Member Reviews

This book was a great read. I enjoyed the "twists" in it, and that it was set within a bookstore. I felt that the "small town" feel of it was perfect for the story - including themes of returning home, belonging, and figuring out who you are throughout those "tough times" in life. The character of Madeline felt very real to me, as did most of the things that happened throughout the book. The idea of going home where you THINK you don't belong, but end up figuring out how to fix the things that aren't working in your favor was intriguing, and helped push the murder/crime investigations forward throughout the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Booked for Murder by P.J.Nelson

This was a cozy debut mystery novel set in the small town of Enigma, Georgia. Madeline Brimley left for college, worked in New York and Atlanta before returning after the death of Aunt Rose. She hadn’t planned on returning but she needed a change, and her inheritance of a bookstore seemed an intriguing next step in life. In Enigma, Madeline finds secrets, friends, and a dead body! Determined to investigate on her own, Madeline proves to be an interesting protagonist in this cozy mystery. Phil, Gloria, and Madeline make a great trio of crime solving friends! With a bookstore in a Southern Victorian home, a room for every genre, you will be at home in this book! There are elements of unrequited love, hidden family secrets, resentful roommates and lots of mystery!
The characters are very well developed and very relatable. It was very easy to connect to the story and it was a wonderful novel. I look forward to the next installment of the Old Juniper Bookstore Mystery series!

I would love to say “Thank You” to NetGalley, Minotaur books, and P.J. Nelson for the opportunity to read this as an ARC. This review is my own opinion, I give this one 4/5 ⭐️s and it will be released on December 10, 2024.

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Madeline left her hometown years ago with dreams of becoming an actress. However, when her aunt dies and leaves her a bookstore, she decides it's time to return. Unfortunately, not everyone is happy to see her back.

Madeline isn't easily intimidated, so she ignores the hostile messages she receives. But when a murder occurs in the bookstore and suspicion falls on her, she realizes she must find the killer and uncover who wants her gone and why. Otherwise, both the bookstore and Madeline might be in serious trouble.

This is a promising start to a new cozy mystery series. The author has crafted a setting you'll want to revisit, a relatable and strong female lead, and a well-constructed mystery that keeps you guessing until the end. I'm looking forward to more in this series.

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The premise is good. Madeline receives a bookstore In het aunts’s ancient home, located in the home town she left long ago. Soon after she arrives a fire destroys the backyard gazebo and she receives threatening calls to leave or else. Then there is a murder in The shop. Sadly what doesn’t work is Maddie, her dear professor friend and an episcopal priest. (Female). When they try to solve the case it gets messy because they are completely incompetent. And there are the towns people and chief of police who are made to look silly and stupid. Unfortunately, this author is clueless when it comes to writing a mystery.

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A debut novel from P.J. Nelson, Booked for Murder falls into the 'cozy mystery' category. This was my first time reading a book like this, despite being a big fan of mystery/thrillers. I enjoyed the small town premise and getting to know Madeline Brimley as she navigates inheriting an old bookshop from her aunt.

The amount of references to theatre and old records felt a bit pretentious to me, although perhaps this is a feature of cozy mysteries that I am not privy to. The chapters took me around 15 minutes to read, which wasn't bad, but I typically prefer shorter chapters (10 minutes max). I think what I struggled with the most was the difficulty I had in seeing the story as realistic. Our main character refuses to call the police despite an arson attack and threatening phone calls. This just felt ridiculous. And who moves into an old house, there is an arson attack, a threatening phone call and then YOU LEAVE EVERY FIRST FLOOR WINDOW OPEN AT NIGHT?! Not even thinking of the terrible smell that comes from after a fire, how about some basic concern for safety?

Unfortunately, this wasn't a home-run for me. I had guessed most of the "twists and turns" and the book felt a bit anti-climatic overall because I wasn't eagerly cheering on any of the characters.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books, and the author P.J. Nelson for an ARC of Booked for Murder in exchange for an honest review!

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Booked For Murder is P.J Nelson’s debut novel. The story follows former star, Madeline Brimely back to her hometown in Enigma, GA. After Madeline’s aunt dies, she inherits her bookstore. Not too long after she arrives does she begin to receive death threats. Trouble and her seem to mix as small town secrets begin to unfold.

I really loved the concept of Booked for Murder. P.J. Nelson does a good job of hooking the reader in the beginning scenes of the book. The author truly nails the depiction of small town live when things such as crime and gossip start to arise.

There were a couple of slower spots in the book for me where I was expecting something bigger to happen, but it never came. I did enjoy the book but wish there was a little more suspense to the book. I know it is a cozy mystery, but some of the parts were a little predictable. I wish some of the characters were a developed a little more throughout the story as well. We got pieces of people’s story, but I was still left with some questions toward the end. I’m guessing there will be more as it says mystery #1, I hope so because I would love to see how the rest of the story develops.

Overall, this was a good book that I did enjoy reading and would recommend it if you enjoy mysteries.

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I was excited to read this southern cozy mystery, and it held up. Madeline our main character inherits a bookstore and starts a new chapter in her life. This book got my attention from the beginning. There were a couple of places the story flattened out for me but did pick up soon after. Overall an enjoyable read I would recommend.

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This book is a small-town, cozy murder mystery. FMC inherits and moves into her aunt's old house which is also a bookshop. We follow her through her first days with the house & bookshop, meeting eccentric town folk along the way. A murder happens and she takes it upon herself to be the sole finder of the culprit.

Perhaps cozy mysteries are not my thing. It was OK but felt really just silly. I didn't get the cozy. I didn't get the "why" behind FMC's insatiable desire to solve this murder. She's cocky and overconfident. Really unlikeable and unbelievable. The "inherited a bookshop" trope can be very cute and fun to read, even when its predictable. It just did not work for me in this book. The slow parts were not cozy enough, they were just dull.

I did LOVE the small-town drama. I love the bookshop trope. Some of the side characters are delightful.

Thank you to NetGalley for ARC!

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"Booked for Murder" by P.J. Nelson is a captivating debut novel that invites readers into the quaint yet enigmatic world of Enigma, GA, where secrets lurk behind every corner and the past whispers through the pages of an inherited bookstore. The narrative follows Madeline Brimely as she returns to her roots, only to find herself ensnared in a web of death threats that unravel the town's hidden truths. Nelson masterfully paints the tapestry of small-town life, where the air is thick with gossip and the shadows of crime dance just out of sight, drawing readers into a world that feels both familiar and unsettling.

Though the story occasionally meanders through slower passages and predictable plot points, it remains a delightful cozy mystery, akin to a warm cup of tea on a chilly evening. With the promise of deeper character exploration and unexpected twists, the journey through "Booked for Murder" is poised to become even more thrilling. This novel is a treasure for mystery aficionados, leaving them with a thirst for more adventures in the series, as if the pages themselves are beckoning for a sequel to unfold."

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Madeline left her small town years ago. She had stars in her eyes and pursued an acting career. but when her aunt passes away and leaves her a book store, Madeline decides his time to go home. Unfortunately, someone is not happy to have Madeline back in town.

Madeline doesn’t scare easily, so she ignores the most unwelcoming of messages. But when a murder occurs in the bookstore, and people start looking at Madeleine with suspicion, she realizes she needs to find a killer and figure out who wants her out of town so badly and why. Otherwise, this independent bookstore, and Madeline, may be done once and for all.

A strong start to a new cozy mystery series. The author has created an environment you’ll want to visit again, a strong female protagonist that you can relate to, and will cheer on, and a solid mystery that leaves you guessing until the end. I will be back for more in this series.

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Madeline left her hometown to pursue a career on the stage. She is drawn back home when her aunt passes away leaving Madeline her bookstore. However, it seems someone is determined to drive her away. I really liked Madeline, but had a hard time getting into this one. Some parts felt rushed (the beginning) and other parts dragged (the middle) which overall gave it a disjointed feeling. Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press Schuster for the ARC.

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Omg who doesn’t t love a new PJ NelsonCozy Mystery! She is on of my favorites. Love this. Will give a better review at a later date but definitely 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️s.. thank you NetGalley for this opportunity. And PJ Nelson for writing a fabulous book.

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This is a great start to a mystery series, a good location, likeable characters and a mystery to keep me guessing. I look forward to reading more from this author. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book that I am voluntarily reviewing.

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This was a quick read cozy mystery. I don't usually read this genre, but I thought it was an okay read. I wish the characters would have been developed a little more. I also wish that more of the book would have revolved around the bookstore itself (inheriting a bookstore? a booklover's dream!) I loved the small town vibes in the book. I guess I was just hoping for something bigger or more sinister to happen- probably because I'm used to reading thrillers. I would recommend this book to any reader who enjoys cozy mysteries.

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As excited as I was for this book, it fell short of the expectations. I thought this was in my wheelhouse: bookstore, mystery, middle aged protagonist -- pick me! However, it was less a whodunit and more a work through life expectations. Also, the main character wasn't as likeable as it first seemed. It wasn't bad, just fell way short of how much I thought I was going to enjoy.

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Booked for murder was a cozy mystery. I enjoyed the small town vibes and the way it way presented. The secrets, the gossip and the community spirit were well exploited.
I found that it was slightly predictable. I could see the plot twist coming a bit too fast but it still was an interesting story.

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Through NetGalley, I received a free copy of BOOKED FOR MURDER (Book 1 of the Old Juniper Bookstore mystery series) by P. J. Nelson in exchange for an honest review. When Madeline Brimley’s Aunt Rose passes away, it give Madeline the excuse she needs to return home to Enigma, Georgia and retire from acting. However, even though Madeline doesn’t expect her return to be triumphal, she certainly didn’t expect it to be met with arson, threats, and murder either. To keep herself safe, Madeline soon finds herself fixated on solving all of those mysteries. Welcome home, Madeline, and may you survive the week!

I liked the book and thought it was a good start to a new series. I recommend the book to fans of cozy murder mysteries featuring returning home, second careers, family inheritance, and the clash between reality and expectations.

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For a cozy mystery set around a bookstore with "booked" in the title as well as a nice stack of books on the cover, we got very little of anything book related. I became a bit bored in spots throughout with the quite slow pacing. By the time the book ended I believe every character was at one point believed to be the culprit by our main girl, Madeline. There were a few times I found myself laughing and enjoying the dramatics of it all, but not enough, unfortunately.

Thank you to the publisher for the free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 stars

If you like cozy mysteries, books, and bookstores, you can give Booked for Murder a try. I liked it, despite not really liking the protagonist. It was okay for a mystery, but there are a few questions that were left unanswered; and that felt a little frustrating.

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A wonderful cast of characters in this cozy Southern mystery.

I’m a sucker for a bookstore setting, and this one didn’t disappoint—especially with the main character living right above the shop. It added such a cozy, inviting vibe to the whole book.

The story jumps straight into the action, which I loved, but I did notice a few slow points as it went on. Still, those moments didn’t take away from the overall experience. There are some darker elements in the plot, but nothing too heavy.

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