Member Reviews

3/5 stars
CW: domestic violence, abusive men, (off page) sexual violence, murder/blood

Overall, this story offers an interesting small-town murder mystery but with witchy vibes, strong willed and brave women and relateable family dynamics. The story is dialogue heavy and I appreciate the way that Raney used dialect and word choice to really add locational ambience to the story. Leona and Jewel are complex main characters, with the story told from the perspective of Leona. The plot moves forward at a good pace, with lots of folkloric horror vibes.

That said, it feels like something is missing from this book. While we are given a location in the midwest, with small town vibes, we are never given a specific time period for when this might be taking place. While not central to the plot, this kind of world building would help frame more about how and why both the main and secondary characters act certain ways. The magic used by the witches is presented as pretty straight forward, but it is unclear if and how other characters interact with that magic. It seems like the average townfolk both know that the main characters practice magic, but also don't understand that they do. The MCs also use magic all the time and are very bad at hiding it, so its really unclear. I also felt like some of the interactions with side characters (Leona's relationship with her husband and her daughter) feels thrown in just to give extra character flavor with no real purpose. These characters also just conveniently disappear from the story when necessary (like Leona goes days without really talking about where her daughter is?). I also found the subplot with Cale to be both confusing, disappointing and somehwat unnecessary. I didn't realize until after reading that this may be the first in a series, which could explain some of these potential question marks.

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A book about witches, yes, please! This book was so enjoyable, it was difficult to put down.

Thanks to the publisher Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing, LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles and Netgalley for this ARC.

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A warm and exciting tale of magic and sisterhood. Leona and Jewel are sisters who discover their magical trait of connecting to the dead. Without spoiling too much, it is a riveting Appalachian story that builds character, story and setting through great detail. I have already started to recommend it out for the autumn reading weather, as it has a little ‘Practical Magic’ feel to it.

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This book is like a mash-up of Nancy Drew and Sabrina the Teenage Witch, set in a post WWII small town. It follows Leona and Jewel, two sisters who are witches. Leona and Jewel confront prejudice and fear from those who misunderstand their abilities as they help the town in crisis. Despite the challenges they face in their daily lives, the sisters are good at navigating both the mundane and supernatural.

When a local girl vanishes without a trace, the town's sheriff turns to the sistsers for help, knowing of their unique abilities. As the sisters delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover dark secretsistersg beneath the town's quaint facade, unleashing chaos and turmoil.

While the plot is interesting, the pacing falters, with some elements feeling rushed or underdeveloped. In particular, the world-building needs more depth and exploration, providing greater context for the supernatural beings. Additionally, character development feels somewhat surface level, with secondary figures lacking depth and complexity. There is also the issue of abuse and the sisters reactions to it that I found confusing.

Despite its problems, the novel has an enchanting blend of witchcraft and mystery. I found myself drawn to the sisters and wanting another book. Hopefully a bit more fleshed out though.

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Root and Bone is a really enjoyable, spooky story full of interesting magic and Appalachian culture that I love. It's a little dialog heavy for my tastes, and I wanted some more detailed history of the characters (and a little extra worldbuilding maybe), but the story itself is fantastic. I really love Jessica Raney's use of local sayings and phrases, it really drove home the Appalachian atmosphere of the book. And the cover is gorgeous, of course!! It's great for fans of fast-paced, spooky fantasy with unique magic and strong characters.

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Set against the backdrop of a rural Appalachian village, 'Root and Bone' immerses readers in a character-driven dark fantasy teeming with paranormal creatures, horror, supernatural mystery, and plenty of magic.

The plot is filled with perilous challenges and mystical events that keep the reader guessing. The lore of the setting is intriguing, and it would be wonderful to see how this is expanded upon in future installments.

This fast-paced, engaging novel employs a dialogue-heavy style, characterized by colloquial phrasing that imparts an informal and accessible tone.

The story follows sisters Leona and Jewel, two very different witches who, despite their opposing personalities, form a formidable magical team. This relationship is a core strength of the book; their complementary skills and contrasting traits create a dynamic, if often challenging, partnership. Granny Kay’s earthy presence adds wisdom and grounding to their journey.

The emotional undercurrent of the romantic storyline has its touching moments, and any spice is minimal. This book contains some truly dark imagery, both in and out of a supernatural context, which some readers may find triggering including violence, prostitution, and domestic abuse.

Though this novel could benefit from more detailed world-building and a deeper exploration of the already intriguing characters, 'Root and Bone' is an enjoyable read for fans of dark fantasy, horror, and supernatural mystery. Overall, a compelling plot and dynamic characters make it a worthwhile experience.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley, for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was set up to be everything that I should enjoy, that's why I requested it.
This book started out good, and I was really interested. But I am dnfing it at about 40% in, As it seems like the same stuff keeps happening. And now it's just starting to feel long and drawn out

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The cover of this book is beautiful and I can just imagine all the special editions and sprayed edges that could be done with this design! I enjoyed this book but to me it felt like it was missing something, it needed something more.

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Rating 3.5 ⭐️

This book follows two sisters that come from a long line of Witches, and when women start turning up murdered in their small town they decide to put their powers to use in solving this mystery since the local law enforcement isn't getting anywhere.

I did enjoy this book it was a fun witchy read, and the vibes and atmosphere were there...however I felt like the side characters and the world could have used more. That aspect of the book felt kinda hollow in my opinion.

Still a great read! Especially for spooky season if you enjoy witchy books, and the main characters are done very well! Their witty banter was one of my favorite parts of the book!

HUGE THANK YOU TO NETGALLEY AND THE PUBLISHER for the advanced reader copy (e-arc) in exchange for my honest review 🥰

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I received this book for free. This does not impact my review in any shape or form.

Root and Bone, by Jessica Raney, is a paranormal woman’s fiction about two sisters trying to stop a serial killer from targeting the innocent. Leona Monroe is a witch who is approached by the local sheriff to investigate the disappearance of a young woman named Mary. After enlisting the help of her sister, Jewel Spencer, the two witches uncover a series of horrific murders that expose the prejudices hiding in plain sight.

I like how Raney describes Leona and Jewel's relationship. Leona reminds me more of a “traditional” woman, someone who would gladly sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of others. And it definitely shows with the townsfolk: there’s Bob, a husband whom she tries to please but can’t, Dorval, a ghoul who relies on her for sustenance, and Cale, a ghost that she fell in love with but can never have. Jewel, on the other hand, takes what she pleases; she’s impulsive, and would probably rather set herself on fire than listen to a man. What unites them is Granny Kay who, despite her tough demeanor, tries to instill into the sisters a sense of love and devotion to one another and the craft. I would imagine that while neither sister approves of each other’s lives, I’m happy they support each other however they can, no matter the insults they trade. 

This contrasts with people like Levi and Joshua who, though they try to care for each other, frame love in the way of control. They want complete and utter dominance from their community, calling women who challenge them abominations, whores, and misfits. It’s the same pride that allowed them to kill women like Mary and Karla, the arrogance that pushes them to consume but never give back. They remind me of a warning someone once gave the modern churches in America; if a church doesn’t have a community garden, classes, or a pantry (food, clothes, or otherwise), they’re stealing from the community. The werewolves aren’t much better if the sex trafficking isn’t anything to go by. Unfortunately, their attitudes also remind me of Jewel and, to an extent Leona, especially if they allow their egotism to run rampant.

Side note: I grew up in the Twilight era. Every girl (and a couple guys) I knew, whether they read the books or not, were tearing each other apart; Team Edward vs. Team Jacob. Even after Twilight and the whole Fifty Shades of Grey debacle, vampires and werewolves were still "innovative" love interests (aristocratic vs. animalistic, wildly possessive either way). It was funny how undesirable Raney portrayed these loveable, terrifying monsters.

I do wish the story was more fleshed out; Mary’s murder would’ve been a terrifying mystery in and of itself. I also would’ve liked to read more about Bob and Peggy; I felt the subplot would’ve incorporated elements of the Southern Gothic genre in a way that could've complimented the story. I felt that Joshua and Levi could’ve had more of an impactful introduction as well; when I first read about them, it seemed they were just thrown in there into the supernatural mix. In essence, there was just a lot of potential that wasn’t explored.

Nonetheless, I liked the book. It was a good plot, even if there were a lot of unexplored turns. As such, I would give it a 3 out of 5 stars.

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I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book! The atmosphere of witches and dark creatures in the small town was really captivating. While the character backgrounds felt a bit vague and the world-building could have been stronger, it didn't take away from my enjoyment. Jewel was definitely my favorite character—strong, unafraid to get her hands dirty, and fiercely protective of her loved ones. Her relationship with Leona was also a highlight for me. The story did speed up towards the end, and some events felt a bit rushed and unexplained. I also didn't fully understand the motives behind the killings and found some of Leona's decisions puzzling. The book leaned more towards mystery and paranormal vibes than horror. Overall, if you're looking for an easy read with a cozy feel and an intriguing supernatural murder mystery, I'd definitely recommend giving this a try.

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I was really excited to read this book but unfortunately it really just didn't hit the mark for me. I found I didn't really connect with the main character and got a little lost in the setting.

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Root and Bone by Jessica Raney is a paranormal mystery set in a sleepy Appalachian town which means I was predestined to fall in love with it.
What I loved
- Well done mystery plot
-character development and story arc are tightly woven together
-excellently handled dialogue

Honestly, my only gripe is that it felt like there is so much more to be explored here with these characters. I hope the author intends to write a sequel.

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"Root and Bone" is a supernatural mystery. It follows Leona, along with her sister, Jewel, who are witches in a small town. Leona can see the dead, and the two sisters frequently help the townsfolk with their magic. When a young girl goes missing, Leona is determined to find her - questioning if she's been killed, where is her ghost? Leona also has dealings with a local group of werewolves, to whom her abusive husband is in debt, and discovers they are hurting girls. Leona vows to help the girls involved in both cases.

This was a fun and enjoyable easy read, however it felt like two stories smushed together. The initial mystery is almost forgotten for most of the book as Leona deals with the werewolves alongside dangerous ghosts and her love life. There are touches of mystery, but everything is solved too easily, coming across clues with ease and always managing to escape danger, so there wasn't a lot of suspense, thrill, or tension. I did enjoy the plot and the characters, enjoying the close familial bond the two sisters shared. I enjoyed Cale's character and was sad when he moved on, but he was there mostly for convenience and positive (ish) romance - though their ages are icky. Leona's husband on the other hand can get fucked, and I'm pleased with his fate.

There are nods to inspiration, including quotes such as "deserves got nothing to do with it". I would have preferred more exploration of the supernatural realm and all the creatures - we're just thrown in to a town with witches, ghosts, vampires, and werewolves with little explanation and no one else in town seems to be aware of this. Spoilers: the cause of the initial mystery and killings was a very background character with a flyby introduction. I enjoyed the gore that was there and would've happily welcomed more.

The Illustrations were a nice touch but took up too much of the page on the ebook, and the cover is beautiful. There were quite a few typos and errors, and could definitely do with another proofread.

Overall, this was an enjoyable, easy read, and probably a good entry level book for supernatural horror. Thank you to NetGalley for the arc.

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I completely fell in love with the cover of this book, it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. That was the first thing that caught my attention, but then the plot was also very interesting: two witch sisters who try to discover the truth about a series of murders that occur in their small town, women who have been brutally mutilated and whose ghosts return in a violent and vengeful manner. I loved the supernatural theme, we met different creatures from a unique and particular perspective that gave a touch of originality to the story.

There was also a great development in the practice of witchcraft, from the use of herbs and blood, salt circles and symbols, to different rituals that appeared throughout the pages. There were several dark and creepy scenes, which were my favorites. There were some strong topics in the story, such as domestic violence, human trafficking, and animal abuse, although I was not entirely convinced by how all of this was addressed.

The characters also got on my nerves, they even had reactions that seemed a bit strange. I felt that they lacked further development, especially in terms of everyday life. The relationship between Leona and her daughter was kind of strange, the girl appeared very little in the story. And the dialogues bothered me a lot, although I understand that it’s a colloquialism of the place and time in which the story is set.

But on the other hand, there was a mystery that was solved little by little with each new chapter, while new problems appeared along the way. That was good, how the suspense was woven into the story. There was a great display of magic in this book, although I would have liked it to expand more on the confrontations and fights, to have more action. Still, there were some adrenaline-filled scenes.

Also, it was a story full of drama and many emotions. There was even a part that broke my heart. And it had a bit of romance, as well as showing the bond between sisters. In some ways it reminded me of Practical Magic, but darker and less romantic, more focused on the crimes. And a little weirder too. In fact, there were some pretty strange and bizarre things in this book. It was a different and interesting read, although I expected more.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC

This was a nice and fast read for in between! I loved the small town vibes and all the dark creatures, the vibes were immaculate. Sadly the vibes were the only thing. The world-building was weak at best and the characters were a bit one-dimensional. If you look into it too much this seemed like every witchy horror book ever written. But if you're just here for the vibe than this book is a good palette cleanser!

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2.5 stars So I read this book quite quickly, I've waited a while to review this as I wanted to give it time to settle.
I felt like their was a lot of questions left unanswered due to a lack of details. It feels like the characters don't really have a proper background and their isn't much world building.
The time period also didn't seem clearly defined which kind of threw me off while reading it.

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Unfortunately this book did not live up to my expectations. I had high hopes but I did not care for the main character and became bored around half way through.

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"Root and Bone" was an enjoyable read. The story centers on two strong witches, Leona and Jewel, as they work to uncover murderers within their town. However, the book leaves many unanswered questions due to a lack of detail. The characters' backgrounds and the world-building are vague, which takes away from the overall experience - for me, personally. Even through all that, the book is still engaging and enjoyable.

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I ended up DNF-ing this book. I didn't care for the main character (they seemed to rub me the wrong way), and the writing style wasn't my cup of tea. I would've preferred not to give this book a star rating, as I didn't read the whole thing, but unfortunately Netgalley doesn't let me.

I will not talk about this book on my platforms.

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