what kind of monster cages and beats a little kittie?). Javer isn’t especially in my good graces either, but he does something at the end that has potential to redeem him…

And now, I can’t wait to dive into Book 3: Empress of Fae.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for sending this digital book for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Crown of Claws is book two and has to be read after Queen of Roses. After the ending of the first book I was so excited to dive into this one.

This book picks up right where the first left off. I really liked this new court and kingdom. The battle for the crown was a fun addition that felt familiar and kept me on my toes. I liked the trials and some of the twists.

I loved the growth of Morgan and seeing her embrace more and more of who she truly is and I’m glad we got a few answers about her magic and who she is.

Draven and his backstory was heartbreaking and so fun to read about. Now knowing more about why he was doing what he was and his plan moving forward I feel like I have a more clear view of him. There are still so many questions I need answers to and I am anxious to see how the relationships grow in the next book,

This book has a lot of the things I look toward to in a Dark Fantasy romance. Enemies to lovers, angst, interesting magic, mythical creatures, battles, deception, secrets and a looming doom. I adore this series so much.

Another cliffhanger!! I was shocked and went back and read the last few chapters again to make sure i got it all.

Overall amazing and such a hard review to write without spoilers.

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I definitely was not expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did. Boleyn masterfully weaves together elements of romance, fantasy, and suspense, creating a narrative that is as thrilling as it is emotionally consuming. "Court of Claws" is a triumph of storytelling, showcasing Briar Boleyn's talent for crafting captivating narratives that linger long after the final page. Prepare to be swept away by this mesmerizing tale of passion and intrigue in a world where nothing is as it seems and things are ever-changing.

As the stakes escalate and the dangers mount, readers will find themselves utterly absorbed in Morgan and Kairo's journey, rooting for their survival and their connection amidst the chaos. With its gripping plot, compelling characters, and unexpected twists, "Court of Claws" is a must-read for fans of dark fantasy and romance alike.

Please note that this book is the second installation of the series "Blood of a Fae".

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I have been devouring this whole series. Still not the biggest fan of the FMC, but man I absolutely am enthralled with everything else

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5 stars for me. Loved this story so much... super well written, the plot was 10/10. So so so good... loved to read it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc.

Briar Boleyn did it again! I throughly enjoyed the second book of this series! I loved seeing Morgan and Draven’s relationship develop and get to see where Draven came from, one thing I did not like, however, is Morgan’s constant state of ‘I hate you, I love you, I hate you’ again. Hopefully not so much in book 3.

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"But I see you, Morgan Pendragon. I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.”

This series keeps getting better and better! Queen of Roses has been one of my favorite reads of 2024, but this one is even more superior. This book picks up where the last book left off, but this one is a sort of Hunger Games style competition where the winner gets the Siabra throne. Draven is competing for said throne. There are so many twists and turns, and though Morgan seems pretty dense when it comes to Draven and their feelings toward one another, I still loved how strong both characters were. I also loved the side characters, as well as the exmoors. I loved all the twists, especially regarding Morgan's background. Usually the 2nd book in a series drags - NOT this one! This is Romantasy at its finest! I can't wait to read the 3rd book!

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