Member Reviews

Scarlett was kidnapped and held captive for months ten years ago. Detective Kevin Dawson was the one who helped rescue her. Now, Dawson suspects Scarlett of being more involved with her captor when another of his victim’s remains are found. Scarlett though is trying to move on, but she keeps seeing, or hallucinating, a woman named Della, who was held captive with her. Is Della really back? Did Scarlett help her captor kill back then? This dual perspective narrative answers those questions. Unlike the typical Mary Burton formula where both main characters are romantically interested in each other, this novel breaks the mold as these characters are working against each other. Also, the detective in this story isn’t necessarily a good guy like Burton’s other protagonists; all of the characters in this novel are flawed. There is still romance and mystery, and while Burton’s attempt to move away from the predictable is respectable, this novel just didn’t have the same appeal that readers have grown to expect from Burton. This book was fine, but not great.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this title from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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WOW! This book pulled me in from the beginning! It isn't difficult to imagine something like this happening in real life. Almost everyday you hear stories about women who are brutally, sexually attacked.

I have to admit, I came to like the main character, Scarlett, and I was rooting for her. It was easy to imagine how traumatized she was from what happened to her as a young teenager. The treatment by Detective Dawson was at times kind, but he still seemed to feel she was guilty of making up things.And Officer Lawson--sketchy at best.

5 stars for dramatic this was!

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I enjoyed this book for the most part. It was definitely a very dark read, but I thought the ending could use some work. Parts of it seemed unnecessary and kind of fell flat for me.

Looking forward to Mary Burton’s next book! Thank you for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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Another girl lost by Mary Burton

Scarlett was kidnapped and tortured
She is blamed as someone cohorts with her kidnapper
She is a survivor
She is a successful artist
She is haunted by nightmares

Even with her past authenticity questioned, she believes in her memory. She wants to prove she remembers correctly but has no way to get the police to believe with new dead bodies showing up.

The book is written multiple POVs and goes back and forth between kidnapped past and current timeline. We are continuously guessing if Scarlett is crazy, the kidnapper is coming back and who is killing people.

The book is intense with kidnapping and torture. But also delves on ptsd, healing and getting back to life.

Fast paced and captivating!

This one took me out of a reading slump!!

Fans of psychological thriller must try this one

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Mary Burton is a must-read for me. I have been reading her books for close to twenty years. I always know I will get a suspenseful, fast-paced read with great characters. Another Girl Lost is no different. As a teen, Scarlett is held captive in a basement along with another girl, Della. Scarlett escapes and Della is never found. No one can find evidence she even ever existed. Fast forward 10 years and Scarlett has a new life. She has kept her secrets. A girl's body has been found and Scarlett still feels Della everywhere. This is a dark, disturbing tale. It is also a highly entertaining and suspenseful read and I could not stop turning pages. As usual, I look forward to the next book from Mary!

Thank you to #NetGalley, Mary Burton and Montlake Books for this much appreciated ARC. All opinions are my own.

I will post my review to Amazon, Facebook and other retail and social media sites upon publication on September 17th.

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I enjoyed this romantic suspense novel. It was engaging and at times thought provoking of the long term effects of this kind of abuse and kidnapping. It would only be appropriate for my older students due to type of sexual content.. Overall good, a little long at times but a satisfying read and a heroine to really get behind 4.5

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Another well written story by the author. I particularly like this style where the author gives us the thoughts and action of the main characters separately. The guessigame as to how the characters fit in the story keeps the reading guessing throughout the book. The ending is surprising and leaves the reader wondering about what would be next.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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Dark twisty thriller indeed!
I thought this was slow to start - but once you get to know Scarlett Crosby things move along from there!
She was abused for years - and thinks she sees her kidnapper daily - she even thinks she’s killed her - but she?

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Thank you NetGalley and Montlake publishing For the advanced copy of Another Lost Girl by Mary Burton. I have read several of Mary Burton’s books and this new one didn’t disappoint. While the ending was somewhat frustrating, the ride there was a thrilling psychological trip Scarlet was abducted at 15 years old by Tanner, a very charming and cunning man who lured girls into his trap. Now 10 years later, a body is found connected to this kidnapping. Scarlett’s past abduction which left a lot of physical and mental scars is now being reinvestigated by the cop who took down her kidnapper. Put this one on your to be read pile. Release date September 17, 2024.

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Ten years ago Scarlett Crosby had been kidnapped, raped, tortured and held captive by Tanner Reed for eighty eight days. Tanner is eventually killed when he wrecks his van and is shot by a cop.
Fast forward ten years and Scarlett is basically a shell of herself. She doesn't know the difference between fact and fiction. She tells people she was held captive with a girl named Della and thinks she sees her sometimes. People assume she has developed a coping mechanism and she's called Della.
Scarlett has rebranded herself as a successful artist. She keeps to herself and helps out at a recreation center. But now that she is starting to live a normal life and the past has been somewhat forgotten, is she as safe as she thinks she is?
"Another Girl Lost" is another outstanding intense psychological thriller that Mary Burton has lured me into!! Be prepared to be riveted!!!

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This was another solid read from Mary Burton. I loved the dual perspectives. I also loved that the law enforcement characters were more morally gray than in her previous work. It added more authenticity to the story and to the characters. The writing was propulsive and I finished this book in two days! She is a must read author for me with every new release and this one did not disappoint!

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Mary Burton has really mastered the romantic suspense genre, you can always rely on her for a good mystery. This book had me gripped from the very first page. I got really involved in Scarlett's life and kept changing my mind about the existence of Della. Did she really exist or was she a figment of Scarlett's imagination, someone her terrified teenaged psyche invented to help her through her ordeal. I was so stunned by the ending I think I read it about three times just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. If you want an enjoyable thriller with plenty of suspense then give this standalone book by a truly great author.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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My Thoughts

Turns out the past does not always stay in its place.

Now 25-years-old Scarlett Crosby has come a long way from the fifteen-year-old who was kidnapped, beaten, raped and tortured for almost three months.

Her only saving grace was a fellow captive named Della who over those months of mutual captivity taught her ways in which to turn from helpless prey to someone with more inner strength than Scarlett believed herself capable of having.
In plainer language how to survive with her sanity intact.

Now 10 years later however old horrors are revisited when an earlier victim is found dead.

The search for this victims’ identity brings to light even more than investigators bargained for with some really dark twists along the way.

Main character Scarlett Crosby.

The elusive Della. Enemy, confidant, friend.

The girlfriend of the man who kidnapped them. An innocent or a co-conspirator?

The kidnapper himself.

Police Detective Kevin Dawson. Savior of Scarlett but now someone who has doubts about how innocent of committing several crimes she really is, or not.

The girl who got away thanks to Scarlett. Addict, almost non-functioning and someone else that Scarlett feels honor bound to help after nearly getting her abducted as well.

These make up the people we meet as the story unfolds from present to past and past to present.

What really makes this a true psychological suspense is how clues to the truth unfold bit by bit until all is revealed to the reader along with Scarlett herself.

A dark and gripping story from beginning to ending with some harrowing moments that take the reader right into them along with Scarlett.

[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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A decade after her abduction Scarlet is still trying to have a normal life and put that terrible part behind her.   A body is found in a house that was once renovated by her abductor.  Is it related? The detective investigating wonders if Scarlet might be involved somehow.  

The cast of characters are brought to life in this gripping tale.  You will love some and hate others.  You won't want to put this down until the mystery is solved!

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Ohhhh this book was so good! Absolutely devoured it! Can't wait for more from this author. Thanks to the author and Netgalley

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Scarlett is a successful Artist now having overcome her terrifying ordeal of being kidnapped and held captive as a teenager. Dela was also a captive or part of her abduction and she fears that Dela is back and wants something. Dela was never found after Scarlett got away and no one believes that she ever existed.

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I enjoyed the book. It was entertaining and suspenseful. I just felt that a few things were lacking to make the book great. I know that people can be overly complex in real life, but the characters in the book generally were not complex enough. I was hopeful for more of a clean resolution to Scarlett’s story as well. Also, I felt that I needed and wanted more insight into every character except for Tanner. I always like to love at least one of the people I’m reading about. And finally I don’t get the ending - why was that necessary? I felt slightly annoyed rather than satisfied at the ending.

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This book was definitely hard to put down. The characters were compelling and the story did not follow the path I thought it would. Highly recommend as an entertaining summer read.

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Another great Mary Burton! This kept me reading and is darker than her previous books. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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This is a very dark book. It is a duel-timeline between the present and the past when Scarlett was a captive of Tanner. She was held for 88 days; she suffered tremendously and was raped repeatedly. Another girl was there, but the cops do not believe it. Present day, a body is found and Scarlett is obsessed with Della who was with her. There are many interwoven characters. I found the ending very disturbing. I received an ARC of the book and all opinions are my own.

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