Member Reviews

I really really wanted to like this. The idea of the book was promising but in the end I liked the story of the grandparents more than I did with the MCs.
The problem I’ve had with our MCs:
- chemistry was simply not there
- romance was unrealistic (what do you mean u already know her? you’ve only met her)
- was she a little bit “stalkerish” in a weird way at the begging or was it just me? (i mean i understand ur need to know, but.. )
What I did like:
- how the story unfolded between their grandparents
- the secrets and mistery (also again, because of the grandparents love story)
Thank you NetGalley for the e-ARC.

Cute romance story, with two different characters who you get to see their character development throughout the book! I love the strong female character in this and love that we see more of her. Its a good read & an easy read too, definitely worth picking up and giving it ago!

"You are first in my life, and everyone needed to know that.”
Frances and Mackenzie.
Billionaire romance and sort of a second-chance romance.
This is like reading two romance books in one sitting.
Frances found old love letters of her d3c3ased grandpa... being newly d!vorced herself and trying to find some semblance of hope and closure, she went on a mission to find out who her grandpa wrote to... and here she thought her grandpa's greatest love is Mackenzie's d3c3as3d grandma.
I actually enjoyed enjoyed reading this book. It was funny but also swoon-worthy at the same time. I was excited to turn the pages.
Loved this book! It left me light and inspired.

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.
I wanted to like this book, I really did. The premise seemed interesting. I love reading old letters. I love billionaire romances. A lot of other reviewers felt positively about it. It had a lot of the pieces to books I like, but none of the oomph.
I did not finish this book and abandoned it at 35% of the way through. It took me days to even get to that 35%, but I wanted to give the story a chance, as other reviewers enjoyed it so much.
I felt frustrated by the FMC of the series due to her stalking behavior of the MMC - she wants the story of her "Paps," who she discovered loved the MMC's "Milly" through a series of letters from Milly to Paps. However, the FMC (Frankie's) continuous stalking of MacKenzie (the MMC) was obnoxious. This man owed her nothing, especially not part of a love story he didn't even know about. She followed him to his place of work and to events to convince him to help her dig into the story of Milly and Paps historically through letters, but MacKenzie wasn't interested and didn't even know about Paps' existence.
Also, all of the characters had multiple names and nicknames, and I felt it was confusing to keep everyone in line. Some of the nicknames were similar, too. MacKenzie called his grandmother Milly while some of his co-workers called him "Millsy," but although there was a reason they did that (a play on his last name), it just seemed to be a way to add in a nickname without actually adding to the story. It felt unnecessary and excessive, especially when his grandmother was called Milly.
I didn't buy the immediate romance between MacKenzie and Frankie. The fact that he knew she was spunky and a firecracker and all of these amazing things after just meeting her and brushing her off two or three times felt inauthentic. He kept brushing her off, seemingly annoyed, but also intrigued. But at one point, he left her at a restaurant after inviting her out. I felt like I got whiplash from their interactions.
I may give this book another try at a later time, but it wasn't for me at this particular moment.

The idea for this book is great and I loved the overarching story, the love story between the main characters grandparents. But the love story between the two main characters themselves didn't resonate with me as much for some reason. I struggled to figure out when they actually fell in love with each other. Instead of it being a happily ever after to for them, this relationship felt like it was the one that would propel them to the love of their lives.
The dialogue between them was snappy and I loved the interaction with Corey, but Mack's conversations and interactions with his aunt Suzie felt off, I actually felt bad for her. And Frankie's distain for the sister that helped care for her felt a bit selfish - was she not allowed to have her own life? I think these two MCs views of the people around them felt a bit childish, especially for two mature adults.

This was a cute story and it reminded me of the movie Letters to Juliet. I liked seeing Mack go from not caring for Frankie and never seeing himself committing to anyone to falling madly in love with Frankie after each encounter they had. Their grandparents love story was heartbreaking and I wish they would’ve gotten some closure but sometimes that just doesn’t happen in life. Overall it was a good story but the biggest issue I had with this book was the fact that there wasn’t a trigger warning for an event that is mentioned throughout the book. Even though it didn’t trigger me I know that there are others out there that it would, especially if they’re blind sided like I was. If there had been a TW page I probably would’ve enjoyed it more.

One of my favorite authors!!! I love everything she writes but this one might be one of my most favorites. I love Frankie as a character and love the story. I honestly think my favorite part is just that she is a matured character who’s already been through some things. I’ve loved reading this author from early on and enjoy how she embraces each new book and set of characters!
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley

This book was soooooo good! I just absolutely adored it and can’t wait for it to be released for more to read it!

I actually really liked this book. I can't lie, it was kind of cute when she was stalking him at the beginning. I loved seeing a man who thought he could never love, fall so hard for this woman. The rating could be higher but there was a random isnotreal mention which could have been replaced with literally any other country and it would have made no difference.
I received an arc through netgalley.

Gracias Netgalley por el arc
La idea era buena, pero el desarrollo dejó mucho que desear.
Tenemos a Frankie quien es la protagonista y tiene una horrible personalidad. Antes de morir su abuelo le contó su historia de amor con la abuela de Mack, ahora que murió, ella quiere saber toda la historia por lo que busca a Mack para que la ayude a descubrir que les pasó a sus abuelos, pero en lugar de pedirle ayuda llegó exigiendo respuestas, cuando él le dice que no, se le hace buena idea acosarlo hasta que acepte reunirse con ella. Como su vida es infeliz quiere distraerse.
EL romance fue forzado y no veo como Mack se pudo enamorar de alguien como Frankie y ser tan vulnerable apenas conociéndola.
Se comportaban como adolescentes, pero ya tenían 38 y 46 años.
Mi gran problema es que me cayó mal Frankie y una vez que me cae mal uno de los protagonistas es difícil que cambie de opinión y que pueda disfrutar su historia. Ella es la típica persona que le gusta hacer, pero no que le hagan, ya saben la que se lleva, pero no aguanta.
Me sentí mal por la abuela de Frankie, mira que casarte con alguien que no te ama y que dicho esposo lograra que su nieta tuviera como segundo nombre, el nombre de la mujer que amaba. 💔 También sentí feo porque Frankie jamás dijo algo sobre su abuela, parecía más su abuela Rosie.

My Dearest Mackenzie is a beautiful read. Mackenzie is the head of his family business and hasn't followed his grandmother's final letter yet. Frankie is trying to piece her grandfather's life through letters she finds. She is tenacious when it comes to trying to get Mackenzie's attention. I love how Frankie wears him down. The letters of lost love bring Frankie and Mackenzie closer. Both overcome their past and drop walls as they work together to discover the love their respective grandparent had for the other. I love this second chance of love between Mackenzie and Frankie. I could not get enough of this beautiful read. I loved it so much. You need to click this now.

I adored this book! It was a fairly short, quick read but made an impact! I loved that it was an older couple falling in love, with New Adult being so popular now I feel like you don't see a lot of romances with people over 35+. I've had customers ask for them though so it's nice to have a new book to recommend! Mackenzie was a great hero, he was damaged but so caring and considerate, most of the time, and even when he did fuck up he corrected it and apologized. Frankie was fiesty, and soo much fun! I loved how she wouldn't take no for an answer and her determination to find her Paps long-lost love was so sweet! I really enjoyed how the two came together and their journey to work through their respective grief and pasts.

<b>My Dearest Mackenzie by Rachel Blaufel is actually two love stories! Mackenzie and Frances' paths because the unrequited love story of their grandparents. This heartaching story is filled with nostalgia of a tragic past and hope of a bright future. Billionaire Mackenzie Miller couldn't live upto the expectations in his grandmother's last letter. He is emotionally unavailable and career focused and don't believe in forever love as his grandma wanted him to be. Then Frances stormed into his colourless life with her sass, stubbornness and sweetness and letters of her grandfather. It was a heartaching journey of two broken souls finding love again while trying to find answers of a forgotten lost love.</b>
Mackenzie Miller is the perfect alpha hero. Ruthless business. Cold hearted. Hiding his emotional baggage behind mask of indifference. Very few people close to him know his soft core. He is afraid to get hurt and left behind again so he keeps everyone at a distance. But something about Frances made him fall hard and fast, even after he tried to resist her charm. Frances couldn't easily make him believe about the love story of their grandparents but different facts kept coming out and he got invested into the incomplete love story too. Through the mission, they came closer and closer. Frances has been through a lot of grief and pain. She has risen from the ashes. She has overcome the feelings of inadequacy and she has promised herself she will never ever compromise with her self respect and self worth. Even for the charisma and sex appeal of Mackenzie Miller. He made her feel so wanted and cherished and appreciated but she wouldn't settle for anything less than his whole heart. The glimpses of the past through the letters of their grandparents added to the emotional depth of this story. Mackenzie needed someone to challenge him and Frances needed someone to accept her with all her different sides.
This story contains some sensitive issues like religious hate and loss of an unborn child so read carefully.
I reviewed an early copy voluntarily through Netgalley