Member Reviews

What a wonderful cozy mystery! I’m so glad that this is the first book in a new series. Main character Madeline inherits a bookstore, so she returns to the the small Georgia town she left behind when she tried to chase her dreams. Once she arrives though, she starts to receive threats, which lead to a murder. I can’t wait to see who book 2 is about!

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Madeline returns to Enigma, GA after her aunts death and takes over her little local bookstore.
After leaving her dreams to make it big as a stage actress, Madeline seems to be content with a simple little life in a small southern town, except:

There's nothing simple about the threat she receives shortly after her arrival. After a gazebo is burned down and a request for her to hit the road accompanies it, Madeline finds herself playing a new part: that of an amateur detective.

Characters are introduced and well built so as to add suspicion to the whodunit.

It's a simple little cozy mystery, and I love that it is book themed.

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Enjoyed very much; a compelling story and a quick, fun read. I enjoyed the perspective of the main character and her observations settling into a small town where she has roots! The book opens up with a mysterious fire, soon followed by a murder. Great read, would recommend. Thank for to NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Imagine getting lost in a compelling mystery while nestled next to a crackling fire. This book is the perfect way to spend a cozy evening.

Madeline Brimley left her small town in Georgia many years ago to pursue her dreams on the stage. Despite her many dramatic adventures, success has eluded her, leaving her feeling adrift. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she learns that her beloved Aunt Rose has passed away, leaving Madeline her eccentric bookstore housed in an old Victorian mansion in the small college town of Enigma.

When Madeline arrives to claim The Old Juniper Bookstore and restart her life, she encounters unexpected challenges. The gazebo in the backyard is set ablaze, and a late-night caller threatens to burn the whole store down if she doesn't leave immediately. Undeterred, Madeline presses on until there's another fire and a murder in the store. Now, with suspicion falling over her, Madeline must unravel the web of secrets and find the killer before she becomes the next victim.

For a debut novel, this book has everything that keeps you turning the pages! Many thanks to Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, and Minotaur Books for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a cozy book to read. There were a lot of interesting characters in this, and they all felt authentic to me. Also, a lot of coffee and food descriptions - which I loved. Everything sounded so southern and delicious! I

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I requested Booked for Murder on a whim. I am a sucker for small town-centered plots and had been eager to find a murder mystery that rivaled the comfort-esque feeling I always had when I watched Clue or read Nancy Drew. Luckily, P.J. Nelson’s writing exceeded my expectations.

While I normally would have binge read the novel and truly felt the urge to do so every time I paused, unfortunately, my distraction-addled mind did not let me do so (nor did my schedule). Though the premise was slightly stereotypical, something about the writing style and the characters just clicked for me and I continuously thought about the novel even when I wasn’t reading.

I’m not sure if other readers will enjoy Booked for Murder. However, I would hope that they would be as entertained by the townspeople, the constant second guessing about the whodunnit, and the idyllic setting as much as I was.

The only points of concern for me were the moments during which Madeline came across as unlikeable (she was a bit insufferable at times, especially with respect to her constant involvement in the detective work) and the plot hole about how Rose was able to financially support herself on the bookstore’s profits.

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Booked for Murder was a nice little who.l done it. Madeline Brimley moved from Atlanta to Enigma, Georgia to inherit a bookstore from her deceased Aunt Rose. The bookstore was an old mansion that had been converted. The deal was that she had to live on the property for 6 months before she could sell it. This was a property that Madeline used to live at. Her first day back, someone burned down the gazebo in the backyard. Shortly thereafter, she started getting death threats on the telephone.

Her second day there, a young woman by the name of Tandy asked if she could help in the bookstore. Madeline welcomed the help. Tandy knew that Madeline had received death threats so she asked if she could spend the night with her to keep her company. Madeline thought that was not a bad idea so she agreed. That night, someone broke in, stabbed Tandy to death and burned the doorway. Tandy had been a student at the university and she had a roommate named Rae. Madeline decided she would go to have a conversation with Rae about Tandy. Rae had a boyfriend named Bo and she said Tandy had flirted with him. So Madeline went to Bo's house to talk to him. Bo acted torn up about Tandy's death so Madeline decided he hadn't killed her.

Bo had an uncle named Speck who was trying to buy up property in town to open an outlet mall. He wanted to buy the bookstore. He was anxious to get everything done quickly. Madeline told him she couldn't sell the bookstore for 6 months. At any rate, she was not inclined to sell him the bookstore for an outlet mall. When she talked to Speck, she recognized his voice to be the one making the threats. When she confronted him, he admitted it. At that point, she believed he was the one that killed Tandy. He denied it.

The police believed Bo killed Tandy. So Madeline went back to talk to him and got what she believed was a drunken confession.

Philomena had been a pseudo aunt to Madeline. She had been Rose's best friend. As it turns out, they had been lovers. Philomena had been extremely upset that Rose had left the bookstore to Madeline instead of to her and, in her angst, she was the one who burned down the gazebo.

This book was so compelling, it kept me coming back for more. The author, PJ Nelson, did an awesome job weaving Madeline through the story from suspect to suspect. PJ kept my suspicions heightened and I must say that the killer was someone who I would have least suspected. I love twist endings and this one didn't disappoint. I gave this book five stars.

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A delightfully fun romp about women learning to stand up for themselves, and their town – a community that felt instantly known. Add in a bookstore and a burned down gazebo and you have the makings of a good time! Reading felt like a warm hug and a cup of tea. Love the interplay among the three main characters and their reliance on each other, despite secrets and different views. Only drawback is the multitude of loose ends - I assume this is the beginning of a series. A little odd that so much of the plot hinged on college age/teenage kids.

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I am not sure how to feel about this book, but I am grateful for the opportunity to read it early! I do think this book is served very well by its Dec 10 release date - it would be a very cozy Christmas read (although it's set in the fall)

This reads like a cozy mystery but it's not quite cozy. I felt a bit of whiplash about what vibe the author was going for.

However, the characters were lovable ad I was genuinely interested in the plot. Some of the themes of the book were kind of hammered into us, but I did enjoy my reading experience overall.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and netgalley for this arc.
I was sold on it when I heard that it was a murder mystery that takes place in an inherited bookstore. I enjoyed the small southern feel, and the found family aspects to the book. It was also interesting to see how the characters all handled their grief in different ways. The beginning was a little slow, but it did pick up. There were many twists and turns in this story, but they weren't super surprising or they didn't make too much sense to me. I also didn't fully connect with the characters at all.

Overall, it was a cute cozy murder mystery, I just didn't fully connect with it.

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I requested this book to review because I love the cover and the premise. The idea of inheriting a book store in a small town is quite appealing. It's the perfect backdrop for a cozy mystery novel. However, I struggled with the story and found myself wanting to flip through pages because there was something missing. I'm not sure what it was, but I didn't connect with the story or the writing style.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early look at this book!
Although Booked for Murder is marketed as a cozy, it has a few elements that keep it from being wholly in that genre; these aspects of the book give it more intrigue, though. I enjoyed the small-town issues and the characters were terrific. A little slow in the middle, but overall a solid mystery worth reading!

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Thank you Netgalley for letting me read the ARC for this book. The premise of this book is interesting and I was hooked at the beginning. In the middle, the book lags and I was expecting somethiing with a bit more suspense and some of the parts were a bit predictable. Overall, it was a good read with interesting characters.

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This was a great debut novel.
this was a really great cozy mystery, the twists were good and kept me guessing to the very end.
i really hope there is a sequel, the way it ends makes it seem like there might be.
Anyhow, i will be picking up more from this author in the future!

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Thank you to P.J. Nelson as well as NetGalley for my very first arc read!

Madeline Brimley (our main character) inherits her aunt's bookstore/home in a small southern town in Georgia. However, many strange events begin just as Maddy returns, such as suspicious fires at said bookstore and then a murder!

Being from a small southern town myself, I am of the opinion the author did very well with the atmosphere of the town and the community, and I appreciate that this book is wholesome in many ways. I did get quite annoyed with Madeline at times, in how she interacted with people and some of the amateur sleuth choices she made. In addition, although I enjoyed it, I feel as though the plot fell a little short, and I would have like more character development.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book I would recommend it if you enjoy mysteries.

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Booked for Murder definitely has the usual elements of mystery novels-a person who tries to solve a murder, interrogations of suspects, a slightly contentious relationship between the police and the “detective,” and one or two people who assist the investigator. The difference lies in the inexperience of the main character, Madeleine, and her following her emotions rather than adhering to an organized, logical approach. That leads her to jumping to conclusions and falsely accusing several people. (Maybe she should have remembered the apt saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” which would be à propos because she inherited a bookstore.”), Plus, she ignores the advice of those close to her who have lived in the town of Enigma, Georgia , and know the people there. Her actions put her and others around her in danger.
Overall, I enjoyed the book. I liked the characters, whom the reader learns about as Madeleine does. Gloria, the female Episcopalian priest, helps center Madeleine. Philomena, a college professor and friend of her aunt, provides her with advice and cares for her. They and others are realistic portrayals of people in a small Southern town. As for Madeleine, there were times I wished that she hadn’t been so irresponsible and impulsive. Of course, that was what created the drama in the book. I enjoyed the plot with all of its twists and turns, though, which wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been so impulsive.
I definitely will recommend Booked for Murder to friends. It is a refreshing murder mystery.

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Thank you NetGalley for a copy of Booked for Murder in exchange for my honest review.

This book was thoroughly enjoyable, featuring compelling characters who brought the story to life and drew me into its narrative effortlessly. If you're a fan of small-town mysteries with elements of arson and murder, this is a must-read!

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Madeline Brimley once lived in Enigma, Georgia with her mother’s only sister, her Aunt Rose. Her own parents kept to themselves mostly, so Madeline spent a lot of her free time with Rose growing up, staying with her in her Victorian era home that was also home to the Old Juniper Bookshop, which Rose opened after she retired from being an actress, a job that Madeline herself also took.
After Madeline inherited Rose’s bookshop in her will, she returns to Enigma but her return back to her hometown wasn’t what she was expecting. A series of events leads Madeline down a stressful road that she feels completely compelled to solve on her own, including the murder of a sweet, local Farm girl.
Madeline finds herself wishing that she could both sell the bookshop and get out of there, but it had been a long time since anywhere felt like home to Madeline, and she is even more determined to solve all of the strange things that had happened in Enigma since her return.
With Booked for Murder, you never know what you’re going to get. There is a slew of characters that you will love, and even more that you will hate with a passion. If an author can make you feel all the feels, then you know you’re in here for a wild ride. Kudos to PJ Nelson for writing an original story that kept the page turning.
Thank you to Macmillan and Minotaur Books, Netgalley and PJ Nelson for this ARC of Booked for Murder. The opinions stated in this review are my own, and not a reflection of the aforementioned.

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Booked for Murder describes itself as a “cozy story” and a mystery. The book is PJ Nelson’s debut novel in which a niece inherits her late aunts bookstore and home but is plagued with mysterious problems from her arrival.

The small town setting was cute but the mystery was lacking. The story felt a bit all over the place which maybe was to replicate the narrators POV however it felt a bit flat for me.

Overall it was a quick read and a low stress mystery. Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*3.5 Stars*

Booked for Murder is a cozy mystery debut that follows Madeline who returned to Enigma, Georgia to inherit her late aunt's bookstore. It is not soon after Madeline arrives that she receives a threatening phone call telling her to leave immediately. Following this threat, the gazebo in her backyard is set ablaze along with another threat telling her to leave or the bookstore will be set aflame. Madeline is determined to stay and when another fire in the bookshop is set, a murder has also occurred. Now Madeline must find the killer before the murderer strikes again.

This was a fun cozy mystery, and I really enjoyed this book. The characters were entertaining, and I loved Madeline as a main character. There were some slow parts in this investigation and the story left me with some questions that I am guessing were left as cliffhangers for the next book in this series. I am excited to continue on with this series and see what is next for Madeline.

Booked for Murder comes out December 10th.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to review Booked for Murder. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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