Member Reviews

Another Girl Lost by Mary Burton is a psychological suspense novel featuring Scarlett Crosby, who is now a successful artist and a decade ago managed to successfully escape her captor and abuser. She has always insisted that another girl was there with her but nobody believes her because of lack of evidence. When a girl's body is discovered and she is linked to Scarlett's past, old memories and wounds surface. With a suspicious detective and a new officer who reminds her of Della on the case, it becomes a thrilling story. We get two povs, Della's and Detective Dawson's, and we also have some povs of Della from when she was kidnapped. I think we could have done without the old povs. The story was engrossing enough and I was invested in Scarlett's story. The character arc is good and it gives the reader hope. Scarlett's romanctic sub plot was a good addition. Dawson's relationship with Margo kind of made me uncomfortable. I don't know if that was intentional. I couldn’t predict the major twist which is always a good thing. I do think there are a couple of loopholes but overall it's a good read.

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A decade ago, teenage Scarlett Crosby was abducted and held hostage by a deranged individual. Although she escaped, she left behind another girl, Della, who disappeared without a trace. The police are doubtful of Della's existence, as there is no evidence to corroborate Scarlett's account. Now, a body has been discovered with connections to Scarlett, reigniting the investigation into her past abduction.

Another Girl Lost is a fast-paced psychological thriller filled with complex characters and a dark, gripping storyline. It grabbed my attention from the very start and easily held it! You could feel the angst and tension radiating off the pages with an alternating timeline that kept you on the edge of your seat as the full story came to light.

If you’re looking for a twisted whodunit that makes you constantly question everything you know - this is definitely the book for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this digital ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A very dark story with lots of triggering moments so I would suggest if you are easily triggered this isn’t the book for you. Having said that the story was good and gave a lot of details. It also was scary and creepy because it could happen and does happen so I feel like that really made me not want to stop reading.

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Diabolical and attention grabbing from start to finish! I adored this book ... up until the last page that is. The characters are well developed with a chilling backstory that plays out to come back and haunt them a decade later, the angst is on point and the general pace of the story was steady even with going back in time to get the background every few chapters. I would definitely say it was a 5 star read until the ending let me down so badly. I feel like Scarlett didn't get the justice she deserved in telling her story to fruition and having the truth come out, and I wanted to see more of how her life settled in once all was said and done. So disappointed with the ending.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a twisted who dunnit where the past revisits and makes them wonder if something is truly happening or not.

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Imagine being locked away for more the 90 days, not knowing what to expect with the next sound or feeling.
"Another Lost Girl" grabs you and hands you the feeling and thoughts of 90 days or horror.
Trying to recover from this unspeakable horror, Scarlet still walks with the crippling issue of the 90 days. Now ten months later she feels the ghosts of the past and more dead bodies will consume her if she cannot prove her suspicions of the past are coming back to haunt her, more real than ever.
Once again, Mary Burton keeps you on the edge with each page. It will pull you in, not wanting to put this book down.
Definitely FIVE STARS.

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3.5 stars - thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This book started out quite promising and slowly fizzled due to an excess of unnecessary smut & romance (not something I like, especially not in my mystery books) and the ending was pretty anticlimactic. Still recommend, but it’s only pretty good

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loved this mystery and keeping secrets and the different point of views. Also loved trying to figure out who did it . I enjoyed the mystery behind it.

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This book was a very twisted tale of survival and hiding and learning to live again. The beginning was unexpected as we know from the description on the back that Scarlet is the victim but is she also the killer? The entire book explores Scarlet from different angles -she is broken in the basement, she is building her first normal life with a great guy and she is dangerously obsessed. Physically, we know Scarlett suffered and psychologically she suffered but did she break and become the monster of her nightmares? At times Scarlett did some really dumb things like parking outside of the home of a possible victim or accomplice. When she does those things it can be construed as a cry for help or a desire for the truth depending on your take on Scarlett. The author did a nice job of making Scarlett seem like she was moving on only to fall back on the past pain.
Then we have Della or do we or is she Margo or did she exist only in Scarlett's mind. Again, this tale played out in the pages of the story and readers were left to wonder. This book took us into the mind of obsession and kept us turning the page to find out what was real and what was merely a coping mechanism gone too far. Dawson complicates the story because he too is broken both by his role in Scarlett's story a decade ago and by a wife who we know is not the typical ex.
The characters are complex and at times you distrust each. You may cheer for Scarlett because she seems to be healing and she certainly deserves that but then you wonder. This is a gripping tightly woven tale with so many truths and so many lies, it is hard to pull them apart. Therefore you must keep reading to learn the whole truth but can Scarlett and others handle the truth? At times it may have seemed a touch long but that detail was necessary so readers could understand all sides of Scarlett, Della and Dawson.
Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Ten years ago, fifteen-year-old Scarlett Crosby was held captive in a terrifying ordeal with a girl named Della. Scarlett escaped, their predator was killed, and Della simply vanished. Scarlett has been obsessed with Della ever since her escape. She thinks she has seen her many times. Is it her imagination as some suggest, or is Della out there somewhere?

I truly enjoyed this book, and in fact, read it twice. I don't like to analyze a book, I just read to enjoy the experience. I want surprise and twists that keep me entertained. There are so many aspects that grab your attention and make your imagination zing. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of evil in the world, and this book has a lot. You know it's fiction, you know it's not real, but Mary Burton makes you feel like it is. You get pulled into the story and become a part of the experience. I felt the fear and sorrow of these girls. I felt the anger. I understood the distrust because those emotions poured from the pages. But it's not all bad, as good people like the Judge and others try to help Scarlett. Even as emotionally challenged as she is, she still has people in her life that care and, in her way, she accepts and trusts. I'm a suspense addict and love a good story that keeps me guessing. When I came to the ending of "Another Girl Lost" it was one of those "no way" moments that completed a sad but amazing story. Now that's how to write suspense.

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A decade after enduring a traumatic experience where she and another girl were preyed upon by a predator, Scarlett has managed to rebuild her life and become a renowned artist. However, the secret of what she had to do to survive and escape remains buried, known only to two others—the girl who initially led her into the monster's trap being one of them.

With no concrete evidence of the existence of Della, the girl Scarlett claims was involved, even the police detective Kevin Dawson remains uncertain if Della is real. Their captor is now dead, and it seems like Scarlett should be able to move on from the past. But unlike Detective Dawson, Scarlett feels that Della is still lurking in her life, appearing too frequently for comfort.

The discovery of another girl's body in a location connected to Scarlett's past reignites the nightmare, forcing old wounds to reopen.

This intense and gripping story is not for the faint-hearted, as it delves into dark themes, including sexual abuse and violence. Burton's characters are well-crafted, and the narrative pulls you in quickly. The book earns a 3.5-star rating.

A big thank you to NetGalley for an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Can you say psychological thriller.... Take the journey with Scarlett as this digs into the mental and emotional consequences of trauma. What is reality. Skilled in her craft as an author, Burton also has a deep well of knowledge about the lifelong impact of trauma. Realistic characters and events make this a believable tale of the unbelievable.

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Loved this book! So good! Every new book that I read from this author just reminds me why she is one of my favorites.

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Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

What a darkly twisted, gripping and harrowing psychological thriller that will seize you from the first page and not let you go till the very end! Hold on tight for an intense and suspenseful wild ride that will keep you flipping the pages to uncover the truth. Another Girl Lost is a disturbing and sometimes hard to read book that alternates between the past and present, culminating in a satisfying ending,. If you're looking for a cozy mystery read this is not it! This is my first read by this author and I look forward to reading more of her books. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.💫

✨3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars✨

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Another Girl Lost was a solid thriller/suspense somewhat confusing in the beginning with an introduction of a lot of characters at once. I liked the dual point of view of the main characters and thought the central mystery was interesting. There were a few things at the end that didn't really seem like they tied up for me but was minor in the entire plot. Would recommend and will read more from Mary Burton. I want to thank NetGalley and Montlake for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This suspense mystery is a masterpiece of complexity all woven together well, captivating me from beginning to end. The story revolved around a girl who was kidnapped when she was a teen and who spent ninety days in captivity, being tortured and abused by her captor. Scarlett is still healing from her ordeal but she is also seeking to find out what happened to Della, the girl who entrapped her into Tanner’s lair to begin with. When one of Tanner’s captives is found murdered, the mystery deepens and so does Scarlett’s interest in finding Della. The character of Detective Dawson fascinated me as he was multi-layered himself and had a lot of secrets in his past just as Scarlett does. The third main character, a female detective named Margo, is an enigma who doesn’t let anyone get too close to her or her sparsely furnished apartment. The author scatters clues around but there are also false leads to trick all but the most astute readers. I enjoyed getting to know the characters who were dynamic and realistically portrayed, but I really loved the fast plot and all of the action that just kept coming as the three main characters are all involved in subterfuge and deception. This is a good book to plan to read in one sitting because it is hard to put down. The scenes of abuse are somewhat disturbing but not graphically described so that they appealed to the compassion in me.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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Ten years ago, a teenage Scarlett Crosby was kidnapped and held captive by a madman. She managed to escape but left behind another girl Della, who just vanished. Police are sceptical Della was even there with Scarlett when no evidence can be found to back up her story.
Now, a dead body is found with a link to Scarlett and her past kidnapping is brought to the forefront. Just like Della, who’s back in Scarlett’s life, secrets and all.
‘Another Girl Lost’ was a well constructed, psychological thriller. This wasn’t your typical Mary Burton novel, which tend to lean more towards romantic suspense reads. This book even had trigger warnings at the beginning for its subject matter. Overall a good, solid read. 3.5 stars from me.
** I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher**

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I really enjoyed this book. The author has a way of capturing my attention instantly. I had to keep reading just one more chapter. It was a hard one to put down. Highly recommend.

Many thanks for my gifted copy!

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I love a mystery that doesn’t tie everything up in a neat little bow at the end. We enter the story after the villain is dead and one of his victims is facing the aftermath and speculation surrounding another of his crimes. I couldn’t put it down and finished it in one day!

Fans of suspense will love this one!

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Scarlett is trying a live a quiet life as an artist and is trying to move on with her life when it all comes back. She doesn't know why this is happening to her. This book grabbed my attention from the start

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A little slow starting off but starts getting really good about 1/3 of the way through and then becomes unputdownable! Very good storyline and characters.

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