Member Reviews

This book was great! I love a good small town, murder mystery. & to be honest any book with a bookstore at the center is a hit for me! I loved the characters, as any good small town would have. The twists in her really got me & I totally loved the ending! I look forward to more in this series

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I really enjoyed this mystery .
The characters and story was fantastic. .

I love books about bookstores and this one did not disappoint !

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Booked for Murder had me immediately interested by the title alone. I mean, booked? Seriously? We love that. It’s a very cozy mystery, which are ones of my favorite genres. I love the FMC, Madeline. I look forward to the continuation of the series.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read an advanced copy of P.J. Nelson’s Booked for Murder via NetGalley.

Overall I would give Booked for Murder a 3.75- I seldom have physical reactions when reading and an unexpected reveal early on made me have one, which is always appreciated, and I was absolutely hooked. The middle kind of slowed a bit but still kept my interest and while I had a feeling about the end, my attention was dragged back in with the suspense. I’m really looking forward to the next book in the series and am hoping to learn more about Rose.

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This book was better then I anticipated. I felt like there was a lot of repetitive information throughout, However it did not slow down the book too much for me. The author did a good job of keeping you guessing on who did it. I felt like the ending was wrapped up to neatly. Probably would not make a good sequel. Thank you!

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3.5 / 5.0 stars

This first in series cozy mystery is off to a great start! You've got the small town girl who left town for university studies and had been walking the boards in various theaters around the country, and making Atlanta her hub between trips. That is until she gets a call that her dear aunt is in hospital. Should Madeline drop everything and fly to her aunt's bedside? Her aunt says, "No, don't bother; I'll be home before you know it." Well that home turned out to be her eternal one and suddenly, Madeline is set to inherit her aunt's Old Juniper Bookshop in Enigma, Georgia. So home Madeline goes and it's not long before an arsonist is on site and the threatening calls start coming in. And then a dead body is found amongst the charred boards. Initially, Madeline, being the outsider, is suspected of the murder. What's a plucky young girl to do? She has to do whatever it takes to clear her name and find the perpetrator(s).

P. J. Nelson has done a superb job of getting readers engaged in this first of hopefully, many books in series. The writing is solid and charming. The scenes are well described and, of no surprise given the author's background, are cinematic in scope. The red herrings are plentiful and relationships among characters - endearing. I eagerly await the next installment in this charming mystery series.

I am grateful to author P. J. Nelson and his publisher, Minotaur Books, for having provided a complimentary uncorrected digital galley of this book through NetGalley. Their generosity, however, has not influenced this review - the words of which are mine alone.

Publisher: ‎ Minotaur Books
Publication Date:‎ December 10, 2024
Number of Pages: 336
ISBN:‎ 978-1250909954

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This book was ok. I was intrigued in the first half, then slowly lost interest. Madelyn wasn’t as likable as a character as I had hoped for. The ending also felt rushed. Why were we finding out about the love interest’s ex in the last 5% of the book and still don’t get the full story there.

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This was such a nice, easy read! The story kept you engaged the entire time, but with three mysteries going on at once, how could it not? A lot of the references fell short on me (not a theatre kid), but it didn't make me feel like I was missing anything, and it didn't take away from the story. My only critique is that the characters weren't developed enough. I felt like I was being generally introduced to characters, but not actually learning anything about them. The main character, Maddy, falls into that category, which is not what you want from a FMC. I felt like I didn't really understand Maddy's previous life or much of her relationship with Rose, which was what started this whole story. Still enjoyed the book, though, and thank you for sharing it with me!

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It’s a cute little cozy read. Small town mystery with a somewhat wholesome vibe. The characters were charming, even when doing things you disagreed with, you knew you would come back around to their side.

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Booked for Murder sold me on the cover and southern cozy bookstore vibes alone. This one takes you on a rollercoaster of mystery, self-discovery, and suspense. I really loved how well-developed the characters were and Detective Emma Thornton is the perfect protagonist for the job. Every loose end is tied up by the end which is my recipe for a good thriller!

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Booked for Murder a debut story from P J Nelson.
The story starts out with Madeline Brimley returning to her small hometown after the passing of her quirky aunt. She learned she inherited the bookstore her aunt ran from the home she lived in and now belongs to Madeline. Unfortunately someone doesn't want her to stay and is trying to drive her away with threats and even a fire!
I enjoyed this book and felt it was quite entertaining. It has a lightheadedness to it and keep my interest. Madeline has a strong personality and couldn't be pushed around easily and her new support group of old friends of her and her aunt work together to solve who wants her gone. Plus just maybe the investigator doesn't really think she did these things herself and there may be more to his interest. If there is a sequel I would definitely read it!
Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for this eARC.

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Update: I finished this book last night and my feedback is worse than what I previously provided. Just a few notes on why:

1. Bo doesn't get to be arrested for essentially knowing who did the crime. That's not accessory after the fact. It's so unnecessary to the story, so why add something so unreal?

2. The cliffhanger of who Faye is? Cliffhangers to get someone to keep reading are so annoying.

3. The whole section where Gloria talks to Maddie at the end leading to Maddie leading to do some self reflection summarizes this whole book--Maddie was reactive and all over the place all the way through the book, making the book frustrating at many points. It doesn't fix that problem by having Maddie acknowledge it.

I could add more. But this book isn't one I'll be recommending. Nor would I read a second book in the series.

I'll come back to publish full feedback when I finish this book. But it's not a great sign that I've put this book down to read others repeatedly. I picked it up again last night for about the fourth time and will now try to finish it.

The writing is good and competent. But what's turning me off are the characters. Philomena is almost silly, very reactive and emotional, which is odd for someone supposedly smart and a leader at the college.

Also, I struggled to believe that Maddy was so blase with the fire. I'm also struggling to understand how an author kills a delightful young woman 20 percent into the book, just shortly after Maddy gets to town. It's OK to kill off characters, but that seemed quick and we'd sorta gotten to like the character. So it feels a little unbelievable. A hasty plot contrivance?

I'm also not getting why the characters seem to think the police officer is a dolt. He doesn't seem it, or maybe I've missed something.

I'll keep going, and maybe I'll end up liking this one. But I've tried to finish it several times, and I've not gotten into it enough to keep going.

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Madeline returns to Enigma, Georgia after inheriting her aunt's Victorian mansion and bookstore. When the gazebo
in back is set on fire and a threatening phone call is received, it's obvious that someone wants her to leave. The
question is who? Interesting quirky characters.
#BookedforMurder #StMartinsPress #Minotaur #NetGalley

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In this atmospheric southern cozy debut, Madeline Brimley returns to the bookstore she inherited, discovering that small towns hold deadly secrets and not everyone has southern hospitality.

This book was cozy 4 stars for me, the truest definition of cozy murder mystery. I enjoyed reading about the characters in Enigma, GA. The small town charm drew me in and the lure of mystery made it hard to put down. The book made me want to snuggle on the couch and play help Madeline figure out who done it! I am a sucker for cozy mysteries, they are like a walk on a beach, slow build and right towards the end you have to run quick for cover because it’s pouring and you are in the thick of it.

Thank you Minotaur books and NetGalley for this advanced reader copy.

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For a debut novel, this was a fun read. The setting in a small southern college town and the characters within were believable.. It will be interesting to see where the author goes in the sequel.

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Booked for Murder is an interesting mystery with immersive characters that kept me reading until its satisfying ending. The story is about Madeline Brimley, who inherits a Victorian mansion/bookshop from her beloved aunt and ends up in the middle of arson, threats, and a murder she has to solve.

I personally wouldn’t call this book a cozy mystery. It is, frankly, scarier and faster paced than the cozies I’ve read. I’d categorize it more as a mystery or even a tame thriller, at least when you hit the main plot points.

Author P.J. Nelson excels in characterization and dialogue. As a child of the South, I loved the southern anachronisms. The characters feel different and real. The plot and some of the writing are a little heavy-handed, and I guessed the murderer early on. At times the book felt long, and the main character did a little navel-gazing. But overall, it was an enjoyable read.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press | Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I absolutely loved this book. The setting, the characters, even the plot was great. I can't wait to see what this new cozy series has in store! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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2.5 stars

I love cozy mysteries, but sadly, this one missed the mark for me. The storyline and pace were all over the place. The plot had promise, but it fell flat in execution. I never connected with the characters, and they felt a bit one dimensional. I did like the descriptions of the small town, as it was accurately portrayed. I had expected more mystery. The ending sets the stage for a sequel. However, things seemed to wrap up prior to the last chapter, which made the last few chapters seem unnecessary. They also could have worked at the beginning of the next book.

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Cosy mystery with some likeable characters, some cinema trivia thrown in, Shakespeare quotes for every occasion, and a very odd grief responses. The MC was a difficult narrator for me bc she was all over the place (plus no clue about why she left Atlanta) and since this takes place over a week some unreal plot points.

But if you like summer home town mysteries in the south that won't take up too much brain power, grab a whiskey or tea and settle in.

2.5 stars.

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Booked for Murder is a great thriller that everyone should read! I couldn’t put it down and I had to stay up all night to finish. Thank you again NetGalley for this advanced copy!

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