Member Reviews

Trigger warning - sexual violence

I have always enjoyed books written by Mary and this one did not disappoint! This book is full of twists, and I loved that.
Scarlet was great I didn’t much care for Margo.

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I really enjoyed Mary Burton's The Lies I Told and The House Beyond the Dunes and this is another good one. It's a sad, strange, yet very interesting story - well written and hard to put down. Fifteen year old Scarlett Crosby was abducted ten years ago and in a living hell for months with another young girl Della. Scarlett figured out a way to escape with her kidnapper/torturer being killed by the police in the process. Della was nowhere to be found and the police started to question if she ever really existed or was just a figment of Scarlett's imagination. Now Scarlett is a successful artist who's haunted by her memories and obsessed with finding Della. Detective Kevin Dawson rescued Scarlett ten years ago and is convinced that Della doesn't exist, but Scarlett now insists that she has seen her multiple times. You will enjoy their process of getting to the truth, even though the end of the book was a little disappointing to me. Thanks to #netgalley and #montlake for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Scarlett survived being held captive for 88 days and another abducted girl named Della helped her during their captivity. No one believes Scarlett that Della is real and Scarlett has spent the last 10 years trying to prove she is real. Now with bodies being found it’s time for Scarlett to find the truth.

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I have always enjoyed books written by Mary Burton and this one did not disappoint!
it does deal with some issues that may be hard for some, but I thought it was well written.
Scarlett was kidnapped when she was 15 and held for almost 3 months in Tanner's basement. Della was her only other contact besides Tanner.
When Scarlett is found, there is no Della, no proof she even was real.
10 years later, Scarlett is a artist and still painting her version of Della.
Della is back, or is she?

I didn't really care for Dawson, but liked Luke and the Judge a lot.
Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy.
This is really good

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Scarlett was kidnapped 10 years ago and tortured. Now she is a successful artist but the past has come back. The chapters change from her perspective and the detective on the case’s perspective. I wanted a bit more of the story so the ending kind of left me wondering what was going to happen. Overall I enjoyed this book and would recommend it.

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5 Stars! This is an exceptional psychological thriller that left a lasting impression on me! I devoured its captivating pages within a single day. The fascinating character behind this gripping tale is none other than Scarlett Cosby. A decade ago, Scarlett experienced the unimaginable as she fell victim to a heinous abduction, enduring months of captivity and torment. Eventually, her abductor met his demise at the hands of justice. Since then, Scarlett has chosen a rather secluded existence, consumed by her unwavering determination to locate Della, a young girl who she claims shared the same harrowing fate. Despite the assurances of authorities and therapists, Scarlett's insistence on Della's existence persists. As the story unfolds, dark twists and unexpected revelations keep the reader on edge until the very last page. The expertly crafted narrative in this novel is a testament to its exceptional quality. It is undoubtedly a must-have addition to your "To Be Read" list!

Thank you to Net Galley and Montlake Publishers for the ARC to read and review.

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A tense thriller/mystery. Set between past and present,Scarlett struggles to trust or to find peace . A good read.

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Another Girl Lost by Mary Burton Published by Mondake with release date of Sept ‘24
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this one early for a honest review. Scarlet was taken and held for 88 long long days! She and several other girls were taken and held against their will.
88 days of captivity isn’t a easy thing to let go of so 10 years later Scarlet is still very much broken. Trying to piece her life back together which isn’t an easy feat.
This story touches on sensitive subject manner, Scarlet shows strength and resilience with hope that she can someday live her life without fear. She is always looking over her shoulder, in constant search of the past but oh so desperately trying to heal and move on.
Mary Burton is a great story teller but also a reminder that this can happen to anyone. Stay aware of your surroundings at all time. Thank you again I enjoyed this book and would recommend to others for a great fall read!!

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Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for the eARC.
Scarlett is an artist who is a loner and would prefer to be alone at home and not socialize. She was abducted ten years ago and spent many weeks being physically abused. and suffers from PTSD.
Unfortunately I didn't enjoy this book at all. The chapters of her horrible imprisonment, the sex scenes and my lack of engagement with the characters made me rush to the ending.
It's obvious I'm in the minority, as this read has many 4 and 5 star reviews. Sorry!

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Whew! This book was so intense and captivating. It's about a kidnapped victim who was rescued and went on to live her life, while the other girl she was held captive with vanished into thin air. Nobody but the main character, Scarlet, even believes that this girl existed. There are some pretty strong triggers in the book such as SA, and forced captivity, so please read with caution. Overall, this was a quick and fun , thriller to read

The pros about this book: This pacing was well done and the story remained captivating from start to finish.
The Cons: The characters felt one dimensional and the twist was easy to guess.

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I received an arc from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

This book will captivate you right from the start. A story about young teens kidnapped and how they survived but years later the memories and the danger return.

A Detective who falls for a possible suspect and Scarlett who lives scared but is determined to survive and live. Enter Luke who is so patient with Scarlett and falls for her as well.

Great read but the ending was a little frustrating to me. 4.5 stars

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This was dark and twisty. I really didn’t care for any of the characters but enjoyed reading it and didn’t want to put it down. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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Scarlett Crosby was 15 years old when she was kidnapped and abused by the man who was working across the street.
She was enticed to his van by a girl called Della. However, when Scarlett managed to escape, Della had vanished and the police insisted that Della was a figment of her imagination.
Scarlett has lived a solitary life since then, immersed in her art, until she keeps glimpsing Della when she is out and about.

Victim becomes suspect.
Strange how Scarlett was once a malnourished victim, with bruises and trauma, and is now a suspect in the murder of a young girl. The police think that she was an accomplice of the depraved predator that took her for three months.
This is a mysterious and well thought out book.
Even I had second thoughts about Della being real!
The writing is smooth and suspenseful, and the characters very real.

Mary Burton has written a stunningly disturbing novel that is addictive and dark.

This is a must-read. I have to award 5/5 stars for the plot, the writing and the suspense and twists.

Thanks to Netgalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book is full of twists and turns.its a very complex thriller. I liked Scarlet and didn’t like Margo. There’s a lot of scheming by almost all the characters. It’s not a happy book by any means.. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Mary Burton never disappoints and "Another Girl Lost" is another winner-winner-chicken-dinner in my book. Quick, thrilling read was this book.

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I loved Scarlest character and spirit. Her obsession with Della was a bit over the top, but the author explained why very well. I can't imagine what Scarlett went through and how it changed her. but she always had her painting. I wasn't fond of Dawson the cop he carried slot of baggage which kinda explained how he acted. I enjoyed how she told the story from different viewpoints. This book was a great murder mystery but a bit predictable. But overall it was a good story. I appreciate Netgalley and Montana publishing company.

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Ten years ago, Scarlett was abducted and kept in a basement for 88 days alongside another girl, Della, who was never found. Scarlett has rebuilt her life but has kept her secrets hidden, including what she had to do in order to survive the ordeal.

Nobody except Scarlett believes that Della ever existed - including Detective Kevin Dawson, who killed her captor and rescued her initially. But Scarlett still feels as if Della is around every corner, and, since the discovery of a girl's body tied to her captor, she starts seeing Della everywhere. Is Della real? Why has everything started surfacing again after ten years? And will Scarlett ever be able to move on?

Burton writes a fast-paced thriller with generally well-written characters who are complex people and this tale is dark, be warned. But it's gripping and engaging right to the end.

Trigger warning: sexual assault

Thank you to Montlake and NetGalley for the free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Scarlett was kidnapped and held captive for 88 days, where she suffered unspeakable abuse. Now 10 years have passed since her rescue and Scarlett is still working to get her life back on track. Though no evidence was ever found, Scarlett is convinced that there was another girl with her in captivity - & she has been seeing her on the street, in coffee shops & now as a police officer. No one seems to believe her and we are left to consider - is it just Scarlett’s broken mind, or does this woman truly exist?

I went into this one a bit blind, having never read anything by this author before. I definitely advise you check the triggers before reading, however that being said, the author weaves an intensely gripping story surrounding it all. I was so deeply immersed into the story - the twists, turns and final reveal had me on the edge of my seat!

If suspenseful thrillers are your thing, I definitely recommend this one!

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book first! All thoughts are my own.

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I am always here for a kidnapping story, and this one did not disappoint. This one really kept you guessing until the end.

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Burton broke my heart into a million pieces and then slowly put the pieces back together again as I followed Scarlett and Dawson’s journey. And, with Another Girl Lost, Mary Burton has cemented her status as an auto-buy author for me.

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